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Grade 4 Inspire Science 2021-2022 Ms.

Arwa Al Messabi
Review & Summary all Term 1 Grade 4 ‫ علوم رابع‬1 ‫مراجعة وتلخيص لكل الفصل‬
ST name: …………………………………………………………………….. G4\ …………………

Unit 3 M 1 L1 Map Earth Feature ‫ الدرس األول‬Q1: Choose correct answer:

1- A natural body of moving water. A-(……….. ) Landform‫تضاريس‬
2- Deepest part of the ocean floor. B- (………. ) Continent ‫قارة‬

3- A physical feature on Earth’s surface. C- (……… ) River ‫نهر‬

4- Large landmass. D-(……) Abyssal Plain‫سهل سحيق‬

5- An underwater mountain. E- (……… ) Seamount‫جبل بحري‬

6- Very flat area found on the ocean floor. F-(………. ) Mid-ocean ridge‫سالسل جبال‬

7- Mountain ranges under the ocean. G-(……….) Trench ‫خندق بحري‬

8- Valley down on mid-ocean ridge. H-(………. ) Rift valley‫وادي سحيق‬

9- Flat area high than land around it. I-(………. ) Ocean ‫محيط‬
10-Large mass of salt water. J (………. ) Plateau‫هضبة‬

Q 2: Look to each picture, then Choose Correct answer:

1- Deep valley high steep sides: ‫وادي عميق‬

A-Dune B-Delta
C-Canyon D-Intel
2- Narrow body of water from large body of water:‫خور‬

A-Dune B-Delta
C-Canyon D-Intel
3- Land formed on mouth of river:‫دلتا‬

A-Dune B-Delta
C-Canyon D-Intel

4- a mound of sand:‫كثبان‬

A-Dune B-Delta
C-Canyon D-Intel
Q 3 : Put the correct Letter near its name:

Q 4: Choose correct answer:

1-Which ocean floor features are underwater mountains?
a- Trenches b- Rift valley c- Seamounts and mid-ocean ridges
2-This is an example of which kind of map?
a- topographic map ‫خريطة طبوغرافية‬ b- relief map ‫خريطة طبيعية‬

3- Earthquakes and volcanoes are most likely to occur near:

a- abyssal plains b- plate boundaries c- continents

4-What is elevation ‫?ارتفاع‬ A- Height above sea level b- lower sea level.
5- They can happen near plate boundaries:
A-Mountains B- Earthquakes and volcanoes C-Trenches D- All of them
Q5: connect the picture to its meaning:
1-How far east or west a place is
from the Prime Meridian. ‫خطوط الطول‬

2-How far north or south a place is from

the equator. ‫دوائر العرض‬

Q6: Connect the word to its meaning: A-(……….. ) Plate ‫صفائح‬

1- Sudden movement of earth’s crust. B- (…… ) Plate Boundary ‫حدود الصفائح‬

2- Earth’s crust is broken into very large pieces.
C- (……… ) Volcano ‫بركان‬
3- Opening in earth’s surface.
4- The place where two plates meet. D-(………. ) Earthquake ‫زلزال‬
Unit 3 M 1 L 2 Evidence from rock and fossil‫الدرس الثاني‬
Q1: Put the correct number near its meaning:
1- Formed when sediments press together in layers. A-(……….. ) Fossil. ‫احفورة‬
2- Tiny bits of rocks and soil. B- (……. ) Sediments. ‫رواسب‬
3- Remains of living things from the past. C- (…… ) Sedimentary rock.
‫صخور رسوبية‬
Q2: Choose correct answer:

1- -What can scientists learn from fossils?

A- Environment changed over time B- Rocks and minerals.

C- Where earthquakes occur. D- How mountains form.
2- A leaf imprinted on a rock, causing a ……………too be made.

a-Sedimentary rock b- Fossils

3-It can be forms from many sediments:

A- Sedimentary rock B -Fossils C- Sand D-Sediments.
4-Most fossils are found in …………………
a- Sandy layers b- Rocky layers

Q3:Look to the sedimentary rock and answer:

1-Put the order of this layers from oldest
to youngest: ‫رتب الطبقات من االقدم الى االحدث‬

2-In which layer you see Fish fossil?


