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Compiler Design Assignment

1. By using JFLAP
a) Draw any finite automata then simulate the given input is accepted by the machine or not
by using step by state or using fast run.
b) Convert DFA you created on (a) to Grammar and show all grammars.
c) Again Covert the FA you sketched on (a) to RE (regular expression) and show again your
2. By using JFLAP again
a) Take any grammar and test it the type of grammar
b) From the grammar you take, build LL1 parse table (find first and follow) and write
your result you get.
c) From the grammar you take, build SLR parse table (find first and follow) and write
your result you get.
d) On Q2 (C) take any input string and stech the parse by using the result on (C).

Note:- Do individually and do not copy from each other.

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