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aoe ® Speaking and listening &) @ All a. What do you want to do when you finish school? Name 3 activities. b. Where would you like to go on your next vacation? . Listen to Alan and Elizabeth talking about their future plans. Then complete the chart below. Alan ee x x x Elizabeth B Vocabulary and reading Abc hy a. Match the names to make collocations/phrases about places in town. 1. Gas alight 2. Street b. crossing 3. Parking «station 4. Traffic d. stop 5. Pedestrian lamp 6. Bus flot b. Match the pictures to their correct names from Exercise 2-a. <. Look at the pictures below. Can you recognize any of the places? Answer the questions. Which place(s) are you interested in? + Which place are you going to visit first? Which place is near your country? —_ English Click - 5° Grade. Secondary education e. Read the information about Top 4 Most Recognizable Landmarks in the World. f. Top 4 Most Recognizable Landmarks in the World However, just a few are iconic. Whether it is @ natural wonder or an architectural site, these famous landmarks are definitely among the most recognizable in the world. How many of them have you seen? (1) The largest Art Deco sculpture in the world has become an icon of Rio. Not only it is impressive due to its size, but also the nature, surrounding Christ the Redeemer. The Sugarloaf Mountain, that you can reach by a cable car, is near and amazing panorama opens from the top of the hil. Why to go there? To visit the statue and admire the amazing cityscape. When togo there? Anytime, although December to March might be rainy. It is best to check the weather a few hours before planning the trip. How to get there? Reach the summit by tram, by caror by foot. (2) The highest mountain in country is an active volcano. It has a cultural significance: for ages it has inspired artists and people still make pilgrimages to the mountain. It is a perfect symbol of Japan — a country, whose appreciation of nature blends incredibly well with culture and religion. Why to go there? A beautiful retreat from the city’s hustle and bustle. Ss: many beautiful places to see in the world. Match the paragraphs to their places below. a. Mount Fuji, Honshu Island, Japan. « d. Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. b. The Colosseum, Rome, Italy. English Click - 5° Grade. Secondary education When to go there? The best time to climb the ‘mountain is from July to August. How to get there? Get there by train: it is 100 km from Tokyo. (3) The sandstone rock is a sacred site for the Native Australians, who believe that spirits of the dead live here. Climbing Uluru is a popular activity. However, the proposition to ban climbing has been considered lately. Therefore, it might be a good idea to hurry up and visit Uluru now. Why to go there? A must see once in Australia. Also, climb it while itis still available, When to go there? Anytime. Although it can be very hot during Australian summer. How to get there? By plane from Perth, Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane. Or drive from Alice Springs. (4) Built in AD 70 the arena could hold 50 000 spectators! Today the Colosseum stands as the symbol of glorious Roman Empire and the bloody gladiator fights. It is also a real treat for those interested in history and archeology. Why to go there? One of the most significant ‘monuments from the Roman Empire. When to go there? Anytime — check for the opening hours before you go. How to get there? Easily accessible —itis found in the piazza del Colosseo. 3/ Uluru, Northern Territory, Australia atu A) ico / Lesson 1: It 's going to be awesome! | ® Grammar Future forms : want / would like / be going to a. Rearrange the questions. Ws What you! of aga 5. place / near /country /\\ x b. Now answer the questions from above. 4. 5. c. Complete the chart with a short description of an important landmark in your country. English Click - 5° Grade. Secondary education | a sson 1: It's oing t @ Vocabulary AB Places in town and in the world a. Choose a word from the box below to complete the definitions. n - street lamp - parking lot - traffic lights - pedestriancrossing - bus station 1. Anarea where vehicles must stop for people who are walking across the street. pedestrian crossing. 2. Alight on top of a long pole on a street or road. _ 3. A building where buses start and finish their journeys, or where buses that travel long distances stop to let passengers get on and off. 4. A garage that sells petrol for your car. 5. Anarea ora building where people can leave their cars for a short time. 6. Aset of red, yellow, and green lights that control traffic. b. Match the following places in the world. 