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Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2013;94:1247-55


Cross-Education for Improving Strength and Mobility After

Distal Radius Fractures: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Charlene R.A. Magnus, PhD,a Cathy M. Arnold, PhD, PT,b
Geoffrey Johnston, MD, MBA, FRCSC,b Vanina Dal-Bello Haas, PhD, PT,c
Jenny Basran, MD, FRCPC,b Joel R. Krentz, MSc,a Jonathan P. Farthing, PhDa
From the aCollege of Kinesiology and bCollege of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK; and cSchool of Rehabilitation Science,
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada.

Objective: To evaluate the effects of cross-education (contralateral effect of unilateral strength training) during recovery from unilateral distal
radius fractures on muscle strength, range of motion (ROM), and function.
Design: Randomized controlled trial (26-wk follow-up).
Setting: Hospital, orthopedic fracture clinic.
Participants: Women older than 50 years with a unilateral distal radius fracture. Fifty-one participants were randomized and 39 participants were
included in the final data analysis.
Interventions: Participants were randomized to standard rehabilitation (Control) or standard rehabilitation plus strength training (Train).
Standard rehabilitation included forearm casting for 40.46.2 days and hand exercises for the fractured extremity. Nonfractured hand strength
training for the training group began immediately postfracture and was conducted at home 3 times/week for 26 weeks.
Main Outcome Measures: The primary outcome measure was peak force (handgrip dynamometer). Secondary outcomes were ROM (flexion/
extension; supination/pronation) via goniometer and the Patient Rated Wrist Evaluation questionnaire score for the fractured arm.
Results: For the fractured hand, the training group (17.37.4kg) was significantly stronger than the control group (11.85.8kg) at 12 weeks
postfracture (P<.017). There were no significant strength differences between the training and control groups at 9 (12.58.2kg; 11.36.9kg) or 26
weeks (23.07.6kg; 19.65.5kg) postfracture, respectively. Fractured hand ROM showed that the training group had significantly improved wrist
flexion/extension (100.5 19.2 ) than the control group (80.2 18.7 ) at 12 weeks postfracture (P<.017). There were no significant differences
between the training and control groups for flexion/extension ROM at 9 (78.0 20.7 ; 81.7 25.7 ) or 26 weeks (104.4 15.5 ; 106.0 26.5 )
or supination/pronation ROM at 9 (153.9 23.9 ; 151.8 33.0 ), 12 (170.9 9.3 ; 156.7 20.8 ) or 26 weeks (169.4 11.9 ; 162.8 18.1 ),
respectively. There were no significant differences in Patient Rated Wrist Evaluation questionnaire scores between the training and control groups
at 9 (54.239.0; 65.228.9), 12 (36.437.2; 46.235.3), or 26 weeks (23.625.6; 19.416.5), respectively.
Conclusions: Strength training for the nonfractured limb after a distal radius fracture was associated with improved strength and ROM in the
fractured limb at 12 weeks postfracture. These results have important implications for rehabilitation strategies after unilateral injuries.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2013;94:1247-55
ª 2013 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine

Preliminary results of the study presented to the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, October
Cross-education is a neural adaptation defined as the increase in
20, 2011, Quebec City, QC, Canada; the Canadian Orthopaedic Association, June 8, 2012, Ottawa, ON, strength or functional performance of the untrained contralateral
Canada; and the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, May 25, 2012, Saskatoon, SK, Canada. limb after unilateral training of the opposite homologous limb.1,2
Supported by the Royal University Hospital Foundation Grant, doctoral funding from the
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Dean’s Scholarship
The increase in strength in the untrained limb is related to the gain
from the University of Saskatchewan, and a Graduate Scholarship from the University of in magnitude of the trained limb, and is on average 52% of the
Saskatchewan. strength gain observed in the trained muscle.2 Cross-education is
No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research
supporting this article has or will confer a benefit on the authors or on any organization with
thought to be primarily controlled by neural mechanisms,2-6 but
which the authors are associated. the exact mechanisms are unknown.

