Midterm Exam

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Tagudin, Ilocos Sur


I. CONCEPT RECALL. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. In Christianity, suffering lead to this symbol of reality of God’s saving love for the human beings.
a. The Church b. The Holy Mass c. The Bible d. The Cross
2. Best known for the elenchus and method of questions and answer which aims to provoke the one being as to
think for him/her and to clarify the conception about what is asked.
a. Socrates c. Confucius b. Plato d. Aristotle
3. The title Buddha has this meaning.
a. The Chosen One b. The Liberated One c. The Enlightened One d. The Lucky One
4 . Are worldly values, but when kept in perspective they are good and desirable.
a. Duty and pleasure b. Pleasure and Fame c. Wealth and Pleasure d. Duty and Fame
5. A branch of philosophy concerned with the theory of knowledge.
a. Ethics b. Metaphysics c. Epistemology d. Logic
6. He is considered to be the Father of Philosophy.
a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Confucius d. Socrates

7. A knowledge (vidya) which consists an understanding and realization of individual’s real self (atman)
a. True Knowledge b. Self-Knowledge c. Lower Knowledge d. Middle Knowledge
8. One of the oldest Eastern traditions practiced by hundreds of millions of people for about 5,000 years.
a. Hinduism b. Christianity c. Buddhism d. Islam
9. The Spiritual value by which one is illuminated and liberated and most importantly finds release from the
wheel of existence.
a. Holiness b. Enlightenment c. Spirituality d. Metempsychosis
10.A belief which holds that humanity’s life is a continuous cycle of birth and rebirth.
a. Karma b. Nirvana c. Sangha d. Samsara
11. Choose from among the choices the correct order based on increasing importance of the four primary
values of Hinduism
a. enlightenment, wealth, duty, pleasure c. wealth, pleasure, duty, enlightenment
b. duty, enlightenment, wealth, pleasure d. duty, wealth, enlightenment, pleasure
12. . A simple presentation of the gospel of inner cultivation of right spiritual attitudes, coupled with a
self-imposed discipline.
a. Dharma b. Four Noble Truth c. The Eightfold Path d. Law of Salvation
13. Which of the following does not form part of the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism?
a. Life is full of suffering c. Right aspiration for one’s self and others.
b. Suffering is caused by passionate desires, d. Only as these are obliterated, will
lusts, cravings suffering cease.

14.. The Eightfold Paths can be summarized into the following except:
a. It enjoins us to develop wisdom c. Urges us to practice virtue and avoid vice
b. Tells us to practice meditation d. Solution to problems lays in our minds.
15. “Christianity as presenting the full revelation of the true God, is the the only full and true philosophy.”
This argument is according to:
a. St. Thomas b. St. Augustine c. St. Paul d. St. John
16. According to this saint, of all creatures, human beings have the unique power to change themselves and
things for the better.
a. St. Thomas b. St. Augustine c. St. Paul d. St. John
17. “You had better agree that the new company policy is the best if you want to keep your job.”
a. Appeal to the People b. Hasty Generalization c. Against the Person d. Appeal to Force
18. “Lots of individuals are purchasing this product, this must be great!”
a. Appeal to the people b. Appeal to Pity c. Against the Person
d. Appeal to Force
19. A philosophical view which literally means climbing or going beyond.
a. Mysticism b. Transcendence c. Hinduism
d. Buddhism
20. For the Indians, God first created this which is the root of the universe and everything that exists and it
continues to hold everything together.
a. Brahman b. Moksha c. Jiva
d. Aum
21.. In Hinduism, it is maintained that it is the ________ that is ultimately real. The existence of the ______
is considered as nothing more an illusion.
a. Brahman, Atman b. Matter, Form c. Soul,Body d. Mind, Spirit