3- Always the oldest layer is:‫الطبقة األقدم ف‬

A- Upper ‫األعىل‬ B- Lower‫األسفل‬
Unit 3 M 1 L 3 Changes in landscape over time: ‫الدرس الثالث‬
Q 1: Connect the word to its meaning: Deposition
1- Chemical or mechanical process that breaks down
and changes rocks or materials into smaller pieces.
2-The movement of weathered material from one place to another. ‫التعرية‬

3-The dropping off the eroded soil and bits of rock in another place. Weathering

Q2: Choose correct answer:

1- Changes in landscapes can be caused by
A- Physical weathering B- Chemical weathering
C- Living things D- All of them.
2-What happens during chemical weathering:

A. Rocks are break down. B- Rust is created.

C- The size of rocks change. D – Nothing happened
3-What happens during physical weathering:

A. Rocks are break down. B- Rust is created.

D- Acid rain effect. D - Nothing happened
3- Dune form in desert because of:

A- Erosion B- Deposition
4- Gravity pulls rainwater downhill and the flowing water erodes the landscape by:
A. forming sand dunes B - washing away soil
B. forming a desert D- forming moraines.
4- Water enters rocks, freezing, and breaking the rocks, this example of:
A-Erosion B- Deposition C-Weathering
5- Wind move sand from one place to another, this example of:
A-Erosion B- Deposition C-Weathering
6- Waves dropping sand to the beach, this example of:
A-Erosion B- Deposition C-Weathering
Q3: order the 3 processes depended to when it happened: ‫رتب العمليات حسب وقت حدوثها‬

(…......….) Erosion (…...……) Deposition (……...…) Weathering

Q4: Mach the type of weathering to the landform it created:

Gravity Wind Water Flow Wave

Unit 3 M 2 L 1: Earthquake Map: ‫ الدرس األول في المستوى الثاني‬Page 78 – 115 3 ‫كتاب الوحدة‬
Q1: Mach the word to its meaning: Fault
1- Sudden movement of the Earth.
2-Cracks in the Earth’s surface Earthquakes happen ‫عالم زالزل‬
when plates slide slowly over each other
3-Scientists who study earthquakes. ‫زلزال‬
Q2: Choose correct answer:
1-Earthquakes and volcanoes are often happened …….. of continents and oceans:
a- Along or near plate boundaries b- in the center
2-An earthquake is usually caused by:
A. Landslide B-Very large storm
C-Movement along a fault D- Glacier

3-Which landforms are usually found along the boundary between plates?

A. Mountains and Ocean trenches B-Plains C- Rivers

4-What occurs in the area known as the Ring of Fire?

A-Earthquake and Volcano B-Nothing
5-Which landforms are usually found along the plate
boundary? Select all that apply: ‫أكثر من إجابة‬

A- Mountains B- Ocean trenches

C-Plains D- Most Earthquakes

6-Where do most earthquakes occur? Select all that apply

A-Center of the continents B- Edges of the ocean
C-Highest point of the country. D-Continental plate boundaries.
Unit 3 M 2 L 2 Model Earthquakes Movement :2 ‫الدرس الثاني مستوى‬

Q1: Put the correct number near its meaning:

A-(…… )Transverse wave
‫الموجات المستعرضة‬
1-Wave that spreads in all directions from the focus.
B-(………) Seismic wave
2-The point where the earthquake begins. ‫موجات زلزالية‬
C-(….….) Focus
3-Vibrates perpendicular to the direction of the ‫بؤرة الزلزال‬
energy moves. D-(….…. ) Magnitude
4-Distance between wave crests or troughs.
E-(…..… ) Amplitude
5- The height of wave from its crest OR trough to its ‫السعة‬
midpoint, its measure of wave’s strength. F-(…….. ) Wavelength
‫طول الموجة‬
6-Instrument to detect andrecord earthquakes.
G-(……... ) Crest
7- The lowest point of transverse wave. ‫قمة الموجة‬
H-(……... )Seismograph
8- The amount of energy anearthquake releases. ‫جهاز رصد الزالزل‬
9- The highest point of transverse wave. I-(……... ) Richter scale
‫مقياس ريختر‬
10-Scale that measures magnitude of earthquakes.
J-(……… ) Trough
‫قاع الموجة‬
Q2: Put this word in correct place on the diagram: ‫ضع الكلمة يف مكانها الصحيح عىل الرسمة‬

Wavelength -- Crest -- Trough -- Amplitude

Q3: Choose correct answer:
1-What kinds of waves do earthquakes produce? select all that apply

A. Seismic waves B- Longitudinal waves

C-Transverse waves D- Heat waves.

