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Understanding Data and Ways to ● It can filter out external factors and

Systematically Collect Them produce unbiased results.

● It can be used to verify qualitative
Research Design research and narrow down possible
● Serves as the structure of your results.
study. ● Variables can easily be manipulated.
● It gives direction to the study and Disadvantages of Quantitative Research
makes your research more Design

systematized. ● It can take plenty of time to collect
● Each design has different purposes, data.

the one you choose can potentially ● It can be difficult and expensive to
affect your findings. do.

● Two main research designs are ● It requires statistical analysis and
Quantitative Research and this can be difficult for some people

Qualitative Research. to do.
Sampling ● There is very little room for
● The process of selecting and getting C uncertainty.
the respondents of the study at the Types of Quantitative Research Design
minimum cost such that resulting ● Descriptive Research Design - It is to

observations will be representative describe the status of an identified

of the entire population. variable such as events, people, or
Quantitative Analysis subjects as they exist.
● Is the technique utilized for ● Correlational Research - aims to

analyzing the data gathered. Analysis study the connection between two
of data may be statistical in nature variables. The researchers would
or it may be deterministic. want to know how a certain variable

Quantitative Research Design can affect the other. This is different

● This type of design uses statistical from causation; There may be no

analysis and mathematical direct cause-and-effect relationship

computations in order to generate a between the variables.
conclusion. They commonly follow a ● Experimental Research - this type of

similar format with a few minor research is based on a formed

alterations depending on the type of hypothesis. It aims to prove or
study and approach to be used. disprove the hypothesis.
Advantages of Quantitative Research
Design Designs that would allow
● It is a good way to verify results. this kind of control
● Pre-test/Post Test Control ● Survey Research - this type of
Group - the design requires research uses interviews,
two groups of equivalent questionnaires, polls, and other
standing in terms of a similar instruments in order to
criterion measure. E.G. gather data. These are usually
Achievement or Mental distributed to a random sample in a
Ability. population in order to obtain
● Single Group accurate data. Data can be collected

Pretest/Posttest Design - in a variety of ways: In person, on
used in experimental social media, e-mail, on the phone,

conditions where a limited and many more.
number of subjects are ● Causal-Comparative Research - This

available. type of research is used in order to
● Solomon Four Group Design verify a suspected cause-and-effect

- in this design, the subjects relationship between variables. It
are randomly assigned to compares the variable but it does
two study groups and two C not focus on the relationship.
control groups.
Factors Affecting the Experimental Sample - it is a small part of the population.

Plan It is meant to represent that population as a

1. History whole for the study that is being conducted.
2. Maturation - In large populations, not all the
3. Testing members can be

4. Mortality interviewed/surveyed/etc. It would

5. Interaction Effects be impossible to cover an extremely
6. Measuring Instruments large group. A sample is used in

7. Statistical Regression order to make data collection easier

8. Differential Selection and possible to do.

9. John Henry Effect - an Advantages of Sampling

experimental bias which ● Lessens the amount of respondents
pertains to the tendency of thus reducing the costs of the

the subjects in the control research and making data collection

group to perceive themselves much easier and faster.
at a disadvantage, thus ● Researchers can manipulate and
working harder to control data better in using a sample
outperform the experimental as opposed to studying the entire
group. population.
● Easier to avoid errors and analyze ● Stratified Sampling - the population
data with smaller numbers. is divided into different groups then
Disadvantages of Sampling the researchers would take an
● There could be some biases in unequal number of people to
selecting the sample due to some represent each of the groups.
external factors out of the ● Systematic Sampling - All of the
researcher’s control or because of members of the group are listed and
the researchers themselves. numbered. The researchers then

● Sampling would require the take every nth member of a
researcher to know about statistics population. This can represent the

in order to analyze and collect the entire population but it is difficult to
data correctly. do. (With Interval)

