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Lopez Darce

Loch Ness Monster Poses for Video

The Loch Ness monster has returned in the clearest video to date, almost as if it were posing for the camera. Gordon Holmes of Yorkshire captured the creature on camera, after he saw an utterly black object moving through the water. It was about forty-five feet long, and continued on a fairly straight course. "I couldn't believe my eyes!" he is quoted as saying, and first thought it to be a very large eel. Nessie watcher Adrian Shine saw the video clip, and quickly stated that it represented some of the clearest footage he had ever seen. He hoped to have the chance to carefully analyze the video in upcoming months. In fact, the video was so clear that the BBC in Scotland aired it during the news--and it wasn't the late late news either. Instead the BBC showed the clip during their main news broadcast. The first picture of Nessie dates to 1930, and since then there have been over 4,000 purported sightings. Some people think locals concocted the picture and story in order to bring in tourists to the Highlands. Others swear that the creature isn't a hoax, but the real deal. Believers admit that they don't know what the creature could be, perhaps an unknown species, or a sturgeon, possibly even the last surviving dinosaur! Nessie has become the national emblem of Scotland. There's big business in the myth, too, as tourists purchase Nessie t-shirts and cuddly dolls. Some are already wondering if this isn't a publicity stunt for the summer tourist season.

True or False?: Guess (before the article) or answer (after the article) whether the sentence is true or false. If false, correct the sentence. a. Gordon Holmes caught the Loch Ness monster. T / F b. The Loch Ness monster has been proven to be real. T / F c. Some people believe that the Loch Ness monster was created to bring tourists to the Highlands. T / F d. Some people believe that the Loch Ness monster is the last dinosaur. T / F e. The Loch Ness monster brings in a lot of money. T / F Questions: Answer the questions to check comprehension. a. What did Gordon Holmes catch? b. How did Holmes describe the monster? c. What did the BBC do? Why? d. How many sightings have there been since 1930? e. Why is Nessie big business for Scotland? Infer: Answer the questions in pairs/groups. Remember to support your answers! a. Did you like this article? b. What was your general impression after reading this article? c. Do you think the Loch Ness monster is real? d. What do you think about other myths, like Bigfoot or vampires? e. Would you be surprised if the Loch Ness monster were real? Why/not? f. Would you be surprised if someone caught the Loch Ness monster? Why/not? g. What would you do if you saw the Loch Ness monster? How about Bigfoot? How about a vampire? h. Are there any mysterious creatures like this from your country? Please explain. i. Would you consider hunting for the Loch Ness monster, or other mysterious creatures? Why/not? j. Would you consider donating money to hunt for Nessie? How about other creatures? Why/not? Vocabulary: remember how the words were used in today's article. Write a sentence of your own for each word below. a. utterly c. footage e. purported g. hoax i. emblem b. quoted d. aired f. concocted h. species j. cuddly

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