0003-9993/13/$36 - see front matter ª 2013 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine
1248 C.R.A. Magnus et al

A large gap in the literature remains in applying cross- The purpose of this study was to apply cross-education to
education to clinical rehabilitation settings. The potential benefit unilateral distal radius fractures in women 50 years of age and
of cross-education for rehabilitation from unilateral injuries (ie, a older and to evaluate the effects on grip strength, ROM, and
fractured limb) is an obvious, clinically relevant extension function. The hypothesis was that strength training of the non-
of the work; however, little research has been conducted in clin- fractured limb in addition to standard rehabilitation of the fractured
ical application of cross-education.7 Stromberg7 applied cross- limb would provide better strength and functional outcome than
education after wrist/forearm surgeries, but several limitations standard rehabilitation alone after a unilateral distal radius fracture.
such as not including raw data, not accounting for baseline
differences, and not reporting details of the training program have Methods
made it difficult to draw any conclusions from the results. Three
studies have applied cross-education to unilateral immobilization
in healthy (ie, nonfractured) limbs.6,8,9 Farthing et al6,8 found that Participants
cross-education strength training on the nonimmobilized limb
provided a maintenance of strength in the immobilized healthy Women aged 50 years and older with a unilateral distal radius
limb after wearing a forearm cast for 3 weeks. Similarly, Magnus fracture were recruited for 1 year from the fracture clinic at Royal
et al9 found that strength training of the nonimmobilized arm University Hospital in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, under
provided an increase in strength in the healthy immobilized arm the direction of 1 orthopedic surgeon. Patients referred to the clinic
after wearing an arm sling for 4 weeks. These studies suggest that who met inclusion criteria were invited to participate in the study
cross-education can benefit a healthy immobilized limb. As yet, before their first visit to the clinic. Exclusion criteria included
there are no randomized controlled clinical trials that have any prior upper body injury or joint problem interfering with daily
investigated these effects in real injuries that require limb immo- life, or any history of upper-extremity neurologic problems (eg,
bilization. More research in this area may help improve the stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, vestibular disor-
rehabilitation techniques clinicians use postinjury, and in turn may ders, reflex neuropathy). Participants were also excluded if the
improve function for those with unilateral injuries such as distal fracture was >2 weeks old at the time of the first visit to the clinic
radius fractures. or if there were multiple fractures of the wrist and forearm. All
Distal radius fractures are one of the most common types of participants completed the Mini-Cognitive Assessment Instrument
fracture,10 especially in older women.11 Rehabilitation after a for Dementia14 to screen for cognitive impairment. Those who
distal radius fracture is quite slow, and it can often be difficult for were unable to remember any words in the word recall and those
individuals to return to their normal level of functioning. Brogren who scored an abnormal clock draw test and recalled only 1 or 2
et al12 showed that 1 year postfracture, grip strength was 88% of words were not included in the study.
the nonfractured limb. Similarly, Trumble et al13 found that 2.4 A sample size calculation was completed using G Power 3.115,a
years postfracture, grip strength was 69% of the nonfractured limb for the primary outcome variable (ie, strength). On the basis of our
and range of motion (ROM) was 75% of the nonfractured limb. A previous immobilization cross-education studies involving fore-
Cochrane Review by Handoll et al11 examined the effects of arm casting,6,8 we anticipated a 13% difference in affected limb
rehabilitation beginning both during and after immobilization in strength between training and control. Because we have no pre-
adults with distal radius fractures. Fifteen randomized controlled vious data on cross-education effects on injured participants, we
trials were included, whereby treatment was conservative and used a much smaller effect size estimate based on a 5% difference
involved plaster cast immobilization. The review found that there between groups to achieve a more conservative sample size esti-
was insufficient evidence to determine the best form of rehabili- mate. Using alpha of .05 at 80% power, and an effect size of 0.2,
tation after distal radius fractures. New ways of improving reha- the total required sample size was 36 (ie, 18 per group). Before the
bilitation to enhance recovery and to provide better functional commencement of the study, all participants completed written
outcome are important to investigate. informed consent approved by the Biomedical Ethics Review
One way of improving strength and functional gains in the Board at the University of Saskatchewan with subsequent opera-
fractured hand may be to apply cross-education during recovery tional approval from the Saskatoon Health Region. Participants
from unilateral distal radius fractures. Unilateral distal radius completed the Waterloo Handedness Questionnaire16 at the first
fractures represent an adequate clinical model to test the efficacy clinic visit to determine handedness. The 10-item questionnaire is
of cross-education due to the standard immobilization intervention scored from 20 to þ20, whereby negative scores indicate left-
of forearm casting for approximately 6 weeks. In our clinic, there handedness and positive scores indicate right-handedness. Partic-
is no rigorous therapeutic intervention prescribed for individuals ipant characteristics per group are shown in table 1.
beyond ROM exercises for the fractured limb, and potential
referral to physical therapy for more severe fractures. To our Study design
knowledge, there are no rehabilitation protocols that incorporate
a formal strength training program of the nonfractured side as part Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups using
of the recovery for the fractured side after distal radius fractures.11 a computer random number generator (see fig 1 for participant
enrollment flow diagram). Randomization was completed at the
first visit to the clinic by a researcher who did not conduct any of
the testing procedures. The orthopedic surgeon and all other testing
List of abbreviations:
staff were blinded to the randomization of groups to limit any bias,
ANOVA analysis of variance altered treatment, or encouragement during testing procedures.
MCAR missing completely at random
Group 1 participants received the standard clinical rehabilitation
PRWE Patient Rated Wrist Evaluation
protocol after a distal radius fracture and strength trained their
ROM range of motion
nonfractured limb throughout the duration of the study (Train), and
Cross-education after wrist fractures 1249