2- Waves that move material up and down as they travel are called:
A- Transverse waves B- Seismic waves

3- Seismic waves of earthquakes are recorded by seismograph

give this picture, the steeper the lines of a seismic wave means
…………….. earthquake.
A- Weaker B- Stronger

4-Wave move material back and forth.

A- Transverse wave B- Longitudinal wave

5-Measure of how many crests or troughs move through time.

A- Amplitude B- Frequency

Unit 3 M 2 L 3: Reduce Earthquake Damage : ‫الدرس الثالث في المستوى الثاني‬

Q 1: Connect the word to its meaning:
shear wall
1-Made of diagonal pieces connecting beams and columns. ‫جدار القص‬

2- A force that comes from the sides. ‫دعامات‬

3-Stiff wall made of braced panels. Lateral force

‫قوى جانبية‬

Q2: Choose correct answer:

1-Earthquakes are …………….. to occur where faults are located.

A- less likely B- more likely

2-If you are indoors during an earthquake, you can be safe.

A-under a table B-near a window

3-Scientists are using new technology to………… when an earthquakes will coming.

A-Predict or detect ‫توقع‬ B-Stop

4-What structures can be used to help a building resist of an earthquake?

A. Bracing and damper B-Shear wall

C-Rubber joins D- All of them

5-The sensor detects waves of earthquake firstly ………….. from break at fault.

A-Transverse wave B- Longitudinal wave

6- Which best describes how people can prepare for earthquakes?

A. People can use seismographs to predict earthquakes.

B. There is no way to prepare for earthquakes.
C. People can build earthquake-safe buildings in earthquake zones.
D. People can use technology to stop earthquakes.
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Forces and Motion:
Q 1: Put number of meaning near its term: (…………. ) Velocity ‫سرعة متجهة‬
1. Any change of position
(…………. ) Speed ‫سرعة‬
2. How fast an object’s position changes over time.
(…………. ) Motion ‫حركة‬
3. The speed and direction of an object.

4. Change in velocity over time (…………. ) Force ‫قوة‬

5. Any push or pull (…………. ) Acceleration ‫تسارع‬

6. The tendency of an object in motion to stay in (…………. ) Gravity ‫جاذبية‬

motion or of an object at rest to stay at rest.

(…………. ) Friction ‫احتكاك‬
7. Force that pulls two objects toward each other
(…………. ) Inertia ‫قصور ذاتي‬
8. Force between surfaces that slows objects or
(………….. ) Position ‫موقع‬
stops them from moving.

9- The location of an object.

Q2: choose correct answer:
1- A car travel in speed of:
A- 120 Km B- 120 Km\ h C- 120 m D- 120 h

2- These two cars have same speed but ..... direction.

A-Same B-Different

3- Car travels at 80 Km/h going East.

A-Speed B- Velocity
4- An object that is sitting still has ……….... forces acting on it.
a-Balanced b- Unbalanced

5- Moving object speeds up, speed down or change in direction have:

A- Acceleration B-velocity C-inertia D-Location

6- A-Look to picture choose correct answer to solve:

a- Acceleration in 1 double than acceleration in 2
b- Acceleration in 2 greater than acceleration in 1
c- Acceleration in 2 half than acceleration in 1
d- Acceleration in 1 equal acceleration in 2
6-B- Why this happened? a-More weight
b-More forces
7- How does friction affect a moving object?
a-Speeds it up b- Slows it down
c- Has no effect d-Pulls it downwards
Q3: Solve the speed of car :

Speed = Distance ÷ Time. ‫ السرعة = المسافة ÷ الزمن‬,‫احسب سرعة السيارة‬

A- The speed of travel car 200 km on 2 hours are:
Speed = …………………………………………………………………………………………….……………

