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A. INSTRUCTIONS: Multiple Choice

1. This is the ability to make choices and perform actions and is an essential property of the human person.
a. Freedom b. Physical Freedom c. Psychological Freedom d. Voluntariness
2. This is freedom from any physical restraint.
a. Freedom b. Physical Freedom c. Psychological Freedom d. Voluntariness
3. This is the freedom of choice.
a. Responsibility b. Physical Freedom c. Psychological Freedom d. Voluntariness
4. This is the ability to act out of one’s own free will and selfdetermination.
a. Responsibility b. Physical Freedom c. Psychological Freedom d. Voluntariness
5. This refers to the person being accountable for their actions and consequences.
a. Responsibility b. Physical Freedom c. Psychological Freedom d. Voluntariness
6. It is a Philosophical concept reflecting an inalienable human right to realize one’s human will.
a. Honesty b. Realization c. Freedom d. Reflection
7. God freeing us from our sins is the meaning of freedom in what aspect?
a. Biblical b. Political c. Social d. Philosophical
8. It is a type of right that is innate to a person.
a. Natural rights b. Legal rights c. Common rights d. Personal rights
9. It is a type of right that is based on society’s customs and laws.
a. Natural rights b. Legal rights c. Common rights d. Personal rights
10. It is the type of right that is enacted by legislation and enforced by government.
a. Natural rights b. Legal rights c. Common rights d. Personal rights

B. INSTRUCTIONS: Put a check beside the statement number showing responsible use of freedom. Write your
answers on a separate piece of
_____/___1. Instead of spending her excess allowance on a new pair of shoes, Reyna decides to open a bank
account and start saving up for her future.

___/_____2. Despite the threats made on his life, the witness decided to come forward and divulge important
information regarding the crime he witnessed.

________3. A woman used the internet to humiliate her ex-boyfriend by spreading lewd photos of him on social
________4. Despite knowing that many of his clients were poor and desperate, a moneylender continues to impose
very high-interest rates on loans.

____/____5. A businessman did not accept a high-paying position in an overseas firm and instead decided to start
his own business and spend more time with his family.
INSTRUCTIONS: Write TRUE is the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong. Write your answers on a separate
piece of paper.
__TRUE____1. Intersubjectivity refers to shared awareness and understanding among people.
_TRUE_____2. Man has the natural tendency to establish relationships with other people.
__FALSE____3. The views and ideas of other people, as well as social context do not influence our
behavior as individuals.
__FALSE____4. We are primarily aware of people as objects and not as persons.
__FALSE____5. Seeming refers to the capacity of individuals to engage in genuine interaction with
___TRUE___6. An authentic relationship is possible only if individuals acknowledge each other's
presence as persons.
___TRUE___7. Availability refers to the willingness for person to make himself or herself available
for another.
___FALSE___8. All humans find it difficult to have meaningful relationships with others.
___TRUE___9. Empathy requires an individual to accept the other as a thinking, feeling person.
____FALSE__10. It is not important to care about the welfare of others to establish a dialogue.