Similar to a prisoner enclosed within the wall of his prison, a human being’s (45) ________ can be said to be
temporarily encased in his (46)____________. For this reason, humanity’s basic goal in life is the
(47)______________ of spirit.
22. a. Body b. Mind c. Soul d. Consciousness
23. a. Body b. Mind c. Soul d. Consciousness
24. a. illumination b. salvation c. liberation d. purification
25. The Hindu doctrine that adheres to the belief that a person’s soul passes into some other creature,
human, or animal.
a. Resurrection b. Evolution c. Transportation d. Transmigration
26. It is an enlightened state wherein one attains one true selfhood and finds oneself one with the One.
a. Moksha b. Jiva c. Nirvana d. Dharma
27. Is a defect in an argument other than its having false premises.
a. Lies b. Fallacies c. Syllogism d. Illogical
28. This is a logical chain of reasoning of a term or a word several times, but giving the particular word a
different meaning each time.
a. Composition b. Division c. False Cause d. Equivocation
29. “If you didn’t take the money on my wallet, who did?”
a. Hasty Generalization b. Appeal to Person c.Begging the Question d. Appeal to Force
30. One commits errors if one reaches an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence.
a. Appeal to the People b. Composition c. Hasty Generalization d. Equivocation
31. "I'm positive that my work will meet your requirements. I really need the job since my grandmother is
a. Appeal to Pity b. Appeal to Ignorance c. against the Person d. Appeal to Force
32. “Don’t listen to his accusation, he is a convicted criminal!”
a. Appeal to Pity b. Appeal to Ignorance c. Against the Person d. Appeal to Force
33. One reason logically that something true of a thing must also be true of all or some of its parts.
a. Division b. Composition c. Equivocation d. Generalization
34. Since that event followed this one, that event must have been caused by this one.
a. False Cause b. Begging the Question c. Equivocation d. Appeal to Force
35. Whatever has not been proven false must be true, and vice versa.
a. Appeal to Pity b. Appeal to Ignorance c. Against the Person d. Appeal to Force
36. This infers that something is true of the whole from the fact that it is true of some part of the whole.
a. Division b. Composition c. Equivocation d. Generalization
37. Choose the statement which does not describe the Western Philosophy.
a. Greeks before Thales did not have philosophy.
b.From the time of Plato, Aristotle and Socrates, Western thinkers started to indulge in feverish
philosophical peculation.
c. Before the Greek period, there was hardly an activity in the West.
d. Almost all the major philosophical ideas emanate from Western thinkers.
38. It is to think and express oneself in a philosophical manner, thus considers or discusses from a
philosophical standpoint.
a. Argumentation b. Philosophizing c. Reasoning d. Analyzing
39. A philosophical method which focuses or careful inspection and description of phenomena or appearances.
a. Existentialism b. Reasoning c. Psychology d.

40. A special viewpoint achieved by the phenomenologists that the focus is not on things but our
consciousness of things.
a. Object of Consciousness b. Consciousness c. Content of Consciousness d. Phenomena
41. Our everyday viewpoint and the ordinary stance describing things and the state of affairs.
a. Experience b. Natural World c. Reality d. Consciousness
42.. An outlook or attitude which emphasizes the importance of free individual choice.
a. Existentialism b. Reasoning c. Psychology d. Phenomenology
43. Which of the following descriptions is not true of Postmodernism?
a. It rejects, challenges, or aims to supersede “modernity”
b.It is not a philosophy
c. It rightly talks about world philosophy, the philosophy of many cultures.
d. It does not value our existence in the world.
44. It is distinguishing facts and opinions or personal feelings and uncover bias and prejudice and open to
new ideas not necessarily with previous thought.
a. Analytical Thinking b. Inductive Thinking c. Critical Thinking d. Deductive Thinking
45. Reasoning based from observations in order to make generalizations which is often applied in prediction,
forecasting and behavior.
a. Analytical Reasoning b. Inductive Reasoning c. Critical Reasoning d. Deductive Reasoning
46. Draws conclusion from usually one broad judgment or definition and one more specific assertion.
a. Analytical Reasoning b. Inductive Reasoning c. Critical Reasoning d. Deductive Reasoning
46. Which of the following questions does not fit well to epistemological view?
a. How we know what we claim to know? c. How can we differentiate truth from falsehood?
b. How we can find out what we wish to know? d. How can we see the things we know?
47. It is the view that knowledge can be acquired through the sense experience.
a. Rationalism b. Empiricism c. Idealism d. Pragmatism
48. It is the view that real knowledge is based on logic, the laws, and methods that reason develops.
a. Rationalism b. Empiricism c. Idealism d. Pragmatism
49. It is the view that the value in use is the real test of truth and meaning.
a. Rationalism b. Empiricism c. Idealism d. Pragmatism
50. It is concerned with the truth or the validity of our arguments regarding such objects.
a. Epistemology b. Aesthetics c. Logic d. Ethics
51. The science of the beautiful in its various manifestations - including the sublime, comic, tragic, pathetic,
and ugly.
a. Logic b. Epistemology c. Metaphysics d. Aesthetics
52. China, India and Greece. Which definition categorizes well the three given countries?
a. Original centers of philosophy c. They influenced the Western Philosophy
b. The centers of Eastern Philosophy d. The Birthplaces of Philosophy
53. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. One of the following statements does not define well the three philosophers.
a. They are Western Philosophers c. They are Eastern Philosophers
b. Greek Triumvirates d. The three Greatest Philosophers
54. Which of the following statements does not speak well about Eastern Philosophy?
a. Asian classics of the Indians and Chinese predate the oldest of the Western Classics.
b. During the first centuries, there was more philosophical activities in the East than in the West.
c. During the time of the Greek triumvirate,Asian thinkers began diminishing philosophical activity.
d. Before the Greek period, there was hardly an activity in the East.
55. He wondered about the beginning the beginning of the universe and where it came from.
a. Anaximenes b. Thales c. Anaximander d. Xenophanes

