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Hem 95 nsrwrerer 22-25)o4sbierv2022 ras: Rate 0.9 sa, 2003 ae cari & Framer wter-o4-vte 2022, uRfEwas tar wt (Preliminary Eligibility Test PET) 2022 Fe 15 3 16 saga, 2022 Wh wee fcr eee et 10:00 AM TO 12:00 PM vet fst cft 03:00 PM TO 05:00 PM i ase ff har ayer ser ‘har & ee oe wee ware A et eH AT e-68/0SeareR ENT (HTEY2022I04- VT 202, Reis 12-12-2022 Ry amt at arene ort feet | otter Ri 12-12-2022 at srs oat ae at 3 er or at 3 Frese & eee war te FRG Tiare a aoe eer se pt refi & ora eer are hp fupssc govin W FTE Aa | een. ee | seas arcs ander tars on, aes) BRR weer sellers Sar aeret seeoy, RAAT urefeers aidar user (PET)-2022 ‘Waid TAT Holt (Master Set) Le fare 10.2022 1, “erin tg rel Pept ‘The tales of “The Panchatanra” was written by: ‘Vishnu Sharma 12, Ae ge oer wea eT BR fer en eave In Gautam 3uddha delivered his ‘Dhamma-chakrs-pravartana Mudra 13. Safer fre eras cred wf ata a7 THR ‘Which ofthe following ruler’ court poet was Harishena ? | Samudragupta — 4. “safe” Ro ene ere re Pa shire ‘Wate the name af Mughal ruler who reimposed “aziya" Aurangzeb 5. Sen fn ia er ge Rg ee eta we TTT 2 wa | | | whi of e falowirg i onside sone of hemos nora contitton that as | Invi y Ba Lm @ 2 (Master (fees rere ) tin frie eter er ey ar ‘seni 8 er 1857 3 Pie ver eT fee Heer ref aft wt ero A esate we feat Which among the fllowing was the consequence ofthe 1857 revolt? ‘Transferred the powers of the East India Company to the British Crown. i. 1930 mere eh “ae eT ge” WE TT: eee erg ei ge Fe eae ap care ew sro SET TAT | “The reson of lunching the “Civil Dicbelence Movement” by Mahatma Gandhi in 1930 was ‘Asking the Viceroy through a eter containing Eleven Points Programe to remove th evils ofthe British rule, fei Pex re 6 ee ET 7 carton Which ofthe following was fre Indias frst Indian Governor-General ? C.Rajagopalackari ho. In. eserves & aren Fear ere? ‘rer if, 1935 Burma was separated ffom India by which ofthe following Act ? Government of India Act, 1935 se rer ge 8 re, sre at INA) EF 7 purge Who raised he nian National Amy INA) to fe India fom British contol? Subhas Chandra Bose ‘rafern a a ot ar we ast sine me Reara® ? ‘fee ‘Which ofthe followings the Parh's largest inland body of water? Caspian Sen MASTER 3 4 @ ( fer reer ) ‘aden Prise sre ee a 12, ven sere a & fh wo Ri ew ere ale 1a werner | ‘wee (Wen) ‘The normal ranfillinceases suddenly and continues constantly fr several days is known as the __ofthe monsoon, Burst 13. o.eH.2. (GMT) eras eae 7 teeth ze What isthe fll form of GMT ? Greenwich Mean Time 14, 31,000 a we fe a 36s eh ve & aor 2 gS (sraea) eH By what name isthe amual number of lve births per 1,000 people called ? ‘Crude birth rate a 3 ire res ran re Hare aa 7 wee “Teak forests are found in Madhya Pradesh of the following states of India? 