TRF Autolyzer ND Rev02

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Diagnostic reagent for the quantitative in vitro determination of Transferrin (TRF) in human serum by turbidimetric assay

A00515M 1 x 10 ml Transferrin Antibody Reagent

5 x 25 PBS Buffer
automated Test Procedure without Sample Dilution
manual Test Procedure with/without Sample Dilution

A00515A 1 x 10 ml Transferrin Antibody Reagent

5 x 25 ml PEG4 Buffer
automated Test Procedure with Sample Dilution

Additionally offered:
A00960 5 x 1 ml Transferrin Calibrator 5 level series
A00580 1 x 1 ml Protein Calibrator High
A00703 1 x 5 ml Protein Calibrator High
A00590 1 x 1 ml Protein Control
A00800 1 x 5 ml Protein Control
A08591 1 x 1 ml Protein Control Low
A08823 1 x 5 ml Protein Control Low

1. Reagent preparation
All reagents are ready for use
Sample Ready for use
Antiserum (R2) Ready for use
Buffer (R1) Ready for use
Calibrator Dilute Protein Calibrator High successively 1:2 in 0.9 g % NaCl in order to set up a
calibration curve or use the ready for use Protein Calibrator Set. Use 9 g/L NaCl as zero

2. Instrument settings:

Name TRF Brand Dialab Units mg/dl
Type End Point
Wavelenght(nm) Reference Values Minimum Maximum
Principal 340 M ** **
Bichromatic 0 W ** **
Vols. (µl) Times (sec.) Limits
Sample 3 2nd Reag. 200 Low conc. 0
1st Reag. 300 Incubation 300 High conc. 500
2nd Reag. 30 Kinetics 2 0 Consumption 1
Reference Single Point
Single Point No Factor *
Multipoint yes Standard #
Calculation Blank. Abs. Factor calculation
Slope 1 Minimum -0,5 Provisory No
Intercept 0 Maximum 2 Replacement Yes
Temp 37 Average NO
Nomenclature ** Decimals 1 Shake Yes
Discard volume 0 Blank Dilution No

*calculated by the instrument

# concentration entered by the user
** entered by the user

These suggested instructions and instrument parameters are to be used in conjunction with the reagent package insert and the
instrument operation manual. Refer to these documents for complete instructions before performing the tests.

S:\pm\allg\applications\applications_word\pia\2 reagents\autolyzer\aktuell\trf_autolyzer_nd_rev02.doc DI Edward Fidler Rev.02, 2009-05-08

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