Different Sampling Methods
● Opportunity Sampling - this type of Instrumentation

sampling is also known as ● An important part of the research
Convenience Sampling. This method study because the quality of
involves selecting respondents who C research output depends to a large
are willing to participate in the extent on the quality of instruments
study. This is the fastest way to used.

collect data but it is prone to biases. ● Instrumentation refers to the

In addition, the researchers cannot process of using the instruments
claim that their sample represents planned by the researchers.
the entire population. ● Instrument is the generic term that

● Voluntary Response Sampling - type researchers use for a measurement

of sample made by self-chosen device like a survey test,
participants. These participants questionnaire and many more.

volunteer to take part in different ● Instruments are the data-gathering

research studies to share their devices that will be used in the

opinions on topics that interest study. It is a testing device for

them. measuring a given phenomenon.
● Simple Random Sampling - every

single member of the population has Researcher-Co Subject-Comple

an equal chance to get selected as a mpleted ted Instruments
respondent. It requires the Instruments
researcher to name or number the
Rating Scales Questionnaires
entire population and select
randomly from them. Interview Self-checklists
s objectives of the
Tally sheets Attitude scales ● Format and Data Analysis -
involves writing the
Flowcharts Personality
inventories statements and questions.
You will develop a way to
Performance Achievement/a measure and quantify the
checklists ptitude tests data that you will gather.

Time-and-motio Projective These are called the scales of
n logs devices measurement. You will also

create a format for your
Observation Sociometric questionnaire; this includes

forms Devices
your medium, the layout, the
font style, and the font size.
Steps in Instrumentation

● Establishing Validity –
Development involves looking over your
● Background – involves C draft and making sure that it
looking into the purpose, will be able to measure the
objectives, research data correctly and properly.
questions, and hypothesis of

The following questions can

your research to have a good serve as a guide for you to
idea of what type of data to make sure that the
collect questionnaire is done

● Questionnaire correctly:
Conceptualization – involves ○ Is the questionnaire
formulating some questions valid? In other words,
and statements for the

is the questionnaire
questionnaire measuring what it

○ The contents from intended to measure?

the framework and ○ Does it represent the
the review of related content?

literature are ○ Is it appropriate for

converted into the
questions that can be sample/population?
used to gather data. ○ Is the questionnaire
Questions must also comprehensive
be aligned with the enough to collect all
the information
needed to address ● Secondary Data – collected by
the purpose and goals someone else and has already
of the study? passed statistical processes
○ Does the instrument Methods of Collecting Primary Data
look like a ● Observation
questionnaire? ○ Attempts to understand
● Establishing Reliability – cause-and-effect
involves making sure that the relationships

questionnaire is reliable. This ○ Executed by the observer
means making sure that the going directly to the field to

questionnaire is accurate and observe the surroundings to
precise in collecting and gather data

measuring data. In order to ● Different Types of Observation
do this, the researchers can ○ Structured Observations –

do a pilot test, wherein they when observation is done by
will give out the characterizing the style of
questionnaire to a few C recording the observed
people to make sure that it information, standardized
will perform correctly. conditions of observation,

○ Determine the the definition of the units to

purpose. be observed, selection of
○ Decide what you are applicable data of
measuring. observation

○ Know your ○ Unstructured Observation –

respondents. observation is done without
○ Choose a collecting planning before observation

method (online, ○ Participant Observation –

face-to-face the observer is part of the

interviews, group in which he is

telephone). observing
○ Important: Questions ○ Non-participant Observation

in the instrument – the observer is observing

must be based on people without giving any
your research notice or information to
questions. them
Types of Data ○ Uncontrolled observation –
● Primary Data – first-hand data when the observation is
done in a natural setting and
is done to get spontaneous (e.g. phone survey, mall
results intercept)
○ Controlled observation – Data Analysis
when an observation takes ● A process of inspecting, cleaning,
place in accordance with transforming, and modeling data
planning with the with the goal of underlining
experimental procedure essential information, suggesting
● Interview conclusions, and supporting decision

○ An oral verbal method in making
which the interviewer asks ● The process which follows data

questions directly to the collection.
interviewee which aims to Steps in Analyzing Quantitative Data

get information relevant to ● Data Cleaning: Collected data passes
the study through the process of cleaning to

○ Can be conducted remove ambiguous elements.
face-to-face or by telephone Content analysis is also applied to
○ Can be in-depth, C capture information from the
semi-structured, or open-ended questions which are
unstructured, depending on subject to quantification in a

the information being sought quantitative research.

