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LECTURE 15. Teaching strategy in subject curriculum “Knowledge of life”. Structure

of an active lesson.

1. The main requirements for the organization of the educational process
2. Planning of educational activities (Forms of planning: Annual (perspective) planning; Current/daily
lesson planning. Structure of an active lesson)
3. Forms of work and teaching methods

Strategy is a well-planned action plan to achieve the subject's goal. To achieve the goals of the
strategy, you should choose the right implementation. Everyone, regardless of their profession, should be
aware that work should be based on the right strategy so that the result is good. For example, the same
kitchen conditions and products can be provided for two people. But they can get different results. The
reason is choosing the right strategy.
       If the teacher wants to have a good result during the teaching, he must work on the right strategy.
Learning is a process that should focus on the student’s interest and development.

  1. Teaching strategy
- Requirement for the teaching process
- Forms (types) of teaching
- Methods of teaching
- Teacher activity planning

1. The main requirements for the organization of the educational process.

  The integrity (completeness) of the pedagogical process. Teaching objectives (developing,

educating, upbringing) are implemented in an integrated manner during the educational process, and
encompass the activities of the teacher and student aimed at achieving real results.
Creating equal learning opportunities. The educational process is regulated by creating the same
learning environment for all students and taking into account the potential of students.
Personality-oriented function. The student is at the center of the learning process. All teaching
activities and all educational activities are aimed at meeting the interests of the needs of the child, as well
as at developing his talents, abilities and potential opportunities.
  Development-oriented function. The cognitive activity of students is monitored, student
achievements are analyzed, knowledge and the level of development of skills of students are regulated.
  Stimulation of activities. All progress in the activities of students is recorded and evaluated in
order to effectively and efficiently organize the educational process, and to increase students' interest in
learning, therefore, students are motivated to achieve higher learning outcomes.
  Creating the enabling environment. The organization of the educational process on an
appropriate material and technical base and in a healthy spiritual and psychological environment

contributes to the formation of a favorable and safe learning environment aimed at improving the quality
and effectiveness of education.

2. Planning of educational activities (Forms of planning: Annual (perspective) planning,

Current/daily lesson planning.    

Forms of teaching planning. Annual (perspective) planning.

Forms of planning of active (interactive) teaching are annual and daily. Teacher’s annual planning
for the taught subject is a reflection of the academic units on all topics, the compliance of each topic with
the standards of content, the possibility of integration, the use of possible resources in the lesson, types of
assessment, number of hours and date. When preparing planning for the new school year, when drawing
up scheduling, the teacher should be guided by the methodological manual, teaching program, integration
opportunities, and also take into account standards of content in other subjects in order to determine the
level of classroom capabilities.
Sample of annual/perspective planning:

Standards Teaching units Theme Integration Resources Assessment Quantity Date

Necessary skills for a teacher in the development of perspective planning. Principles of

     The following skills are required when developing perspective planning:
       1. To clarify the standards of content and the corresponding textbooks (for subjects that do not
provide for textbooks, be guided by didactic materials for the teacher), educational units and topics;
2. Define the sequence of topics and teaching units;
       3. Identify integration options;
       4. In accordance with the objectives of teaching, selection of additional resources;
       5. In accordance with the teaching objectives, the introduction of a targeted allocation of time;  
      6. In accordance with the learning objectives, determine the criteria and types of assessment.

Principles of planning

  The sequence of teaching units (sections) and topics should be built in accordance with the
following principles:  
- Chronological sequence: (expected time sequence, date based on the calendar year of study,
excluding holidays);
  - From simple to complex: (topics are indicated from simple to complex);
 - Logical sequence: (a logical contact is established between the topics in the sequence).

       Recommendations on the planning:

  - For the standard of the group, you can add additional standards;

  - Change or increase in topics;  

- Identification of additional opportunities for integration;
- The choice of additional resources;  
- Can make temporary changes by topic.

  Skills needed to prepare and organize an active lesson.  

