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Arditia Munzori
NIM: 170107130



Presented to State islamic University of Mataram to fulfill the requirement
for the attainment of bachelor degree in English Language Education


Arditia Munzori
NIM: 170107130




Thesis by: Arditia Munzori, student number: 170107130 entitled “An

Analysis of the Teachers’ Strategies in Online Reading Teaching at MTs Negeri 2

Lombok Tengah in the Academic Year 2021/2022” has fulfilled the requirement
and has been approved by the thesis advisors to be examined.

Approved on: 2021

Advisor I, Advisor II,

Prof. Dr. Muhammad, M.Pd. M.S. Afif Ikhwanul Muslimin, M.Pd.

NIP. 196801051994031003 NIP. 198606212018011002


Mataram, 2021

Subject: Thesis Examination

The Honorable
The Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
in Mataram

Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb,

Respectfully, after doing guidance, direction, and correction, we are of the

opinion that a thesis of:

Name : Arditia Munzori

St. Number : 170107130
Program Study : English Language Education
Title : An Analysis of the Teachers’ Strategies in Online Reading
Teaching at MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah in the
Academic Year 2021/2022.

Has fulfilled the requirement to be submitted in the thesis examination session of

the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of
Mataram. Therefore, we hope that this thesis can be examined immediately.

Wassalammu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.

Advisor I, Advisor II,

Prof. Dr. Muhammad, M. Pd, M.S Afif Ikhwanul Muslimin, M.Pd

NIP. 196801051994031003 NIP. 198606212018011001


Name : Arditia Munzori
St. Number : 170107130
Program study : English Language Education
Faculty : Education and Teacher Training
I hereby sincerely state that the thesis entitled “An Analysis of the Teachers’
Strategies in Online Reading Teaching at MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah in the
Academic Year 2021/2022” is my real masterpiece. The things out of my
masterpiece in this thesis are signed by citation and referred in bibliography. If
later proven that my thesis has discrepancies, I am willing to take the academic
sanctions in the form of repealing my thesis and academic degree.

Mataram, 2021
Stated by,

Materai 10000

Arditia Munzori


Thesis by: Arditia Munzori, Student Number: 170107130 entitled “An

Analysis of the Teachers’ Strategies in Online Reading Teaching at MTs Negeri 2
Lombok Tengah in the Academic Year 2021/2022” has been defended in front of

the examiners board of study program of English Language Education, Faculty of
Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Mataram

The Board of Examiners

Prof. Dr. Muhammad, M. Pd, M.S

(Advisor I) ____________________

Afif Ikhwanul Muslimin, M.Pd

(Advisor II) ____________________

Dr. Yek Amin Aziz, M. Pd

(Examiner I) ____________________

Hery Rahmat, M. Hum

(Examiner II) ____________________

Acknowledged by,

Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

Dr. Jumarim, M.H.I

NIP. 197612312005011006


“Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is
in themselves.”1
(QS: Ar-Ra’d: 11)


Ahmad Subkhan,, Al-Qur’anulkarim & Terjemah. (Surakarta: Tim Azziyadah

“This thesis is dedicated to: My beloved mother. My
beloved father. My beloved brother. All of my big families.
All of my teachers and lecturers. and My Almamater, UIN



Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘aalamin, all praises to Allah SWT, the lord of this
universe, for His mercies and blessing to me in completing this thesis. Moreover,
Shalawat and Salam are always given to best prophet, our leader, our role model,
prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from stupidity to cleverness. May
peace always sent to his families and followers.
This thesis is arranged to fulfill one requirement to get a bachelor's degree in
education in the Study Program of English Language Education of State Islamic
University (UIN) of Mataram. The researcher realizes that he cannot complete this
thesis without the guidance, advice, suggestion, support, and encouragement of
numerous people during this thesis writing. In this chance, the researcher would
like to give a high dedication for those as follows:
1. Prof. Dr. Muhammad, M.Pd. M.S. as the advisor, kindly provided me his best
guidance and support in completing this thesis. As my second advisor and
best lecturer, Mr. Afif Ikhwanul Muslimin, M.Pd, always has patience and
kindness in providing expert guidance, advice, suggestions, and
encouragement until I finish this thesis.
2. Dr. Ika Rama Suhandra, M.Pd. as the Head of Study Program of English
Language Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training State
Islamic University (UIN) of Mataram.
3. Dr. Jumarim, M.HI. as the Dean of Education and Teacher Training Faculty.
4. Prof. Dr. H. Masnun Tahir, M. Ag. as the Rector of State Islamic University
of Mataram.
5. All lecturers of English Language Education program, thanks for teaching
and giving me a lot of worth knowledge to me along with my study in this
6. Nasruddin Mansyur, M. Pd.I. as the Head Master of MTs Negeri 2 Lombok
7. English Teachers at MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah, thanks for being my
participants in this research.
8. All the students in MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah.

The researcher realizes that this thesis needs improvement. Therefore,
constructive criticism and suggestions are expected. Hopefully this thesis is useful
for readers and becomes reference material for future researchers.

Mataram, 2021

Arditia Munzori


TITLE PAGE...........................................................................................i
ADVISORS’ APPROVAL......................................................................ii
ADVISORS’ OFFICIAL NOTE............................................................iii
STATEMENT OF THE THESIS AUTHENTICITY..........................iv
THESIS RATIFICATION......................................................................v
TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................x
LIST OF APPENDICES.........................................................................xii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................................1
A. Background of Research..................................................................1
B. The Statement of Problem................................................................5
C. Objectives and Significances of Research.......................................5
D. Scope and Setting of Research.........................................................6
E. Review of Previous Research...........................................................7
F. Theoretical Bases.............................................................................10
1. Reading........................................................................................10
2. Teaching Strategy........................................................................19
3. Online Learning Teaching...........................................................24
G. Research Method..............................................................................35
1. Approach and Type of Research.................................................35
2. The Presence of Researcher.........................................................36
3. Research Setting..........................................................................36
4. Source of Data.............................................................................37
5. Procedure of Data Collection......................................................37
6. Technique of Analyzing Data......................................................39
7. Trustworthiness...........................................................................41

H. Organization of Discussion..............................................................44
CHAPTER II DATA DISPLAY AND FINDINGS..............................45
A. The Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Reading in Online
B. Teachers’ Problems in Teaching Reading in Online Learning........50
CHAPTER III DISCUSSION.................................................................54
A. The Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Reading in Online
B. Teachers’ Problems in Teaching Reading in Online Learning........50
A. Conclusions......................................................................................60
B. Suggestions......................................................................................61


Appendix I Interview Guidance

Appendix II Interview Transcript
Appendix III Observation Sheet

Appendix IV Documentation



Arditia Munzori
NIM: 170107130


The research objective was to know the teachers’ strategies in teaching reading
using online classroom at MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah in the Academic Year
2021/2022. The researcher used descriptive qualitative research. The respondents
of the research were 3 English at MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah. The data were
obtained from observation and interview. The result of this research showed that
the strategies used by English teachers in MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah in
teaching online reading were Reading Aloud, Scaffolding and QARS. First,
reading aloud helped students to remember the material, emphasize intonation on
certain words, and give examples of correct pronunciation. The scaffolding
strategy impacted EFL reading motivation as the teacher contributes to students’
confidence by continually praising students’ achievement and reading efforts
fostering students’ self-efficacy. Third, QARS strategy guides students to
understand the questions in order to get an information in a reading itself. The
Problems that faced by the teachers in MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah in teaching
online reading were students’ motivation and low internet connection. The
students had low motivation due to most of students felt bored, had low in
response and did not interest in learning process. In Addition, the cause of low
internet connection was students did not have any internet connection in their
house and the teachers had low internet connection.
Keywords: Teachers’ Strategies, Online Teaching , Reading Skill


Arditia Munzori
NIM: 170107130


Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui strategi guru dalam mengajar

membaca menggunakan kelas online di MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah Tahun
Pelajaran 2021/2022. Peneliti menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif.
Responden penelitian ini adalah 3 bahasa Inggris di MTs Negeri 2 Lombok
Tengah. Data diperoleh dari observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa strategi yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris di MTs
Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah dalam mengajar membaca online adalah Reading
Aloud, Scaffolding dan QARS. Pertama, membaca nyaring membantu siswa
untuk mengingat materi, menekankan intonasi pada kata-kata tertentu, dan
memberikan contoh pengucapan yang benar. Strategi scaffolding memengaruhi
motivasi membaca EFL karena guru berkontribusi pada kepercayaan diri siswa
dengan terus memuji prestasi siswa dan upaya membaca yang mendorong efikasi
diri siswa. Ketiga, strategi QARS membimbing siswa untuk memahami
pertanyaan untuk mendapatkan informasi dalam bacaan itu sendiri. Kendala yang
dihadapi guru di MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah dalam pembelajaran membaca
online adalah motivasi belajar siswa dan koneksi internet yang rendah. Siswa
memiliki motivasi yang rendah karena sebagian besar siswa merasa bosan,
memiliki respon yang rendah dan tidak tertarik dengan proses pembelajaran.
Selain itu, penyebab rendahnya koneksi internet adalah siswa tidak memiliki
koneksi internet di rumah mereka dan guru memiliki koneksi internet yang
Keywords: Strategi Guru, Pengajaran Online , Kemampuan Membaca.

‫تحليل استراتيجية المعلم في التدريس عبر اإلنترنت للقراءة في مدراسة تسنويه نيجيري‪2‬‬
‫لومبوك‪ m‬تنجة العام األكاديمي‪2021/2022 m‬‬

‫أرديتيا‪ m‬مونزوري‬
‫رقم‪ m‬الهوية‪170107130 :‬‬

‫نبذة مختصرة‬

‫كان الغرض من الدراسة هو تحديد استراتيجية المعلم في تدريس الق‪mm‬راءة باس‪mm‬تخدام‪ m‬الفص‪mm‬ول‬
‫عبر اإلنترنت في مدرسة تسناوية ‪ 2‬وسط لومبوك‪ m‬في العام الدراسي ‪ .2021/2022‬اس‪mm‬تخدم‬
‫الباحث البحث الوصفي النوعي‪ .‬المستجيبون لهذه الدراس‪mm‬ة هم ‪ 3‬متح‪mm‬دثين باللغ‪mm‬ة اإلنجليزي‪mm‬ة‬
‫في مدرس‪mm‬ة تس‪mm‬ناوية ‪ ، 2‬وس‪mm‬ط لومب‪mm‬وك‪ .‬البيان‪mm‬ات ال‪mm‬تي تم الحص‪mm‬ول عليه‪mm‬ا من المالحظ‪mm‬ات‬
‫والمقابالت‪ .‬أظهرت النتائج أن االس‪m‬تراتيجيات ال‪m‬تي اس‪m‬تخدمها‪ m‬مدرس‪m‬و‪ m‬اللغ‪m‬ة اإلنجليزي‪mm‬ة في‬
‫مدرس‪mm‬ة تس‪mm‬اناوية نيج‪mm‬ري ‪ 2‬وس‪mm‬ط لومب‪mm‬وك‪ m‬في ت‪mm‬دريس الق‪mm‬راءة ع‪mm‬بر اإلن‪mm‬ترنت هي الق‪mm‬راءة‬
‫بصوت عا ٍل والسقاالت واألسئلة واألجوبة‪ .‬أوالً ‪ ،‬تساعد الق‪m‬راءة بص‪m‬وت ع‪m‬ال الطالب على‬
‫ت‪mm‬ذكر الم‪mm‬ادة ‪ ،‬وتؤك‪m‬د‪ m‬على نغم‪mm‬ة كلم‪mm‬ات معين‪mm‬ة ‪ ،‬وت‪mm‬وفر‪ m‬أمثل‪mm‬ة على النط‪mm‬ق الص‪mm‬حيح‪ .‬ت‪mm‬ؤثر‬
‫استراتيجية السقاالت على الدافع لقراءة اللغة اإلنجليزية كلغة أجنبية ألن المعلم يساهم في ثقة‬
‫الطالب بأنفسهم من خالل اإلشادة المس‪mm‬تمرة بإنج‪mm‬ازات الطالب وجه‪mm‬ود الق‪mm‬راءة ال‪mm‬تي تش‪mm‬جع‬
‫الطالب على الكف‪mm‬اءة الذاتي‪mm‬ة‪ .‬ثالثً‪mm‬ا ‪ ،‬ترش‪mm‬د إس‪mm‬تراتيجية الس‪mm‬ؤال والج‪mm‬واب الطالب إلى فهم‬
‫السؤال للحصول على معلومات في القراءة نفسها‪.‬‬

‫الكلمات المفتاحية‪ :‬استراتيجية المعلم ‪ ،‬التدريس عبر اإلنترنت ‪ ،‬القدرة على القراءة‪.‬‬



A. Background of Research

Education is one of the significant aspects to influence the national

vision. Success in implementing education is the key to a better future. It

requires the contribution of many parties, one of which is the teachers. The

role of teachers is hugely influential because they put all education policies

and regulations into practice.2 The spearhead of the success of education in

school is the teacher. Therefore, a teacher expects to be an innovative person

to find effective strategies or methods to educate students. Wright stated that

the dominant key the teacher must hold is that any innovative process or

product that is carried out and produced by teacher must refer to the interests

of students. 3

The efforts to improve the quality of education cannot be separated

from the demands of 21-century competitiveness, which is complex and

challenging. According to Scott, there are three main frameworks of 21st

century skills: 1) learning and innovation skills, 2) life and career skills, and

3) information, media, and technology skills. Learning and innovation skills

consist of communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity skills

(4CS). Life and career skills consist of flexibility and adaptability, initiative

and self-direction, social and cross-cultural skills, productivity and

Suartama, E-Learning Konsep dan Aplikasinya, (Bali: Ganesha University of
Education, 2018), p. 55.
David, Extensive Reading in the Second Language Classroom, (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2011), p. 74


accountability, leadership, and responsibility. 4 Meanwhile, information,

media, and technology skills consist of information and media literacy.