16, __ ar tn ft ges 2 | Ati Re area vas the last deputy chairman of the Planning Commission ‘Shri Montek Singh Abluwalia 7, Pfr aaa re we gr #7 wes ‘Which ofthe following sector is the largest employer of Inia ? Primary sector n 4 A master i fe ge eee 5 TT 7 wore Which among the following states was chosen as the Initiation site in India for Green| Revolution? Punjab 19, 1969 fst mu Ff ee fer Farr 7 “4 ‘low many lending private banks were nationalised in 1969 ? “ a0, 1991 esr ae fae aa ge 1 earg sa seer Industries were reserved exclnsively forthe publi stor afer the eonomic Riemsof 991 ‘Momic energy generation an, Prater ae ee “sree 3 er er” fee? sqee 29 ‘Which among the following Articles is for “Protection of Interest of Minories”? ‘Article 29 22, 4a ain 5 ea fea Hea eer DPS (oe Pe rai) re 2 aera i Ages es wee | ‘Through the 42% amendment, which of the new DPSP (Directive Principles of State Policy) ‘was added tothe Constitution ? ‘qual justice and free legal ai, ls, ffenestr on 7 an ‘Which among the following are Fundamental Duties ? All ofthese MASTER, 5 © (Pe src) ‘ite Feta ore ter ery rH ina. args 24s ager _ cies er wR ‘Asper Article 245 ___ iste fuetion of Parliament Law—making ‘aca art Ffefr #& Pedae & 7 hci ‘The Satkatia Commisson i retated to which ofthe following ? ‘Cen & State Relations se a cream wor Light years a measurement of a7. wh otter? ee ‘The element common all acids is Hydrogen 28, ‘afew a var wt Bahama e eet ‘Nonstick cooking ues are coated with ‘Teflon 29. ‘err ae ew ge ee 7 ‘aie Which ofthe following isthe most intelligent mammal ? Dolphins 0, tee err see 8 2 seer Spe, ra te rae Plant development isifluenced by quality, quantity and duration of light [a1 up FF, which one is langest? Is. (33, wpe ett, 70% are Ne sel ih 0% rere rai tk a Pl 4 55% sree fo xe, lf oa ra shea ea gC 2 In an exam, 70% cand-dates passed in physics and 80% candidates passed in reasoning, If 55% candidates passed in both these subjets, what percent of candidates failed in both subjects? 3% [s4. 208, 125,45, 120 ate 102 strat ‘The average of 308,125, 45, 120 and 102 is 140 bs. nb 5-2 [6 eae’ ra fre rei 7 qa 137. “eR HT are one: awa fer MASTER 1 a o ( Reap sree ) (38, “fee ere a are eae fee ee | af (30, ‘eee rf ag: em (40, ref i re ra a at et weer wr yoga Read the passage carefully and answer the corresponding questions: (Q 41 and 42) ‘Valentine's Day, February 14, holiday tat celebrates love and fitendship inthe United States Mest people think of asa romantic day to show the oe you Tove how mach you ee by purchasing es land gis. Valentine's Day is elso an extremely commercial holiday. People spend money on flowers alloons, chocolates, stuffed anmals and jewelery. People aso go out for expensive dimers. Valentine’ Day is even celebrate by school chien, who give thank-you car to thee teachers. Some igh school Ihave Valentine's Day dances. Classmates give cach oe itl cars. These cards can te purchased at any |store wit famous caroon charters, Ii considered much ore thoghfil to have kids make handmade [ands to pve to fiends and wacker Valentine's Day is also great day to announce your love to someone like sort rush Some people even get marie on Valentine's Day. However, you don't have to be in love to share inthe festivities. You an say“Happy Valentine's Day” to friends and co-workers. Valentine's Day| is not an official holiday though inthe U.S., meaning government offices and schools are open as lusal. The date used to be the celebration ofa Saint named Valentine who allegedly saved a young| lie’ life. Ie was’t until the Middle Ages that romance somehow got mited in with the date and| lovers would send cach other handwritten love notes, Buck