Localized Nat Reviewer - Els Quarter 1 - Part1

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Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 | NAT Reviewer 2022 | Part 1

Earth’s Vital Statistics

Age: 4.543 billion years old
Equatorial circumference: 40,075 km
Equatorial radius: 6,378 km
Polar radius: 6,356 km
Total mass: 5.972 x 10^24 kg
Total volume: 1.08 x 10^12 km3
Total surface area: 5.10 x 10^8 km2
Average density: 5.513 g/cm3

Earth is:
- the third planet from the Sun and fifth largest planet in the Solar System
- a terrestrial planet located in the Goldilocks zone (habitable zone)
- it has unique physical and chemical characteristics compare to other neighboring planets
- the only habitable planet known in the Solar System

Factors that Make the Planet Habitable

The right amount of the following factors makes the planet Habitable like Earth.
1. Temperature - Influences how quickly atoms & molecules move.
2. Water - Dissolves & transports chemicals within and to and from a cell.
3. Atmosphere - Traps heat, shields the surface from harmful radiation, and provides chemicals needed
for life, such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
4. Energy - Organisms use light or chemical energy to run their life processes.
5. Nutrients - Used to build and maintain an organism’s body.
6. Magnetic Field - a planet requires a rapidly rotating magnetic field to protect it from flares from nearby
stars and from harmful radiation.

Earth subsystem.
1. Biosphere: This sphere is associated with living systems such as biomes or ecosystems. This includes
life on land, in the oceans and rivers, and even life that we cannot see with the naked eye.
Features: coastal biomes, forests, desert, grasslands, and other ecosystems.
Processes: photosynthesis, biogeochemical cycles (carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle.)
2. Hydrosphere: This sphere is associated with water in solid (ice) and liquid states. It composed of all
waters on the surface (oceans, rivers, and lakes) and also the water underground (in wells and aquifers)
and may also include moisture in air (visible as clouds and fogs).
Features: oceans, icebergs, lakes, rivers, glaciers, snow, and so on.
Processes: hydrologic cycle (condensation, evaporation), ocean circulation
3. Atmosphere: This sphere relates to meteorological features and phenomena such as weather, clouds,
or aerosols (particles in the air). It includes an ever‐changing mixture of gas and small particles located
above and surrounding the Earth’s surface.
Features: clouds, weather, aurora, air pollution/aerosols, dust, and so on.
Processes: atmospheric circulation
Layers of the Atmosphere
a. Troposphere: Densest part. Almost all weather types are in this region.
b. Stratosphere: Location of ozone layer which absorbs and scatters the solar ultraviolet radiation.
c. Mesosphere: Region where meteors usually burn up and become “shooting stars”
d. Ionosphere: It is where radio communications possible.
e. Thermosphere: It is the area of aurora and satellites.
f. Exosphere: Upper limit of the atmosphere separating Earth and space.
4. Geosphere: This sphere is associated with solid portions of the Earth. It includes rocks, sediments,
soils, and surface landforms. It is predominantly classified as the lithosphere: the upper mantle and crust.
The associated features of the geosphere based on types are:
• Fluvial & Alluvial processes: deltas, river channels, canyons, alluvial fans
• Aeolian processes: sand dunes, yardangs, wind streaks
• Tectonic Processes: folds, faults, mountains
• Volcanic Processes: volcanoes, central vents, volcanic deposits
• Impact Processes: impact craters
• Other Processes: mass wasting processes, erosional processes
Processes: weathering, erosion, mantle convection, volcanic eruption, and so on.
Earth’s Interior Layers:
a. Crust – upper portion composed of 2 types: Oceanic crust (underlies the ocean basin) and Continental
crust (underlies the continents) which is most abundant composition is oxygen and silicon.
b. Mantle – solid rock layer between crust and crust.
c. Core – it is an iron-rich sphere divided into 2 parts: outer core (liquid iron-nickel-sulfur, generates
magnetic field) and inner core (solid ironnickel alloy)

Connections within the Earth Systems

1. Atmospheric chemistry and temperature affect organisms.
2. Weathering and erosion controls nutrient supply to life in the oceans.
3. Atmospheric temperature affects evaporation.
4. Locations of continents controls circulation pattern of oceans.
5. Plants aid weathering (physical and chemical) of rocks.
6. Atmospheric chemistry and temperature affect weathering of rocks.
7. Plants control water transfer from soil to atmosphere.
8. Volcanic eruptions add carbon dioxide and aerosols to atmosphere.
9. Photosynthesis affects atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration.
10. Soil water limits plant growth.
11. Ocean circulation controls how much CO2 is removed from atmosphere.
12. Rainfall and runoff erode the land surface.

Objective Questions in Earth and Life Science

1. Why is Earth called “the living planet?”
- It sustains life, it has atmosphere, and it has water at the surface.

2. Which among the set of planets are called terrestrial?

- Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth.

3. What makes the planet Earth habitable compared to other planets?

- It has liquid water.