Table 1 Descriptive characteristics for all randomized participants

Number of
Waterloo Dominant/ Fractures
Handedness Casting Nondominant Repaired Number Attended
Group Age (y) Height (cm) Weight (kg) Score Period (d) Fracture Surgically Physiotherapy
Train (nZ27) 63.310.0 161.86.2 70.317.5 14.69.4 42.26.0 DominantZ12 9 7
Control (nZ24) 62.710.2 159.66.8 70.119.7 16.48.1 38.96.0 DominantZ13 2 7
NOTE. Values for age, height, weight, Waterloo Handedness Score, and casting period are mean  SD. Dominant/nondominant fracture, number of
surgeries, and number attended physiotherapy are frequencies per group. There are no significant differences between groups for any participant

Group 2 received the standard clinical rehabilitation protocol after from extra light (0.7–2.3kg) to extra heavy (4.1–14.1kg). In the
a distal radius fracture (Control). The standard clinical rehabili- event that the extra heavy handgrip trainersb were not strong
tation protocol included forearm casting; 6 visits to the fracture enough, participants used coil resistance handgrip trainersc to
clinic at weeks 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 26 postfracture; and the adoption progress their training. Each maximal handgrip contraction was
of 3 paper-based exercise protocols designed by a panel of phys- held for 3 seconds, and therefore was essentially isometric in
ical therapists targeting the fractured side (in cast, 6wk post- nature. Participants were instructed to increase resistance with the
fracture, and 9wk postfracture). The orthopedic surgeon coached coil resistance trainersc by beginning with the hand at the bottom
patients on each of the time-specific protocols at the appropriate of the handles, and to move the hand up (closer to the coil) as the
time. Standard rehabilitation began with active ROM exercises for exercises became less difficult. Strength was assessed for each
the neck, shoulder, elbow, fingers, and thumb while in the cast. participant to determine which handgrip trainer would begin the
Once the cast was removed, exercises focused on improving active training program. Progression in resistance was individually
and passive ROM of the fractured wrist and hand (ie, supination, determined and monitored throughout the study by telephone
pronation, flexion, extension). Stretching continued at 9 weeks calls and at subsequent visits. Participants completed the exer-
postfracture, and strengthening exercises were integrated into the cises 3 times per week, and recorded adherence in a training log
exercise regimen. Strengthening exercises such as wrist curls and monitored by the researchers. Participants had to complete at
gripping a soft ball/sponge/play dough were prescribed once per least 1 training session/week (on average) to be considered
day. Participants were instructed to complete the exercises 10 to 12 trained and included in the final data analysis. The strength
times per day. At 12 weeks postfracture, the patients were training intervention was unsupervised and conducted individu-
encouraged to continue with their exercises, and no formal limi- ally at home. Training participants were contacted via telephone
tations on their activity levels were imposed. The standard reha- biweekly to encourage adherence and to monitor training. To
bilitation protocol encouraged patients to continue these exercises ensure there was no effect of the phone calls on rehabilitation,
throughout recovery; however, no training log or formalized the control group participants were also called via telephone
regimen was implemented to track adherence. All exercises were biweekly and were asked how their wrist was feeling, and
to be completed at home, unsupervised on the patient’s own time, whether there had been any changes in their wrist since the last
with no prescribed exercises given to the nonfractured arm. time they were contacted.
Standard rehabilitation did not require patients to see a physio- All participants were tested at regular visits to the clinic
therapist, but some were referred by the orthopedic surgeon or by (weeks 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 26); however, the present study displays
their own family physician and attended physiotherapy on their results only from 4 time points: weeks 1 (1e2wk postfracture), 9,
own initiative (see table 1). 12, and 26. Weeks 3 and 6 were not included in the analysis
because only the nonfractured side could be measured at these
Training intervention time points for practical reasons.

