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John henry P.

Stem 11E MRV


Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am John Henry Ortega I am a software developer and today I want to share with you my journey and how I
managed to surpass all the challenges that came my way.
Growing up, I always had a passion for computers and technology. I spent hours tinkering with different software
and programming languages, trying to understand how they worked and how I could make them do what I wanted.
When it came time to choose a career, it was a no-brainer for me to pursue software development.
However, the journey was not easy. There were countless obstacles and setbacks along the way. One of the biggest
challenges I faced was simply getting started. As someone who had never formally studied computer science, I had
a lot to catch up on. I spent countless hours reading books and articles, watching online tutorials, and
experimenting with different programming languages. It was a steep learning curve, but I was determined to

Another challenge I faced was dealing with failure. As a software developer, you are constantly learning and trying
new things. It's not uncommon to run into errors and bugs you can’t solve immediately. This can be frustrating and
demoralizing, especially when you are starting. But I learned to embrace these failures as opportunities to learn and
grow. Every time I encountered an obstacle, I would take a step back and assess what I had done wrong, then try
again with a new approach. This helped me build resilience and determination, which are crucial qualities in any

But the biggest challenge I faced was the fear of not being good enough. As someone who had never studied
computer science formally, I often felt like an outsider in this field. I was surrounded by people who seemed much
more knowledgeable and experienced than me, and I was afraid that I would never catch up. But I learned to push
past this fear by focusing on my strengths and what I was good at. I also sought out mentors and sought advice
from people who were further along in their careers. This helped me build confidence and find my place in the
software development community.
Looking back on my journey, I am proud of what I have accomplished. I went from being a self-taught programmer
to a professional software developer, and I did it by facing my fears and embracing every challenge that came my
way. I hope that my story can inspire others to pursue their passions and not let anything stand in their way.
So if you are considering a career in software development or any other field, don't let fear hold you back. There
will be obstacles and setbacks, but if you are determined and resilient, you can overcome them. Believe in yourself
and your abilities, and you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Thank you for listening to my story, and I hope it has motivated you to pursue your dreams. Remember, anything is
possible if you put in the work and don't let anything stand in your way.

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