1. The Colosseum Honshu Island Brazil 2. Uluru a Australia Rome —___ 3. Mount Fuji ndidhnee: ts Italy 4. Christ the Redeemer Northern Territory Japan <. Now match the numbers to their pictures below. Click - 5° Grade. Secondary education mame Unit 3 [eS ol - oR ONE B Portfolio Reading and writing a. Read the information about online chatroom internet acronyms. future is mine to make! LOL ‘OMG iy PPL IDK TBH THK ‘SMH ‘AMA aK imo IKR FYI BRB GG Ipc TGIF Icymi IRL Bf MU HED. TMI NM NVM FOMO. ~omw POTD TTYL 1 AFAIK LMK HMB b. Rewrite this message using the real meaning of the acronyms. Paula, What a GG, TBH it was the best game ever! PPL say it was awesome! IMO you played really well! Your Bff Susie — English Click - 5° Grade. Secondary education @ Listening and vocabulary ABC @ A12 Sam and Fatima are playing “charades’. Listen + How many points did Fatima score? to them describing places in town. Tick the places you hear according to the descriptions they provide. + How many points did Sam score? Pie [en [ wo [on points. points. oO"? ? B Reading hy, * ‘a. What do you like about your city? b. What don't you like? Where are you going to live in the future? Read about the Clarkson town and then answer the questions below. toa large river, the Clark River. Every day, people take the ferry from North Clarkson to South Clarkson to go to work. Most people live in North Clarkson. There are many trees and the streets are very broad. When the sun shines and the children run and play in the safe streets, North Clarkson is a wonderful place to live. South Clarkson has a lot of shops and factories. People don't live there, but they come in the morning to work. There is also a big stadium where the Clarkson Tigers play. On Sundays, many people go to watch their favorite team. ‘At the weekend, the people from Clarkson enjoy walking along the bank of the Clark River. They also sail small boats on the water and if there is a little wind, they fly kites in the large park. Every year, Clarkson grows in size becausea lot of people cometo live there. The government builds more houses and the streets get busier. Maybe in the future, if the town continues to grow, it will become a city! Cer is a large town. It has more than fifty thousand people living there. It sits next Al: —— English Click - 5° Grade. Secondary education Lessi 1. What is there near Clarkson? a. Mountains b. Sea «River 2. What is there in North Clarkson? a. Wide streets b. Factories c. Offices 3. Where is the stadium? a. Outside the town b. Near the river Grammar . South Clarkson . What do people in Clarkson do at the weekend? a. Go for walks b. Have barbecues c. Swim in the river . Which statement is true? a. Clarkson is a city b. Clarkson is a bad place to live . Clarkson is a popular town 1h) cin EOD anon Read the examples and match them to their rules about the future simple “Be going to’ + It's going to rain again soon. (The speaker can probably see dark rain clouds). + She's going to be a professional dancer when she grows up. + I'm going to look for a new place to live Uses: a. We use “be going to” to talk about future plans and intentions. Usually the decision about the future plans has already been made. b. We use “be going to’ to predict something plans and intentions. +What are you going to do on your next vacation? +HoWw are you going to get there? What are you going to wear in that place? +How long are you going to stay there? Click - 5° Grade. Secondary education next month. You're going to pick up all of those toys right now. This room is a mess! Look out! He's going to break that glass. that we think is certain to happen or which we have evidence for now. We use “be going to” when we give commands or state that something is obligatory. e §, > > Speaking and writing &) 5S Pair work. Ask and answer the following questions. Then write a paragraph about your future «Where are you going to go? + What are you going to do there? +Who are you going to travel with? € Grammar & “Going to” a. Put the verbs into the correct form. Use going to. 1, It (rain) is goit 2. Theyfea) stew, 3. | (wear) ass ______ blue shoes tonight. 4. We (not / help) you. 5. Jack (not / walk) home. 6. (cook / you) _ dinner? 7. Sue (share / not) her biscuits. 8. (leave / they) the house? | 9. (take part /she) — in the contest? 10, | (not / spend) my vacation abroad this year. b. Match the questions to their answers. 1. Where are you going to go? iG. A. By bus 2. When are you going to go there? __ B. Next month 3. Howare you going to get there?» __ C.To Mancora 4. Whoare you going to gowith? §=§ —— D. Because | love the beach 5. Why are you going to go? = E.With my family <. Read the following example. Then decide whether they describe a plan, an intention or a prediction. «fm going to relax in the Bahamas next month. plan 2. My ister says she is going to study Japanese one day. 3. The sky is really dark today. 'm sure it's going to rain. 4, My parents are going to buy a new house in two months. ish Click - 5° Grade. Secondary education MUa SMV e anal atm CoM arc Le Reall ‘ 0 di wae) ® Vocabulary Abe Places in town a. Complete the following crossword puzzle with the descriptions provided below. 2B Across 2. A store that sells books. 3. Astore where people go to have their hair cut and put into a particular style. 5. A place where planes arrive and leave, consisting of runways (slong roads where planes land and take off) and large buildings for passengers called terminals. 6. A financial institution that people or businesses can keep their money in or borrow money from. 7. A building or club where you go to do physical exercises , swim, and play sports. Down 1. A building where you pay to stay in a room and have meals. 