The training group participants (Train) strength trained their Strength

nonfractured arm during the casting period and continued to
strength train their nonfractured arm throughout the follow-up Isometric grip strength was assessed using a calibrated hand
period (ie, 26wk total). The strength training intervention was dynamometer.d Testing was conducted with participants seated,
completed in addition to the standard clinical rehabilitation the shoulder completely adducted, elbow flexed at 90 , and the
protocol described above (Control). Strength training during the wrist in neutral position (palm facing medially). The peak value
casting period was progressive in nature, beginning with 2 sets of obtained from 3 maximal voluntary efforts was used for
8 repetitions and increasing up to a maximum of 5 sets of 8 comparison. The contractions were 3 seconds in duration with
repetitions of maximal voluntary effort handgrip contractions each contraction separated by a 1-minute rest. The nonfractured
as tolerated. extremity was always tested first. At week 1, grip strength was
Strength training of the nonfractured side began immediately assessed on the nonfractured side only. Week 9 (ie, 3wk after cast
after the first clinic visit. Handgrip training was performed using removal) was the first time point that participants were able to
standard handgrip trainersb to train finger, hand, and forearm complete a maximal contraction on the fractured side. Both sides
strength. The resistance levels in the handgrip trainers ranged were tested for strength at weeks 9, 12, and 26. Participants were
1250 C.R.A. Magnus et al

Fig 1 Participant enrollment flow diagram. Final n for TrainZ18. Final n for ControlZ21. All dropouts left the study prior to the 9-week
follow-up testing point; therefore, no data were collected on the fractured arm and dropouts were not included in the final analysis.

instructed to squeeze the dynamometer as hard as they could for adducted, and the elbow bent 90 . ROM was measured on the
the duration of the contraction and were given verbal encour- fractured limb only at weeks 9, 12, and 26.
agement at each trial. To minimize the learning effect, all
participants were familiarized with the dynamometer before the Patient Rated Wrist Evaluation
The Patient Rated Wrist Evaluation (PRWE)17 is a 15-item
questionnaire designed to assess wrist pain and function with
Range of motion activities of daily living. Respondents self-reported levels of wrist
pain and function using a scale ranging from 0 to 10 (0Zno pain/
Active ROM was assessed manually using a goniometer for wrist no difficulty; 10Zworst pain/unable to do activity). A total score
flexion, extension, supination, and pronation. Wrist flexion and was calculated by adding the responses for each question (best
extension scores were added together to give a combined flexion/ scoreZ0; worst scoreZ150). Results for the PRWE questionnaire
extension range. Supination and pronation were also added are shown for weeks 1, 9, 12, and 26. Week 1 was answered
together for a combined supination/pronation range. All measures as a retrospective prefracture score. Weeks 9, 12, and 26 were
were conducted with the participant seated, shoulder fully completed for the corresponding time point postfracture.
Cross-education after wrist fractures 1251