Along with implementation the 2013 curriculum, the Indonesian

government hopes for a significant change to bring about learning in schools.

According to Nugroho, teachers must teach higher-order thinking skills to

students in preparing students ready to compete in the face of the 5.0

industrial revolution.5

Being able to think critically means that students can apply the skills

and knowledge they develop while learning new topics. Limbach and Waugh

stated that there are five steps to develop the ability to think critically. There

are determining the learning objectives of reading class, teaching through

questioning, ordering students to practice, reviewing, refining, and improving

understanding, and practicing feedback and assessing learning. It must

integrate these five steps to optimize critical thinking in students.

There are three strategies for improving reading using online learning,

those are Reading Aloud, Scaffolding and Question-Answer Relationship

(QARs). Teachers can bring interesting reading based on students’ interests

and language ability. Teachers can prepare their students to read and develop

their thinking by showing attractive visual aids related to the topic, modeling

predictions, asking questions, and encouraging their discussion. However, the

problem comes when many students do not understand the content of the

reading because students only translate it word for word without

Fry, H., Ketteridge, S., & Marshall, Teaching and Learning in HigherEducation (New
York: Routledge, 2017), p. 21
Haidir and Salim, Strategi Pembelajaran, (Medan: Perdana Publishing, 2018), p. 24.

understanding the meaning of the text. Many teachers ask students to read the

text and answer questions without understanding the text first. Finally,

students get low grades and consider incapable of reading comprehension.6

Since the end of 2019, the world has been rocked with a coronavirus

(COVID-19). This virus was first discovered in Wuhan, Hubei, China. Until

now, there are 95.124 people throughout the world exposed corona.7 A total

of 3.254 people died, while 51.171 others were declared cured. In Indonesia

the number of positive cases of coronavirus infection continues to grow. As

of Wednesday (8/4/2020), positive cases of COVID-19 infection reaches

2.956 people, 240 died, and 222 patients were cured.8

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the entire system that runs

like a government, the economy, including education in Indonesia are

disrupted. As of March 11, 2020, the president of the Republic Indonesia

adopted a policy of temporarily closing the teaching and learning process at

schools and universities urged them to study at home, and replacing them with

online learning to break the chain of viruses.

With that, the teachers inevitably have to apply and adapt to e-learning

classes so that the teaching and learning process can keep going. According to

Abbad e-learning refers to the use of information an communication

technologies to enable the access to online learning or teachinf resources. A

teacher’s confession that she experienced a little difficulty in implementing

Dede, Online Professional Development For Teachers: Emerging Models And
Methods, (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Education Publishing Group, 2016), p 24.
Syahroni, Pandemi Covid 19 Melanda dunia, in http//CNN/ 2019, accessed on 10th
June 2020, at 20.00 p.m

elearning classes because she rarely used it. With a short time and without

training, the teacher must directly apply it. Of course, here the teacher

requires adaptation and also a strategy to teach English.9

The learning system by integrating an internet connection with the

teaching and learning process is known as the online learning system or

virtual learning system.10 Online learning is still considered as a breakthrough

or a new paradigm in teaching and learning activities where in the process of

teaching and learning activities because teachers and students do not need to

attend classrooms. They only rely on an internet connection to carry out the

process of learning activities and the process can be done from far away.

Because of the ease and practicality of the virtual or online learning system,

it's no wonder that many institutions use online lectures. Thus online learning

can be done from wherever teachers and students are. But the question is

whether learning activities in online learning have the same nuances or at

least are close to learning activities in face-to-face learning. There are several

problems faced in online learning; teaching materials, learning interactions,

and the learning environment. Based on the research pre-observation, the

same problems also occurred in MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah, the

researcher found that the English teachers in MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah

had some difficulties in online reading teaching such as less of teacher’s

preparation and low of student’s comprehension.11 This is a challenge for all

Abbad, E- Learning, (Malaysia: Kelantan, 2016), p. 76.
Bentley, On Line Syistem Education, (Malaysia: Johor Press, 2017), p. 64.
Observation at MTs Negeri Lombok Tengah on 22 February 2021.

of the teachers to keep struggling with the condition while the learning

process must go on.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested in

observing. Therefore, the researcher is curious and tries to investigate this

with a research entitled “An Analysis of the Teachers’ Strategies in Online

Teaching Reading at MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah in the Academic Year


B. The Statements of Problem

The formulated problem for the present research:

1. What are the teachers’ strategies in teaching reading in online classroom at

MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah in the Academic Year 2021/2022?

2. What are the teachers’ problems in teaching reading in online classroom at

MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah in the Academic Year 2021/2022?

C. Objective and Significance of Research

1. Objective of research

The objective of this research is:

a. To know the teachers’ strategies in teaching reading using online

classroom at MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah in the Academic Year


b. To know the teachers’ problems in teaching reading in online classroom

at MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah in the Academic Year 2021/2022.

2. Significance of research

The significance of this research are:


a. Theoretical

The researcher hoped the result of this research can be used for

other researchers’ references with related research.

b. Practically

1) Teacher

The researcher hoped the result of this research may help

teachers strategy to produce students’ reading materials with the

intresting text while we know that in this era put technology as a

primary need.

2) Student

It may help students’ reading awareness or problem and also

students’ reading interest. Also, the alternative of students in how

to utilize their time while using a Smartphone.

3) Other Researchers

The researcher hoped this research can be be useful for other

researchers as a recent data to conduct further research on the same

aspects of research.

D. Scope and Limitation

The research was focused on analysis the teachers strategies and

problems in online reading teaching at MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah in

academic year 2021/2022.


E. Review of Previous Research

Previously, to avoid unnecessary replication, the researcher reviewed

several studies that have correlated with this study. The researcher could make

a comparison of the result of each strategy used by the teacher in the English

elearning class method, and also the researcher could conclude what extend the

strategy helps the teacher in teaching. Several studies are relevant to this

research, including:

1. Fitri Yani conducted a research on analysis of teachers’ teaching strategies

and students’ different learning styles in English teaching-learning process.12

Her objective of the study was to know how the English teachers formulate

and implement the teaching strategies in the English teaching-learning

process regarding students’ different learning styles. The qualitative method

was conducted with using questionnaire, documentation, observation, and

interview for collecting data. The subject of this research were the English

teachers from MTs Ash-Shiddiqiyyah and MTs Arifin Billah Cirebon.

Based on the result of this study showed that the teachers used some

strategies for covering the differences in students’ learning styles. Teaching

strategies used by the teacher such as demonstration, videos, reading text,

lecturing/storytelling, cooperative learning, discussion, and games. In other

words it can be concluded that the use of the strategy used is based on the

consideration of different learning preferences and styles.

Fitri Yani, “An Analysis Of Teachers’ Teaching Strategies And Students’ Different
Learning Styles In English Teaching-Learning Process (A Qualitative Research at MTs Ash-
Shiddiqiyyah and MTs Arifin Billah Cirebon)”,(Thesis, IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, 2017)

From the research above, the researcher find the difference and

similarities of this research with the study conducted by Fitri Yani. The

difference between this research with previous study are the variable and the

objective of the research. While the similarities both of them are method and

collecting the data.

2. Al-Maqtri analyzed how effective is e-learning in teaching English. 13 His

objectives of the study are to answer eight questions about teaching English

with e-learning method. This research employed qualitative method with

using questionnaire. The subject of this were the English teachers in the

English Departments in King Khalid University in the Kingdom of Saudi

Arabia (KSA). The results showed that students misuse the Blackboard

system in large-scale plagiarism. An online quiz is found to be more

effective than the assignment even though some students dislike it. Some of

the students said they did not have access to the internet. As a result, e-

learning was found not to make learning English better. This finding

recommends that teachers need to increase their knowledge and experience

to understand concepts, implementations using strategies. In this paper, the

researcher will focus on teachers’ strategies in English with e-learning

classes during the COVID-19 pandemi.

From the study above, the researcher can conclude both the

research has a similarity in the study that is the teacher’s strategy in teaching

online reading. While the difference between this study and previous study

Al-Maqtri, “How Effective is E-learning in Teaching English”, Journal of Education
and Human Development, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2014, p. 647–669

is in the school level. The previous study conducted the study at the English

Departments in King Khalid University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

(KSA), but the researcher will conduct the study at MTs Negeri 2 Lombok


3. Murdi conducted research under the title “Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching

Reading Comprehension at Grade Ten of SMAN 7 Mataram Academic

Year 2017/2018”.14 The objective of this research was to investigate the

strategies used by the English teachers to teach reading comprehension in

the first grade students at SMAN 7 Mataram, and the advantages of using

those strategies. This research employed qualitative method the instruments

of this research were observation and interview. The subject of this were the

English teachers SMAN 7 Mataram. The result of this research showed that

the teacher commonly applies two strategies in teaching reading

comprehension, those are question and answer relationship and discussion.

The advantages of using the question and answer relationship are to ease the

teacher in recognizing the students’ comprehension about the text and to

help students develop an awareness of the multiple source of information in

their reading. Applying discussion strategy makes the students learn not

only from the teacher but also from their fellow students, and this strategy

creates the active classroom atmosphere.

From the study above, the researcher can conclude both the

research has a similarity in the study that is the teacher’s strategy in teaching
Murdi, “Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension at Grade Ten of
SMAN 7 Mataram Academic Year 2017/2018”, (Thesis, English Education Program Language
and Art Department Faculty of Teacher Training And Education University of Mataram, 2017)

reading. While the difference between this study and previous study is in the

school level. The previous study conducted the study in senior high school

level which was in SMAN 7 Mataram. Meanwhile, but the researcher will

conduct the study at MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah.

