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Harnessing India's manufacturing potential

Quite often I come across the tagline "Boycott Chinese Goods" resounding especially during this COVID
crisis from certain segment of netizens & patriots.

My thoughts below on what can be done if we (India) are to become self-sufficient & self-reliant. 

Before certain section of people say "boycott Chinese goods", India has to offer ready-made
manufacturing plants, upgrade factories with modern technology as we are in Industrial Revolution 4.0.
India should cut red tape barriers, provide tax sops or even 0% income tax on manufacturing companies
willing to move their factories to India, reform labor laws, give them land and ensure supply of water (use
desalinated water instead of river water). Remember global companies bring in money & technology.
Never know after bringing in technology, Indian Tesla might be born. Improve supply chain by
connecting shipping ports, railways and airports. Build eight lane highways on each side for hassle free
movement of goods & services, metros & bullet trains.

Equip factory workers with required training. Government introduced "Skill India" and "Digital India"
campaign, but unsure who is making use of it.

Obtaining land for manufacturing setup is a nightmare. Need of the hour is land reforms. Bureaucracy
should be tapered and work on war-footing.

When India can send rocket to the Moon & Mars then why can't we produce a mobile handset, advanced
military weapons and so on? China has advantage of cost factor. If a product manufactured in India costs
Rs.10 whereas, Chinese import costs us Rs.2 then why would consumer buy Indian product? "Charity
becomes at home". Are we ready to burn our pockets spending extra to buy in-sourced product v/s cheap
outsourced product? Are you ready to read your bank balance statement going down every month ? There
is a saying in Sanskrit, "Sarve janaha kanchanam ashrayanti" translated into English "Everyone is after
money". When such being the case, why consumer would pay extra to buy local product? Also, are we
ready to work for cheap labor like Chinese?

End of every quarter, global corporations are after profits. CEO is answerable to shareholders in general
body meeting. Everyone would like to cut costs & maximize ROI. Companies found cheap labor in
China; many countries granted MFN status to China and was reciprocated by offering SEZ to global

Investment in Quantum Computing should be the area of focus. Everyone is talking about AI & Machine
Learning today. I bet in 5-10 years down the lane, every company & innovation evangelists will be
talking about quantum computing as it has got much faster processing power & secured cyber
infrastructure. Time for India to invest in QC R&D and harness India's brain power. We don't need people
to open a company to develop pizza delivery app. Rather should focus on developing new products that
can generate billions of dollars.

India can take advantage of improving infrastructure at this crucial juncture as nation is under lockdown.
Without improving infrastructure & implementing reforms, it's hard to attract companies. By the time
India starts running, India should be in a position to attract and operate global manufacturing companies.
We have already lost phase-1 convincing global companies to move their factories to India in the
aftermath of US-China trade war. Companies moved their supply chain to SE Asian countries. Almost
none came to India.

COVID crisis has offered India another chance to convince manufacturing companies to shift their supply
chain to India. If we lose phase-2, then don't complain to boycott Chinese goods.

Note: Thoughts presented are my own without reference to any political party or politically affiliated
groups. Just sharing my ideas what can be done if we are to attract manf. companies.

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