The Playground 2017

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The Playground!

Source: Math Horizons, Vol. 25, No. 1 (September 2017), pp. 28-32
Published by: Mathematical Association of America
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Accessed: 25-12-2017 21:22 UTC

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Welcome to the Playground. Playground rules
are posted on page 31, except for the most
important one: Have fun!

THE SANDBOX Figure 1. Ferrers

diagrams for the
seven partitions of 5:
In this section, we highlight problems that anyone 5 (purple), 41 (brown),
can play with, regardless of mathematical background. 32 (red), 311 (blue), 221
But just because these problems are easy to approach (yellow), 2111 (orange),
doesn’t mean that they are easy to solve! and 11111 (green).

Problem 358. Randy Cohen of the Harvard column are not the only connected shapes that use
Business School and Daniel Glickman of Aquant five boxes. In fact, there are seven different ways to
Capital Management contributed the following prob- partition the number 5: 5, 41, 32, 311, 221, 2111,
ability question. Randy and Daniel are playing a 11111. See the Ferrers diagrams for each of these
variation of the game H-O-R-S-E, alternately shoot- partitions in figure 1. While these are not the only
ing baskets. First, Randy takes a shot. If it goes in, connected shapes possible, in this problem, we ignore
then Daniel must take the same shot. If Daniel makes reflections, rotations, and other 5-box variations. For
this shot, Daniel wins the game; otherwise, Randy Bingo Partition, find the probability that you win
wins. If Randy misses the initial shot, then the game after five numbers have been called for each of these
starts anew, with Daniel shooting first. seven shapes. (The probabilities for the partitions
Assume both players have equal ability on all shots corresponding to a horizontal row and a vertical
and that they know the probability of success for column are given in the article.) Which shape gives
any given shot. In Horsing Around, you must find the highest probability? (For instance, one way to win
the probability of the shot Randy should attempt to in five turns with the partition 311 is the sequence of
maximize his chance of winning. What is the maxi- letters GGGIN.)
mum winning probability for Randy?

Problem 359. Call a collection of positive integers

square friendly if the set of consecu- Any type of problem may appear in the Jungle Gym—
tive differences climb on!
are all distinct perfect squares. (Note that we con-
sider an and a1 consecutive.) For example, the set Problem 361. Brian Freidin and Peter McGrath
2, 3, 12, 28, 77, 102 is square-friendly. In Square- of Brown University contributed Binomial Identity.
Friendly, prove that there are square-friendly se- Suppose n and k are positive integers with
quences of length n for all Prove that

This section offers problems with connections to
articles that appear in the magazine. Not all Zip-Line THE CAROUSEL
problems require you to read the corresponding article, OLDIES BUT GOODIES
but doing so can never hurt, of course.
In this section, we present an old problem that we
Problem 360. In “The Bingo Paradox” (see page like so much, we thought it deserved another go-
18), Arthur Benjamin, Joseph Kisenwether, and round. Try this, but be careful—old equipment can be
Ben Weiss explain why horizontal rows occur more dangerous. Answers appear at the end of the column.
frequently than vertical columns on winning bingo
cards. But a horizontal row and a vertical Show that

