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Date: September 5, 2022

Dear Participant,

Hello and Good Morning!

I invite you to participate in my study as you answer a questionnaire aligned with my
study entitled “Learning Modality Preference of Grade 10 Venus Students: A Case
Study”. I am Kearl Oling Mandao, a grade 10 science curriculum student in Midsalip
National High School. The purpose of this study is to determine the most preferred
modality of learning by the students.
Your participation in this research study is completely voluntary and you may decline
anytime if you do not want to participate. Your responses will remain confidential and
anonymous. Data from this study will be kept intact and only reported only as a
collective data. No one other than the research will know your answers to the attached
questionnaire herewith.
If you agree to participate in this research study, please answer the questionnaire as
honest as you can. You can take your time to complete the questionnaire.
If you have any questions regarding this research study, feel free to come to our
classroom; Grade 10 Venus in Midsalip National High School.

Thank you for your assistance and time in this important endeavor!

Sincerely yours,


Approved by:

Signature of the participant over printed name

F2F(face-to-face) and Modular Learning Questionnaire

Directions: To complete, read each sentence carefully and consider if it applies to you.
On the box, next to each statement, indicate whether you strongly agree, agree
neutral/uncertain, disagree, and strongly disagree in each sentence/statement. Please
respond to all questions and answer them with honesty.

Research Questions:
1. Which of the learning modality is preferred by the grade 10 Venus student’s?
2. What are the participants perceptions about the new face-to-face and modular
learning modality?
3. How suggestions could be drawn by the participants to improve quality of learning as
perceived by the students?

SECTION 1: (face-to-face learning)

Strongly Agree Neutral/ Disagree Strongly

Agree Uncertai Disagree

1. I feel confident to answer

oral questions in face-to-face

2. Face-to-face learning
approach enhanced my self-
directed learning ability.

3. Face-to-face learning was an

effective motivating learning

4. Face-to-face learning
develops a strong student-
teacher relationship.

5. Students can interact with

each other in person.
SECTION 2: (Modular Learning)

Strongly Agree Neutral/ Disagree Strongly

Agree Uncertai Disagree

6. Modular learning is the same

as face-to-face learning.

7. Modular learning allows me to

study the lesson at my own

8. Modular learning gives me

flexible time to finish the
assigned task.

9. I am enjoying my study in
modular learning.

10. Modular learning is helpful

to continuing my studies
especially in this time of

After marking the boxes, please answer the following questions:

1. What significant learning experience that you had during the modular learning? Would

you prefer to be into modular learning or face-to-face? If yes, why? If no, indicate

reasons why you preferred face-to-face.





2. How could you compare your learning experience during the modular and
distance learning?





3. In your end, what suggestions for improvements could you show to make
students learn best regardless of the kind of modality they’re into?






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