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Name: ____________________________________________ Date: __________________


Direction: Choose your favorite selfie from your (FB, Instagram, or other social media accounts) or
your favorite picture of you ALONE. Put it in the box below and answer the questions.

A. List 3 physical features you like about yourself.

B. What part of your body do you like most? Why?

03 Worksheet 1 *Property of STI

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C. What part of your body you don’t like? Why?

D. How happy are you with your physical self? Encircle your rating to yourself and explain in 3-
5 sentences why you rated yourself such. Be honest in your rating. Defend your rating; tell
us why you gave it the score you did. How can someone who has a low opinion of
themselves come to terms with their physical appearance?

03 Worksheet 1 *Property of STI

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