APHG Exam Question 1 3

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The topography in image 1 shows a grid system of a township and range land survey with a
circle at the middle. This circle is from the irrigation system in place that utilizes a long rod
spinning around distributing water to the crops. The spinning around motion is what creates
the circular pattern in the middle of each square grid. It’s also a low lying, flat area which is
ideal to plant crops.
B. Because of the mountainous terrain of the area, terrace farming is the best practice to farm
for a couple of reasons. By flattening out “steps” of the mountains, it becomes easier to plant
rice rather than on a inclined plane. It also become easier for the rice to capture the water as
the water would not be rolling downhill.
C. Irrigation often brings in water from sources of water, such as aquifers, however, these
sources of water are finite. Irrigation causes these sources to deplete from overuse. The
result is that less water is available for the people that arguably need it more.
D. Mechanized irrigation has made it far more easier to water crops. This has reduced the need
for manual labor which would have made it less profitable because of the low yield. However
mechanized irrigation has a expensive upfront cost, making it only valuable to large scale
operations as only they can afford it. Smaller farms would not be able to afford this and
therefore would still have to rely on less efficient, but cheaper options.
E. Large scale commercial agricultural operations are replacing small family farms in
developed countries for a some reasons. One is that because of the more profitable design
of highly mechanized and industrial farming is only applicable to large scale operations due
to economies of scale, making harder for family farms to compete. What eventually happens
is that the small family farms are being bought out by corporations or they are forced to look
for new economic opportunities because they can not compete with bigger farms.

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