3. A place where people stay when they are ill or injured and need a lot of care from doctors and nurses. 4. Abuilding where bread, cakes, etc. are made orsold. English Click - 5° Grade. Secondary education Lesson 2: Really? Are you going to do that? Portfolio eading and writing a. Read the following note from Louis to his friend Sally. Then answer the questions below the note. Ab kA AA Hey Sally! Guess what? I've just bought a new blender for my kitchen. | bought it because | want to make fresh fruit juice. 'm going to put it next to the fridge. Come round to my house and Vil make you a juice. Love and kisses, Louis 1. What has Louis just bought? 2. Why did he buy it? 3. Where is he going to put it? 4, Ishe inviting Sally to his house? | |b. You are going to be absent from your next math class. Write a note to your math teacher. In your note, you should: + Explain why you are going to be absent + Apologise to your teacher + Ask your teacher for information about next week’s class. Write 35 - 45 words on your answer sheet. Ab Ak AAA English Click - 5 Grade, Secondary education . i, ® Reading and listening hy, o A13 Listen to the story of Katie. Complete the empty spaces with alternatives from the box below. Then answer the questions below the text. going - All- party - bring - will - Saturday - her - open - fun - eat On ..., Katie will be one year old. Katie's parents are going to have a birthday party. The is going to begin at noon on Saturday. Many people... be at the party. Katie will have so much ..! Katie's dadis.... to cook hamburgers. Katie's grandmother is going to... ice cream. Katie's aunts going to bake a cake. It will be a chocolate cake, Katie will love... cake! _... of Katie’s relatives will bring presents. Katie is going to..... her presents after lunch. Then, everyone will... cake and ice cream. Katie is going to have a good first birthday! + How old will Katie be on Saturday? What time is her party going to start? + Whois going to bake the cake? What kind of cake will it be? + When is Katie going to open her presents? What will happen then? B Vocabulary and speaking ABe gs) Look at the words below and put them in the correct category “jobs" or ‘city’s problems.” firefighter doctor pollution crime traffic nurse insecurity judge bonfire —streetvendor-—_—low salaries = What are the main problems in your city? Rate the problems from 1 to 5 (1 the biggest - 5 the v smallest) + What will happen in the future if we don't stop pollution? Tell the class. —_—— English Click - 5° Grade. Secondary education Ay Grammar. > We use will: Beliefs 7 say what we believe will happen in the future: + We'll be late. + We will have to take the train. Offers and promises To make offers and promises: + Iligive you a lift home after the party. + We will come and see you next week. Willingness To talk about what people want to do or are willing to do: + We'll see you tomorrow. + Perhaps dad will lend me the car. Conditionals in conditionals with if and unless to say what we think will happen in the future or present: + Illgive her a calif can find her number. + You won't get in unless you have a ticket. To give advie + Dan will help you if you ask him. in the future >) ¢ we will take | the train Asa, So ° 00 x DB writing SS, Write one example per use. Use your notebook. Beliefs Offers and Promises Willingness Conditionals B Speaking £ Pair work. Ask and answer the following questions. + What jobs will we need if our city is very dirty? What other problems will we have if we don't protect the environment? + How will you and your friends help to stop pollution? Future “Will” a. Complete the dialogue. Use the verbs in parenthesis in future. ® Grammar o> 1. Tomorrow it, will rain in the north-west. (to rain) 2. My friend. 12 next Monday. (to be) 3. Hey John! Wait a minute. | aword with you. (to have) 4, She____her boss next week. (to contact) 5. I think you this job. (to get) 6. They. at about 6 pm. (to arrive) 7. Theteacher____ this exercise. (to explain) 8. He the bottle of water. (to drop) 9. Lots of accidents. in that weather. (to happen) 10.She__ ____if you show her the spider. (to scream) . Rearrange the words to make sentences. 1. On/,/will/ one / old / Saturday / Katie / be / year /. 2. Many / will / at / party /./ people / be / the / 3. Katie / have /so / fun / will / much /. . Complete the sentences with will or won't. 1. Inthe future there___will___be more traffic. . Cusco, be the Capital of Peru one day. l live in this city because there is too much pollution, . Myparents____probably travel to the U.S. next December. . | hope that in the future there. be more crime. It's really dangerous! ay epwn . My friends say that they definitely go to the prom party because they prefer to travel abroad. English Click - 5° Grade. Secondary education B vocabulary 4Be Jobs and city’s problems a. Match the words with their definitions. 1. A firefighter 1 2. insecurity Pe 3. adoctor comm, 4. pollution er 5. bonfire aa 6. judge —, 7. street vendor ce 8. nurse 9. traffic

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