Full Chapter Bio 10

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Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi

Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:

Science Biology 1 Objective 10 10min
Name: ________________________________________________________. RollNo: ____________
Note: - You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that
Tick (P) in front of that question number.
01 The study of working of bones and muscles called ?
A Biotechnology B Biophysics C Biometry D None
02 Which book is Know as cannon of medicine ?
A Khalq al insan B Al Haywan C Al Qanun Fial tib D Micrographia
03 Study of internal structures is called ?
A Morphology B Anatomy C Histology D Microbiology
04 Percentage of carbon in a human body is ?:
A 18% B 65% C 10% D 3%
05 Number of Bioelements are ?
A 6 B 98 C 16 D 10


Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi

Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 1 Objective 10 10min
Name: ________________________________________________________. RollNo: ____________
Note: - You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that
Tick (P) in front of that question number.
01 The study of working of bones and muscles called ?
A Biotechnology B Biophysics C Biometry D None
02 Which book is Know as cannon of medicine ?
A Khalq al insan B Al Haywan C Al Qanun Fial tib D Micrographia
03 Study of internal structures is called ?
A Morphology B Anatomy C Histology D Microbiology
04 Percentage of carbon in a human body is ?:
A 18% B 65% C 10% D 3%
05 Number of Bioelements are ?
A 6 B 98 C 16 D 10

Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi

Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 1 Subjective 20 30min
Q: 2. Attempt the following short questions. 6×2=12
01 Define Entomology. 02 Define Clonial Organization with example .
Write the Scinetific names of Frog and Mustard
03 Difference between Habitat and Community. 04
05 Write the Contribution of Bu Ali Sing. 06
Q: 2. Attempt the following long questions. (8)
(a). Explain the carreers in Biology.
(b)Describe the level of Organization?

Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi

Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 2 Objective 10 10min
Name: ________________________________________________________. RollNo: ____________
Note: - You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that
Tick (P) in front of that question number.
01 How many sences a biologist use for observations ?
A 7 B 5 C 2 D 12
02 Logical result of hypothesis are called ?
A Problem B Experiment C Deduction D Law
03 A hypothesis must be;
A Correct B False C Testable D None
04 Cause of Malaria is ;
A Masquto B Plasmodium C Air D Water
05 Female mosquitoes need_____of mammals or birds for maturation of egg.
A Saliva B Trssues C Blood D Harmones

Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi
Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 2 Objective 10 10min
Name: ________________________________________________________. RollNo: ____________
Note: - You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that
Tick (P) in front of that question number.
01 How many sences a biologist use for observations ?
A 7 B 5 C 2 D 12
02 Logical result of hypothesis are called ?
A Problem B Experiment C Deduction D Law
03 A hypothesis must be;
A Correct B False C Testable D None
04 Cause of Malaria is ;
A Masquto B Plasmodium C Air D Water
05 Female mosquitoes need_____of mammals or birds for maturation of egg.
A Saliva B Trssues C Blood D Harmones

Super Conceptual Acdemy Rawalpindi

Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 2 Subjective 20 30min
Q: 2. Attempt the following short questions. 6×2=12
01 Define Biological problem and Biological method. 02 What is “Control” in experiment ?
Difference b/w Qualitative and Quantitative
03 Difference b/w Theory and law. 04
05 Define incubation period. 06
Q: 2. Attempt the following long questions. (8)
(a). Explain the Steps to Slve a Biological Problem.
(b) Write the Character of a good Hypothesis
Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi
Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 3 Objective 10 10min
Name: ________________________________________________________. RollNo: ____________
Note: - You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that
Tick (P) in front of that question number.
01 Diversity of plants is called ?
A Fauna B Flora C Community D Specie
02 In which kingdom you would classify unicellular prokaryotes ?
A Two kingdoms B Three kingdoms C Five kingdoms D None of these
03 Over what million types of plants are estimated to live on earth ?
A 1 Million B 5.1 Million C 1.5 Million D 15 Million
04 Pisum Stavium is the scientific name of ?
A Onion B Pea C Crow D Tiger
05 Binomial nomen clature was introducd by ?.
A Aristotle B Jean Baptist C Carlous Linnaeus D Darwin

Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi
Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 3 Objective 10 10min
Name: ________________________________________________________. RollNo: ____________
Note: - You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that
Tick (P) in front of that question number.
01 Diversity of plants is called ?
A Fauna B Flora C Community D Specie
02 In which kingdom you would classify unicellular prokaryotes ?
A Two kingdoms B Three kingdoms C Five kingdoms D None of these
03 Over what million types of plants are estimated to live on earth ?
A 1 Million B 5.1 Million C 1.5 Million D 15 Million
04 Pisum Stavium is the scientific name of ?
A Onion B Pea C Crow D Tiger
05 Binomial nomen clature was introducd by ?.
A Aristotle B Jean Baptist C Carlous Linnaeus D Darwin

Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi

Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 3 Subjective 20 30min
Q: 2. Attempt the following short questions. 6×2=12
01 Define Biodiversity and write its importance . 02 Define taxonomy and write aims of classification.

03 Write a note on viruses. 04 Define Deforestation .

05 Write two steps for conservation of Biodiversity. 06

Q: 2. Attempt the following long questions. (8)
(a). Explain the five kingdom of classification.
(b) Explain Binomial Nomenclature and its Signification.

Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi

Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 4 Objective 10 10min
Name: ________________________________________________________. RollNo: ____________
Note: - You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that
Tick (P) in front of that question number.
01 Cell organelle which contain digestive enzyme;
A Ribosome B Centrides C Lysosomes D Cell
02 Microfilaments are made up of ?
A Tub lion Protein B RNA C Actin Protein D DNA
03 Which type of cell carry oxygen ?
A Red Blood Cells B White Blood Cellsl C Bone Cells D Nerve Cells
04 Gaseous Exchange in Gill and Lungs occurs by the process ;
A Diffusion B Ative transport C Osmosis D Filteration
05 Ribosome’s Synthesized in;
A Nuclesu B Nucleolus C Nucleold D Nudear envelope

Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi
Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 4 Objective 10 10min
Name: ________________________________________________________. RollNo: ____________
Note: - You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that
Tick (P) in front of that question number.
01 Cell organelle which contain digestive enzyme;
A Ribosome B Centrides C Lysosomes D Cell
02 Microfilaments are made up of ?
A Tub lion Protein B RNA C Actin Protein D DNA
03 Which type of cell carry oxygen ?
A Red Blood Cells B White Blood Cellsl C Bone Cells D Nerve Cells
04 Gaseous Exchange in Gill and Lungs occurs by the process ;
A Diffusion B Ative transport C Osmosis D Filteration
05 Ribosome’s Synthesized in;
A Nuclesu B Nucleolus C Nucleold D Nudear envelope

Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi

Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 4 Subjective 20 30min
Q: 2. Attempt the following short questions. 6×2=12
01 Difference b/w Resolution and magnification . 02 Write a note on cell theory;
Difference between Rough and Smooth Endoplasmic
03 Difference between cristae and cisternae. 04
05 Define endocytosis and Exocytose . 06
Q: 2. Attempt the following long questions. (8)
(a). Difference between protoryotes and Eukaryotes .
(b) Explain animal and plant tissues.
Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi
Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 5 Objective 10 10min
Name: ________________________________________________________. RollNo: ____________
Note: - You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that
Tick (P) in front of that question number.
01 The phase in which cell prepare itself for division is called ?
A Interphase B Prophase C Metaphase D Anaphase
02 Thomas hunt morgan was a;
A Morphologist B Geneticist C Zooogist D Biologist
03 The lonest phase of meiosis is ;
A Metaphase-I B Anaphase-I C Telophase I D Prophase I
04 In Mitosis one cell divides in to;
A 2 Cells B 4 Cells C 8 D 12 Cell
05 Chromosomes are visible in ;
A Anaphase B Metaphase C Telophase D Prophase


Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi

Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 5 Objective 10 10min
Name: ________________________________________________________. RollNo: ____________
Note: - You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that
Tick (P) in front of that question number.
01 The phase in which cell prepare itself for division is called ?
A Interphase B Prophase C Metaphase D Anaphase
02 Thomas hunt morgan was a;
A Morphologist B Geneticist C Zooogist D Biologist
03 The lonest phase of meiosis is ;
A Metaphase-I B Anaphase-I C Telophase I D Prophase I
04 In Mitosis one cell divides in to;
A 2 Cells B 4 Cells C 8 D 12 Cell
05 Chromosomes are visible in ;
A Anaphase B Metaphase C Telophase D Prophase

Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi

Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 5 Subjective 20 30min
Q: 2. Attempt the following short questions. 6×2=12
01 Difference b/w mitosis and meiosis . 02 Difference b/w Karyokinesis and cytokines is;

03 How does a sea star regenerates its losts arms ? 04 Define Apoptsis and Necrosis

05 Importance of mitosis . 06
Q: 2. Attempt the following long questions. (8)
(a). What is cycle? Explain its different phase in detail.
(b) Write a detailed note on Meiosis I .

Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi

Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 6 Objective 10 10min
Name: ________________________________________________________. RollNo: ____________
Note: - You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that
Tick (P) in front of that question number.
01 The name of enzyme of glycol sis is?
A Intercellular enzyme B Intracellular enzyme C Extracellular enzyme D Co-enzyme
02 When cause induced fit model presented ?
A 1958 B 1963 C 1965 D 1858
03 In Stomach pepsinogen is converted in to ?
A Gastron B HCL C Bicarbonate D pepsin
04 Enzymes belongs from whichg type of molecules :
A Proteins B Lipids C Carbohydrates D Sugars
05 Optimum temperature for enzymes in a human body is ?
A 25oC B 37oC C 58oC D 75 oC

Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi
Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 6 Objective 10 10min
Name: ________________________________________________________. RollNo: ____________
Note: - You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that
Tick (P) in front of that question number.
01 The name of enzyme of glycol sis is?
A Intercellular enzyme B Intracellular enzyme C Extracellular enzyme D Co-enzyme
02 When cause induced fit model presented ?
A 1958 B 1963 C 1965 D 1858
03 In Stomach pepsinogen is converted in to ?
A Gastron B HCL C Bicarbonate D pepsin
04 Enzymes belongs from whichg type of molecules :
A Proteins B Lipids C Carbohydrates D Sugars
05 Optimum temperature for enzymes in a human body is ?
A 25oC B 37oC C 58oC D 75 oC

Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi

Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 6 Subjective 20 30min
Q: 2. Attempt the following short questions. 6×2=12
01 Difference b/w Co-enzyme and Co factor . 02 Define pros thetic group.

03 Write a note on induced fit model. 04 What is meant by activation energy?

Difference b/w intracellular and extra cellular
05 06
Q: 2. Attempt the following long questions. (8)
(a). Explain the Mechanism of Enzyme Action.
(b) Write the characteristics of enzymes.
Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi
Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 7 Objective 10 10min
Name: ________________________________________________________. RollNo: ____________
Note: - You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that
Tick (P) in front of that question number.
01 Respiration is a type of reaction ?
A Acidic B Catabolic C Anabolic D Metabolic
02 Raw material for photosynthesis is ?
A H2O,O2 B CO2,O2 C C6H12O6 D H2O,O2
03 Which of the following are accessory pigment ?
A Chlorophll-A B Chlorophyll B C Carotenoids D Both A and B
04 Energy is produced by which bonds of ATP ?:
A P-P bond B C-Hbond C C-O bond D C-N bond
05 In which phase of Respiration Co2 is produce ?
Electron Transport
A Glycolysis B Kreb’s cycle C D All

Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi
Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 7 Objective 10 10min
Name: ________________________________________________________. RollNo: ____________
Note: - You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that
Tick (P) in front of that question number.
01 Respiration is a type of reaction ?
A Acidic B Catabolic C Anabolic D Metabolic
02 Raw material for photosynthesis is ?
A H2O,O2 B CO2,O2 C C6H12O6 D H2O,O2
03 Which of the following are accessory pigment ?
A Chlorophll-A B Chlorophyll B C Carotenoids D Both A and B
04 Energy is produced by which bonds of ATP ?:
A P-P bond B C-Hbond C C-O bond D C-N bond
05 In which phase of Respiration Co2 is produce ?
Electron Transport
A Glycolysis B Kreb’s cycle C D All


Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi

Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 7 Subjective 20 30min
Q: 2. Attempt the following short questions. 6×2=12
01 Difference b/w Oxidation and Reduction. 02 What is photolysis of water .

