About The Book

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About the Book “The Chronicles of Narnia”

Drago A. Naveda

We enter a fantasy story, a wonderful adventure between unknown worlds, considered

one of the most recognized works, the chronicles of Narnia. Once again it is a story that
leads from the unimaginably to the impossible, we will explain what happened in the
first chapters.

The Story begins with four children living in the heart of country London, they live with
an old professor in a large house about several sites such as the postal office or the train
station. That house had long corridors and many rooms was a full world to explore. At
first on any night, the boys entered the girl’s room to talk about what they were going to
explore tomorrow morning.

While they are talking about any of the boys say they should already go to bed because
it’s already late and the teacher can scold them, as the time was happening, the boys
questioned each other because Susan said they were going to bed since the boys were
there, they spoke about that they would explore, but the next morning I was falling a
strong rain. After taking her breakfast, they decided to explore the house, as was a large
house, they saw all kinds of room, until they found one that only had a closet, they saw
that there was nothing else and left, except Lucia who decided out of curiosity to open
and get into the closet.

Exploring they come to a room with a wardrobe Lucia enters, but she never reaches the
bottom, she appears in a forest, she walks up to a lantern and seem the faun hummus
who inuites her cave for tea. He explains to her that he is the servant of the white witch,
the cause of Narnia’s eternal Christmases winter, at home Lucia recount her adventure
to her sibling. But none of them will because will believe her thinking that she is a game
playing hide and seek Lucia will run to the wardrobe and up hearing footsteps, she will
enter it.

Some days later, they decide to play hide and seek, and Lucia returns to the wardrobe,
since she was doubting what she had seen, and is followed by Edmundo. Edmundo
cannot find Lucia and suddenly sees himself inside a forest, with no sign of Lucia.
There he meets a very tall woman, dressed completely in white and with a very
imposing bearing. She treats him very badly and tells him that she is the Queen of
Narnia, but knowing that she is a human she offers him some delicious Turkish delight.
The more Turkish delight Edmund ate, the more he wanted to keep eating. And while he
ate the Queen, she asked him about where she came from, if she had siblings, how
many, about Lucia, etc. She finally convinces him to return to Narnia another day with
his brothers and take them to his castle (she tells him where it is), and that there she will
treat him to more Turkish delights. Upon his return, Edmundo meets Lucia, who is
happy to know that she is not the only one who has entered Narnia, and tells him that
Mr. Tumnus is fine, and that the White Witch, who has proclaimed herself Queen of
Narnia, has not known of his meeting with Lucia.

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