then you couldnt just goto the store land buy a card the way you an now. 141. According tothe passage is Valentine's Day offically a holiday ? No 142. Acconding tothe passage, what do school children gift their teachers? ‘Thankeyou cards 143. Choose the core synonym of Docile| 144. Choose the comect anonym of “rapid” ‘Tardy : : sisi cmd se ee 145. Give one word substi forthe following “one who is indifferent o pleasure or pain” Stoie a6, eee emt Pern 8th a me Sel 3 ae wi wera eater wa: See sat 3 re ec ty M,wean wer hi Ac e ee eaTTA | ert wre stew | FeOTSNTE | Read both the statements and decide which of the following answer choice correctly depicts tne relationship between these wo statements Statements: |. The Lapop manuictring companies have reveal increased the prices of Laptops. Hl, The Government recently inereased th duty on Laptops. Statement Ii the cause and statement sit effect. 147, cps etic ite eet ge A.A ore eB A ap, “ae Me ti BA "1 A, Seda a wis & ar were alr & 7 a Pointing toa photograph A said to his fiend B, “She isthe only daughter of the father of my mother.” How is A related tothe person of photograph ? ‘Son 48, Fan ea eee eee | In the following questcn, select the done out fom the given alternatives, 301 149.1 oa, 2006 ah are | 1 ae, 2010 3 we ra ea? = [was Sunday on Jan 1 2006, What was the day ofthe week on Jan. 1, 2010 2 Friday MASTER ’ o (Rea area ) stn frie tere ar eer ra mer [s0. -fe Reh Fefea rere ACTIVE EDUIWA % aa wife fire en @, a9 wre CPPECT| Ba wi oa sen 7 lin cnain language ACTIVE is coded as EDUIWA, how is EFFECT coded in that code? TGGEDE st. wrest wien 2a 2022 mati fe en te__ shaw il earn ef ae | ‘et ‘Bharat Gaurav tori tin was lagged off between Indaand ___, a8 part of Ramayana Cir in June 2002 Nepal 52. en 8 Sat Rat “re te eee” Bed 3 Fa yr ae ee a ‘re 8 oa Ret 15 we eT ea TTA 7 Aart India ged 78 ambulances and 17 seal buses to which among the fllowing countries as ato is ongoing efforts to build onthe robust and longstanding” partnership between the {vo counties? ‘Nepal 1s. 120224, sca een 8 fra ar are “te Asche ea so <8 shee a 4a. Jn June, 2022, nda anzounced the "Commonwealth Diplomatic Academy Programm wih which among the allowing counties? UK st oh LAP a Retort fr ADS A si tg uw ere se ah TA eR ‘eh eer ere ae eT P| are eegie PARE. Company signed an MOU with a Belarusian Company and its subsidiary forthe ‘Supply oF ADS for helicopters ofthe LAF. ‘Bharat Electronics Limited 2 10 MASTER eter 8 Re sete ha a 8 ae EA 7 ‘erent ‘Which among te following Indian state has launched a new seheme named ‘Naat Ko) aman’ ? Himachal Pradesh 56, Pes fe oe en 5,000 3 eh BRE ea aA 7 ates ‘Which of the fllowing State Government launched "5,000 “Kashi Vata’ subsidy scheme ? Karnataka 7 ser ise 3 Pa Fk, eg eet et aor 1,800 ‘wily Be A aera we aquren athe rere feat? art PM Narendra Moi inuguated and li the foundation stone of iniistives worth 1,800 ‘rors alan event at Dr, Sampumanand Sports Stadium in which among the following districts 2 Varanasi 58, Rrarceers 3 unr afr frig awl gels ahd ws RAE A? A ar ‘Which institution released a report ted ‘India’s Booming Gig and Platform Beonomy" ? NITL Aayog 59, Fae i wee ree rer, oe oF! Perce HN eA Batre 7 sect ‘Which of the following state government is planning to build an education township on the) ‘dea of ‘Single Entry, Multiple Exit ? ‘Uttar Pradesh [6o, en sea fc en Fic aw “er ee Pn es eee ara 2 sidan an. ‘A new digital platform ‘Campus Power’ for student ecosystem has been launched by which] bank? MASTER 1" o (fen Phra) ee at Pei ade er ort ICICL Bank, ot, sar Fe re ea re af eT aa 2 How many state of Inia share border with Bangladesh ? 