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Activity 3: Traditional Conflict Resolution Documentation Workshop


Philippines is an archipelago composed of more than seven thousand
islands. Despite being a one nation, citizens who inhabit it live mostly in different
location separated from each other due to its demography. Among Filipinos, it is
easy to point out some stereotypical differences in behavior, culture, and lifestyle
that indicate the region where the individual comes from (de Torres, 2002).
These differences include the way they handle conflicts and misunderstandings
within their group based on their traditions without the involvement of legal
authorities. Regardless of being in the same group, conflict do really happen
everyday, and if it cannot be prevented then it must be resolved. Cebuanos or the
Sugboanos,one of the biggest ethnic groups in the Philippines,from which I myself
belong is no exemption to that.
Cebuanos posses a kind of characteristic which they call as "Espirituhanon"
or the Cebuanos’ strong faith in God. They believe that having good relationships
with others is equivalent to having a good relationship with God. One must do
good deeds if he or she hopes to receive blessings in return (Lagahid &
Puyo,2016). This is why as much as possible, Cebuano prevents conflict from
leading to violence and blood shed. When misunderstandings occur, instead of
automatically severing the tie or relationship that has been bruised,they arrange a
meeting or "pulong"(Morales,2002). This is when two or more conflicting groups
or individual meet in one room to settle their disputes through a peaceful
conversation led by their elder or most commonly the head of the family. In this,
both parties would be able to express their disagreements and sentiments with
regards to the problem freely. Their sides will be heard by the elder and they will
be given advises on how they can resolve the conflict between them which is
called "maghusay".
As a Cebuano myself, I experienced first hand how to be involved in a
"pulong" when some of my family members had a misunderstanding. It was
chaotic at first, however when they were able to express their sides of the story
and their problems with each other, my grandmother was able to address the
problem peacefully. Unfortunately sometimes, things just don't end well
according to what you expect. There are some instances when "pulong" no longer
is effective in resolving the conflict between individuals. If worse comes to worst,
Cebuanos will have no choice but to proceed to legal process and involve legal
authorities to settle the disputes if it is already beyond their capability to handle.


Lagahid, P. A. Y., & Puyo, N. M. A. (2016). Sugbuanong' taras: A glimpse of Cebuano personality.
Philippine Journal of Psychology.

Domingo,et. Al.(2002).Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in the Philippines.Institute Of Developing

Economies (Ide-Jetro)

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