F. Theoretical Bases

1. Reading

a. Definition of Reading

According to Snow in Dita Yulianti, he says that reading

comprehension as a process of excerpt and constructing meaning in a

written text. Readers invent the meaning of the text they read. With such

activities, students are expected to obtain reading material and to achieve

their goals and hopes.15 Furthermore, Klingner, Vaugh, and

Broadmanthey in Dita Yulianti says that comprehension of reading is a

complex thing that involves interaction with many benefits such as “they

are readers’ background knowledge, readers’ reading strategies, the text,

readers’ interest in the topic, readers’ knowledge of text type”. All those

components relate to each other in combining a text. When interference

emerges in those relations, the readers obtain their reading


Elizabeth et al in Anisa Puspita Hapsari, reading comprehension

is a process of acquiring meaning from the written text. It is an active

Dita Yulianti,” Improving the reading comprehension of grade 8 students at SMP N 3
Gedangsari In The Academic Year Of 2013/2014 through extensive reading activities”,(Thesis,
Faculty Of Language And Arts Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, 2014), p. 10.
Dita Yulianti,” Improving the reading comprehension...,p.11

one, not a passive process. The readers actively interact with the text to

establish meaning. This interaction includes “making use of background

knowledge to draw inferences from the words, an expression that a writer

uses to deliver information, ideas, argument, etc.”17 According to

Klingner in Nindya Aprilia, reading comprehension is “the process of

constructing meaning by coordinating a number of complex processes

including word reading, word and world knowledge, and fluency”. It

refers to the ability in interpreting the words, understanding the meaning

and the relationships between ideas conveyed in a text.18

Based on the theories above, reading comprehension is the

capability to prepare the text, to understand what it means, and to

integrate what the readers already know. On the other hand, reading

comprehension is the ability to process text, understand its meaning, and

integrate with what the reader already knows. If word recognition is

difficult, students use too much of their processing capacity to read

individual words, which interferes with their ability to comprehend what

is read.

b. Factors Affecting Reading Comprehension

According to Klingner, et. al in Yuli Susanti Prihastuti there are

some factors from readers’ basic skills which cause difficulties in reading

comprehension. Those are word reading, fluency, vocabulary mastery,

Anisa Puspita Hapsari, “Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability
Through Extensive reading at Grade grade eight of SMP Negeri 2 Bantul in the academic year of
2012/2013”, (Thesis, Faculty Of Language and Arts Yogyakarta State University,
Yogyakarta,2013), p.10.
Nindya Aprilia, “Improving Reading Comprehension’...,p.10

and word knowledge. The readers will hard to understand the meaning

when they have difficulties in decoding or reading the word. When they

read slowly and inaccurately, it will interfere with their reading

comprehension. The vocabulary mastery and background knowledge

about the topic discussed also influence reading comprehension.

Although the reader has high fluency, it will make the difficulty in

understanding a text without having knowledge about words in the


Snow in Yuli Susanti Prihastuti stated that two factors that

include in reading comprehension are the text and the reader. The text

influence the reading comprehension in how the text is built by the

writer. The readers affect their reading comprehension through the

information that they have in their background knowledge because every

reader has a different understanding of meaning based on their

background knowledge.20

In conclusion, some factors are affecting reading comprehension

are vocabulary, world knowledge, background knowledge, and the text.

Those aspects have variation in every reader so that they have various

steps of comprehension.

c. Reading Models Processes

There are three ways to process the text, among them being;

bottom-up processing, top-down processing, and interactive processing.

Yuli Susanti Prihastuti, “Improving the Reading Comprehension by Using the
Visualization Strategy”, (Thesis, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, 2013), p. 13
Ibid., p. 12-13

1) Bottom-up processing (data-driven)

In this process, the readers determine the meaning from the

smallest unit to the largest, for instance, letter by letter, word by word

to the larger units phrase, clause, sentences, and texts.21

2) Top-down processing (concept-driven)

At this stage, readers use their already existing knowledge or

background to associate the topic with the text in order to understand

it. They are able to make predictions, interpretation and assume from

the title, images, knowledge of the world, etc. Then they compared the

passage in the text with their background knowledge to understand the


3) Interactive processing

This process is a combination of top-down and bottom-up

processing, in this process, they complement each other for the

meaning of the written text. Then they move to the bottom-up

processing by recognizing letters, words, phrases, clauses, and

sentences to confirm what the author means.23

4) Macro and Micro Skills of Reading

Micro skills of reading as proposed by Brown in Dita

Yulianti consist of several points are:

a) The writing process is efficient at speed to match its purpose

Anisa Puspita Hapsari, “Improving Students’..., p.11.

b) Recognize the gist of words, and interpret the pattern of words and

their meaning.

c) Recognize grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs), system, tense,

and agreement.

According to Brown in Dita Yulianti, macro skills of reading

consist of several points are:24

a) Recognize the rhetorical forms of written discourse and their

significance for interpretation.

b) Recognize the communicative function of the written texts,

according to the shape and objective of the text.

c) Differentiate between literal and implied meanings.

To conclude, reading takes more than one skill. There are

many reading skills to teach students. They need to be taught to

acquire better reading skills and to enhance reading skills.25

d. The Reading Strategies

To help readers understand the information well, a reading

strategy is essential because it provides the means to solve complex

problems efficiently. Reading strategies are important not only for the

understanding that works but also for solving problems of reading and to

make students good readers.

Dita Yulianti, “Improving the Reading Comprehension of Grade 8 Students at SMPN
3 Gedangsari in The Academic Year of 2013/2014 through Extensive Reading Activities”,
(Thesis, Faculty of Language and Arts Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, 2014), p.16-17
Ibid, p.17.

1) Skimming

According to Nuttal in Ghilani Nour El Houda, skimming is a

quick read to get the gist of the reading. On the other hand, skimming

also getting on general ideas and neglecting less important reading.

This strategy is good for students who don’t have enough to read the

material carefully.26

According to Andrew and Diana in Berregui Oumelkhir &

Boulaachab Wafa, skimming and scanning are two different reading

skills; these are practiced at the start of each theme: Skimming means

looking at a text or a chapter quickly to have a general idea of the

content, while scanning means looking at a text to find some particular


Moreover, The aim of skimming strategy is helping learner to

read more actively and to find the general idea or the main idea of

each paragraph.28 Mildered R in Berregui Oumelkhir & Boulaachab

Wafa skimming is useful to determine whether the material is worth

reading. Skimming involves reading the first sentence of every

paragraph or section, in addition to the chapter headings and all

Ghilani Nour El Houda, “Enhancing Students’ Reading Comprehension Through
Extensive Reding”, (A Dissertation, University Of Biskra, Biskra,2015),hlm.16.
Berregui Oumelkhir &Boulaachab Wafa,”The Role of Skimming and Scanning in
Developing Reading Abilities in ESP Class”,( A Dissertation, Kasdi Merbah University –
OuarglaFaculty of Letters and Languages Department of Letters and Foreign Languages ,
2016/2017), p.12

headings in bold print; as well as the reading of the introduction and

the conclusion.29

2) Scanning

Scanning is defined as reading a section quickly to obtain a

certain piece of information or to find an answer to a certain question.

Scanning is focused on looking for specific information. According to,

Yan Shanin Berregui Oumelkhir & Boulaachab Wafa, scanning is a

useful technique when students seek answers to specific questions.

Scanning means moving through a passage looking for a specific

words and sentences.30 Yan Shan also said that “scanning is a helpful

technique when students are looking for the answer to a particular

question. Scanning involves moving through the passage seeking

specific words and sentences.31

3) Differences between Skimming and scanning

According to Tina in Berregui Oumelkhir & Boulaachab

Wafa, the difference between skimming and scanning is that when

you observe the information you are seeking something very specific,

like a telephone number or answer to a particular question, you

usually stop when you have it. Skimming is used when you search for

a more common impression about the meaning of the text. Parmila

and G.C. Ahuja in Berregui Oumelkhir & Boulaachab Wafa suggested

Berregui Oumelkhir &Boulaachab Wafa,”The Role of Skimming and Scanning in
Developing Reading Abilities in ESP Class”,( A Dissertation, Kasdi Merbah University –
OuarglaFaculty of Letters and Languages Department of Letters and Foreign Languages ,
2016/2017), hlm.17
Berregui Oumelkhir & Boulaachab Wafa,” The Role of Skimming...,p.18.

that skimming is quickly reading topic sentences but skipping over

large sections of material. It is a sort of reading that is used to survey a

selection to get an overall picture of its holdings. This is the first stage

for scanning. Scanning becomes easier if the skimming activity has

been performed earlier.32 Moreover Thomas in Oumelkhir & Wafa,

Skimming is seeking material quickly to find specific data and

scanning is an effort to get a basic understanding of the purpose and

the important points of material you will read.33

e. Teaching Reading Comprehension

Brown in Anisa Puspita Hapsari says that teaching is to guide

and facilitate learning, enable the learner to learn, set the conditions for

learning. Thus, it can be implied that teaching reading is to help, guide,

provide knowledge, and give instructions in the teaching and learning

process. Related to the explanation above, teaching reading helps the

students to derive meaning from the written text and applying strategies

to get the meaning. In this case, the teacher plays important role in this

process.34 The teacher should facilitate and promote the students with the

appropriate materials, strategies and set situations in which enable the

students to learn reading effectively.

Teaching reading comprehension is very crucial in language

learning. It gives many contributions to the development of others' skills.

The success of teaching reading comprehension cannot be separated from

Berregui Oumelkhir & Boulaachab Wafa,” The Role of Skimming...,p.20
Anisa Puspita Hapsari, “Improving Students’...,p.14.

the role of the teacher.35 According to Harmer in Anisa Puspita Hapsari

the teacher’s role is to help the students to learn and to facilitate them.

Some of the teacher’s roles can be as an organizer, an assessor, and a

resource. As the organizer, she has to organize them to various activities,

engage their interest, and ensure their participation. Related to the

teaching reading comprehension, she should be the organizer, the

assessor, and the resource to facilitate and promote the materials,

strategies, and activities to them.36

The explanations above suggest that teaching reading

comprehension needs a special focus in language learning. The success

of teaching comprehension cannot be separated from the teacher’s role

because of his contribution in facilitating and managing the materials,

strategies, and strategies in the teaching-learning process.

f. Assessing Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is a process to get meaning involving

knowledge and experience that the reader has and connect with the text.

Reading is a complex ability, not just looking at the written symbols but

the various aspects are needed by a reader to master in reading

comprehension like word meaning, finding the main idea, answer

specific text-based questions, authors’ purpose and conclude the writing

is readily so the listener can understand. David states seven factors

involves in the assessment of reading comprehension such as word


meaning, word meaning in context, main thought, answer specific text-

based question, text-based question with paraphrase, draw inference

about content, and author’s aim. In this case, the researcher will assess

the reading with some aspect like finding main idea, understand the

content of a text and the authors’ purpose.

2. Teaching Strategy

a. Definition of Teaching Strategy

In the study of educational technology, the strategy is included

in the realm of learning design. The development of strategy as a science

has developed starting from the military world and then used in

education. In warfare, s strategy is needed to obtain victory. Likewise

with the learning process, educators must identify all those related to the

learning process that will be carried out. Educators need to know who

will be their students, how different levels of intelligence, from what

background they come from, how they are motivated, and so forth.

Haidir and Salim state the word strategy is often interpreted by technique

or method, which is a way to convey a message in this case subject

matter to students to achieve the stated learning goals. 37 Thus, the word

strategy is related to the way, tactics or methods to do something.

Seels and Richey define strategy as a pecification for selecting

and sequencing events and activities within a lesson.38 In line with this

Haidir and Salim, Strategi…p. 99.
Seels, B. B., & Richey, R. C, Instructional technology: The definition and domains of
the field, (Washington DC: Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 1994),
p. 31.

opinion, David in Sanjaya stated that strategy is a method, plan, or series

of activities designed to achieve a particular educational goals.39

Meanwhile, if interpreted broadly, “the strategy can include, among

others: 1) methods, 2) approaches, 3) the election of sources including

the media used in learning, 4) grouping students, and 5) measurement of

success”.40 According to Djamarah and Zain writes there are four basic

strategies in learning activities that include in the following:41

1) Identify and determine the specifications and qualifications of the

behavior and personality changes of students as expected.

2) Choosing a teaching and learning approach system based on people’s

aspirations and views of life.

3) Choosing and determining the procedures, methods, and learning

techniques that are considered the most appropriate and effective so

that they can be used as a guide by the teachers in carrying out their

teaching activities.

4) Establishing norms and minimum limits of success or criteria and

standards of success so that it can be used as a guide by the teachers in

conducting, evaluating the results of teaching and learning activities

which will then be used as feedback to improve learning.

Whereas teaching is a series of events experienced by a teacher

to present and want change in students’ behavior. It brings changes in

Wina Sanjaya, Strategi Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan,
(Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media, 2006)
Haidir and Salim, Strategi…, p. 100.
Syaiful Bahri Djamarah and Aswan Zain, Strategi Belajar Mengajar. (Jakarta:
Rineka Cipta, 2010), p. 5.

thinking, feeling and student actions. This helps them to adapt to their


Brown states that teaching means guiding and facilitating

learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the condition of learning. 42

Teaching can be done without a teacher. They can use anything such as

nature, books, teaching machines, etc., which can act as teachers. Smith

consider teaching as a tripolar process which involves:43

1) An agent, a source, human or material that tries to produce learning.

2) The objectives to be achieved through the teaching process.

3) Intervening variables consisting of teaching and learning situations.