Data analysis differences between groups for strength at week 1. There was
a significant GroupTime interaction (F3,37Z4.01, PZ.009,
All data were analyzed using SPSS 20.0e and were checked for partial h2Z.098), and a significant TimeArm interaction
normality using skewness and kurtosis tests. The primary outcome (F3,37Z108.38, P<.001, partial h2Z.745). Post hoc analysis for
for the study was strength for the fractured arm, and secondary the fractured arm showed that there was a significant difference
outcomes were ROM and the PRWE questionnaire score for the between the training and control groups at 12 weeks postfracture
fractured arm. As described in the Consolidated Standards of (17.37.4kg and 11.85.8kg, respectively) (Bonferroni adjusted,
Reporting Trials statement, a modified intention-to-treat anal- P<.05/3Z.017) (fig 2). There were no significant strength
ysis18,19 was used to determine whether the trial would work in differences in the fractured arm between the training and control
a group of adhering participants. This was the first clinical trial groups at 9 (12.58.2kg; 11.36.9kg) or 26 weeks (23.07.6kg;
that attempted to apply cross-education in a wrist fracture setting, 19.65.5kg) postfracture, respectively. Week 1 was significantly
and future trials should use intention-to-treat analysis to determine different than all other time points for both the training group and
the outcome in both adhering and nonadhering participants once the control group in the fractured arm (Bonferroni adjusted for
the preliminary trial has been conducted. Group series mean was multiple comparisons, P<.05). For the fractured arm of the
used to replace missing data if they were determined to be missing training group, week 9 (12.58.2kg) was significantly different
completely at random (MCAR).20 Strength was analyzed using than week 12 (17.37.4kg) and weeks 9 and 12 were significantly
a Group (Train, Control)Time (Week 1, 9, 12, and 26)Arm different than week 26 (23.07.6kg) (Bonferroni adjusted for
(Fractured, Nonfractured) repeated-measures analysis of variance multiple comparisons, P<.05). For the fractured arm of the control
(ANOVA). Week 1 strength values for the nonfractured arm were group, weeks 9 (11.36.9kg) and 12 (11.85.8kg) were signifi-
used as week 1 strength values for the fractured arm. The non- cantly different than week 26 (19.65.5kg) (Bonferroni adjusted
fractured arm baseline measurement was also assumed as the for multiple comparisons, P<.05).
fractured arm baseline measurement because it was impossible to The nonfractured arm of the training group significantly
get a strength measure on the fractured arm at week 1. ROM increased strength from week 1 (28.16.0kg) to weeks 9
(fractured arm only) was analyzed using a Group (Train, Con- (30.86.9kg), 12 (30.76.5kg), and 26 (31.06.9kg) (Bonferroni
trol)Time (Week 9, 12, and 26) repeated-measures ANOVA. The adjusted for multiple comparisons, P<.05) (fig 3). The non-
PRWE questionnaire was analyzed using a Group (Train, Con- fractured arm of the control group significantly decreased strength
trol)Time (Week 1, 9, 12, and 26) repeated-measures ANOVA. from week 9 (26.94.4kg) to week 12 (24.94.4kg) (Bonferroni
Week 1 for the PRWE questionnaire was a retrospective pre- adjusted for multiple comparisons, P<.05). There was a significant
fracture score. If significant main effects or interactions were difference between groups at 9, 12, and 26 weeks for nonfractured
detected, simple main effects analysis continued using 1-way arm strength (P<.05), and when Bonferroni adjusted, week 12
ANOVA and Bonferroni adjustments. Bonferroni adjustments remained significantly different (P<.05/3ZP<.017). Raw strength
were made using SPSS programming where possible (identified by data can be viewed in table 3.
stating Bonferroni adjustments were made for multiple compari-
sons) or were adjusted for manually by dividing by the number of Range of motion
tests (ie, P<.05/3Z.017). Significance was accepted at P<.05.
Little’s MCAR test was used to determine that missing data for
Results ROM (c212Z11.75, PZ.466) were MCAR. There were a total of
24 of 234 missing data points for ROM (see table 2 for
Fifty-one women with an average age of 63.010.0 years, height a description of missing data). Therefore, group series means were
of 160.76.5cm, and weight of 70.218.4kg were randomized in used to replace all missing data.20 For ROM, there was a signifi-
the study (see fig 1 for participant enrollment flow diagram and cant GroupTime interaction for flexion/extension (F2,37Z8.20,
table 1 for participant characteristics). Of the 40 women who PZ.001, partial h2Z0.181) and a significant time main effect for
initiated the intervention or control period and completed the study,
there was one nonadherent participant in the training group who Table 2 Number of missing data points per group
did not complete the minimum requirement of strength training Week Week Week Week Total
sessions (at least 1 training session/week) and therefore was not Variable Group 1 9 12 26 Missing
included in the data analysis following a modified intention-to- Strength Train 0 1 1 0 21
treat18,19 approach. Dropouts were not included in the final data Control 0 5 8 6
analysis because all left the study before the 9-week follow-up Flexion/ Train NT 2 1 0 24
testing point; therefore, no data were collected on the fractured extension Control NT 2 4 3
arm (ie, no group comparisons could be made for the primary ROM
outcome). The final number of participants included in the analysis Supination/ Train NT 2 1 0
was 18 in the training group and 21 in the control group. pronation Control NT 2 4 3
Strength PRWE Train 7 1 0 2 28
questionnaire Control 8 3 2 5
Little’s MCAR test was used to determine that missing data for
NOTE. ROM was not tested at week 1. Train nZ18, Control nZ21. Table
strength (c232Z39.89, PZ.159) were MCAR. There were a total of
includes all participants in the final analysis. The total number of data
21 of 312 missing data points for strength (see table 2 for points for strength was 312, ROM 234, and PRWE questionnaire 156.
a description of missing data). Therefore, group series means were Abbreviation: NT, not tested.
used to replace all missing data.20 There were no significant
1252 C.R.A. Magnus et al

comparisons, P<.05). There were no other significant differences

for supination/pronation ROM (see fig 5). Raw ROM data can be
viewed in table 4.