03 How many kinds of respiration ?Write name. 04 Difference b/w Photosynthesis and Respiration.
05 Difference b/w Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration. 06
Q: 2. Attempt the following long questions. (8)
(a). Explain Mechanism of Respiration .
(b) Explain Mechanism of Photosynthesis ?
Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi
Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 8 Objective 10 10min
Name: ________________________________________________________. RollNo: ____________
Note: - You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that
Tick (P) in front of that question number.
01 What is the Literally means of tern ‘’Anamia’’ ?
A Lack of blood B Lack of nutrients C Lack of Vitmins D Lack of iodine
02 The un digested material of food is called?
A Mucous B Lubricated Food C Bolus D Masticated Food
03 Fat Soluble Vitamins are ?
A A,B,C,D B A, D, E, K C A, C, E,K D B, C, E, D
04 Which of the following is not a liver Function ?
To Convert glucose in To Convert glycogen Preparation of
A B C Produce Fiberinogen D
to glycen to glucose Digestive enggnes
05 In which phase of Respiration Co2 is produce ?
Electron Transport
A Glycolysis B Kreb’s cycle C D All


Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi

Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 8 Objective 10 10min
Name: ________________________________________________________. RollNo: ____________
Note: - You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that
Tick (P) in front of that question number.
01 What is the Literally means of tern ‘’Anamia’’ ?
A Lack of blood B Lack of nutrients C Lack of Vitmins D Lack of iodine
02 The un digested material of food is called?
A Mucous B Lubricated Food C Bolus D Masticated Food
03 Fat Soluble Vitamins are ?
A A,B,C,D B A, D, E, K C A, C, E,K D B, C, E, D
04 Which of the following is not a liver Function ?
To Convert glucose in To Convert glycogen Preparation of
A B C Produce Fiberinogen D
to glycen to glucose Digestive enggnes
05 In which phase of Respiration Co2 is produce ?
Electron Transport
A Glycolysis B Kreb’s cycle C D All

Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi

Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 8 Subjective 20 30min
Q: 2. Attempt the following short questions. 6×2=12
01 Define Carbohydrates with examples. 02 Which is mommt by Diary Fibre?
03 Difference b/w Fat Soluble and water Soluble 04 Describe any two disorders of gut.
Vitamins ?
05 Difference b/w Macronutrients and Micronutrionts. 06
Q: 2. Attempt the following long questions. (8)
(a). Explain the Role of Liver.
(b) Write a note on Lipids.

Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi

Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 9 Objective 10 10min
Name: ________________________________________________________. RollNo: ____________
Note: - You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that
Tick (P) in front of that question number.
01 Which blood group contains antigen A .
02 How many red blood cells are produced and destroyed in a normal human in every second ?
A 2-10 Million B 2-8 Million C 1 to 10 Million D 10 to 100 Million
03 Which is liquid Part of blood ?
A Plasma B Erythrocytes C Thrombocytes D Leukocytes
04 Blood cancer is ?:
A Thalassaemia B Leukaemia C Pneumonia D Arthritis
05 In Plants Food is transported in the form of ;
A Glucose B Sucrose C Starch D Protein


Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi
Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 9 Objective 10 10min
Name: ________________________________________________________. RollNo: ____________
Note: - You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that
Tick (P) in front of that question number.
01 Which blood group contains antigen A .
02 How many red blood cells are produced and destroyed in a normal human in every second ?
A 2-10 Million B 2-8 Million C 1 to 10 Million D 10 to 100 Million
03 Which is liquid Part of blood ?
A Plasma B Erythrocytes C Thrombocytes D Leukocytes
04 Blood cancer is ?:
A Thalassaemia B Leukaemia C Pneumonia D Arthritis
05 In Plants Food is transported in the form of ;
A Glucose B Sucrose C Starch D Protein

Super Conceptual Academy Rawalpindi

Class Group Subject Chapter Type Date T. Marks Time:
Science Biology 9 Subjective 20 30min
Q: 2. Attempt the following short questions. 6×2=12
01 Define xylem and phloem tissue. 02 Why Transpiration is necessary for plants ?
03 Difference b/w Atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis; . 04 Difference b/w Cavdiac cycle and Heart beat;

05 How plasma is separated from blood?. 06

Q: 2. Attempt the following long questions. (8)
(a). Define Transpiration and also write and explain the factors affecting it.
(b) Define Cohesion tension theory, Different b/w systole and Diastole

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