This may involve physical or human material conditions and teaching


From some of the definitions above, it can be concluded that the

teaching strategy is a method, technique, and tactic used by a teacher to

teach students in the class. Teaching strategies have been designed

before, and this is very necessary so that a learning goal can be achieved,

and the material can be delivered easily.

b. Kinds of Teaching Reading Strategies

1) Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning comes from the word cooperative it

means maximizing students learning to improve academic and

H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, (New York:
Longman, 2010), p. 7.
B. Othanel Smith, “A Conceptual Analysis of Instructional Behavior”, Journal of
Teacher Education, Vol. 4, Issue, 3, September 1963, p. 294-298.

understanding both individuals and groups as well as helping one

another.44 Cooperative learning models is one of supportive learning

contextual learning.

Ahmadi defines cooperative learning teaching system as a

work or learning system structured group and cooperative learning is a

teaching and learning strategy that emphasizes attitude or shared

behavior in regular workgroups, that is consisting of two or more

people.45 Furthermore, Wena Said that cooperative learning is one of a

group learning model that has rules certain. The basic principle of

cooperative learning is students form small groups and teach others to

achieve common goals, even in this learning smart students teach

students who are not smart without feeling disadvantaged.46

Cooperative learning is also a model that prioritizes

cooperation among students to achieve learning goals. Cooperative

learning, this learning can also create interdependence between

students, so learning resources for students are not just teachers and

textbooks but also fellow students.

2) Inquiry Based-Learning

In this case, Salim defined the inquiry as a process of teacher

and student interaction at a very high level, between teacher, student,

subject matter, and the environment is very needed. 47 An important

Trianto, Inovasi Pembelajaran, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2009), p 75.
Abu Ahmadi, Model Pembelajaran, (Jakarta: Usaha Nasional, 2010), p. 90.
Wena Made, Strategi Pembelajaran Inovatif Kontemporer: Suatu Tinjauan.
Konseptual Operasional, (Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara. Mahmud, 2009), p. 94-96.
Salim, Belajar dan Makna Pembelajaran, (Jakarta: Usaha Nasional, 2012), p.115

part of the inquiry process is that between the teacher and the students

both are questioners, seekers, interrogators, answerers, and also as an


The inquiry learning process can be marked by the

emergence of differences in views as a result of students’ creative

thinking in studying something. Steps in inquiry learning:

a) Observing (observation)

b) Classifying using numbers (classify facts)

c) Space-time relationship (connect the time)

d) Predicting (make estimates)

e) Inferring (temporary conlusions)

f) Defining operationally (formulate an operational definition)

g) Formulating hypothesis (make temporary conjectures)

h) Interpreting data (interpret data)

i) Controlling variables (control variables)

j) Experimenting (try out)

k) Communicating (communicating the results or findings obtained).49

Graphic Organizer Graphic organizers are information with a

visual display that is designed to benefit students who are having

difficulties in organizing information.50. Graphic organizers are also

referred to as concepts, cognitive maps, or web content, which have

Mulyati, Inovasi Guru (Yogyakarta: Genta Press, 2007), p. 52
Ibid, p. 56.
Zhang, “Interactive Multimedia-Based E-Learning: A study of Effectiveness”,
American Journal of Distance Education, Vol. 4, Issue. 2, 2005, p. 63.

the same goal: Graphs the organizers are intended to help students

visualize clearly how ideas are organized in a text or surround a

concept. Through the use of graphic organizers, students have a

structure for abstract ideas. Graphic organizers can be categorized in

many ways according to how they organize information: hierarchical,

conceptual, sequential, or cyclical.51 Types of graphic organizer: 1)

Concept map 2) Flow diagram or sequence chart 3) Compare/contrast

or Vena diagram 4) Cause and Effect diagram 5) Main idea and details

chart 6) Attribute chart 7) Story map.52

3. Online Learning Teaching

a. The Description of Online Learning Teaching

Online learning teaching implies a learning process that uses

electronics as a learning medium. According to Onno W Purba, online

learning is a form of information technology that is applied in the field of

education in the form of virtual schools. In online learning technology all

teaching and learning processes that are normally done in the classroom

are done live but virtual means at the same time a teacher teaches in front

of a computer that is in one place, while students follow the lesson from

other computers in different places.53 Course material can be obtained

free of charge in the form of files that that can be downloaded, while

Peter Navarro and Judy Shoemaker, “Performance and Perceptions of Distance
Learners in Cyber Space”, American Journal of Distance Education, Vol. 4, Issue. 2, September
2009), p. 14.
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Longman,
2005), p. 53.
Allo, “Is The Online Learning Good in The Midst of Covid-19 Pandemic? The Case of
EFL learners”, Jurnal Sinestesia, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2020, p. 1-10.

interactive teachers and students in the form of assignments or

discussions can be done intensively in the form of discussion forums and

emails. From the description above shows that the basic concept of

online learning is to provide new classes equivalent to conventional

classes in existing schools so far. Therefore, the construction of a virtual

institution must provide results that are more or less the same as the

aspiration to establish a conventional educational institution. In other

words, online learning is a form of conventional learning as outlined in

digital format through internet technology.

According to Setiawan, the philosophical of online learning as


a. Online learning is the delivery of information, communication,

education, training online.

b. Online learning provides a set of tools that can enrich the value of

conventional learning (conventional learning models, studies of

textbooks, CD-ROMs and computer-based training) so that they can

answer the challenges of the development of globalization.54

Online learning demands changes in management of learning. If

in ordinary learning, management is done more so that the teacher can

present the material or learning material directly, and how students can

absorb learning material comfortably, then in online learning the

management of learning is directed at how students can learn information

Setiawan, “Lembar Kegiatan Literasi Saintifik untuk Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Topik
Penyakit Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)”, Jurnal Edukatif, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2020, p. 29-30.

in accordance with the topic. Thus management is directed at the learning

process. A similar statement was made by Nada Dabbagh and Brenda

Bannan-Ritland in Setiawan who explained that today technological

advances, especially in the field of the Internet, have radically changed

traditional learning with face-to-face learning (direct instruction) into

individualized learning (individual learning) through online learning.55

Before deciding to build a virtual classroom in the form of an

online learning system, we need to study more thoroughly. It is hoped that

this decision-making process will not be caused by merely following the

trend of internet technology to be considered modern but must consider

the following matters

a. Budget cost needed

b. Any material that is prioritized is included in the online learning

model according to the characteristics and needs.

c. Switching from conventional to online learning can be done alone or

requires cooperation with other parties. d. How to implement these

changes so that the objectives can be achieved effectively and


b. The Characteristics of Online Teaching

Learning Based on the explanation above, there are several

characteristics of online learning as follows:

Rahman, “Skills Teaching in ESL Classroom: Discrete VS. Integrated”, International
Journal of English Language Teaching, 2018) , p. 29.

1) In online learning students no longer need a special place and time to

study, but students can learn anywhere and anytime according to the

opportunities each student has individually.

2) In the learning process students no longer only have access to

textbooks and other printed learning resources, but to digital

information sources, which can be accessed through cyberspace.

3) Students and teachers can enhance classroom learning improve

classroom learning by accessing information from a unity of sources

(databases, libraries, special interest groups), communicating via

computer with other students or with experts in special subject areas,

and exchanging information/data.

4) Teachers and students can access electronic documents to enrich their

learning. Students can actively participate because online learning

provides an interactive learning environment. Students can connect

electronic information to their projects and papers, making it a

"living" document with a hypertext button.

5) Because computers have the ability to send information on a variety of

media (print, video, and sound and music recordings) computers have

become libraries without limits. As students can communicate

quicklywith text, images, sound, data and video can change the role of

teacher and student.


6) Online learning allows teachers to be geographically separated from

students, they can learn with other students in classrooms throughout

the world.57

c. The Types of Online Teaching

According to Haughey in Rusman, there are three possibilities in

the development of internet-based learning systems, namely as follows.58

1) Web course, is the use of the internet for educational purposes, in

which students and instructors are completely separate and there is no

need for face-to-face contact. All teaching materials, discussions,

consultations, assignments, exercises, exams, and other learning

activities are fully delivered via the internet. In other words this

learning model uses a distance system.

2) Web centric course, is the use of the internet that combines distance

learning and face-to-face (conventional). Some material is delivered

via the internet, and some through face-to-face. Its functions are

complementary. In this model the instructor can give instructions to

students to learn the material through the web that has been made.

Students are also given directions to look for other sources from

relevant websites. In the face-to-face session, students and instructors

discuss more about the findings of the material that has been learned

through the internet.

Sujit Kumar Basak, Marguerite Wotto and Paul Be´langer, “On Line: Conceptual
Definition and Comparative Analysis”, E-Learning and Digital Media, Vol. 15, No. 4, 2018, p. 21.
Rusman, Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi, (Jakarta:
Rajawali Pers. PT.RajaGrafindo Persada, 2011)

3) Web enhanced course, is the use of the internet to support the

improvement of the quality of learning carried out in class. The

function of the internet is to provide enrichment and communication

between students and teachers, fellow students, group members, or

students with other sources. Therefore, the role of the instructor is to

master the technique of finding information on the internet, guiding

students to find and find sites that are relevant to learning materials,

present material through the web that is interesting and desirable,

serving guidance and interesting web communication and interest,

providing guidance and communication via the internet, and other

skills needed

The development of online teaching reading is not merely about

online subject matter, but it must be communicative and interesting. The

subject matter is designed as if students learn in front of the teacher

through a computer screen that is connected through the internet network.

To be able to produce interesting and attractive online learning requires

three things that must be fulfilled in online learning design, which are

"simple, personal, and fast"

d. Strategies in Teaching Reading Using Online Learning

In teaching reading there are many strategies that can by

teachers to teach in the classroom especially in teaching reading using

online learning. The following below are strategies for in teaching

reading using online learning.


1) Reading Aloud

Reading aloud is usually used to check the pronunciation of

the students. For students, reading aloud is an important strategy for

developing print awareness. Teacher can ask each student to read a

text and give them a score to show their progress.

Wilson states that reading aloud has a remarkable effect on

children. It enhances children’s skills, interests and development in

many ways that reach far beyond just improving their own reading

interests and abilities.59 One of the main intentions of reading aloud is

to recognize the sounds of words; however, teachers may also vary

their activities to develop their students’ reading comprehension. The

teachers may ask some questions after the students have read the text.

When one student read aloud, the teacher asks the other

students to pay attention to the text rather than just listen to how their

friend reads. This will assist the students in finding the meaning of the


2) Scaffolding

Scaffolding is perceived as the strategy used by the teachers

to facilitate learners’ transition from assisted to independent

performance.61 Scaffolding is used to bridge between students'

Jacqueline Wilson, Great Books to Read Aloud, (London: Random House Children,
2006), p. 6.
Nopita Ningsih, “An Analysis on Teacher's Strategies in Reading Comprehension
Class of the Second-Grade Students of SMPN 3 Ngrambe in the Academic Year of 2015/2016”,
(Thesis, IAIN Surakarta, Indonesia, 2017), p.
Pauline Gibbons, Scaffolding Language, Scaffolding Learning, (Portsmouth:
Heinemann, 2002)

independent and supported operating levels. In order to help learners

to understand the text and to focus on meaning, teachers.

Scaffolding is recommended to be done in five ways:

providing explanation, inviting students’ participation, verifying and

clarifying students’ understanding, inviting students to contribute

clues and modeling of desired behaviors.

3) Question-Answer Relationship (QARs)

The type of question asked to guide comprehension should be

based on the information readers need to answer the question.

Therefore, teachers must help student become aware of likely sources

of information as they respond to questions.62 A reader draws on two

broad information sources to answer question: information in the text

and information inside the reader’s head.

The procedure QARs can be taught directly to students by

reading teachers and can be reinforced by content area specialists.

Keep in mind, however, that students may come to your class totally

unaware of what information sources are available for seeking an

answer, or they may not know when to use different sources. In this

case, it is worth several days’ effort to teach students the relationship

between question and answer. QARs is a reading strategy through

understanding and analysis of questions. In other words, this strategy

guides students to understand the questions in order to get an

Pearson and Johnson, Teaching Reading Comprehension, (New York: Holt, Rinehart
& Winston, 1978)

information in a reading itself. So that in practice in the classroom

students only glance read the reading and to understand further the

focus of students is the questions given by the teacher about the text


e. The Advantages of Online Teaching

Online learning has several advantages as follows:63

1) Learning is not limited by place and time so that anytime students can

access the learning process.