28 September 2017 : : Math Horizons : :

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number on each card. Each player has nine 0s, ten 1s,
and ten 2s. They alternate placing one of their cards
face up on a table. When three face-up cards sum to a
multiple of 3, they are removed. The game ends when
all cards have been played. Alfonso wins if there are
any non-0 cards left on the table at the end of the
game, and Benita wins if all the cards showing are 0s.
There is a winning strategy for one player. In Max/
Min Game, Tom had to figure out who that player is
and what the winning strategy is.
We received solutions from problem-solving groups
FEBRUARY WRAP-UP from Armstrong State University, Ashland University,
and Seton Hall University. Sarah Seales also sent an
Problem 350. Let an be the number of digits of analysis of the game.
n! In Factorial Fun you were asked to determine Benita can always win. At the end of the game, there
whether must be one or four cards on the table since there are
58 cards, mod 3, and any collection of five or
more cards includes three that sum to 3. Furthermore,
since the sum of the cards removed at any stage is a
converges or diverges. multiple of 3 and the sum of all the cards in the game
We received solutions from Pedro Acosta (West is a multiple of 3, the sum of the cards remaining at
Morris Mendham High School), Ben Adenbaum the end of the game is a multiple of 3.
(Lafayette College), Ethan Archer-Helke (North Central From this information, we conclude that either one
College), Brian Beasley (Presbyterian College), Dmitry card labeled 0 or four cards labeled 1, 1, 2, and 2
Fleischman, Ángel Plaza (Universidad de Las Palmas remain at the end. As long as Benita saves a 0-card to
de Gran Canaria, Spain), Randy Schwartz (Schoolcraft play on her last turn, she’s guaranteed it will be the
College), and problem-solving groups from Armstrong only card on the table at the end of the game.
State University, Northwestern University, Seton Hall
University, and Skidmore College. Problem 352. The article “Cracking the Japanese
The series diverges. All solvers noted that the num- JN-25 Cipher” by Chris Christensen and Jared Antrobus
ber of digits of n! is A few solvers used explained how U.S. Navy codebreakers worked out the
Stirling’s approximation of n!, but the Northwestern details of Japanese codes intercepted during the Second
Problem Solving Group found a straightforward way to World War. The authors contributed Break the Code
use the comparison test. Since to our Zip-Line. Based on their article, they asked you
to find the potential additives for the transmitted code
groups shown below, which are known to be in depth.

it follows that

And the series

We received solutions from Jeremiah Bartz (University

of North Dakota), Christopher Havens (Prison Math-
diverges by the integral test.
ematics Project), Heather Totten (Westmont College),
Problem 351. Tom Yuster contributed the following and problem-solving groups from Armstrong State
game. Alfonso and Benita have 29 cards each, with one University and Seton Hall University. : : Math Horizons : : September 2017 29
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The only potential additive for the code is 50104.
To see this, begin by (false) subtracting the final row
from each of the other nine rows. This gives:

As in the article, the column on the right represents

the possible number of carries when the code group Jc is
added to each row (this uses the row sums, mod 3). The
rest of the solution has the flavor of a puzzle, with each
step determining which numbers in the table must carry
and which numbers cannot carry.
Since the number of carries in the first row is 0, we
know any number less than 4 appearing in columns 3
or 5 cannot carry. So, the two carries in row 2 occur
in columns 2 and 4. This, in turn, tells us that any
number greater than 5 in column two carries, and
any number greater than 7 in column four carries.
• Row 8 has two carries, and they appear in col- Problem 353. This problem came from Adam
umns 2 and 4. Hammett, Cedarville University; and Greg Oman,
• Row 4 has no carries, and row 3 has one carry. University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. You and
• Row 9 has two carries, which occur in columns 2 your friend Sasha are playing a guessing game. Let k
and 4. and n be positive integers, with Sasha picks a
We now have enough information to determine the secret number between 1 and n, and you will choose
entries in Jc , the 10th code group. a sequence of subsets of Your
• From row 9, we know there are no carries in the goal is to figure out the number Sasha has chosen,
last column, which means the last digit of Jc is 0. and you have two options to consider.
• Row 7 has carries in the first two columns. We Option 1. You present Sasha with the subsets se-
know that in column 1, 7 carries and 6 doesn’t, so quentially, and, after each subset, she tells you whether
3 is the first digit of Jc. her number is in the subset.
• In column 4, the 7 in row 4 doesn’t carry, but the Option 2. You give her all the subsets at once, and
8 in row 2 does. Therefore, 2 is the fourth digit of she tells you which subsets contain her number.
J c. In Choose Wisely, Adam and Greg asked the fol-
• The 3 in column 2 of row 6 does not carry, but lowing: Assuming you choose your subsets optimally,
the 4 in column 2 of row 5 must carry. This forces find all values of n and k so that the first option gives
the second digit of Jc to be 6. a higher probability of finding the secret number.
Now we know where the third digit is Dmitry Fleischman and the Armstrong State Uni-
still undetermined. Since the 7 in row 8 does not versity Problem Solvers sent solutions.
carry, the third digit of Jc is 0, 1, or 2. But Jc is a The two options are the same for all values of k and
multiple of 3, so this digit is 1. n. We give the solution of the Armstrong Problem
Thus, False subtracting from 86224 Solvers. Clearly, option 1 can’t be worse than option
(the transmitted row 10) yields the additive 50104. 2 under any circumstances. We will show that the