Predict the results that will be achieved at the end of the educational process and achieve these
The following should be noted in the daily plan:  
- Standard:  
- Goals (Aims and objectives):  
- Theme:  
- Integration:  
- Forms of work:  
- Methods of teaching:  
- Resources:

Stages of lesson:
- Motivation:  
- Researching:  
- Information exchange:  
- Discussion of information:  
- Conclusions and generalization:  
- Creative application:  
- Assessment and reflection:

Planning an active lesson. Learning outcomes are determined by sub-standards. After

determining the standard that will be implemented in the lesson, it is established in accordance with the
results of the sub-standard. As a result of determining the learning outcomes, the entire lesson should be
set so that at the end of the lesson the same goal is achieved. Simply put, the entire lesson course was
determined based on the standard of instruction and the standards of instructional strategies. Determining
the results that students achieved at the end of the lesson:
The expected learning outcomes are predetermined and realistic, and opportunities are created for
students to achieve these outcomes throughout the lesson.
The teacher determines the future results of students and determines the right strategy so that the
student has the opportunity to achieve this result. Without predestination ([priːˌdestɪ'neɪʃən]- irəlicədən
müəyyən etmə) and without the right choice of strategy, the lesson is similar to “senseless walking” (that
is, the lesson will be aimless).

  Determining the motivation of the lesson: Motivation is the first stage of an active lesson, the
problem should be determined in accordance with the purpose of the lesson, in accordance with the result
of motivation, the research question should be correctly posed (pose [pəuz]- qoymaq (məsələ, tapşırıq).  
To identify a research question, you need to focus on the expected results of the lesson. Since the
answer to the research question is at the stage of generalization and summing up the results is determined
by students. For example, the expected result of the lesson is the determination by students, for example,
of the vegetative organs in higher plants, then the research question should be indicated in this question.

  Learning Outcomes:  
- Determines the responsibilities of the vegetative organs in higher plants;  
- Preparation of a presentation on the vegetative organs of higher plants.  
At the generalization stage of the lesson, students should get the overall result mentioned above.
To achieve this result, it is necessary to determine the question of research, which will be sought in the
same direction. Based on the aforementioned learning objectives, summing up and the final result,
students are expected to determine the root, stem ([stem]- gövdə (ağacın) and leaf functions of the plant,
take notes in the picture, after which students will present work and summarize the lesson. In order for
students to come to this conclusion at the end of the lesson, the question of research must be correctly
Research question:  
For example, “What is the role of vegetative organs in tall plants?”  
In order to acquire new knowledge during the study and correctly answer the research question, it
is necessary to correctly determine the source of information. This is the main difference between
traditional learning and active learning. In traditional education, the teacher presented the students with
ready-made information. During active learning, the student independently obtains this knowledge. To be
able to independently obtain knowledge, they must have different sources of information about the
Prepare tasks and tables, worksheets for research. The study of the results of the course should be
directly related to the tasks. The book is one of the main tools that will be used in the lesson. Assignments,
worksheets, and all questions discussed should enable the class to achieve the expected result. Identify
research methods. In the process of active learning, there are many teaching methods. It is necessary to
use methods in the lesson that should provide realistic opportunities for students to achieve the expected
result. Those. when choosing a method, the teacher should pay attention not to whether this method is
interesting, but to whether it matches the learning outcomes.       
  Define the presentation of the research. The form of teaching used during the lesson is determined.
The form of teaching should be carefully monitored. Identify issues
to be used during the discussion. To effectively organize the debate, the teacher must identify questions
related to the subject and analyze the information received.  
Systematization of knowledge. Systematization of information received by students immedia-tely
after discussion summarizes his views. It is possible to systematize information in different ways

(diagram, graph, formula, table, etc.).

