Guggenheim Museum AR Tour

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Elise Truchan and Joleen Ancheta
Point of Our Project
This museum tour notes on our experience when touring the
Guggenheim Museum. We found that it was inaccessible and badly laid
out while its space was unwelcoming. Points on our project to help this

● Images of the art that you could get closer to

● Descriptions closer to the art
● Audio of the Descriptions
● A Man with directions on how to experience the tour
● Hierarchy of Art in which we found then to be most interesting
● Parallel between the directional man and no story or directions in
space and art not showing or telling

We focused on these points while keeping the architectural spiral of

the museum because that was the only good thing about the space.
Tested with two different users
User Testing #1
● With minimal instruction they used the AR Tour exactly how was predicted. The way
users would use it was predicted to be without following the structure of the tour
which threw off the audio and visuals.
● Adjustments to be made off of this user testing are for the audio to be stopped when
the next picture is chosen, images to be clicked on out of order, and for arrows to point
the user which way to follow for the tour.
● Difficulties: the Adobe Aero does not allow for audio to stop until it finishes and
interaction control is minimal
● Adjustments actually made: function to hide descriptions if clicked, added man as
tour guide for instructions
User Testing #2
● Since my user has never used AR/Adobe Aero, I had to direct her on how to scan the
environment to “setup” the experience in our apartment
● User’s comments:
○ “Walk up the spiral? So, do I point the camera up at the ceiling?”
○ “Do I start at the bottom and work my way to the top?”
○ “Can I go inside the spiral staircase?”
○ “Can the user adjust the scale of the AR thing in case it’s too big or too small for them? Like
pinching it to make it bigger or smaller like on Snapchat or something?”
● Difficulty: Aero doesn’t allow users to pinch and scale the AR file, they can only view it
● Adjustments in response to the comments:
○ Rewording the directions from the tour guide to say “walk around the spiral” instead of “up”
○ The guide suggesting to start from the bottom to the top, but it’s ultimately up to the viewer
○ No adjustment made (viewers should be allowed to view the art from inside the spiral too)
Video Demonstration
Link for Project:

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