2) Students in this learning process must be active so that the online

learning process is a student-centered process.

3) Save on education costs (infrastructure, equipment, books, official


4) Train students to be more independent in gaining knowledge.

5) Professional online help.

f. The Disadvantages of Online Teaching

Online learning has several disadvantages as follows:64

1) Dissemination of information that is not appropriate, the internet

makes it possible to present material or material that is inappropriate

for students to enjoy because it does not fit their level of development,

for example cigarette and alcohol advertisements or topics that may be

too high for their understanding and too mature for their viewing.

Sri Hariyati, “An Analysis of Online English Learning in The Covid-19 Pandemic at
Senior High School”, (Thesis, Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education University of
Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara Medan, 2020).

Thus the need for strict control and supervision. There is no

organization or agency that controls activities on multiple computer

networks. Control is on each individual. This is where the role of the

teacher is needed,

2) Copyright, because information is so easily accessed, it's so easy for

someone to download files quickly. Therefore, students can make a

paper or project by violating someone's copyright that is not their

work. There are many reliable ways to enhance the integrity of online


3) Very fast website growth, it is estimated that several thousand new

websites add to the internet every day. This growth makes finding

information really difficult. To help search for information, several

commercial companies and universities provide search engines that

follow the web network and reply to search results that match what is


4) Good technical support must be available. Without that support and

good management, computer networks can die quickly. Problems with

a network can cripple a laboratory or even shut down an entire school

and company. Technical supervisors are needed to build and maintain


5) Lack of quality control, users must be critical thinkers and readers

who know how to value information. Everything that is sent on the


internet is not a "teaching". Anyone can post anything on the web,

including information that is not important, wrong, or incorrect.

g. Problem Solving in Online Teaching

To solve the problems in online teaching, teacher should do

these solutions:65

1) Teacher must indicate which sites contain information that is really

useful for students so that they must be visited.

2) Teachers should allow students to take exams or project according to

their convenience. Do not force for assignments or any tests unless

they are ready.

3) Teacher should find out different kinds of tools that make teaching

and assessment simple and easy. Teacher can develop many teaching

methods that can improve their learning such as conducting different

activities, model making, debates, group activities, virtual tours, group

discussions, role play etc.

4) Teacher should contact technical support for solving problems that

can cause hindrance in the learning process. Make sure that teachers

upgrade their computer with apps and software that can help in an

effective learning process with a high-speed internet connection.

5) Teacher must understand the course content and how to fit it into

online course. Teacher should modify some changes in terms of

activities and assignments for a better understanding of the concepts.

G. Research Method

1. Approach and Type of Research

The researcher used descriptive qualitative research that focused on

the teacher’s strategies in online reading teaching. It described the technique

used by the teacher in MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah. Qualitative research

was used to describe and analyze the abilities, forms, uniqueness, variations

of words produced by teachers in online classes.

According to Creswell qualitative research is a research with an

approach to understanding the meaning of individual or group and exploring

social or human problems.66 Furthermore, Sutopo and Arief writes that

qualitative is a study aimed at doing a description and analysis of a

phenomenon, event, social activity, attitude, perception of each individual or

in a particular group.67 This type of research was inductive, where data at the

location would be the main source of the phenomenon and problems in the

observation process.

So it can be concluded that descriptive qualitative trying to describe

a social phenomenon in the form of words. The main purpose of descriptive

research is to describe the state of view as it exists today. Simply stated, this

is a fact-finding investigation. In descriptive research, conclusions can

certainly be accepted, but it does not build a cause and effect relationship.

2. The Presence of Researcher

John W. Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Approches.
California: SAGE Publications Inc., 1994)
Sutopo and Arief, Research Methodology, (London: Munich Personal RePEc , 2010),
p. 31

The presence of researcher in this research, meant the researcher as

key instrument in planning the research, collecting the data, analyzing the

data, and reporting the data. The researcher as planning where the researcher

makes the planning about research. The researcher as collecting data is the

researcher try to collect the data by observing teachers’ strategies in online

reading. Afterwards, the researcher analysis the data or utterance into some

of teachers’ strategies. The last presence of researcher was reporting in

which the researcher reports the data that has been found.

3. Research Setting

This research was conducted at MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah.

Because of the existenced of COVID-19, this school employed online

learning. Thus, this school was suitable for the researcher to conducted this

research because researcher wanted to know teachers’ strategies in online

reading. In doing online learning, the teachers using Google Meet Platform

as the media to teach students in MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah.

4. Source of the Data

Data source is a person, something, or a place that provides

information related to research. According to Moleong the primary data

sources in qualitative research is words and actions. More than that is

additional data such as documents and other.68

The researcher took all the English teachers in MTs Negeri 2

Lombok Tengah as the participants in this research. The English teachers in

Lexy J. Moleong, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif, (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya,
2006), p. 97

MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah consisted of three teachers Mrs. K, Mr. S

and Mr. A. Mrs. K taught students in VII class, Mr. S taught students in VIII

class and Mr. A taught students in IX class. The researcher took three

English teachers because there only three English teachers in MTs Negeri 2

Lombok Tengah. Thus, the researcher would obtain information about the

teachers’ strategies in teaching reading using online learning at MTs Negeri

2 Lombok Tengah in the Academic Year 2021/2022.

5. Procedure of Data Collection

In this research the data was collected using observation and


a. Observation

Narbuko and Achmad In Imam Septiono, state that

Observation is a data collection strategy that involves systematically

observing and taking notes on a phenomenon. 69 In general,

observation is divided into two types, participant and non participant.

Furthermore, the researcher used participant observation because

researcher would observe into the classroom directly, when the

learning process is running in the classroom. Meantime, the target

observation here are related to investigate the strategy used by the

teachers in online reading teaching. Therefore, the observation was in

form of notes which would find the teachers’ strategies and problems

Imam Septianto, “Strategy of Teaching Speaking Skill In E-Fun English Course
Klaten”, (Thesis, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, State Institute of Islamic Studies
Surakarta), 2018

in online reading teaching. Besides, to support ways to take the data,

researcher provided the video recording to help the researcher to

repeat the data that was taken and used notebook to write the points.

b. Interview

Interviews or question and answer sessions are one of the best

ways to learn or explore profound information from someone. An

interview is a conversation that aims to gather information in a

description of the life of the person being interviewed in connection with

the interpretation of the meaning of the described phenomena.70

Furthermore, Schostak adds that interviews are extended conversations

to get in-depth information about a particular topic or subject, and

through which phenomena can occur and be interpreted in the sense of

meaning carried by the person being interviewed. 71 In this case, the

interview was done in the middle of a pandemic by face to face interview

when the teacher got a picket schedule at school.

There are three types of general interviews including; structured,

semi-structured, and unstructured interviews. In this case, the researcher

used semi-structured interviews with the teachers at MTs Negeri 2

Lombok Tengah in The Academic Year 2021/2022 which would find

the teachers’ strategies and problems in online reading teaching. The

interview was conducted to obtain accurate responses and information

Kvale Christine, Introductio to Research in Education, (Canada: Wadsworth Cengage
Learning, 2010), p. 174
Schostak, Teaching and Researching Reading, (London: Pearson Education
Longman, 2006), p, 54

about the strategies used by the teachers in teaching reading using online


6. Technique of Data Analysis

This research used qualitative data analysis techniques. Data analysis

is an integral part of the research process which is poured either in writing

or not. Study with a qualitative approach, the focus of the research problems

demanded researcher conduct systematically, deep, and meaningful

assessment as confirmed by Burgess below. “In qualitative research, all

investigators or researchers focus on the problems studied, guided by the

conceptual or theoretical framework”.72 Data analysis in qualitative research

is often carried out simultaneously or together with data collection. Then,

Sirajuddin stated that the data analysis in this study included several steps

or stages; coding, data reduction, data display, and make conclusions or

interpretations.73 More clearly as follows:

a. Data Condensation

According to Miles and Huberman, the process relates to data

condensation selecting, focusing, and converting the data. In the case of

condensation data, the author must choose which aspect of the data that

appeared in the interview transcript.74

In this study, the data were collected by conducting observation

and interview to identify the teachers’ strategies in online teaching

Sudarwan Dnim Metode Penelitian, (Jakarta: Usaha Nasional, 2003), p. 262
Sirajuddin, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2010), p. 283
Matthew B. Miles, A. Michael Huberman, and Johnny Saldana, Qualitative Data
Analysis: An Methods Sourcebook, 3rd edition, (Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications), 2014.p. 31-

reading. After getting the result of the observation and the interview, the

data were reduced to gather appropriate data for the research in order to

be consistent with the research question and objective of the study.

b. Data Display

After the data is reduced, the next step is presenting data.

According to Miles and Huberman, the most frequently used to present

data in qualitative research is with narrative text. 75 With the presentation

of data, it will make it easier to understand what is happening and plan

the next work based on what has been done understood. In this study, the

researcher displayed data using an essay, this is the most commonly used

display in qualitative research.76

c. Drawing Conclusion

The conclusion is the final stage in data analysis. The conclusion

in qualitative research is new findings that have never before existed.

Findings can be in the form of description or description of an object

before still dim or even dark, so after being investigated becomes clear.

This conclusion can be either a casual relationship or an interactive, as

well as hypothesis or theories. In the conclusion stage, the researcher

began to see and examine all data then tell the story by making a

relationship between the story so that the researcher got the results and

conclusions from the study.

7. Trustworthiness

Lexy J. Moleong Metode Penelitian Kualitatif...., p. 249.

The validity of the data were necessary to prove the research

whether it conducted a scientific research as well as to test the data obtained.

This research was carried out Triangulation. Triangulation is a technique to

check the validity of data by using or utilize something else.77 Furthermore,

the quality criteria or trustworthiness in qualitative research includes

credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. Credibility

means confidence in the truth value of the findings of the study. While,

transferability means the applicability of the research findings. Then,

dependability means the degree of consistency of the findings. Meanwhile,

confirmability means the neutrality of the findings.78 Moreover, there are

some types of triangulation, include source triangulation, time triangulation,

theory triangulation, and instrument triangulation.79

In this research, the researcher used three types of

triangulation they were triangulation of method, triangulation of source

and triangulation of theory.80

a. Triangulation by using method

Triangulation by using methods means that the researcher

checked the credibility data of the research and data source by using

several data collection technique and analysis them by some method. In

Lexy J. Moleong, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif, (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosda karya,
2013), p. 330.
Syarifudin, Communication Strategies in Talking Turns Speaking of English as a
Foreign Language Use, 2nd Edition, Mataram: CV Sanabil. 2020, ). p.20-23.
Bachtiar S. Bahri, “Meyakinkan Validitas Data Melalui Tringaluasi Pada Penelitian
Kualitatif”, Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan, Vol.10, No. 1, April 2010, p. 55-57.

Bachtiar S, Bahri, “Meyakinkan Validitas Data Melalui Tringaluasi pada Penelitian
Kualitatif”, JurnalTeknologi Pendidikan, Vol.10, No.1, April 2010, p.55-57.

relation to this research, the purpose for using this triangulation is to

compare the data gathered from observation, interview and the other

document pertaining to this research.

In validating the data the researcher was did observation

in online class in MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah, the researcher

observed the teaching and learning process besides the observed

problems appeared related to focus of the research. And was did

interview with subject of this research, they were English lecturer and 5

students of the fourth semester. And then the researcher crosschecked

the data gained between both form observation and interview.

b. Triangulation by using source

Triangulation by using source means the researcher compare

and check credibility the data of information found used same data

collecting technique was interview from different sources. In this

research, the researcher compare the data gathered from different

sources, they were English teachers in MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah.

In validating the data the researcher was observed the

strategies used by English teachers when was teaching and learning

process was running. The researcher was crosschecked the data gained

from different teachers and compare with interviewed was done with

English teacher.

Thus, after reviewed all the data obtained, it could be seen the

data gathered was valid.

c. Triangulation by using theory

Triangulation by using theory is the used of several

perspectives or theories in analyzed the data finding. It means that

the result of this research compared with perspective of relevant’s

theories towards the result of data analysis which was collected. In

validating the data the researcher did interview with teachers as the

informant of this research and then the result of the interview

was compared with relevant theory related to focus of this research.

