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The Power of Civil Engineering: Building the Future

Opening statement Greetings, Ladies & Gentlemen. I'm Aldrick L. Rea, and I appreciate your having me
here today. I'm a civil engineer. I am privileged to have the chance to discuss the amazing topic of civil
engineering with you.

Central Idea: The value and importance of civil engineering in shaping and improving the world we live

Supporting Points: The role of civil engineers in designing and constructing the infrastructure that
underpins modern society The ability of civil engineering to address and solve important problems
facing society The potential for civil engineering to create a better, more sustainable future for all.

Establish Credibility: As a civil engineer, I have done extensive research and have firsthand experience in
the field.

Motivate Audience: Understanding the power and potential of civil engineering is important for
everyone, as it affects all aspects of our daily lives and has the ability to shape the world for future

Body 1st Supporting Point: The role of civil engineers in designing and constructing the infrastructure
that underpins modern society

Evidence/Research: Civil engineers are responsible for planning and constructing the roads, buildings,
bridges, and other infrastructure that we rely on every day. They work on a wide range of projects,
including skyscrapers, airports, water treatment facilities, and energy systems.

Evidence/Research: The work of civil engineers goes largely unnoticed, but it is crucial to the
functioning and development of modern society.

Evidence/Research: Civil engineering affects every area of our lives, from the roads we travel on to the
bridges we cross to the water and sewage systems that keep our neighborhoods safe and healthy.

2nd Supporting Point: The ability of civil engineering to address and solve important problems facing

Evidence/Research: Civil engineering has the potential to tackle some of the most significant challenges
facing society, such as climate change and social inequality.

Evidence/Research: By developing infrastructure that is more sustainable and resilient to the effects of
a changing environment, civil engineers are at the forefront of the fight against climate change.

Evidence/Research: By creating infrastructure that is accessible and inclusive of all people, civil
engineering can help make our communities more livable and equal. 3rd Supporting Point: The potential
for civil engineering to create a better, more sustainable future for all Evidence/Research: Civil
engineering enables us to create a society that is sustainable and thriving for everyone by designing and
constructing infrastructure that is strong, effective, and flexible. Evidence/Research: Civil engineering is
more than just a profession; it is a calling to use our knowledge and skills to change the world for the
better. Evidence/Research: By accepting this responsibility and working together, we can create a better
world for everyone through the power of civil engineering. Conclusion Restate Thesis: The value and
importance of civil engineering in shaping and improving the world we live in. Sum up Supporting Points:
Civil engineering plays a crucial role in designing and constructing the infrastructure that underpins
modern society, has the ability to address and solve important problems facing society, and has the
potential to create a better, more sustainable future for all. Remind audience of what they have learned:
Civil engineering is a powerful force for positive change in the world, and we have the opportunity and
responsibility to use it to create a better future for all. Closing Statement: Thank you for your attention
and for considering the impact of civil engineering on our world. Let's work together to use the power of
civil engineering to build a better future for everyone

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