1. How do you best explain this phrase given by St. Augustine of Hippo, “No human being should become an end to
a. We are responsible to our neighbors as we are to our own actions
b. It only takes a while to live and that is only an individual effort
c. The human person is oriented toward only for himself/herself
d. The human person experiences his wholeness in virtue of his relation to one’s self.
2. What attitude or behavior describes the “I-Thou” relationship?
a. Sarcasm b. Empathic understanding c. Insult d. Impatience
3. Which of the following is the best example of intersubjectivity
a. Ben has always loved dogs. When his parents let him choose a family pet, he picks a Labrador puppy from
the shelter
b. When Anna was twelve, her sister told her that pickles are rotten cucumbers. Because of this, Anna now
orders all her burgers without pickles
c. When Sarah was fifteen, she went exploring in a cave and became trapped. And she is now afraid of closed
d. Tony was born with vision in only one eye. Because of this, he sometimes has difficulty perceived depth.
4. Which of the following statement is true
a. Most people with disabilities cannot work
b. Human person can live on his own without the help of others
c. It is impossible to appreciate PWD’s and those from the underprivileged sectors of the society
d. Everybody deserves to be treated as human being no matter what he/she looks like
5. The following are perception about persons with disabilities (PWD) except;
a. PWD are people with the same right as what other people does. b. PWD’s are less productive.
c. PWD’s could possibly engage into various social activities. d. PWD’s can contribute to the economic growth
of the society.
6. Which of the following is not an example of I thou relationship
a. A little boy helping an old woman carrying her things.
b. A man who pays money in exchange of sexual gratification
c. A granddaughter taking care her grandmother who is physically ill.
d. The Philippine government support person with disabilities
7. A person experiencing an event can be called a/an___
a. Subject b. Object c. Intersubject d. Narrator
8. The event a character experiences or goal he or she wants to achieve, is called a/an
a. Subject b. Object c. Protagonist d. Antagonist
9. Which of the following physical disabilities you least likely want to acquire?
a. Blindness b. Deafness c. Paralyzed d. None of the above
10. Which is true among the following statements in terms of conceptual meaning?
a. Conversation is similar to the meaning of authentic dialogue
b. Conversation is much more than a dialogue
c. Authentic dialogue is an element of “I-It” relationship
d. Authentic dialogue is much more than conversation
11. “Dialogue is an exchange in which people discover something new.” This best means?
a. Dialogue helps people to discover themselves more
b. Dialogue helps people to tolerate others more
c. Dialogue helps people to share understanding of greater truth about life
d. Dialogue helps people to conduct research
12. Authentic dialogue includes which of the following?
a. Active Listening b. Empathy c. Respect d. All of the above
13. Authentic dialogue is also a means of ___________ of other people.
a. Accepting the differences b. Neglecting the uniqueness c. Tolerating immorality d. Complaining

14. Which of the following signifies authentic dialogue towards accepting other people even if they are different?
a. A boy sarcastically laughs at his friend after knowing about his flaws.
b. Krishna cried on her knees after learning about the pressing problems of the minorities in their
c. Angie walked past the poor old man in disgust.
d. The manager rejected the job application of a person with disability even if he is qualified.
15. The result of authentic dialogue includes the following except?
a. Unity b. Division c. Peace and order d. Harmony
16. He made the concept of "I-It" & "I-Thou".
a. Martin Buber b. Karol Wojtyla c. Jurgen Habermas d. Emmanuel
17. This is the type of relationship that shows the treatment of people with the other is concentrated into the status
of an object. a. “I-I” Relationship b. “I-It” Relationship c. “I-Thou” Relationship d. “I-We”
18. Among the statements below, what best describes intersubjectivity?
a. Intersubjectivity is about how humans treat plants.
b. It is a state of sharing of subjective states by two or more individuals.
c. It is about how we judge other persons.
d. We treat others as objects in intersubjective relationships.
19. Which statement is incorrect about intersubjectivity?
a. Love is an important aspect in intersubjective relationships b. We can put ourselves in the shoes of others
c. I can disregard others as much as I want d. We cannot help but he be sensitive with the existence of the other
20. Which situation below best demonstrates co-presence?
a. Jeepney passengers where all cramped together inside the vehicle?
b. They are seated in front of each other while busy browsing their cellular phones.
c. A gentleman offers his seat to a PWD.
d. A student takes care of his belongings.
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each item carefully. Choose your BEST answer. Write the ONLY letter of your
corresponding answer on your activity notebook. Avoid erasures.
1. It is an organized group of people whose members interact frequently and have a common territory and culture.
a. Society b. Country c. Community d. All of the above.
2. It is the basic unit of society.
a. Human b. Barangay c. Family d. Government
3. The following are examples of virtual society, EXCEPT ONE, which is it?
a. Facebook b. Google Classroom c. Instagram d. Classroom
4. Social values are actions or ideals that are considered vital in maintaining an orderly society such as mentioned below,
EXCEPT ONE, which is it?
a. Cooperation b. negligence of duty c. obedience to the law d. concern for others
5. Social institutions are certain groups that perform vital functions in society which include the following, EXCEPT ONE , which
is it?
a. Best friends b. school c. Family d. government
6. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Society?
a. Can be a town b. Smaller than a country c. Can be a country d. Can be more than one country combined
7. Which of the following does not belong to the group? A society maybe defined as the permanent union of men who are
united by modes of behavior that are demanded by some...
a. Common end b. Common value c. Common interest d. Common lifestyle
8. It is a type of society that is composed of 60 people and rarely exceed to 100.
a. Hunting and Gathering Society b. Pastoral Society c. Horticultural Society d. Agricultural Society
9. It is the type of society in which the ruler owned all the land while the farmers and laborers farmed it.
a. Agricultural Society b. Horticultural Society c. Feudal Society d. Industrial Society
10. This type of society engages in the growing of plants, fruits, and vegetables.
a. Post Industrial Society b. Horticultural Society c. Agricultural Society d. Hunting and Gathering Society
11. This type of society used machineries in the production of goods and services.
a. Industrial Society b. Post Industrial Society c. Feudal Society d. Pastural Society
12. This type of society is characterized by the raising of animals to supply their food.
a. Hunting and Gathering Society b. Pastoral Society c. Feudal Society d. Agricultural Society
13. It is also known as Virtual Computer Society.
a. Industrial Society b. Post Industrial Society c. Agricultural Society d. Pastoral Society
14. Capitalism emerged in this type of society.
a. Horticultural Society b. Feudal Society c. Industrial Society d. Agricultural Society
15. People living in this society are called nomadic. Meaning, they do not have permanent houses.
a. Horticultural Society b. Hunting and Gathering Society c. Agricultural Societyd. Feudal Society