Patient Rated Wrist Evaluation

Little’s MCAR test was used to determine that missing data for the
PRWE questionnaire (c220Z22.87, PZ.295) were MCAR. There
were a total of 28 of 156 missing data points for the PRWE
questionnaire (see table 2 for a description of missing data).
Therefore, group series means were used to replace all missing
data.20 There were no significant differences between groups at
Fig 2 Fractured limb handgrip strength (mean  SE). There was week 1 for the PRWE questionnaire. There was a time main effect
a significant GroupTime interaction, and a significant TimeArm pooled across group (F3,37Z48.93, P<.001, partial h2Z.569);
interaction for strength (P<.05). NOTE. Dotted line is week 1 non- however, there were no significant differences between the
fractured limb strength. *Significantly different than all other time training and control groups at 9 (54.239.0; 65.228.9), 12
points. **Significantly different than week 9. ***Significantly (36.437.2; 46.235.3), or 26 weeks (23.625.6; 19.416.5),
different than weeks 9 and 12 (adjusted for multiple comparisons, respectively (table 5). No other significant differences were found.
P<.05). #Significant difference between groups (Bonferroni-adjusted,
P<.05/3Z.017). Discussion
flexion/extension (F2,37Z30.09, P<.001, partial h2Z0.449) and The main finding of this study was that strength training the
supination/pronation (F2,37Z8.13, PZ.001, partial h2Z.180). nonfractured arm after a distal radius fracture improved strength
Post hoc analyses revealed that for flexion/extension ROM, there and ROM at 12 weeks postfracture in the fractured arm. These
was a significant difference between the training group results demonstrate that cross-education strength training may be
(100.5 19.2 ) and the control group (80.2 28.7 ) at 12 weeks beneficial to older women in recovery after a distal radial fracture.
postfracture (Bonferroni adjusted, P<.05/3Z.017) (fig 4). There To our knowledge, this is the first randomized controlled trial to
were no significant differences between the training and control demonstrate the efficacy of cross-education of strength in a clin-
groups for flexion/extension ROM at 9 (78.0 20.7 ; ical setting involving limb fractures. These results have potential
81.7 25.7 ) or 26 weeks (104.4 15.5 ; 106.0 26.5 ) (see fig for changing current rehabilitation protocols in the early recovery
4) or for supination/pronation ROM at 9 (153.9 23.9 ; stages after distal radius fracture, following further investigation.
151.8 33.0 ), 12 (170.9 9.3 ; 156.7 20.8 ), or 26 weeks The study showed that the training group had a quicker
(169.4 11.9 ; 162.818.1 ), respectively (fig 5). For flexion/ recovery in both strength and ROM on the fractured limb than the
extension in the training group, week 9 (78.1 20.7 ) was control group. The control group had a 4.4% increase in strength
significantly different than weeks 12 (100.5 19.2 ) and 26 from week 9 to week 12, whereas the training group had a 38.4%
(104.4 15.5 ) (see fig 4) (Bonferroni adjusted for multiple increase in strength from week 9 to week 12 (see fig 2). The
comparisons, P<.05). For the control group, weeks 9 difference between the training and control groups is approxi-
(81.7 25.7 ) and 12 (80.2 28.7 ) were significantly different mately 34%; therefore, the effect of the training could be per-
than week 26 (106.0 26.5 ) (Bonferroni adjusted for multiple ceived as a 34% difference in recovery of strength between 9 and
12 weeks. The average transfer of strength in healthy, non-
immobilization cross-education studies is 52% of the strength in
the trained limb.2 Carroll et al2 suggested that if cross-education
were applied in a rehabilitation setting, the effect may be small
and not show significant improvements in activities of daily living.
Although a strength training effect was found, this did not transfer
to significant differences between the groups for the PRWE
questionnaire score. Results for flexion/extension ROM showed
that the control group had a slight decline in range of 1.8% from
9 to 12 weeks postfracture and the training group showed an
increase in range of 28.7% (see fig 4). This indicates that the
control group had no improvement in flexion/extension ROM from
9 to 12 weeks whereas the training group was almost fully
recovered by 12 weeks postfracture.
The decline in strength after wrist fracture is comparable with
Fig 3 Nonfractured limb handgrip strength (mean  SE). There was other literature investigating grip strength after wrist fractures.21
a significant GroupTime interaction, and a significant TimeArm Földhazy et al21 found that grip strength after 12 weeks of distal
interaction for strength (P<.05). *Significantly different than week 1. radius fracture was approximately 65% of the nonfractured limb,
**Significantly different than week 9 (adjusted for multiple compar- whereas our results showed that grip strength was 62% of the
isons, P<.05). #Significant difference between groups (unadjusted). nonfractured limb for the training group and 45% for the control
Significant difference between groups (Bonferroni-adjusted, P<.05/ group. At 26 weeks postfracture, Földhazy21 showed that strength
3Z.017). was 76% of the nonfractured limb, and the training and control
Cross-education after wrist fractures 1253