● Data Coding: Refers to the process
of assigning numerals or other
symbols to answers so that

● Survey responses can be put into a limited

○ One of the common methods number of categories (Connelly,
of diagnosing and solving 2000, in Arcinas 2016).

social problems ○ A vital step that transforms

○ Captures information collected data into values

through the input of suitable for computer and

responses to a research statistical analysis (Excel and
instrument containing statistical packages like SAS

questions (i.e. such as a and SPSS).

questionnaire ○ SPSS (Statistical Package for
○ Information can be put either the Social Sciences) - used in
to the respondents statistical analysis (Stanford).
themselves (e.g. complete ○ SAS (Statistical Analysis
online survey) or the System) - programming
researcher can input the data language and has a suite
developed for advanced data analyzed, suggested and not an
analytics (North Carolina exaggeration. Statements that are
State University). not justified by the data do
● Data Presentation: Tables and undermine the credibility of what is
figures are used to summarize the being presented. As such,
coded data. When using computer interpretation should be done in
programs such as MS Excel or context and supported by literature.
Advanced statistical packages like Methodology Section

SPSS or Minitab Software, functions ● It is the core of every paper as it is
are provided within the program for proof that the scientific method was

summarizing data into either tables used. Through this section, their
or figures. study’s validity is judged. The

○ Quantitative data is methodology must answer two
summarized in order to help questions:

the process of data ● How did you collect or generate the
presentation which involves data?
the use of descriptive C ● How did you analyze the data?
statistics such as frequencies, ● Be direct and precise.
percentages, means, and ● It should include enough

standard deviation. information so the readers could

○ Data are also presented using repeat the experiment and evaluate
inferential statistics such as whether the results are
t-tests, Analysis of Variance reproducible.

(ANOVA), Multiple Analysis Parts of the Methodology Section

of Variance (MANOVA), Introduction of the Chapter.
regression, factor analysis ● Write the coverage of the chapter.

among others depending on What will be discussed?

the study design. Research Design.

● Data Interpretation and Discussion: ● Write about the title of the

It involves the provision of investigation and the kind of
comments on the results obtained research design that will be used.

from the investigation. It is done ● Write also a conceptual definition of

based on the key findings of the the research design and write also
study. Interpretation requires deep what it intends to measure.
understanding of literature and ● Cite your source after the definition.
issues under investigation. The Research Setting
interpretation of the data must be ● Write the place where the study will
within the framework of what the be conducted.
● Indicate the population/respondents ● To whom permission will be
of the study. secured?
● Write a brief description about the ● What will be done with the collected
respondents of the study. data?
Research Subjects ● How will the data be analyzed?
● Write where your sample population Statistical Treatment.
will be taken. ● What statistical treatment will be
● Write your sample population and used to answer each of the research

any limitation/restriction, if any (e.g. questions (if applicable)?
at least 1 year of stay in school, at ● Write the formula for each and the

least 1 year teaching experience, source for the formula.
etc.) ● It is important to give the reason for

● Write about those who will not be choosing the Statistical analysis and
included in your study (e.g. those for what purpose.

who are holding administrative
positions will not be included, those
who are irregular students will not C
be included, etc.)
● Include a table if needed to show

the breakdown of your respondents.

Research Instruments.
● Write the name/title of the
instrument to be used in your study.

● Write a description of the

instrument. What is it, what it
intends to measure, what are its

● Write something about its validity

and reliability.
● Write about what will be the scoring

● Write how the scores will be

Data Gathering Procedure.
● Discuss how the researcher will be
gathering data (distribution and

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