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So far I have completed quite a lot.

I have fully disassembled the go cart, taken apart and rebuilt the engine, cut
the chassis, sandblasted most of everything, measured and cut new material, welded everything to the chassis-
making it bigger. I have completely transformed this go cart and I’d say I’m only half way there. 

By the end of this week I hope to have finished fine details in the welding portion and measured all of the
material going into the chassis so I know where to drill holes if need be. 

I need much more time but I am getting a lot done with the little time I have. I need some power tools; a disc
grinder, drill and drill bits, all of the welding equipment and the sandblaster. There may be more but as of this
moment, this is all I foresee myself needing. 

The few times I have interacted with my mentor it was for things that I did not know. The first was when I was
removing the governor- I did not know how to do it so I asked him for guidance. The second was when we
cracked our block and needed a new one. The third and final so far was when I needed to rebuild the throttle as
it no longer relied on a governor. 

The only obstacle right now is that the shop classroom is closed for renovation. So I lose a lot of time in the
first half of the block where I can’t really do anything. Plus I’m running out of time. 

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