H. Organization of Discussion

Chapter I, this chapter is introduction. In this chapter the researcher

will explain the research background, the statement of problem, objective and

significance of research, scope of research, review of previous research,

theoretical bases, research method, and the last is organization of discussion.

Chapter II. In this chapter, the researcher will describe the data display

and findings of the research.

Chapter III. In this chapter, the researcher will discuss analyzing

process of the research findings based on theoretical bases.

Chapter IV. In this chapter, the researcher will give the conclusion of

research and the suggestion.



This chapter discussed about the research findings based on theoretical

bases. The findings were obtained from observation which had been conducted as

long learning process was running and interview with English teacher at MTs

Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah.

A. The Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Reading in Online Classroom

The researcher has conducted the data collection using the instrument

of this study to acquire the teachers’ strategies in teaching reading used through

online learning. Based on the online observation and semi-structured interview

among one English teachers, the teachers’ three main strategies in teaching

reading through online learning are read aloud, scaffolding, and outside class

reading activity.

1. Reading Aloud

Based on online observation in class VII taught by Mrs. K, the

researcher noticed that at the beginning of the online classes. The teacher

constantly waits for several minutes to let students join the Google meet,

and then the teacher greets students, reviewing the material in the last

meeting, and starts the class. After that, teachers asked students to read

aloud a passage from the textbook. Besides, in online learning, internet

connection is a significant drawback.81

Researcher, Observation…MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah 7th September 2021


Furthermore, in interview Mrs. K said:

In the reading lesson, I typically ask students to read the text. Almost
every meeting I use this strategy, especially to improve students’
pronunciation, stressing, and intonation. Because the students still
have many mistakes, especially in the pronunciation. Already
corrected over and over again, many students still repeat the same
mistakes. So that the teacher must strongly emphasize to students how
to pronounce a word or sentence with pronunciation, stressing, and
correct intonation.82
According the online observation on 8th September 2021 in Class

VIII taught by Mr. S, researcher also found that Mr. S used reading aloud

strategy in teaching online reading. The teacher asked students to read aloud

about the text that has been given by the teacher. The text was showed in

form of presentation using Power Point during online learning.83

Also, in interview Mr. S said:

“I usually use that strategy to get the students to read directly about
English text. Because it improves the students’ skill in reading, giving
new vocabulary and also how to pronounce it clearly. If the teacher
does not ask the students to read, this is impossible for students to read
English text.”84
According the online observation on 10th September 2021 in Class

IX taught by Mr. A, researcher found that Mr. A did not use this strategy in

teaching online reading. In conclusion, only Mrs. K and Mr. S used this

strategy to improve students’ reading skill using online learning. This

reading strategy is the way teachers reinforce students to read inside the

online learning activity. 85

2. Scaffolding

Mrs. K, Interview, MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah, 7 September 2021.
Researcher, Observation…MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah 8th September 2021
Mr. S, Interview, MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah, 8 September 2021.
Researcher, Observation…MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah 10th September 2021

The strategy used by the teachers in teaching online reading was

Scaffolding. It is proved based on online observation on Tuesday 7th

September 2021 in class VII taught by Mrs. K. The teacher stated that she is

the type of teacher who does not stop students while reading a passage. The

teacher also let students finished the passage first, then paying attention to

the mistakes students made. Therefore, through online learning, the teacher

types it on PowerPoint then reread the passage. When the teacher reads the

passage, students pay attention to the teacher and notice their friend's

mistakes while reading.86

Therefore, Mrs. K said in interview:

“So, I often ask students to read a text until they finished and give
them feedback such as correcting their pronunciation or errors
grammar and giving them how to read English text”.87
According the online observation on 8th September 2021 in Class

VIII taught by Mr. S, researcher also found that Mr. S used Scaffolding

strategy in teaching online reading. The teacher exemplifies how to read

clearly and how to mention the words correctly. In the current situation, the

students pay attention to what was done by the teacher. The scaffolding

strategy is applied due to the teacher assisted students how to read correctly.

In addition, the students read the passage while the teacher notices and

corrects if the students face any difficulties reading or understanding the

text. The semi-structured among the students also support the use of

scaffolding strategy in reading activity through online learning.88

Researcher, Observation…MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah 7th September 2021
Mrs. K, Interview, MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah, 7 September 2021.
Researcher, Observation…MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah 8th September 2021

Also, in interview Mr. S said:

“I use this strategy because I want to correct my students errors in

reading and give them explanation about how to pronounce the correct
English word. Thus, it will make students understand and improve
their skill in reading.”89
According the online observation on 10th September 2021 in Class

IX taught by Mr. A, researcher found that Mr. A used this strategy in

teaching online reading. The teacher provided student time to ask a question

of the text they read, the students might feel confused about the information

and or their personal misunderstanding of the text. It could be confusing of a

word in context, or in the phrase, idiom, slang word they might never


Therefore, Mr. A said in interview:

“I often guides students to understand the meaning of the word or

vocab. If students has errors in reading or pronunciation, I will give
them a correct about how to read and pronoun the English word.”91

In conclusion, all of English teachers in MTs Negeri 2 Lombok

Tengah used Scaffolding in teaching online reading. This strategy assists

them in achieving the objectives of reading in English for the foreign

language learner.


The strategy used by the teachers in teaching online reading was

Question Answer Relationship (QARS). It is proved based on online

Mr. S, Interview, MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah, 8 September 2021.
Researcher, Observation…MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah 10th September 2021
Mr. A, Interview, MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah, 10 September 2021.

observation on Tuesday 7th September 2021 in class VII taught by Mrs. K.

The teacher gave and asked a question for the rest of time unless to know

whether the students got the information rather knowing the meaning of the


Therefore, Mrs. K said in interview:

“If the students do not know about the text, I will ask students to make
some questions about the text. It can solve the students’ the difficulties
they face in the text.”93
According the online observation on 8th September 2021 in Class

VIII taught by Mr. S. researcher also found that Mr. S used this strategy in

teaching online reading. In the middle-end of the lesson, teacher recheck of

students’ understanding by giving them orally and written question. The

question is about the lesson and text they were read and study.94

Also, in interview Mr. S said:

“I often asked students to some questions that related to the material.

It will make students more understand about the English text and
students should find some detail in the text.”95
According the online observation on 10th September 2021 in Class

IX taught by Mr. A, researcher found that Mr. A also used this strategy in

teaching online reading. The teacher provided student some text that related

to the material and the teacher asked them to find some detail in the text

such as the purpose of the text, main idea, and providing some questions.96

Therefore, Mr. A said in interview:

Researcher, Observation…MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah 7th September 2021
Mr. S, Interview, MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah, 8 September 2021.
Researcher, Observation…MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah 8th September 2021
Mr. S, Interview, MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah, 8 September 2021.
Researcher, Observation…MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah 10th September 2021

“I ask students to read some text that I have given to them. I also
provided some questions related to the text. It will make students to
find the answer and looking for some detail in the text”.97

In conclusion, all of English teachers in MTs Negeri 2 Lombok

Tengah used Question Answer Relationship (QARS) in teaching online

reading. This strategy could help the teachers to check the students’

understanding and students can solve their problem in learning.

B. Teachers’ Problems In Teaching Reading In Online Classroom

Based on the online observation and semi-structured interview among

one English teachers, the teachers’ three main problems that faced by the

teachers in teaching reading through online learning, those are:

1. Students’ Motivation

Based on online observation in class VII taught by Mrs. K, the

researcher noticed that students were lack of motivation. The students did

not interest in online reading class and some of students submitted the task

lately. Thus, students felt that reading was boring because of whole text is

writing. Furthermore, when the teacher asked one of students to read the

text the students took long time to response and read the text.98

Furthermore, in interview Mrs. K said:

“The problem that I faced when I teach online reading is students do

not have any motivation in learning English especially in reading.

Mr. A, Interview, MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah, 10 September 2021.
Researcher, Observation…MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah 7th September 2021

They sometimes did not attention to the explanation and did care
about their homework or assignment.”99
According the online observation on 8th September 2021 in Class

VIII taught by Mr. S. researcher also found that Mr. S had some problems in

teaching online reading especially in students’ motivation. In the online

classroom, the teacher asked students to read aloud about the text that has

been given by the teacher then students had low in response. Mr. S

sometimes called the students’ name three times because students did have

any attention about teacher’s explanations.100

Also, in interview Mr. S said:

“Students sometimes take a long time to answer the questions I ask.

they think for a long time and lack the motivation to learn.”101
According the online observation on 10th September 2021 in Class

IX taught by Mr. A, researcher found that Mr. A also had problems in

teaching online reading that is students were lack of motivation. The

students felt bored when the teacher gave some explanations in online

classroom. Thus, the students lack of motivation and interested in learning

online reading. Sometimes students did not open their camera and low

response when the teacher ask about some questions.102

Therefore, Mr. A said in interview:

“The difficulty I face is when students lack motivation in online

learning. sometimes they do not want to open the camera and always
take a long time to respond.”103

Mrs. K, Interview, MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah, 7 September 2021.
Researcher, Observation…MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah 8th September 2021
Mr. S, Interview, MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah, 8 September 2021.
Researcher, Observation…MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah 10th September 2021
Mr. A, Interview, MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah, 10 September 2021.

In conclusion, all of English teachers in MTs Negeri 2 Lombok

Tengah had some problem that is students were lack of motivation. Most of

students felt bored, had low in response and did not interest in learning


2. Low Internet Connection

The problems that face by the teachers in teaching online reading

was Low Internet Connection. It is proved based on online observation on

Tuesday 7th September 2021 in class VII taught by Mrs. K. Some students

did not attend the meeting because they did not have any internet connection

in their house. Therefore, some explanations of the teacher did not hear by

students because of low connection that the teacher has.104

Therefore, Mrs. K said in interview:

“The first is students are difficult to access the internet, so the students
are difficult to get the materials, understanding materials given by the
teacher, and difficult to send the assignment to the teacher”.105
According the online observation on 8th September 2021 in Class

VIII taught by Mr. S. researcher also found that Mr. S had problems

teaching online reading especially in Low Internet Connection. During the

learning process, sometimes the students leave the online class because they

did have any internet access.106

Also, in interview Mr. S said:

Researcher, Observation…MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah 7th September 2021
Mrs. K, Interview, MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah, 7 September 2021.
Researcher, Observation…MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah 8th September 2021

“Also the students did not have any signal or internet network.
Sometimes, the students leave the meeting during the learning
According the online observation on 10th September 2021 in Class

IX taught by Mr. A. researcher found that Mr. A also had problems in

teaching online reading especially Low Internet Connection. When the

teacher provided some text to the students, the meeting was stuck because

the teacher had low connection.108

Therefore, Mr. A said in interview:

“Also, I sometimes have difficulty in teaching when my internet

connection is lost and the explanation I give is blocked by the internet
that I have.”109

In conclusion, all of English teachers in MTs Negeri 2 Lombok

Tengah had problems in Low Internet Connection when they taught online

reading. It because, students did not have any internet connection in their

house and the teachers had low internet connection.

Mr. S, Interview, MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah, 8 September 2021.
Researcher, Observation…MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah 10th September 2021
Mr. A, Interview, MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah, 10 September 2021.


This research was concerned on the strategy used by the teachers

in teaching online reading at MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah in Academic

year 2021/2022. This chapter presents the discussion of research findings

related to the research objective. The researcher obtained the data trought

observation and interview. The data obtained in the form of online

observation and teachers’ interview.

A. The Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Reading in Online Classroom

The success or failure of the teacher in teaching reading is largely

determined by how the teacher teaches or is called the teachers’ strategy in

teaching. It can be said that the strategies that used by teacher in teaching

online reading are very influence and helpful for the students and the strategies

are very interest to be implemented to developing students’ skill in reading. All

of the strategies used in teaching learning process, especially in teaching

reading trough online learning are explained as follows:

1. Reading Aloud

Reading Aloud is very necessary, even at each meeting the teacher

always uses this strategy in all classes. This strategy helps students to

remember the material, emphasize intonation on certain words, and give

examples of correct pronunciation. This strategy is the way teachers

reinforce students to read inside the online learning activity. The learner's

desire to be recognized is contribute to motivating the learners to read in


English. If the teacher plays a role, the learners are more motivated to

read English text. Recognition by the teacher is the gratification in

receiving tangible recognition for success, like students like having the

teacher say that they read well. Based on the result of this research, the

teachers in SMA Islam Uswatun Hasanah used Drilling strategy in

developing students’ confident in speaking. It is proved from teachers’

observation and teachers’ interview.