B- The speed of travel car 300 m on 3 second going North :

Speed = …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Q4: Look to each picture then find total force and choose answer:

‫جمع القوى‬
‫عندما تكون‬
.‫نفس االتجاه‬

‫طرح القوى‬
‫عندما تكون‬
.‫مختلفة‬ 1 2 3 4

Choose a-Balance a-Balance a-Balance a-Balance

Force b-Unbalance b-Unbalance b-Unbalance b-Unbalance

Unit 1 Lesson 2 Speed & Energy

Q1:Connect the term to its meaning: Kinetic Energy
‫طاقة حركة‬
1-Its stored energy and waiting to work.

Energy ‫طاقة‬
2- Its energy of motion or working.

3- Is the ability to do work. Potential Energy

‫طاقة كامنة او مخزونة‬
Q2: Choose correct answer:
a- Potential b- Kinetic
1- If the cyclist is still up, he has energy.
2- If the cyclist is moving, he has a- Potential b- Kinetic energy.

3- If yoyo is still at top is has a- Potential b- Kinetic

4- If yoyo is moving its has a- Potential b- Kinetic energy.
5- The energy of motion is depend on ………
a- Object's position above a surface. b-Object’s speed only.
c-Object’s mass only. d-Both object’s speed and mass.
6- If airplain fill it have:
a-Potential energy b-Kinetic energy C-Potential and Kinetic energy
7- How can the speed of a roller coaster be increased?

a-More cars added. b-Decrease the heigh. c- Increase the height.

Q3: Complete this statement using this word: ‫استخدم هذه الكلمات إلكمال الجمل بشكل صحيح‬

( Potential – Kinetic – High – Speed – Mass )

A-As the object raise ……………………….………. the ……….……………. energy become more.

B-When object go down the potential energy change into ………………………. energy.

C-By moving down kinetic energy become more and …………….………….. increase.

D-The object with more ……………………….. have also more kinetic energy.

Q5- Look to roller coaster picture then answer:

1-In 1 the potential energy is a- Highest b- lowest

2- In 2 the Potential energy is a- Highest b- low

3-In 1 the Kinetic energy is a- Highest b- lowest

4- In 2 the kinetic energy is a- Highest b- lowest

Unit 1 Lesson 3 Energy Transfer in Collisions

Q1:Connect the term to its meaning:

Energy Transfer
1-Occurs when two or more objects hit each other ‫انتقال الطاقة‬
with a force.
2- It’s the movement of energy from one object to
of Energy ‫حفظ‬
3- Energy cannot created or destroyed. It can only
change form. Collision
Q2: Choose correct answer:
1-In collision object with greater momentum will move an object with:
A-Same momentum B-Big momentum
C-Less momentum D- Nothing happen
2-In Elastic Collision No loss of ………. energy during collision.

A-Potential B- Kinetic C-Momentum D-Light

3- In collision kinetic energy is a-Transformed b- Destroy into heat and sound.

4-Which is not an example of a collision causing energy transfer and change in


A- a bat strikes a baseball B- a catcher catches a baseball

C-a baseball hits the ground D- a baseball flies through the air

5-During a collision, some energy can be transferred into …….. or sound.

A-Force B- Heat C-Electricity D-Conservation

6- Friction during a collision causes some kinetic energy to be changed into…...

A- Heat B- chemical energy

C- potential energy D-Electricity

7-Measure how easy or difficult to stop a moving object.

A-Energy B-Inertia C-Momentum D- Collision

8- It can protect people on cars during accident.

a- Seat belt b- Wheels c- Car doors

9-During the ………… Collision kinetic energy reduces to Zero, energy transform to
heat and sound.

A- Inelastic B- Elastic C-Potential D-momentum

Review and Summary of Science ‫مراجعة وتلخيص مادة العلوم للفصل الدراسي‬
Term 1 Grade 4
I wish you success and success, the ‫األول للصف الرابع‬
subject teacher
‫ارجو لكم التوفيق والنجاح معلمة المادة أروى المصعبي‬
Arwa Al Messabi 😊

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