30 September 2017 : : Math Horizons : :

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maximum probability for both options is 1 if Fi. Then the probability of guessing Sasha’s number is
and if where a be the smallest integer
For option 2, for define Si to be
the subset of containing the integers whose If we choose unwisely, as when for some
st stst coefficient in the binary representation of n is
fst i, for example, then there is at least one sequence of
1. If then we can set for responses that will never occur, and the probability of
After Sasha reveals which subsets contain the mys- guessing the mystery number will be less than
tery number, you know the k smallest binary digits of In any case, assuming we choose subsets optimally,
n. If then this completely determines n, so the the probability of guessing Sasha’s number using op-
probability of finding the secret number is 1. (Notice tion 1 is never greater than when using option 2.
that if and Sasha says that if none of
the subsets contains her mystery number, then the CAROUSEL SOLUTION
mystery number is n.)
Suppose then, that hence, . For each This can be done by induction, but there’s a nicer
way to see this famous relationship. First, let
integer j with , define
and note that
(since Tn is the nth triangular number) and
Now, for all positive integers k, we have
If Sasha’s mystery number is x, then after Sasha Tk2 −Tk−1
= (Tk + Tk−1 )(Tk −Tk−1 ) = k 2 ⋅ k = k 3 . Then,
speaks, you know that for some j, . taking advantage of a telescoping series, we have
If you randomly guess any member of Tj, then the
probability of guessing correctly will be

Jonathan Skaggs, Nathaniel Fill, and Samuel Skinner
of Taylor University submitted a correct solution to
Now we need to show that option 1 cannot give a problem 348 from the November 2016 Playground, but
higher probability. If then this is clear, since it arrived after the deadline. ■
the probability is 1 for option 2. So assume
and that makes
Even though we do not know ahead of time what
The Playground features problems for students at
each subset should be, a plan for option 1 should
the undergraduate and (challenging) high school lev-
specify a choice of subsets for each possible sequence
els. Problems and solutions should be submitted to
of k yes/no responses from Sasha.
A choice of subsets will be considered sufficiently and,
wise if for each possible sequence of responses from respectively (PDF format preferred). Paper submissions
Sasha, and the resulting choice of subsets, there is at can be sent to Gary Gordon, Mathematics Department,
least one integer between 1 and n that is in exactly Lafayette College, Easton, PA 18042. Please include your
those subsets for which Sasha’s response is yes. name, email address, and school affiliation, and indicate
We claim that given such a choice of subsets, the if you are a student. If a problem has multiple parts,
probability of guessing Sasha’s number is Label solutions for individual parts will be accepted. Unless
each of the 2k possible sequences of Sasha’s responses otherwise stated, problems have been solved by their
as Ri, where Let Fi be the set of integers proposers.
between 1 and n that are in each of the subsets for The deadline for submitting solutions to problems in
which Sasha responded yes in Ri, and in none of this issue is November 9.
the subsets for which she responded no. Assuming
we choose subsets wisely, and after a sequence Ri of
responses from Sasha, we choose a random member of : : Math Horizons : : September 2017 31

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