5 rai 8 ih afi 8 7 vita ‘What among the following is the national eureney of Poland ? Zaoty fee i 8 eer ee wher Sf wR? ‘awd ‘Which among te following isthe smallest Union Territory of India? Lakshadweep refer Psat a ee a exh a wD? wren sh ‘Who among the following has the power to prorogue the Lok Saba sessions? President of India * ie afi Ree” fee ofr fae er? 2 aaa “Intemational day of Non-Violence” is observed on which among the following day? 20etober ae fm eee (ee a) He FH Poe er wR 7 wae (re) ‘Tomb (the burial place) of Vasco-da-Gama is situated in which among the following place of] Inia? Kochi (Kerala) 2 lr. srr ee ee ere | es isa poplar elascal dance of Uta Pradesh ‘Kathale (6m, “efi” Pa Pe er ir ‘tefies “Thomas Cup" is relat to which among the following games ? Badminton Joo, fer geeras ‘Feer aitss ren’ feel arrenemenT 8 7 U8. org pT “The fmious book Wing of Fite’ ian autobiography of Dr. AP. Ab! Kalam 70, etc afr fra ato 8: aah Expected result of Glotl warming is All ofthese ean argo wl pC GG eH. 71-275) Bae | sa fh eae Fat ingle eo sins ara CRE 1 ers rar ft ee he & fs ara fH py, ae oe Be A rehe eta eon ren me sarah wp er a al Lene a, he ve, se rere, =e i Re pe efter fae ap a een [reer a sam lad 1 eH a ary, weer et wat Pt ae fh he eres or eee a A eR, feet, sek a efi ar gtk eh a =a ee ese or 8 rar sere Rao 8 re Re a A a 7 eR Te fst err gu wot ese al hf aaa ae ae | are aes are a ah a ce EL get & siete A aay TT aA FTETAT| MASTER B © ( Pei rece ‘oar Pre sat tet ey ona [atm hs er re re arg ee rT sy a Sa sae wr st re | ee oft Frees Pia 26 eth PH er ETAT al ft gs a ah ae ear area & 1g wee Boe wa ea ae HA TA 2 st far ere ft Reto a ae ll at aR ae Fre Fok ey peg Sc eee ae @ ge al fe Ma a A ed es Fen srr el eer we wt si: erg a Fer ard ra, sree fe ge fn 8 a wer we aT rT 7 an ra gw, OAH A Hr ee Tt ee a 72, Fen ar wat eer eda reas aM 7 age wT or a Re wats a wee gh! rg eR 3. Fe a m8 we yaa oe are trae wel the efPacaai = Ta Ree 2e l we 7 wer dent Beh Fre 14, ol Serer fae eh tt wa ae ere lit eh A Badl ehear aed 1 we faa ae ae 7 ‘ehelieatt ar sie | 8. “ese sere at eB eh 9 et a A i ia a A ao see el aA 7 ell wher aed (cof ate a wally E-e, Wan, WERT i Tee aces ater wt a | ae re wr w@ 8 (2.768 80) Sse | ae at en Pee ea a fst Ae ek 1} we A [2 x88 tae a et ee 93 eg see BH ora ee fer ote Gee [erg 1 ge re ere. eh, eae asa er ae weet ga | ea eg Re are a A a eh ae ei a Ta | Rees wa le a a 4 MASTER soe, wee aa Ree ps a 8, a Ak omen 1 eer ee a he ea Ae 4 so a1 eg, 2A Grew [ar aver nr BR eRe RA a SHE BT Ao ens ete ara el se ei a He Rae | are aa a atten & st soca tere ga Rt ae oA ee tow ea BR | a er rer we er ew eee Te GA aa ik ch thm eh eH ai Be a ar a fl sie ep cr eh | ee a a aS are ee it bate fe ge ee B40 lB kere son ®t eH (ace rar & ae gel re At ea ht eae | ae A eh A a a eT le 8 ah ere ws WE, are a aw ct ea ae Ard ge oh aH AE she ee ra ee Free