Table 3 Raw handgrip strength data (kg)

Nonfractured Arm Fractured Arm
Group Week 1 Week 9 Week 12 Week 26 Week 1 Week 9 Week 12 Week 26
y y
Train (nZ18) 28.16.0 30.86.9* 30.76.5 31.06.9* 28.16.0 12.58.2 17.37.4 23.07.6
Control (nZ21) 26.45.0 26.94.4 24.94.4 27.05.0 26.45.0 11.36.9 11.85.8 19.65.5
NOTE. Values are mean  SD. Only significant differences between groups are displayed in the table. Week 1 strength for the fractured arm was not
measured; therefore, values are borrowed from the nonfractured arm at week 1.
* Significant difference between groups (unadjusted, P<.05).
Significant difference between groups (Bonferroni-adjusted, P<.05/3Z.017).

groups values were 82% and 74%, respectively. Although the training group showed an average increase of 9.6% in strength
studies have similar changes in strength, it is difficult to directly (average from weeks 9, 12, and 26). This increase in strength is
compare the 2 studies considering Földhazy et al’s21 study comparable to that in Farthing et al’s6 study, which showed
included participants with only nonsurgical fractures and the a 10.7% increase in handgrip strength in the trained limb using
present study included participants with both surgical and a supervised laboratory-based training program. The present study
nonsurgical fractures. is also novel because of the unsupervised, at-home strength
Significant differences in strength between the training and training program. Cross-education strength training studies have
control groups were evident at 12 weeks postfracture, roughly 6 typically been completed in supervised controlled laboratory
weeks after the immobilization period ended. Why significant environments. Therefore, a 9.6% increase in strength from an
differences were shown at 12 weeks and not 9 weeks is unknown. at-home grip strength program demonstrates that this type of
It is possible that at 9 weeks postfracture, participants were still training is quite feasible in a clinical environment where super-
very sore, and potentially so sore that the pain during a handgrip vised training is more difficult or impossible.
contraction prevented comfortable and maximal strength testing. Cross-education is known to produce contralateral limb
At 12 weeks postfracture, the participants may have been much strength adaptations following unilateral training; however, there
more comfortable completing a maximal handgrip test, which may is no apparent evidence to suggest that cross-education strength
have accounted for the significant difference at 12 weeks. training can produce increases in ROM of an opposite limb. The
Cross-education literature from noninjury settings has shown present study showed that the training group had significantly
the effect occurs in training programs varying from 3 to 8 weeks in improved wrist flexion/extension ROM at 12 weeks postfracture
duration1,22-24; therefore, it may be expected that significant compared with the control group. Evidence is limited in exam-
effects would be shown before 12 weeks postfracture (ie, at 9 ining the effects of cross-education on ROM. Although Nelson
weeks). Perhaps if participants were tested weekly for strength et al25 investigated the effect of unilateral stretching on strength in
between weeks 9 and 12, significant differences may have been the opposite limb, to our knowledge there are no studies that have
shown before 12 weeks postfracture. The significant effect at 12 investigated the effect of unilateral strength training on ROM in
weeks may be due to the time course of the injury itself, which the opposite limb. More research is needed to determine whether
could have altered the neurologic transfer in strength that would cross-education strength training can produce increased ROM in
normally be shown in cross-education training without an injury. the opposite limb.
More research is needed to further investigate the time course and There were no significant differences between groups for
mechanisms behind these effects in a clinical setting. supination/pronation ROM. This is likely due to the quick
Importantly, the cross-education home-based strength training recovery of supination/pronation for both groups, and a ceiling
program effectively increased strength in the nonfractured hand effect for the total ROM. The training group already had a range
of the training group from week 1 to weeks 9, 12, and 26. The of 153.9 at 9 weeks postfracture and improved to 169.4 at
26 weeks postfracture. Similarly, the control group had a range of
151.8 at 9 weeks and 162.8 at 26 weeks postfracture.

Fig 4 Flexion/extension ROM for fractured hand only (mean  SE).

*Significantly different than week 9. **Significantly different than
weeks 9 and 12 (adjusted for multiple comparisons, P<.05). #Significant Fig 5 Supination/pronation ROM for fractured hand only (mean  SE).
difference between groups (Bonferroni-adjusted, P<.05/3Z.017). No significant differences.
1254 C.R.A. Magnus et al

Table 4 Raw ROM data (degrees)

Flexion/Extension Supination/Pronation
Group Week 9 Week 12 Week 26 Week 9 Week 12 Week 26
Train (nZ18) 78.020.7 100.519.2* 104.415.5 153.923.9 170.99.3 169.411.9
Control (nZ21) 81.725.7 80.228.7 106.026.5 151.833.0 156.720.8 162.818.1
NOTE. Values are mean  SD. Only significant differences between groups are displayed in the table.
* Significant difference between groups (Bonferroni-adjusted, P<.05/3Z.017).

