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Schools are no longer necessary because children can get so much information available through the
internet, and they can study just as well at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Perhaps the majority of people would agree that our schools is no longer effective in order to educate
our younger generation . however , some people believe old system still have it unique benefits . i
strongly agree with this notion and my opinion will be discussed in further paragraphs with suitable

supporting my opinion , in world we are living and with presence of internet globally and platforms such
as youtube , people can easily learn new stuff and self educate themselves in lesser time . for instance,
instead of spending many hours in order to reach you cooking class or learning mathematics in
classroom filled with 20 students , you can wake up in morning have your coffee and start learning at
your flat with more comfortable condition compare to school environment in lesser time .

additionally , old-fashion educational system in our schools usually suffer from limited resources . for
example , students from each class usually are educated by only one teacher for a year however , you
can find unlimited resources online which offers a variety of topic areas suitable for people of different

In conclusion , i believe our schools should go toward online and self educational platforms since it has
more benefits compare to old system .

Many people believe that countries should produce food for all their population eats and import food
as little as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree
perhaps the majority of people believe that governments needs to mainly focus on production of the
food for their own people instead of importing it . I strongly agree with this notion and my reasons will
be discussed in the further paragraphs with suitable conclusion

to support my opinion , the food grown in the nation are more affordable compare to the ones get
imported since they usually tax free and people don’t need to pay for international transportation and
fees . As a result , local grown items are more widely available with less price . For example , iran is the
major source of saffron worldwide and the price of this luxurious item is much more cheaper compare
to european countries .

additionally , when governments push their residence toward improving the domestic agriculture and
production , it will increase their farmers income . Moreover , it results in huge boost in their country
economy status . A very good example is china which support domestic agriculture industry which
followed with economic growth over 45% over for past decade .

In conclusion , I believe governments needs to support their domestic farmers and agricultural industry
since it has major positive economical impact it bring with itself to any nation
Some people think that outdoor activities are more beneficial for children’s development than playing
computer games. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Perhaps the majority of people tend to believe that children gain more benefits when they spend more
time outside of house instead of playing computer games all day . I strongly agree with this notion and
my reasons will be discussed in further paragraphs with suitable conclusion

supporting my opinion , nowadays number of medical cases regarding the child health increased in
past 20 years . Studies revealed that children between 7 to 16 years old suffer from medical conditions
such as diabetes and obesity due to sedentary life style they have as a consequence of playing video
games all the time .

Additionally , one of the major benefits of playing outdoors is improving the child communication and
character development and absence of this important will result in problem in child growth and may
results in development of psychological issues such as depression . Furthermore it is necessary for
parents to encourage their child to spend more time outdoor and limit their usage on gaming consoles

in conclusion , I believe lack of inactivity results in major health and growth problems such metabolic
and mental disorders and several measures need to be taken in order to limit the access of children
toward this platforms and push childrens toward more active lifestyle
Para + and ....
problem + soloution + exapmle
Proble + solo + example
Conclu ( to conclude ... although this is .... yet both ... )

Many historical sites and museums are mainly  visited by tourists, not local people. Why is this the
case? What can be done to attract local people  to visit these historical  sites and museums ?

The lack of intrest toward museum and historical places among local people has raised many concerns .
in this essay i will discuss the reasons behind this trend and will suggest mesures that need to be taken
in order to overcome this issue .

On of the major root regarding this issue is consider to be lack of intrest from the local people since they
already familiar with the cultural and historical values of that area however , these value is totally new
among the outsiders . most of the local people are already tend to see these places once and they are
not interested to visit the same place several time . furthermore , the historical sites and meusims tend
to have a entrance fee which is another reason since people not willing to pay again to visit the same
location .

there are many steps needs to be taken in order to overcome this issue . firstly , planing a science trip to
these wonders could increase the interested among the locals to visit museums and historical place
again as group . secondly , implanting free entrance policy in combination with music or art festivals can
bring people back to these places more often

To conclude, local people do not enjoy visiting museums or historical places because there is not much
they can learn from these places, on other hand , foreigners are curious to learn more and more about
their destinations The government can encourage more natives to visit by conducting interesting
programs like exhibitions at these places and offering free entry tickets .
Many people are migrating to other countries each year in recent years. Immigration has a major
impact on societ What are the main reasons for immigration? What consequences can it lead?

Nowadays , the number of people tend to migrate into new country increased worldwide . in this essay i
will discuss reasons behind this trend and will discuss the consequences it will bring in our world .