AM a EN 7 176. ar aT & fog weed aa A ta af Wels Hr Fare aaa a re BGI BI TH 7 apt api reg ila ak te ome oh agUaT CAT ahr Te at 77, are eh aera he wa Te ae aA 7 er -Fe ecrt ee eet re w weeT aA that Sh TH ew ae ware | 7, ren rr gere are e eA a sa A eNNe et ar 8, sg Ree we ease eT 7 aad ioc ore AH ee A eT ee he Tt te ere oH ATA | 9, eee re ef we a 2 ar a A? tre erat ae RAG aca are or aera | MASTER, 1s 4 a ( rat ) ‘dhe Prise set er a ay 0. iar ere er A ye ow ae 3 A A oor TR 7 We wee a atau 2 ‘ata or eer ott sat ater wR war ore, aw ream atiaE a Pre eae zacienft | [pi 81 Bas: jr 2011 & 2015 3 we Ft ete ua, ah sh wee ea ate | fre aera & 1 afer wr er ek ie aa me IAC | 10. Nos. 81 to 88: Data for Number of candidates appeared, qualified and selected in competitive examination from] ive districts aver the years 2011 02015 is mentioned in table. Study the following table and answer ihe questions based on it A ieee A] Fw [Dit | Fat C Donec] ‘| we el il] | xen] non] f(t (00| fen | Ae| fom aout soo] as0 | 90 | reoo]_s10| a2 | 7500] 720 78 aur] aon] so0 | at | rs] 00 «5 | sooo] a0 | as 2a] 750] 10 | «2 | 00) S60) 70 | 4000] 40] a8 2a] sn] es0] 90 | seo] v0) a6 | 700] 630] 70 fanis| sooo] soo| 70 | 7200] «50 75° e500] 050] 80 Fava DsereeD) FARE Disc ‘oy | atl wee eel] | ve! spn fu st] 90] aa se aout #206) 20 | a5 | 6400] 200 [75 an| soc] oon | 70 | r100)_ 65075 2s) osc] 525] 65 | soo] aso | 35 zeta) roc] 720 | #4 | 00] so | oo ants| sree) as | eo | «500| eo) 75 (st. Foe FH Fre Fae ean sce A aft seer 7 ‘rene For which iti th average number feats selected over he year the nr ? District E e 16 , "= ( PF oe ‘Serer ) ate oer 2, Fe 8 sacar ser re fe Be ge ta el oa “The percenage of candlates qualified fom Distt D over those appear fa Distt Di lowest in whic year? 2013 3. 2011, eH ee li A gon ee Ma wr wer 7 ‘ra A ln the year 2011, which district had the highest percentage of candidates selected over the ‘candidates appeated ? District A ‘anes rai 35 tor B 8 waf osce t ceor ge rar he re A waa ‘stir ot eter eer far? ‘The mumber of candidates selected from District E during the period under review is spproximately what peicent of the numberof selected candidates from District during this] petiod ? 854% Iss. fren C-& wate seit a afer fre C8 stl sec 6 ger foe A wel | te ‘The percentage of candidates selected from District C over those qualified from District Cis highest in the year 2012 jx. 868 90 fea sree wf fee es | 1Q. Nos. 86 to 90: Say the ube and ansiverthe following questions. Sneha se gO TI Ao umber of procs so by compan daring Smowths ea] Comy reuMonth |g SE ‘wetjFomuary [130 | 80 155 [~a5_| 75 ‘weet February | 155 | 110 | 88 [110 | 90 swy/Marck [180 | 130 | 115 | 100-120 soyAget | 160 145 | nan |140-[ 165 i/May 140 [-120-[-130-|” 100-165, MASTER ” a ( Re Sere) oer Fe nee ere ara (x6, sel ger ese A een a wo ew ea ae? “The numberof pducis sold by eopany S approxinitely ierease by what poset Sean January to April? OLN% 37. eta, ke ated a Mes GOA, 327 ERS eA Len, she tina ee Tap eee wee to 7 ‘Out ofthe total numibe: of products sold by company T in Marc, April and May together, 532% were made of mie see, What was the total numberof mild steel produts sold by soe ‘Tim March, April and May together ? 