Determine the time for each phase of the lesson. Start the lesson in a timely and successful
manner. Lesson stages must be determined effectively, for the full implementation of each stage, real
opportunities must be created.  
Prepare tasks for the stage of creative implementation. Creative assignments for this stage can be
performed in the classroom or at home.  
Selection of assessment methods and tools, preparation of criteria. Assessment methods and
tools, assessment criteria are determined in accordance with the results of teaching during the course.  
Determine the course (type) of reflection, taking into account the requirements of the teacher and
students. Reflection is one of the key stages of an active lesson and provides an opportunity to deeply
understand the acquired knowledge. In what form the reflection will take place, it is planned in advance.  
Identify the technical tools that will be used in the lesson. To organize the effectiveness of
training, the teacher can use various technical means. Slides, videos, pictures on a computer, Internet
resources, etc.  
Prepare stationery (stationery ['steɪʃnərɪ]- dəftərxana ləvazimatı) for the lesson. (Paper, colored
pencils, glue, colored paper, felt pen ['feltpen]- фломастер, etc.).  
When planning a lesson, teacher also determines the method (type) of the lesson. There are two
main types of active learning: inductive and deductive research. The sequence of classes in the two types
of studies is the same, however, they are different from each other in terms of structure. Inductive research
is used mainly for new topics (the transition from special knowledge to general knowledge), where
students first encounter a problem caused by motivation, first exploring ways to solve the problem.
Deductive research is mainly aimed at strengthening and deepening this topic (in general, specifically). In
this type of lesson, at the motivation stage, knowledge and information about the problem from the
previous lesson are summarized. After that, to consider this problem, a new research question is
established, and the lesson continues further.  
The structure of the active lesson resembles the phases of the research process (the central learning
process is research).   
The traditional lesson is illustrative. The central (main) educational process is a lecture.
Traditionally, an explanation of the lesson was given to the students by the teacher. As part of active
teaching, students are free to learn information. In both classes, the practice ends at the end of the lesson,
but in practice the lesson is more creative. One of the different stages of an active lesson is reflection.   

4. Structure of an active lesson.  

Motivation, conducting research, exchange of information, organization of discussion of
information, creative / productive application, assessment and reflection.

  Motivation is the driving force that defines the mechanism of any activity, is an essential
component of the lesson, the thought process and cognitive activity, and is also an accelerating process.
The problem is defined as motivation.  

The main principles of motivation are as follows:

1. Problem-oriented  
2. Target oriented
Motivation consists of several parts. To state the problem:   
- Questions or assignments are given.  
- Guiding questions are suggested  
- The question of research and assumptions is raised.
The importance of the motivation phase is as follows:  
- Successful completion of the lesson - depends on motivation and proper construction.
  - Motivation and research question are based on learning outcomes, aimed at students and learning
Key factors for creating motivation:  
- a problem-oriented situation;
- the uncertainty (qeyri-müəyyənlik) of the problem;
- creation of interest;
- independent thinking;
- study of motivation, etc .;
- creative opportunities

  The basis for creating motivation are:  

1. The use of symbolic material (representing the problem with the help of problematic
photographs, videos, drawings, diagrams, graphs, puzzles, proverbs, poems, music, melodies, etc.)  
2. Use of different questions (to determine unknown points on the topic being studied, students are
asked questions and keywords with answers to questions)  
3. Solving the problem in different ways (the problem statement is solved by students in different
Criteria for assessing motivation:
- the goal of motivation; - motivation and the problem of making assumptions;
  - compact motivation; - implementation and short terms;  
- a small waste of time and effort of teacher in preparation;  
- average (small) understanding by students      

Time for motivation: 5-7 minutes (it can be realized in less time)       
At the motivation stage of the lesson, the teacher identifies the problem with the subject and
encourages students to think and explore this problem. A particular learning problem should be directly
related to the results. The research question is to direct students to what they are looking for. Everything is
about order and the need to study a research question. That is, what students are studying (research
question) and what they are doing (to solve the problem). For example, the main results of teaching on the
functions of road markings, traffic lights, pedestrian ([pɪ'destrɪən]- piyada) crossings, observance by
pedestrians and drivers of traffic rules and identifying the reasons for violation of road rules – will be

understanding by students of their function. You can show students with practical examples why
pedestrians and drivers must abide by the rules, at the beginning of the lesson show some examples of this
(lighted roads and traffic jams, problems with the lack of road signs, drivers who do not obey the law or
pedestrians, etc.). Pupils are asked to comment on the problems that occurred at this time. They discuss
the problem they see. Then the question of research is how to avoid the problems that you see. Of course,
some initial assumptions will be made from the research question. But studies at other stages, and the
results obtained during the generalization of new information, are initial, compared with assumptions.
  At the second stage of the lesson, various sources of information, motivated research are used,
and the issue of solving the problem is investigated. At this stage, students conduct independent research.