II. Determine which form of society is referred by the following statements. Choose your answers from the box.
Write the corresponding letter of your answer on your activity notebook. Write the letter only. Avoid erasures.
A. Hunting and gathering society
B. Pastoral society
C. Horticultural society
D. Agrarian / Agricultural society
E. Feudal society
F. Industrial society
G. Post-industrial society
G 1. A society based on knowledge, information, and the sale of services.
E 2. A society based on the ownership of land.
A 3. The earliest and simplest form of society.
D 4. This society features large-scale and long-term cultivation of crops and domestication of animals.
B 5. This society primarily relies on the domestication of animals for food.
A 6. A society that is generally small in size and is composed of families.
F 7. A society that uses machinery in producing goods and services.
G 8. This society has given rise to a virtual society.
E 9. People who owned land are considered the most powerful and influential in this form of society.
C 10. This society engages in the small-scale cultivation of plants

1. Death was a simply equated to the stopping of heartbeat and breathing. This meaning is _____________meaning
of death.
a. Dictionary b. Legal c. Traditional d. Webster
2. Based on Section 2, paragraph (j) of the Organ Donation Act of 1991 (Republic Act 7170) a person is considered
dead, if?
a. The attending physician declared the person death based on the acceptable standards of medical practice.
b. The nurses or any of the medical practitioners give resuscitation to the patient and the patient is still
c. The attending physician finds out that the person has no pulses.
d. The patient looks pale.
3. A lady after suffering from 5 years of fighting for her life because leukemia, meets the creator on her 35th
birthday. This lady is a Christian believer, what do you think is she expecting on her afterlife?
a.. To be reincarnated b. To have an eternal life
c. To be another person d. To be born again
4. This pertains to the personal life, and precisely therein is fulfilled the essence of humanity created according to
the image of God.
a. eternal life b. reincarnation c. death d. transcendence
5 According to Aristotle, everything strives towards the end, what Greek word did he use to describe the process
which means “to become its essence"?
a. entelechy b. entilenchy c. enthelenchy d. entelency
6. This reflection is concerned not with object but with presences. It recaptures the unity of original experience. It
does not go against the date of primary reflection but goes beyond it by refusing to accept the data of primary
reflection as final.
a. First reflection b. Second reflection c. Primary reflection d. Secondary reflection
7. This method looks at the world or at any object as a problem, detached from the self and fragment. This is the
foundation of scientific knowledge. Subject does not enter into the object investigated. The data of primary
reflection lie in the public domain and are equally available to any qualified observer
a. first reflection b. second reflection c. primary reflection d. secondary reflection
8. Signifies the permeable and dense, silent and dead. From them comes no meaning, they only are. The en-soi is
absurd, it only finds meaning only' through the human person, the one and only pour-soi. The world only has
meaning according to.
a. self-care b. careful c. en-soi d. pour-soi
9 The world only has meaning according to what the person gives to it. Compared with' the en-soi, a person has no
fixed nature. To put it in a paradox: the human person is not what he/she is.
a. self-care b. careful c. en-soi d. pour-soi
10. A person is not pure possibility but tactical possibility: possibilities open to him at any time conditioned and
limited by circumstances. A person's situation as a finite entity is thrown into a world where he/she must project
his/her possibilities not disclosed by theoretical understanding but by moods.
a. false b. facticity c. fallenness d. true

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