4. What makes planet Earth habitable?

- It has comfortable distance from the sun. It has atmosphere that protects from radiation. The
atmosphere holds carbon dioxide and other gases.

5. Why is Earth called a terrestrial planet?

- It is closest to the sun.

6. Which of the following best describes the surface of the planet Earth?
- mostly water surface with some areas of land.

7. Earth is said to be a unique planet. Which answer verifies the statement?

- It supports life. It is mostly covered in water. Its atmosphere is mostly nitrogen and oxygen.

8. Which is supported and sustained by planet?

- life.

9. How many percent of water comprises the Earth?

- 70%.

10. Which factors are needed for organisms to live on Earth?

- temperature, nutrient, atmosphere, and energy.

11. What characteristics does the Earth have to maintain an organism’s body to survive?
- Earth has a water cycle and atmosphere. Earth has volcanic activities to circulate nutrients. Earth has
sub-surface water or molten rock that can circulate and replenish nutrients for organisms.

12. What makes Earth similar to Venus?

- Earth and Venus are the right sizes to hold a sufficient atmosphere. Among all the solid planets and
moons, only Earth, Venus, and Titan have significant atmospheres.

13. Which statement about the Earth’s energy in sustaining life is INCORRECT?
- Earth survives in too little energy.

14. Which distinct characteristic made Earth different from any other planet?
- It is the only rocky planet.
15. What does Earth offer to human in order to sustain life?
- Earth has abundant plant life. Earth has sufficient nutrients from ocean to land.

16. What makes planet Earth different from the other planets in the solar system?
- It supports life. It is mostly covered in water. The atmosphere holds gases.

17. Which statement does not describe planet Earth?

- It has atmosphere made of nitrogen alone.

18. What makes planet Earth a “house” for living organisms?

- It has comfortable distance from the sun. The atmosphere serves as shields from the sun.

19. Which is not true about Earth when compared to Mars?

- It has water and atmosphere.

20. What benefits dose the Earth’s atmosphere gives to endure life on Earth?
- The atmosphere nourishes life on Earth. The atmosphere protects Earth from meteorites. The
atmosphere gases blocks damaging ultraviolet light. The atmosphere reduces temperature extremes
between day and night.

21. Planet Earth is considered as “blue planet.” Which of the following best describes the surface of
- Earth has mostly water on the surface.

22. For many, Earth is different from other planets. Why do you think so?
- Earth is mostly covered in water.

23. Which statements best define planet Earth?

- It supports life.

24. It was found out that Earth’s surface is covered with water. Approximately, how many percent of
water comprises the Earth?
- 70% water.

25. Earth can support the survival of organisms. What is/are the factor/s that make/s Earth habitable?
- atmosphere, energy, temperature & nutrients.

26. In order for an organism to survive, nutrients are needed. What are the nutrients that planet Earth
can offer for an organism to exist?
- Earth has an atmosphere and ozone layer. Earth has both water cycle and nitrogen cycle. Earth has
natural activities to circulate nutrients.

27. Many studies have shown similarities of Earth and Venus. What makes Earth similar with Venus?
- Earth and Venus are of the right size to hold a sufficient atmosphere.

28. What makes human and other living organisms capable to live on Earth?
- Earth has the right amount of temperature, water, good atmosphere, and favorable climate.

29. Planet Earth is considered uniquely different from any other planets in the Solar system. Which
among the given choices correctly answers the statement?
- Earth is the only planet that is mostly covered with water.

30. What is the reason why every living thing on Earth has the chance of survival?
- Earth has ozone layer to protect living organisms from harmful radiation.

31. Earth is found in between planet _____ and ______?

- Venus and Mars.

32. Which of the following is NOT a related study to Earth Science?

- Genetics.

33. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Earth?

- It has abundant carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

34. Which of the following is NOT a factor of why Earth is habitable?

- Abundance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

35. Which of the following BEST describes planet Earth?

- It is a “Blue Marble” planet as seen from the outer space. It is the only known planet that can support
life. It is in the Goldilocks zone.

36. It is the only natural satellite of Earth.

- Moon.

37. It is known as the twin planet of Earth because of its similarity in size, mass, and
surface material composition.
- Venus.

38. This gas abundant in Earth allows humans and animals to breath.
- Oxygen.

39. The shape of Earth’s orbit around the Sun.

- Elliptical.

40. Earth is the densest and largest _____ planet in the Solar System.
- terrestrial.

41. Which of the following is the closest estimation of Earth’s age?

- 4.5 billion years old.

42. Which of the following is NOT true about the Earth’s Geosphere?
- None of the above.

43. This “sphere” covers about 70% of the Earth’s surface.

- Hydrosphere.

44. A large portion of water in the Hydrosphere is composed of __________ water found in oceans.
- Saline.

45. This “sphere” is the band of Earth’s surface where biological life resides.
- Biosphere.
46. Which of the following is NOT one of the four subsystems of the Earth?
- water sphere.