56. The difference that makes each individual unique and limits a person’s opportunities or can make the
Person feel excluded or aggrieved.
a. Discrimination b. Diversity c. Unity d. Development

57. Etymologically, the word, “philosophy” comes from two Greek words, Philo and Sophia which mean:
a. Love of Truth b. Study of God c. Love of Wisdom d. Study of Nature
58. Philosophy employs investigative process which follows certain steps that employs certain procedures.
a. Science b. Social Sciences c. Art
d. School of Thought
59. Philosophy investigate things not by using any other laboratory instruments, instead it uses the
Natural Light of Reason. One of the following is not related to the underlined word.
a. Unaided Reason b. Human Reason c. Natural Capacity to think d. Supernatural Revelation
60. This sets the distinction between philosophy from other sciences.
a. Philosophy studies human beings. c. Philosophy investigates God.
b. Philosophy studies society. d. Philosophy studies all things.
61. A principle is that from which something proceeds in any manner whatsoever.
a. Principle of Identity c. Principle of Non-Contradiction
b. First Cause or Highest Principle d. Principle of Sufficient Reason
62. It as an attempt to understand the world in terms of appearance and reality.
a. Logic b. Epistemology c. Metaphysics d. Aesthetics
63. He contended that nothing we experience with the physical world with our five senses is real.
a. Socrates b. Plato c. Aristotle
d. Thales
64. How do we tell good from evil or right or wrong? This question falls under this branch of philosophy.
a. Epistemology b. Aesthetics c. Logic d. Ethics
65. He argued that True knowledge means wisdom, which in turn,means virtue.
a. Socrates b. Plato c. Aristotle d. Thales

II. ANALYSIS. Write A, if only statement A supports the general statement;

write B if only, statement B supports the general statement,
write C if statements A and B support the general statement; and
write D if neither A nor B supports the general statement.

66. Consciousness in intentional.

A. Every act of consciousness is directed at some objects or another.
B. We can’t choose not to be conscious.
67. Consciousness is always free to choose and free to negate.
A. One is never free of one’s situation.
B. One is always free to change that situation.
68. There is no other way for us to find who we are than by finding in ourselves the divine image.
A. Man needs to continually move away from God toward union with the self.
B. We have to struggle to regain spontaneous and awareness of our physical body.
69. According to Hinduism, human beings have a dual nature.
A. One is spiritual and the mortal essence (soul)
B. The other is empirical life and character (body)
70. Hindus generally believe that the soul is eternal but is bound by the Law of Karma to the world of matter.
A. The soul can escape only after spiritual progress through an endless series of deaths.
B. God allows rewards and punishments to all beings according to their karma.
71. Ultimate liberation, that is, freedom from rebirth, is achieved the moment the individual attains that
stage of life emancipation.
A. Ultimate moksha leads the body out of the monotonous cycle of life and death (samsara)
B. Ultimate moksha is the realization of the transient character of the body.
72. Repeated existence is the destiny of those who do not achieve enlightenment.
A. The wheel of existence turns until we achieve enlightenment.
B. There will be no end to the cycle unless the individual exerts real efforts to liberate one’s spirit.
73. To understand enlightenment, one must understand the law of Karma, the law of sowing and reaping.
A. Through what we do or do not do, supposedly determine our destiny.
B. When we realize this unity with the absolute, we realize our true destiny.