144 a se, wetter , s ste rea Me a ster cton Rea ® 2 (sea) What is the average sumber of products sold by company P, $ and T in February 2 Choro) 9, aren tc re ear pete eae a A wed sea Root 7 ‘What sth rato ofthe total numberof products sold by company P and Rin March tothe ‘otal number of produes sold by the same company in Apeil? 39:80 190, sft Qe sera te ferent 2 ne eae pet hc me He He A a eh A et een 3 ah Gi Pow 8 7 ‘What isthe difference between the total number of products sold by company (in January and ‘May together and the total number of products sold by company inthe sme months together? a5 jn, 919: eer ew fe a hs te Fee a ant | sos ee ee rte | a FE 1) 1Q. Nos. 91 t0 95 : The pe chart given here shows the spending of university on various sectors (during a particular year. Study the chart carefully and answer the questions given below it (Al the) [values are given in degree.) 2 1 A master ( Res sera) ten ae afore Se way ace lon, rarer caper at arf df 7 Approximately what pacent of total spending is spent on Hostel 12.78% loa. se gear orp ere Rr fers eel ferme 8 2 Approximately how much percent more is spent on Research than on Events? 6% 193, af hr ae i weal taf 1,80,00,000 ricer ea sng fr ora we ard 6 ff 8 Pe ses 7 he total amount spent on various sectors during the year be *1,80,00,00, then the amount spent on Iniastructure exceeds on Hostel by *2,00,000 (94, Sct, fran sh ge fsa fol Fea aa 2 ‘ow much percent less spent on Sports than on Education ? 38% MASTER » (Rafer) con Pee anton Serer ors She os, afd wet kg 1.8 ht veh oT wg A cfr: 1 the total amount spent on Sports during the year was “18 crores, the amount spent on Education and Research together was Pull Marks / 9p aoe js. 96:8 100 : Feri erer a(t sits) 2001 2 2006 8 aa dha a A.B jar ear a we ocr & | wes Wg ate A AC | 10. Nos. 96 to 100: The following line graph gives the percentage profit eamod by two companies A [and B during the period 2001 to 2006, Read the graph properly and answer the questions. ReATTG SEMA maw peter oe. 2005 He eb atm A rape 3: 435 age | 2005s oe rR SET wren? “The income of two conpanis A and B in 2005 were in the ratio of 34 respectively, What vas the respective ratio of thei expenditures fn 2005 2 45:68 lor, af 2002 Hebe wr we 200 age, 2002 Hare 2 260 wg Ifthe expenditure of company B in 2002 was *200 crores, what was the income in 2002 ? 260 erores o 0 MASTER ( Reena oreraret ) aie tea ery cha 9, aft 2001 Hse A ie wa ee ae 2001 H gH uA I aT * 342 ag = 2.2001 3 oe Ste eget fsa 7 (er = si — ora) “102 ate I the expenditures of company A and B in 2001 were equal and the total income ofthe two companies in 2001 was 342 crores, what was the toa profit of the to companies together in 20017 (Profit = Income - Expenditure) * 102 erores| 99. 4 2003 sb wr mre * 200 wit te 2003 Hebe A 3a 2006 Ha a eT 12006 Hb a2 ree ah 2 * 164 wg ‘The expenditure of comsany A inthe year 2003 was *200 crores and the income of compa ‘A in 2003 was the sameas its expenditure in 2006, The income of company in 2006 was * 464 erores 100, A 2005 Ho sre sree, ol 2005 HbA Be Brae hea segs a7 the incomes of two companies were equal in 2005, then what was the ratio of expenditure ‘of company A to that of company B in 2005 2 18:17 MASTER a o

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