According to Mckeown and Gentilucci, reading aloud is a method

of measuring the cognitive reading process and it is used to measure the

competence of reading skills.110 In accordance with this, reading aloud is a

process to build up the students' competence to understand the reading

skills. It is the one strategy to make the atmosphere of the classroom is

effective and enjoyable in the teaching and reading process. Reading aloud

is an effective way because it needs the students' and teacher’s feedback to

construct the meaning of the text. Then, applying the reading aloud strategy

will prompt the students to improve their reading skills.

Zaini, Bermawy, and Aryani stated that reading aloud is a learning

strategy that emphasizes loud sound with the teacher explaining and

overviewing both the beginning and the last of the learning process. This

strategy is one of the active learning methods that can help students’

concentration, and remand the question and Discussion.111

McKeown and Gentilucci, “Think-Aloud Strategy: Metacognitive Development and
Monitoring Comprehension in the Middle School Second-Language Classroom”, Journal of
Adolescent & Adult Literacy, Vol. 51, No. 2, 2007, p. 136-147.
Zaini, Bermawy, and Aryani, Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif, (Yoyakarta Pustaka Insan
Madani dan CTSD UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2008)

This result was line with Rizkillah, he found that this strategy is

used by the teachers in order to make the students easily comprehend the

reading text and get more vocabulary that is important in learning English.

Their pronunciation also will be increased too, because they will observe

how to pronounce well and they have to read aloud the text.112

2. Scaffolding

Scaffolding strategy is used by teachers when students got

difficulties, teachers need to provide assistance to the needs of the students,

like the teacher doing the classroom, the teacher gave help to the students to

know how to read the text correctly. In the way of the process through

online learning, teaching process found it difficult in the way to explain and

interact to the students. In the finding of this research, researcher found that

teachers at MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah used this strategy to assists them

in achieving the objectives of reading in English for the foreign

language learner. As what Gibson mentioned that scaffolding is perceived as

the strategy used by the teachers to facilitate learners’ transition from

assisted to independent performance.113

The result of this research was line with Suryani, she found that

teachers used scaffolding strategy to help student conduct the question. In

the same time, teacher teaches the student how to read properly and told the

Andi Rizkillah, “The Analysis of the Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching and the
Students’ Interest in Reading in Class IX at SMPN 5 Camplong, (Thesis, English Education
Department, Islamic University of Malang, 2020)
Pauline Gibbons, Scaffolding…

students to read the text. Not only read the text, the teacher also warned the

student of the difficult vocabulary to discuss and get known to it.114


QARs is a reading strategy through understanding and analysis of

questions. In other words, this strategy guides students to understand the

questions in order to get an information in a reading itself. In the finding of

this research, researcher found that teachers at MTs Negeri 2 Lombok

Tengah used this strategy to to see if students really understand it with text

they read. If the student could answer the questions they had been

understood in understanding the text, and if they could not answer the

question then the students not understand with those text. And also the

teacher told the students to answer the question related to the text after that

the students wrote the answer in their book. The teachers must help student

become aware of likely sources of information as they respond to


The result of this research was line with Suryani, she found that

teachers used QARS strategy to see if students really understand it with text

they read. If the student could answer the questions, they had been

understood in understanding the text, and if they could not answer the

question then the students not understand with those text. And also, the

Suryani, “Reading Teaching Strategies Applied by Teacher of Senior High School 1
Jambi City in Online Learning”, (Thesis, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training the State
Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, 2020)
Pearson and Johnson, Teaching…)

teacher told the students to answer the question related to the text after that

the students wrote the answer in their book.116

B. Teachers’ Problems in Teaching Reading in Online Classroom

Based on research findings, the teachers’ three main problems that

faced by the teachers in teaching reading through online learning, those are:

1. Students’ Motivation

The students have the tendency to be motivated to read to meet

other people’s expectation. The students are eager to compete with each

other’s which means that they have extrinsic motivation. They will read

because they want to get recognition and this kind of motivation will wear

overtime. Based on finding of the research, all of English teachers in MTs

Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah had problems in online reading teaching

especially in students’ motivation. Most of students felt bored, had low in

response and did not interest in learning process.

The result of this research was line with Afriani. She found that

teacher’s difficulty because of the transition from face-to-face to an online

classroom. It is happening because the teachers find it difficult to teach

online because they are just familiar with conventional methods. They have

not found an exciting teaching strategy to attract students' attention when

teaching reading comprehension. It causes students to be less interested in

learning and doing the assignments given by the teachers, so it also impacts

learning goals that are not achieved.117

Suryani, “Reading…
Amelia Afriani, “Teachers Difficulties in Teaching Reading Comprehension during
Online Classroom, (Thesis, English Education Study Program Language and Literature

2. Low Internet Connection

Communication between the teacher and the students need good

internet access in order the process of online teaching learning is going well.

Based on finding of the research, all of English teachers in MTs Negeri 2

Lombok Tengah had problems in Low Internet Connection when they

taught online reading. It because, students did not have any internet

connection in their house and the teachers had low internet connection.

The result of this research was line with Setyawan. He found that

several students faced poor internet access. The students have not covered

well the signal, problem with the internet data packages, so they cannot

access the internet, even some students do not have a smartphone. It can

make teacher difficult in teaching especially in online reading teaching.118

Departement Faculty of Teacher Training And Education Jambi University, 2021).

Cholis Setyawan, “Challenges on Teaching Online English Subject in Smk Negeri 1
Nawangan, (Thesis, Department of English Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, 2020)


This chapter presents the conclusion of the research and offers

some suggestion. The conclusion and suggestion are drawn based on the

research finding and discussion that are presented below.

A. Conclusion

The researcher summaried about the result of the research based on

the statement of the problem, Those are:

1. The strategies used by English teachers in MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah in

teaching online reading were reading aloud, scaffolding and question

answer relationship. First, reading aloud helped students to remember the

material, emphasized intonation on certain words, and gave examples of

correct pronunciation. The scaffolding strategy impacted EFL reading

motivation as the teacher contributed to students’ confidence by continually

praising students’ achievement and reading efforts fostering students’ self-

efficacy. Third, QARS strategy guides students to understand the questions

in order to get an information in a reading itself.

2. The Problems that faced by the teachers in MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah

in teaching online reading were students’ motivation and low internet

connection. The students had low motivation due to most of students felt

bored, had low in response and did not interest in learning process. In

Addition, the cause of low internet connection was students did not have


any internet connection in their house and the teachers had low internet


B. Suggestions

Based on the discussion and conclusion, the researcher presents

several suggestions for the English teachers, English learners and future


1. English Teachers

Teachers should create various strategies in teaching reading

especially in online learning. Therefore, the teaching goals could be

achieved. Teachers are also suggested to enrich the way they teach by

applying various kinds of interactive activities during implementing various

strategies. Teacher as a facilitator in teaching and learning activity should

developing students’ reading skill used various strategies to make students

follow the lesson, fun, and enjoy.

2. English Students

Students are suggested to give the participation by showing and

keeping students’ spirit in attending classroom in which team teaching is

implemented to present lesson or materials. In this way, students might

reach some great experiences in teaching learning process.

3. Future Researchers

The researcher hopes that the future researchers will conduct the

research related to the strategy in reading especially in online learning

activity. Hopely, this thesis can be useful for the future researchers.

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Date :

Time :

Place : MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah

Interviewer : Arditia Munzori (Researcher)

Interviewee :

Researcher : Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.

Researcher : Maaf mengganggu waktu bapak/ ibu guru

Researcher : Saya Mahasiswa UIN Mataram jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa

Inggris ingin mewawancarai Bapak/Ibu guru selaku pengampu

mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di MTs 2 Negeri Lombok Tengah

ini, sesuai dengan judul Thesis saya yang berkaitan dengan

Strategi Guru dalam mengajar Reading berbasis Online di masa

pandemi ini.

Researcher : Metode dan Strategi apa yang Bapak/Ibu gunakan dalam

pembelajran Bahasa Inggris khususnya dalam reading pada saat

pembelajaran online?

Researcher : Bagaimana pengaplikasian dari strategi yang ibu berikan kepada

peserta didik di setiap pembelajaran?

Researcher : Setelah saya observasi sendiri dikelas. Ibu selalu strategi seperti

apa yang saya sudah observasi. Kalau secara offline apa sama?

Researcher : Apakah bapak/ ibu sudah mengimplementasikan strategi dalam

pembelajaran reading seperti yang Bapak/ Ibu jelaskan tadi?

Researcher : Apakah bapak/ibu selalu memberikan tugas kepada peserta didik

sehingga mudah di evaluasi strategi apa yang sekiranya cocok

dalam pembelajaran online ?

Researcher : Apakah Bapak/ibu memiliki target untuk peserta didik setelah

mempelajari bahasa inggris dalam hal reading?

Researcher : Menurut Bapak/ibu, apakah masalah yang sering dihadapai dalam

dalam pembelajaran online?

Researcher : Sekian interview yang saya lakukan dengan

Bapak/ibu ............selaku guru Bahasa Inggris di MTs 2 Negeri

Lombok Tengah. Terimakasih banyak atas informasinya dan

sambutan yang di berikan pihak sekolah kepada saya selaku



Date : 7th September 2021

Time : 12. 30 p. m

Place : MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah

Interviewer : Arditia Munzori (Researcher)

Interviewee : Mrs. K

Pertanyaan : Metode dan Strategi apa yang Bapak/Ibu gunakan dalam

pembelajran Bahasa Inggris khususnya dalam reading pada saat

pembelajaran online?

Mrs. K : Dalam pelajaran membaca, saya biasanya meminta siswa untuk

membaca teks. Hampir setiap pertemuan saya menggunakan

strategi ini, terutama untuk meningkatkan pengucapan,

penekanan, dan intonasi siswa. Karena siswa masih memiliki

banyak kesalahan, terutama dalam pengucapan. Sudah dikoreksi

berulang-ulang, masih banyak siswa yang mengulang kesalahan

yang sama. Sehingga guru harus sangat menekankan kepada

siswa bagaimana cara melafalkan suatu kata atau kalimat dengan

lafal, penekanan, dan intonasi yang benar. Kalau di luar kelas,

saya berikan bahan bacaan seperti cerpen, yaitu cerita kartun,

karena bahasanya lebih mudah dipahami. Nah, bisa dibilang itu

dorongan yang halus karena jika seorang anak tidak menyukai

bahasa Inggris, maka kami memberi mereka cerita yang

menyenangkan, sehingga mereka akan menganggap bahasa

Inggris itu menyenangkan dan mengasyikkan.

Pertanyaan : Bagaimana pengaplikasian dari strategi yang ibu berikan kepada

peserta didik di setiap pembelajaran?

Mrs. K : Seperti yang sudah saya sebutkan tadi bahwa saya memberikan

beberapa cerpen maupun beberapa jenis text dalam bahasa

Inggris, sehingga siswa dapat belajar setelah kegiatan belajar di

kelas dan juga membantu proses belajar dan meningkatkan

kemampuan dari siswa setelah belajar online.

Pertanyaan : Setelah saya observasi sendiri dikelas. Ibu selalu strategi seperti

apa yang saya sudah observasi (memanggil siswa untuk

membaca). Kalau secara offline apa sama?

Mrs. K : Kalau di offline ya sama ya, memanggil secara langsung karena

kalau kita hanya meminta “who wants to read?” itu jarang ada

yang mau. Jadi mau tak mau bahasanya memaksa secara halus

dengan menunjuk langsung gitu dan biasanya kalau teksnya agak

panjang, satu murid itu saya kasih beberapa paragraph setelah itu

saya acak secara random tiba-tiba saya tunjuk untuk melanjutin.

Nah kalau ga bisa saya biasanya kasih hukuman ringan aja.

Karena satu sisi untuk materi bahasa inggris agak kurang banyak

yang menerima karena kurang sukak lah beda dengan mata

pelajaran yang lain seperti seni budaya yang fun lah bisa dibilang.

Pertanyaan : Apakah Bapak/ Ibu sudah mengimplementasikan strategi dalam

pembelajaran reading seperti yang Bapak/ Ibu jelaskan tadi?