At the third stage of an active lesson, students share with each other the new information that
they have acquired, present their findings, and exchange opinions.        
At the next stage of the lesson, a discussion with the class of information received for
systematization. As a result of the systematization and classification of the information received, as well
as on the basis of the ideas presented, students are asked questions. The teacher asks open questions and
asks students to indicate the necessary information on the board.  
Information is now at the fifth stage of active learning, since it is systematically reviewed,
students receive the final result of the study, summing up what they have learned. Results can be
presented in various forms. Scheme, table, orally, etc. At this stage, students are motivated, they
experience a unique sense of joy, because they have found ways to solve the current problem.  
The next stage of the lesson, namely the sixth stage is the creative stage of implementation. This
is the main criterion for acquiring knowledge. Creative practice enhances knowledge, increases its
importance. Students at this stage can solve various practical problems with the subject. Creative practice
is academic and cannot be completed during class hours.  
The seventh stage of the active lesson. Assessment and reflection.  
Assessment is the process of assessing student success in learning. Any process is a mechanism
that contributes to improvement. Timely identifies deficiencies to improve achievements. It is important to
determine what to do and how to help students succeed. The stages of evaluation and reflection should
serve these purposes. Assessment can be carried out differently at all stages of the lesson (one of the best
quality indicators when used). At the end of the lesson, students note in their diaries criteria that have been
predetermined by the teacher. This assessment is focused on parents. Reflection - this process, which is a
reflection of consciousness, the importance of achieving the student. This is a reflection of an already
completed process. Reflection of the learning process is the adoption of basic knowledge of mechanisms
that allows you to analyze and understand all the stages. Reflection is another type of activity that leads to
the discovery of new knowledge. To implement reflection, there is an algorithm (steps) that will help you.
Reflection will help students to repeat and master new knowledge.  
Homework: Homework is a form of free work, which is aimed at strengthening the knowledge
and skills acquired in the lesson;  

The nature of homework is research and creative elements (various creative works, essays,
projects, research, modeling, etc.).

3. Forms and methods used in the organization of teaching

  A form of teaching is an organized interaction between a student (teacher) and a student (student).
The main thing here is the nature of the interaction between the teacher and students (or between students)
in the process of obtaining knowledge and the formation of skills.  
Individual work. It has the goal of identifying and developing potential opportunities, tracing
(['treɪsɪŋ]- izləmək) the activities of students. This form of teaching creates a real opportunity for students
to think independently.
  Work in pairs. Work in pairs is used sufficiently often. As a result, children are actively involved
in the educational process, work enthusiastically, and learn to communicate. They develop teamwork
  Work in groups (Work with a small team). Students join in groups to solve any problems. The
process develops the ability to reason, discuss, exchange views and work together.  
Teamwork (work with all class)