There were no significant differences between the training and important because it points toward the possibility of a global
control groups for the PRWE questionnaire scores (see table 5). strength decline in both arms after a unilateral distal radius frac-
Significant differences were likely not detected because of the ture when attempting to implement the current clinical practice.
high variability of the measure. Based on current data, there is no This may suggest that patients may not be adhering to the standard
evidence to suggest that the cross-education intervention had rehabilitation program. Compliance to the standard rehabilitation
a significant impact on self-reported pain and function during program was not recorded and is not part of the standard clinical
activities of daily living of the fractured limb, despite evidence for practice; therefore, there was no indication of adherence to the
improved strength and ROM. The PRWE questionnaire is the most standard rehabilitation program for either group, which is an
commonly used instrument for evaluating outcome in patients additional limitation to the study.
with distal radius fractures26; however, it may not be sensitive Another potential limitation is that we did not account for the
enough to detect small changes between groups. A more direct effect of physical therapy or surgery in the analysis. Conveniently,
measure of function may be necessary to accurately assess the of the participants included in the final data analysis, the number
effects on recovery. The minimal clinically important difference, who attended physical therapy was very similar between groups
defined as the minimum change in a score that indicates a mean- (Train 6; Control 7); therefore, this even distribution should not
ingful difference for the patient,27 may be more relevant for have affected the results if the physical therapy treatments re-
evaluating changes in function. The minimal clinically important ceived in each group were similar. The number of surgeries for
difference for the PRWE questionnaire is a change of 24 points participants included in the final data analysis was 6 in the training
(16%).28 The training group had a change of 30.6 points from 9 to group and 2 in the control group. The small sample size limited
26 weeks, and the control group had a change of 45.8 points from the ability to separate out the number of participants who received
9 to 26 weeks, indicating that both groups had a clinical surgery in the data analysis, which is a limitation of the study. We
improvement in self-reported function by 26 weeks. were unable to do any subgroup analyses because of the small
sample size. Further analysis could have consisted of dividing by
age, and surgical/nonsurgical fractures. Future studies may
Study limitations
investigate these factors and may also look at a longer term of
follow-up to determine the effects on overall function.
One limitation of the present study is we cannot be absolutely
certain that the training group completed the exercises as pre-
scribed. The training program was taught to the intervention group Conclusions
at the initial visit to the clinic and was completed unsupervised at
the participants’ homes. Training logs were given out to track This intervention study found that strength training the non-
adherence and monitor progression. This self-monitored at-home fractured limb was associated with significantly improved strength
program was chosen because it could be implemented in such and ROM in the fractured limb via cross-education in the early
a manner that would decrease participant travel burden and stages of rehabilitation. This study marks a crucial advancement in
decrease clinical visits. Despite the unsupervised nature of the the field because, to the best of our knowledge, it is the first
program and some uncertainty regarding adherence (ie, self-report randomized controlled trial to demonstrate that training of
training logs), it was effective for increasing strength. Arguably a homologous noninjured limb may benefit an immobilized,
the strength increase for the training group participants was partly injured limb. These findings may have potential implications for
due to using their nonfractured arm more than normal for daily altering the current clinical rehabilitation protocols after wrist
activities. However, the control group participants would have also fractures. More investigations are warranted before changes to
used their nonfractured arm the same amount as the training group clinical practice can be recommended. Future research may
participants, and the control group participants showed a signifi- investigate cross-education effects in other types of injuries, the
cant decrease in strength from week 9 to week 12. This is effects over longer follow-up, and the mechanisms behind the
effect. This work adds to the recent translational study by Dragert
Table 5 PRWE questionnaire scores and Zehr29 where strength training of the less-affected limb was
Group Week 1 Week 9 Week 12 Week 26
effective for inducing bilateral neuromuscular plasticity in chronic
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Train (nZ18) 3.14.2 54.239.0 36.437.2 23.625.6
Control (nZ21) 6.46.0 65.228.9 46.235.3 19.416.5
NOTE. Values are mean  SD. There are no significant differences.
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a. G Power 3.1, Department of Experimental Psychology, Hein-
score. Weeks 9, 12, and 26 are postfracture scores for corresponding
time point.
rich-Heine-University, 40225 Düsseldorf, Germany. Software
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