74. Human beings has a supernatural, transcendental destiny.

A. Man can rise above one’s ordinary being to a highest being or self.
B. Human being perseveringly lives a righteous and virtuous life.
75. Nirvana is the state in which one is absolutely free from all forms of bondage and attachment.
A. To attain it, one must cut him/herself off from the world of toil, tears and turmoil.
B. One must spend his/her life in a state of total inactivity and indifference to the world around him.
76. For St. Thomas Aquinas, our spirituality separates us from animals.
A. We can choose to do good and evil and not held responsible for it.
B. Through our spirituality, we have a conscience.
77. Philosophy is the love of God.
A. Philosophy is Religion.
B. Religion is Philosophy.
78. Religion, without compassion becomes law and burden imposed in its followers/believers.
A. Jesus condemns religion without compassion.
B. Compassion is the heart of Religion.
79. Asia is poorer than the West.
A. Population rate is higher.
B. Asians are lazy because of religion
80. “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, explanation is possible.” - St.
A. Knowledge of God begins with faith and is made perfect by understanding.
B. Human beings alone without God is bound to fail.
81. Abundance is not what we gather but what we scatter.
A. Abundance is equated with materialism.
B. It is when we raise our hands and surrender, when we do not grab.
82. Abundance is not what we keep but what we give away.
A. To be able to have, we must first let go.
B. To be able to acquire, we must first control ourselves.
83. Abundance is not what we hold, but what we share.
A. To be abundant, money matter much.
B. Abundance comes to the one who has money.

84. Abundance is a choice.

A. We are responsible of our own decisions.
B. To achieve, one must commit.
85. Abundance is to evolve into a higher being.
A. It is a deliberate or conscious desire to act upon what can make us and others happy.
B. It means following one’s mission and purpose in life.

III. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. However if the statement is False,
change the underlined word/s that make/s the statement false by
writing the correct word or phrase. Write your answers at the back
page of your answer sheet.

86. In contrast to the propensity of the East to think in a linear manner, that is, in terms of beginning and
ending in a straight line, Western thought runs in a circular manner.
87. For the Western Philosophy, Religion is Philosophy and Philosophy is Religion.
88. Philosophy is the love of God: it is then religious. Teachings of Buddhism are based on the love of God.
89. Human beings alone, without faith, are bound to fail.
90. Buddhism : Dharma, Hinduism : Brahman
91. To be invulnerable is to be human.
92. Through our spirituality, we have a responsibility.
93. For Augustine, philosophy is amor sophia, the love of wisdom.
94. Pakikisama puts one in touch with his fellow being.
95. The Bahala Na is a Filipino philosophy which looks at life as a series of ups and downs.
96. Bathala Na is one of the most outstanding Filipino virtues and is perceived as courage to take risks.
97. Hinduism is the religion founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ.
98. Pragmatism is a view that knowledge can be attained through sense experience.
99. For Socrates, to become happy, a person must live a happy life.
100. “I think therefore, I think.”

BONUS QUESTION: (5 points)

Philosophizing is the act of thinking and expressing oneself in philosophical manner. If this is so, what could
this man be thinking of about life and why? Limit your answer in three (3) sentences only.

Prepared by: Noted by:


Teacher II Principal IV
Date: ________________ Date: ________________


Tagudin, Ilocos Sur
FIRST SEMESTER (SY 2016 - 2017)



1. A 16. B 31. C 46. B

2. A 17. B 32. A 47. A
3. D 18. D 33. C 48. D
4. C 19. A 34. A 49. B
5. C 20. B 35. A 50. A
6. B 21. D 36. B 51. D
7. A 22. C 37. D 52. C
8. A 23. C 38. C 53. D
9. A 24. A 39. B 54. A 61. D
10. B 25. C 40. D 55. C 62. B
11. D 26. D 41. C 56. C 63. C
12. C 27. D 42. B 57. B 64. B
13. A 28. B 43. A 58. C 65. D
14. C 29. D 44. D 59. A
15. D 30. C 45. C 60. D


66. A 82. C 86. WEST, EAST

67. C 83. D 87. EASTERN
68. A 84. C 88. CHRISTIANITY
69. B 85. C 89. GOD
74. B 94. LOOB
76. B 96. BAHALA NA
79. D 99. VIRTUOUS
80. A 100. AM
81. B

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