One the major roots regarding this trend is due to high job availability in the county of origin with higher
salary compare to their country of resident . for instance , studies showed that the majority of migrants
from middle eastern countries tend to migrate to canada due to lack of human resources in IT and
Industrial section . moreover , safety is the major concern in these countries since this region suffer from
many wars and violence . as a consequence , citizens from these countries tend to migrate to much
more safer place which can have a normal life with their family . for example , over 85% of immigrants in
europe are from syria which suffer from domestic war past 8 years .

this new trend have both negative and positive effect on society . firstly , the major cultural difference
will be develope in country of origin . for instance , hijab became a high concern among french people
since the number of muslims which covering their hair and body has rised concern among french
people. Also , migration of elites and workers from their country result in lost of work power in their
country of origin which stop the growth and development in these countries

in conclusion , migration has become a big obstacles in our world these days due to lack of safety and
having better job oppurtonities and it has both positive and negative effect on cultural and workpower
adv / dis adv

People nowadays send text messages more frequently than they talk on the phone. What are the
reasons for this trend? Do the advantages of texting outweigh the disadvantages?

In recent years , the majority of people prefer to communicate by sending text massages instead of
calling their friends and families . Although there might be several advantages regarding this trend .
However I believe the downsides overcome the benefits in this case

to begin with downsides , one of the major factors regarding the expression of emotion among people is
by verbal communication . For instance , expressing love to your loved ones can be seen thorught the
facial expression and eyes of that person and using text message might lead to misinterpretation of
these emotions , for example , saying I love you to your mom in person or by phone will make her more
happy compare to just sending text to her on her birthday

despite the downside , sending short massages tend to save more time . For example , doctors can easily
inform their patients drug instructions by sending text to them in less than minute instead of spending a
lots of time in order to call them individually and instruct them on by one .

In conclusion ,there is no doubt about the advantages of using short messages such as time saving .
However, disadvantages such as lack of expressing emotion and communication jave more negarive
effect in our life .
Newspapers have an enormous influence on people’s opinions and ideas. Do you think it is a positive
or negative situation?

Nowadays , a majority of people opinion tend to be effected mostly by the newspapers compare to
other platforms . Although there are several advantages regarding this trend , however , I believe the
downsides overcome the benefits in this case .

To begin with benefits , newspapers tend to provide more information in such small form factor
compare to other platforms and can allow the readers to evaluate the news by themselves from their
own perspective . For instance , high number of newspapers means increase expression of different
voices in time of election and allow people to read and make decision regarding their choices freely with
more information .

However , the majority of newspapers suffer from lack of independence since they are lead or under
influence of state government .moreover , this will result in lack of freedom of speech and expression of
news the way that rulers benefits the most out of it . For instance , all the media and newspapers in
IRAN lead by the governmental organizations which result suppression of oppositions voice on that
country . Furthermore , newspapers became a main false advertisment tool for the businesses . For
example , the number of journalist which sell their story to the higher price in order to promote as
review or product are increased these days and results in spread fake news with false reviews in
society .

In conclusion , despite the advantage newspapers bring in our life , I believe the downside overcome the
benefits of it presence such as brainwash people and quite the opposition voice in non democratic
countries .
Some people think that modern games can help children develop a wide range of skills, but others
argue that traditional games can be much better for developing such skills. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?

Perhaps the majority of people believe that traditional games are more useful for growth and
development of children compare to modern games . I firmly agree with both of ideas regarding this
notion and my reasons will be discussed in further paragraphs .

On the one hand , traditional games seems to be more active and need to be done in groups . For
instance , playing hide and seeks make children to run and jump during the game . Moreover , old
fashioned games will improve the communication skills of children . A very example is traditional board
games called who iam ? Which contain many questions in order to challenge boys and grils mind to
answear the questions correctly in order to go to next step and win the game .

On the other hand , modern games are more complicated and will be done by using specific tools such
as joysticks which may result in skill improvement . However , the downsides these games bring to
children lives are overcome the advantages . For example , those kids tend to play video games more
than active ones will have sedentary life style which lead them to suffer from obesity , lack of
communication or depression .

In conclusion , I believe the are much more advantages in traditional games such as healthy and active
life style and improvement in communication skills compare to modern ones with minor positive effect
and its is necessary for parents to encourage their children to be more active and lead them toward the
games which they used to be playing in old times .
Many students find it difficult to focus at school nowadays. What are the reasons for this? What can
be done to solve this problem?

The lack of concentration among the students in schools has rised many concerns . In this essay I will
discuss the main reasons regarding this issue and will suggest sevaral measurs need to be taken in order
to overcome this issue .

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