Mrs. K : Jadi, saya tipe orang yang membiarkan siswa membaca sampai

selesai terlebih dahulu, memperhatikan yang salah, dan menulis

terlebih dahulu. Jadi biasanya semua kata yang dibaca siswa

salah, saya tulis di papan tulis, dan karena ini online, saya

biasanya menulisnya melalui power point, kemudian saya

membacanya kembali.

Pertanyaan : Apakah Bapak/Ibu selalu memberikan tugas kepada peserta didik

sehingga mudah di evaluasi strategi apa yang sekiranya cocok

dalam pembelajaran online?

Mrs. K : Biasanya saya memberikan tugas melalui pemberian tulisan atau

text bahasa Inggris ke siswa. Dan nantinya mereka akan diberikan

beberapa pertanyaan terkait dengan tulisan bahasa inggris

tersebut. Setelah pembelajaran berikutnya siswa akan

memberikan tugasnya dan salah satu akan mempersentasikanya

dan akan saya evaluasi.

Pertanyaan : Apakah Bapak/Ibu memiliki target untuk peserta didik setelah

mempelajari bahasa inggris dalam hal reading?

Mrs. K : Untuk target sih ada. Saya menargetkan siswa agar bisa mengerti

materi pembelajaran yang saya berikan sesuai dengan yang ada di

RPP melalui strategi yang saya terapkan tersebut.

Researcher : Menurut Bapak/ibu, apakah masalah yang sering dihadapai dalam

dalam pembelajaran online?

Mrs. K : Pertama, siswa sulit mengakses internet, sehingga siswa sulit

untuk mendapatkan materi, memahami materi yang diberikan

oleh guru, dan sulit untuk mengirimkan tugas kepada guru. Dan

juga masalah yang saya hadapi ketika mengajar online reading

adalah siswa tidak memiliki motivasi dalam belajar bahasa

Inggris khususnya dalam membaca. Mereka terkadang tidak

memperhatikan penjelasan dan tidak peduli dengan PR atau tugas

Date : 8th September 2021

Time : 12. 30 p. m

Place : MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah

Interviewer : Arditia Munzori (Researcher)

Interviewee : Mr. S

Pertanyaan : Metode dan Strategi apa yang Bapak/Ibu gunakan dalam

pembelajran Bahasa Inggris khususnya dalam reading pada saat

pembelajaran online?

Mr. S : Di dalam pembelajaran saya menggunakan strategi Scaffolding.

Saya menggunakan strategi Scaffolding karena saya ingin

mengoreksi kesalahan siswa saya dalam membaca dan memberi

mereka penjelasan tentang bagaimana mengucapkan kata bahasa

Inggris yang benar. Dengan demikian, akan membuat siswa

memahami dan meningkatkan keterampilan mereka dalam


Pertanyaan : Bagaimana pengaplikasian dari strategi yang ibu berikan kepada

peserta didik di setiap pembelajaran?

Mr. S : Setelah siswa membaca text yang saya berikan. Saya juga

menkoreksi beberapa kesalahan yang siswa dalam membaca dan

memberi mereka penjelasan tentang bagaimana mengucapkan

kata bahasa Inggris yang benar. Ini sangat membantu siswa dalam

pembelajaran karena bisa memberikan arahan dan memperbaiki

setiap kealahan pengucapan bahasa Inggris.

Pertanyaan : Setelah saya observasi sendiri dikelas. Ibu selalu strategi seperti

apa yang saya sudah observasi (memanggil siswa untuk

membaca). Kalau secara offline apa sama?

Mr. S : Sama saja untuk offline. Saya biasanya menggunakan strategi itu

untuk membuat siswa membaca langsung tentang teks bahasa

Inggris. Karena meningkatkan keterampilan siswa dalam

membaca, memberikan kosakata baru dan juga cara

mengucapkannya dengan jelas. Jika guru tidak menyuruh siswa

membaca, maka tidak mungkin siswa membaca teks bahasa


Pertanyaan : Apakah Bapak/ Ibu sudah mengimplementasikan strategi dalam

pembelajaran reading seperti yang Bapak/ Ibu jelaskan tadi?

Mr. S : Ya saya sudah melakukan strategi tersebut agar siswa mudah dan

lebih paham terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dan lebih giat

dalam membaca text atau tulisan berbahasa Inggris.

Pertanyaan : Apakah Bapak/Ibu selalu memberikan tugas kepada peserta didik

sehingga mudah di evaluasi strategi apa yang sekiranya cocok

dalam pembelajaran online?

Mr. S : Saya sering meminta siswa untuk menemukan beberapa teks yang

berhubungan dengan materi. Ini akan membuat siswa membaca di

luar kelas dan siswa harus menemukan beberapa detail dalam

teks. Dan juga, itu menjadi tugas mereka.

Pertanyaan : Apakah Bapak/Ibu memiliki target untuk peserta didik setelah

mempelajari bahasa inggris dalam hal reading?

Mr. S : Menurut saya, targetnya yaitu siswa dapat memahami maupun

meningkatkan kemampuan dalam bahasa Inggris. Oleh sebab itu,

saya mengharuskan siswa belajar lebih giat diluar pembelajaran


Researcher : Menurut Bapak/ibu, apakah masalah yang sering dihadapai dalam

dalam pembelajaran online?

Mr. S : Siswa terkadang membutuhkan waktu lama untuk menjawab

pertanyaan yang saya ajukan. mereka berpikir lama dan kurang

motivasi untuk belajar. Juga para siswa tidak memiliki sinyal atau

jaringan internet. Kadang-kadang, siswa meninggalkan pertemuan

selama proses pembelajaran

Date : 10th September 2021

Time : 12. 30 p. m

Place : MTs Negeri 2 Lombok Tengah

Interviewer : Arditia Munzori (Researcher)

Interviewee : Mr. A

Pertanyaan : Metode dan Strategi apa yang Bapak/Ibu gunakan dalam

pembelajran Bahasa Inggris khususnya dalam reading pada saat

pembelajaran online?

Mr. A : Dalam pembelajran biasanya saya memakai strategi Scaffolding

yaitu menyuruh semua siswa membaca text berbahasa Inggris di

dalam kelas online.

Pertanyaan : Bagaimana pengaplikasian dari strategi yang ibu berikan kepada

peserta didik di setiap pembelajaran?

Mr. A : Saya meminta siswa untuk membaca dengan memindai, membaca

secara detail, mereka harus memahami arti, arti kata-kata. Perlu

diarahkan dan dibimbing untuk memahami arti kata atau vocab.

Jadi, jika mengetahui arti kata tersebut, siswa dapat lebih

memahami isi bacaan. Dan, ada kata-kata yang asing bagi siswa,

seperti frasa, seperti peribahasa, secara kiasan, ini akan dibahas

nanti dalam memahami bacaan.

Pertanyaan : Apakah Bapak/ Ibu sudah mengimplementasikan strategi dalam

pembelajaran reading seperti yang Bapak/ Ibu jelaskan tadi?

Mr. A : Ya saya sudah melakukan strategi tersebut agar siswa mudah dan

lebih paham terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dan lebih giat

dalam membaca text atau tulisan berbahasa Inggris.

Pertanyaan : Apakah Bapak/Ibu selalu memberikan tugas kepada peserta didik

sehingga mudah di evaluasi strategi apa yang sekiranya cocok

dalam pembelajaran online?

Mr. A : Untuk tugas siswa. Saya meminta siswa untuk membaca beberapa

teks yang telah saya berikan kepada mereka. Saya juga

memberikan beberapa pertanyaan terkait dengan teks. Ini akan

membuat siswa menemukan jawabannya dan mencari beberapa

detail dalam teks.

Pertanyaan : Apakah Bapak/Ibu memiliki target untuk peserta didik setelah

mempelajari bahasa inggris dalam hal reading?

Mr. A : Menurut saya, targetnya yaitu siswa dapat memahami maupun

meningkatkan kemampuan dalam bahasa Inggris. Oleh sebab itu,

saya mengharuskan siswa belajar lebih giat diluar pembelajaran


Researcher : Menurut Bapak/ibu, apakah masalah yang sering dihadapai dalam

dalam pembelajaran online?

Mr. A : Kesulitan yang saya hadapi yaitu ketika siswa kurang memiliki

motivasi dalam belajar online. terdadang mereka tidak mau

membuka kamera dan selalu lama merespon. Juga terkadang saya

kesulitan dalam mengajar ketika koneksi internet saya terputus

dan penjelasan yang saya berikan terhalang oleh internet yang

saya miliki.


Date : 7th September 2021

Teacher : Mrs. K

Class : VII

The teacher constantly waits for several minutes to let students join

the Google meet, and then the teacher greets students, reviewing the material in

the last meeting, and starts the class. After that, teachers were asked students to

read aloud a passage from the textbook. Besides, in online learning, internet

connection is a significant drawback.

The appointed student accepted request and started reading the text

about the news. After that, one of students continued to read the text on as the

teacher ask about it. It also continued with other students. During the students’

reading process, there were pronunciation errors made by students, then teacher

immediately confirmed. While the reading process, the students asked several

times about pronunciation in the text, and the teacher corrected the students’


After that teacher provides student time to ask a question of the text

they read, confusing about the information and or their personal misunderstanding

of the text. At the end teacher concludes the information of the lesson of the day,

reviewing the lesson by giving and explanation again of the text information.

Besides giving an explanation, teacher showed the students a question of text

book that must be answer right after the question and answer takes. Even in

the explanation above was not include everything in the theory, there were

still incomplete ways where teacher did not invite students to contribute

their clues modeling of desires behaviors where students and the teacher

expend and created the rules as the teaching and learning process goes in the

online learning.
Date : 8th September 2021

Teacher : Mr. S

Class : VIII

Teacher started the lesson by greeting the class and asking how the

students were doing. Then ask students to open their respective books and asked

one of students to read the text. The teacher regularly asked students to read aloud

by directly mentioned their name. The researcher is also aware that the teacher is

just randomly said the students’ names. There is no guidance that the teacher used

to ask the students to read aloud. The primary role of this strategy is the teacher.

Meanwhile, the students only pay the teacher's attention with the camera and the

microphone in turn-off mode. If they were asked to read aloud after the teacher

mentioned their name, they would directly turn the microphone and respond to the

teacher. During the students’ reading process, there were pronunciation errors

made by students, then teacher immediately confirmed. While the reading process,

the students asked several times about pronunciation in the text, and the teacher

corrected the students’ reading.

In the middle of teaching learning process after the students knew

how to read the text and then teacher asked the students, what is the

meaning of the word that were given or in the same way, teacher will

provide the students time to question themselves. This question was about

the lesson that they had learned. It was done by the teacher to know

students understanding or misunderstanding about the material. And it was done

in final learning with the teacher point one or two of students to answer

that question. In the same ways, teacher also makes students answering the

question in the book. After read aloud the text, teacher prefers students to

answer the question and discuss it to others. Furthermore, students who

used to the situation being independently take an action right after teacher

interaction or initiatively find it out themselves.

Date : 10th September 2021

Teacher : Mr. A

Class : IX

On the meeting, the teacher started the lesson by giving brainstorming to

the students by asked the students about their experience in reading text

and asked them to mention the title of text they had read. Teacher was also

giving the students motivation of the day it started. Then the teacher starts the

lesson by previewing the students understanding of the text that would be

learned. After that, teacher gives an explanation of the material of the reading

text at that time. The material was about “Meaning through Music”. The material

is in power point form where in the first slide explained about the ways or

steps in finding the meaning or analyzing the music to find out the meaning

of the song.

Teacher inviting and interacting with the students to know what theygot

of the clues. It is simply look like talking in small pair to match the

information of each of the students. After that teacher provides student time to ask

a question of the text they read, confusing about the information and or their

personal misunderstanding of the text. At the end teacher concludes the

information of the lesson of the day, reviewing the lesson by giving and

explanation again of the text information. Besides giving an explanation,

teacher showed the students a question of text book that must be answer

right after the question and answer takes. Even in the explanation above was
not include everything in the theory, there were still incomplete ways where

teacher did not invite students to contribute their clues modeling of desires

behaviors where students and the teacher expend and created the rules as

the teaching and learning process goes in the online learning.. Teacher were

also give the students time to questioned themselves if they got confused of

the material and or the students did not know how to apply the theory. At

the end of the lesson, teacher prepared an exercise for the student to make sure

the student got the clue of what was the teacher explained about and to

measure students’ ability in following the lesson.



Figure 1
Teachers Interview I

Figure 2
Teachers Interview 2
Figure 3
Teachers Interview 3

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