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Lecture 14. Curriculum of the discipline Knowledge of life.


The structure of the subject curriculum Knowledge of life




The Conception (National Curriculum) of general education in the Republic of Azerbaijan is a

framework document of a conceptual nature that defines the learning outcomes and standards of
content in the field of general education, subjects provided for each stage of general education, the
weekly standard of hours allocated for conducting classroom and extra-curricular lessons, the rules of
organization of the educational process, the basic principles of assessment and monitoring of learning
outcomes and the structure of curricula in separate subjects.

The national curriculum is aimed at the formation of personality as the main motive forces for the
development of society, and the provision of the appropriate level of education and skills necessary for
solving problems and independent decision-making, taking into account the exceptional importance of
talent and abilities of each person in the modern era of working out in conditions of globalization and
universalization of socio-political, cultural and social life, increasing the role of information and
communication technologies, and strengthening competition.

The national curriculum serves the direct implementation of the following functions:

v ensuring the interconnection and continuity between the stages of general education and the
subjects studied at these stages;

v continuous improvement and updating of the content of objects in accordance with the needs
of society;

v ensuring the flexibility and complexity of teaching/training technologies;

v compilation and application of subject curricula, focused on achieving learning outcomes;

v ensuring the effectiveness of the learning environment and teaching activities, developing
and proactive nature of training, and determining, on the basis of the concentric principle, the
knowledge, skills acquired at individual stages of education;

v ensuring objective assessment and promotion of educational achievement.

The national curriculum has been compiled in consideration of the following general
  v consideration of national and universal values;

  v creating a favorable learning environment for all students, taking into account their general
level of development, inclinations and interests;
v the orientation of education on the formation of personality;
  v the focus of education on achieving learning outcomes;
v focus on meeting the requirements for the teaching/learning process;
v integrativity.

Cognition of the world (Knowledge of life).

Substantiation of the subject. Teaching this subject ensures that children learn the necessary
information about human rights and freedoms, moral and spiritual values, life safety, nature, the
relationship between man and nature, and man and society, as well as the formation of elementary
skills to establish differences between the essence of various objects and events, presentation own
opinions regarding such objects and events, and economic and environmental activities and

General results (learning outcomes)

v Demonstrates an understanding of one’s own rights, respect for the rights and freedoms of
other people, and a sensitive attitude towards others, expresses one’s own opinion regarding the above
v Explains the most necessary safety rules regarding the protection of human life and health;
v Shows honesty, justice, humanity and mercy, sets out his thoughts on the above spiritual
v Applies economic knowledge in everyday life;
v Conducts observations of natural phenomena, showing a sensitive and caring attitude to
nature and the environment, expresses its attitude to natural phenomena;
v Comments on social events in accordance with the level of perception inherent in his age.

Cognition of the world (Knowledge of life)

The rationale for the subject. Teaching this subject provides students with a holistic
understanding of the essence of patterns using the example of natural and social phenomena, further
improving the skills provided in the curriculum for primary education, deepening students' knowledge
of reproductive health, human rights, spiritual excellence, moral maturity, freedom of conscience, a
healthy lifestyle, ways to protect against the consequences of natural disasters and natural disasters,
economic education, instilling in students such qualities as sincerity, honesty, loyalty to beliefs,
patience, tolerance, self-esteem and self-service, planning skills activities, the formation of elements of
economic thinking.

General results (learning outcomes)

v Explains the essence of the objective laws of natural and social phenomena, compares
information about such regularities acquired in the course of studying this subject with information of
similar content reflected in educational materials on other subjects, systematizes and summarizes the
above information;
v Explains, using specific examples, the danger to human life and the severe consequences of
bad habits, demonstrates his adherence to a healthy lifestyle in everyday activities;

v Demonstrates proficiency in life safety rules in his written and oral presentations, as well as
during educational and training events;
v Explains the essence of the provisions concerning human rights and freedoms stipulated in the
relevant regulatory documents, using the example of specific historical events, facts, and literary
works, demonstrates a respectful attitude to his/her own rights, as well as to the rights of other people;
v Expresses his opinion and views on a specific issue discussed during discussions and other
events dedicated to the themes of morality and spirituality, expresses his personal position and attitude
by assessing the essence of specific events and facts;
v Draws up, presents and applies small projects that deal with cost-effectiveness in everyday


Introductory part
v The purpose and objectives of the subject, substantiation of the significance of the subject;
v Characteristics of the subject.

Content of the subject

v General learning outcomes at individual stages of education;
v The content lines of a single subject and the rationale for these lines;
v General learning outcomes for each class (basic content standards);
v Definition and rationale of the required minimum and higher level of sub-standards based on the
overall learning outcomes;
v Intrasubject and intersubject integration;
v A description of the minimum requirements for student achievement and based on general learning

Teaching/Learning strategies
v Description of the basic requirements for the organization of training for a particular subject;
v Recommendations regarding the improvement of forms and methods of training;
v Samples of teaching planning.

Compilation of sample assessment tools

v Assessment tools based on the curriculum;
v Means of the final assessment of the stages of education.

1. Azərbaycan Respublikasında ümumi Təhsilin Konsepsiyası (Milli Kurikulum). Bakı, 2006. (Concept
(National Curriculum) of general education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Baku, 2006).
2. 1.Zeyniyev N.R. və b. "Həyat bilgisi" Bakı, “Nərgiz”nəşr.,2014 səh 4-11;
3. H.M Hacıyeva və b."Həyat bilgisinin əsasları" , Bakı, Elm nəşr., 2012 səh 7-164. Orta ümumtəhsil
məktəbləri üçün həyat bilgisi kirikulumu. Bakı 2010

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