47. All of the waters, including subsurface and atmospheric water comprise the Earth. Which geological
subsystem best label the statement?
- the hydrosphere.

48. Earth contains all living organisms including those on the land, in the water and air. Which subsystem
best describes the statement?
- geosphere.

49. Which subsystem suits the statement, “Global ecological system interacting with each other”?
- biosphere

50. What subsystem will network with biosphere for photosynthesis to take place?
- atmosphere

51. Oxygen, water vapor, nitrogen, and other gases help organism to survive. Which Earth sphere
contain these materials?
- atmosphere.

52. Which term is used to describe the thin layer of solid rock that makes up the outermost part of the
- crust.

53. Among the subsystems, which is composed of a mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth?
- atmosphere.

54. The atmosphere of the Earth is composed of ___ nitrogen and _____ oxygen and other gases.
- 78% and 21%.

55. In what subsystem of the Earth are the rocks and mineral found?
- geosphere.

56. What part of the Earth’s sphere makes up hydrosphere?

- glaciers, groundwater, seawater, and inland water.

57. Which gas dominates the Earth’s atmosphere?

- Nitrogen.

58. Ozone plays an important part for organisms to stay alive. To what sphere does ozone belong?
- atmosphere.

59. Which answer best describes the role of the ozone layer?
- It cools the earth through the evaporation of water vapor.

60. Human actions greatly affect the Earth itself. Which of the following is an example of a human impact
of the biosphere?
- littering.
61. Earth includes beach grasses, forms of life in the sea, on land, and even in the air. Which term best
describes the statement?
- biosphere.

62. Which system of the Earth is considered as the largest component of the Earth?
- geosphere.

63. Life is supported by oxygen and carbon dioxide. Which subsystem will best describe the statement?
- atmosphere.

64. Relationship between the complex communities of individual organism is seen in the different
systems of the Earth. What do you call the unit in nature?
- ecosystem.

65. All of earth’s cycles and spheres are interconnected. Why is this so?
- because every organism has its own function in the Earth.

66. What is an example of a connection between atmosphere and geosphere?

-volcanic eruption release gas.

67. Which among the choices is an example of a connection between atmosphere and hydrosphere?
- rain.

68. From the given choices, which is an example of a connection between biosphere connecting to
- Plants produce oxygen.

69. Among the choices, which clearly gives an example of connection between hydrosphere and
- waves eroding rocks on beach.

70. All living things, including land and sea made up the Earth. Which term best described the
- biosphere.

71. When nitrogen is returned to the soil when dead plants decompose is an interaction that occurs in
what system?
- biosphere and geosphere.

72. Carbon dioxide dissolving from the air into the ocean is an interaction that occurs in which system?
- atmosphere and hydrosphere.

73. The atmosphere of the Earth is composed of ___ oxygen and _____ nitrogen and other gases.
- 21% and 78%.

74. A thin layer of solid rock that makes up the outermost part of the Earth is visible to which part of
- crust.

75. Ozone plays an important function in every single organism on Earth. To what sphere does ozone
layer belong?
- atmosphere.

76. Which of the following is the best description of the hydrosphere?

- It is composed of the waters on earth including subsurface.

77. Which biophysical component of earth is composed of all the living organisms on earth, including
those in land, water, and air?
- biosphere.

78. Earth’s crust is mostly composed of what elements?

- oxygen and silicon.

79. On which part of the atmosphere does meteors usually burn up?
- Mesosphere.

80. What does the Earth’s core made up of?

- Iron and Nickel.

81. Which layer produces the Earth’s magnetic field?

- Outer core.

82. Which of the following is NOT a component of the geosphere?

- glaciers.

83. Which of the following best describes the troposphere?

- It is the first and lowest layer of the atmosphere of the Earth.

84. Which of the following is NOT a correct analogy about the Earth Systems?
- biosphere: humans.

85. What is the lithosphere composed of?

- It is composed of the crust and upper mantle.

86. Which of the following is the best description of the hydrosphere?

- It is composed of the waters on earth including subsurface.

87. Which biophysical component of earth is composed of all the living organisms on earth, including
those in land, water, and air?
- biosphere.

88. On which part of the atmosphere is the area of aurora and satellites?
- thermosphere.

89. What does the Earth’s inner core made up of?

- solid Fe-Ni alloy.

90. Which layer produces the Earth’s magnetic field?

- outer core.

91. Which of the following is NOT a process in the geosphere?

- photosynthesis.
92. Which of the following best describes the troposphere?
- It is the densest layer where almost all of weather types occur.

93. Which of the following is NOT a correct analogy about the Earth Systems?
- biosphere: weathering.

94. Which of the following is TRUE about the Earth Systems?

- All of these enormous and complex systems interact with one another to maintain the Earth as we know

95. What can you infer from the relationships about the four spheres of Earth?
- The four spheres of Earth are interconnected and interrelated.

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