 Method (from Gr. methodos - “research”) is a way of studying natural phenomena, an approach
to the phenomena being studied, a way according to the plan of scientific knowledge and the
establishment of truth; in general - a way, method or mode of action (see the dictionary of foreign words);
a way to achieve the goal, a certain activity that’s been put in order (see the philosophical dictionary); the
totality of techniques or operations of the practical or theoretical development of reality, subordinate to the
solution of a specific problem.
  The method can be a system of operations when working on a certain equipment, methods of
scientific research and presentation of the material, methods of artistic selection, generalization and
evaluation of the material from the standpoint of a particular aesthetic ideal, etc. There are over 200
definitions of the term “method”. Herbert Neuner and Y.K. Babansky understand the teaching method as
“sequential alternation of the methods of interaction between teachers and students aimed at achieving a
specific goal through the development of educational material” and complement that the actions that make
up the method include certain operations. These operations are denoted by the term “method”.
Aquarium, The purpose of this method is to develop discussion skills. Aquarium can be carried
out in several ways.
The first version of conducting the "Aquarium":
With the help of students, the rules for conducting discussions are determined (for example:
following the rules, and not interrupting each other's speech). Students are divided into two groups. One
group sits on chairs in the inside of the circle, discussing the problem suggested by the teacher. Another
group sits on chairs outside the circle and oversees the discussion in accordance with the rules.
The first group holds a discussion on a specific topic. After 15-20 minutes, the discussion ends, the
participants of the “external circle” evaluate the discussion process, then change places and continue
discussing a particular problem.
       The second version of conducting the "Aquarium":
Participants in the inner circle discuss the problem proposed by the teacher and, unlike the first
option, give arguments only “in favor” of the problem. Participants in another group sit on chairs in the

outer circle, listen to evidence, write down, analyze and develop their own arguments. After 15-20
minutes, the discussion stops, the participants in the inner and outer circle change places. To refute the
arguments of previous participants, a discussion is held.
Here, groups may not come to a common opinion.

Defining the notion (revealing the notion). This form of the game is held in the form of a puzzle
and leads to high student activity. The teacher hangs an oval map on the board and writes the notion
required by the students from behind. Shows students the hidden side of the map, lists or writes 2-3
keywords related to the hidden notion. In accordance with the characteristics, students find a hidden
The teacher lists new features of the notion, if students find it difficult to find it.
After the students' suggestions are made, the teacher says whether an answer is found and opens
the hidden notion written under the card.   
    Auction. The teacher determines the studied problem, instructs students about the rules of the
auction. Consistently characterizes the studied subject or phenomenon.
All consistently express their opinion on the subject or on the phenomenon: after each opinion, the
teacher counts. “One, two.” In this case, other participants can quickly give their suggestions. The last
bidder is considered the winner. Suggestions should not be repeated. To do this, everyone listens to each
During the lesson “Composition of the number 7” on the subject of mathematics, the teacher
asking the question “How did you get the number 7?” Holds an auction.

Information for the teacher Possible answers:

1) 6 + 1 = 7 2) 4 + 3 = 7  3) 2 + 5 = 7 4) 5 + 2 = 7
5) 3 + 4 = 7 6) 1 + 6 = 7    7) 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 7
The student who says the last possible answer wins the “Auction”.

KWL -  Know / Want to know / Learned

 KWL is carried out in the following stages:

1. The problem is announced by the teacher.
2. The teacher makes a table of 3 columns and notes the following sections: I know / I want to
know / I learned
3. The first column writes the students' answers related to knowledge about the problem.
4. The second column writes what they want to know about this problem.
5. At the end of the lesson, the table is considered again and the knowledge obtained on this topic
is written on the third column. Example:

Know Want to know Learned

Theme: Pets
What kind of pets do you know? Why are we holding them? The benefits of pets?

Brainstorming. A teaching method aimed at developing creative abilities - the search and
generation of new ideas, as well as their analysis and synthesis. Brainstorming implies a ban on any
criticism at the stage of generating ideas, when the main focus is more on the number of ideas than on
their quality. After the initial generation stage, the ideas proposed by the participants can be grouped,
evaluated, postponed for further study, or selected as a possible solution to the problem under


1.Zeyniyev N.R. və b. "Həyat bilgisi və tədrisi metodikası" Bakı, “Nərgiz”nəşr., 2016 səh.4-11
2. H.M Hacıyeva və b. "Həyat bilgisinin əsasları" ,Bakı, “ Elm” nəşriyyatı 2012 səh 16-22
3. Orta ümumtəhsil məktəbləri üçün həyat bilgisi kirikulumu Bakı 2010

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