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Soles / USD = 0,356

Código: JDM-COP-DGI-002
EUR / USD = 1,300
versión: 00
JDM - CONTROL DE COSTOS - PROYECTO XXXXXXXXX (en xxxx) Fecha: 26/05/2021
EUR / Soles = 2.93

Página: 01 / 04

1. EPPS, SEGUROS, LICENCIAS Planificado (A) Contratado (B) Balance A - B Pagado (C) Balance B - C Comentarios
Reicofil X Beam 7,020,000.00 7,020,000.00 0.00 7,019,999.60 0.40
Freight & Insurance + traslation 95,495.00 95,495.00 0.00 95,495.00 0.00
Installation Insurance 35,100.00 35,100.00 0.00 35,100.00 0.00
Spare Parts 91,260.00 91,260.00 0.00 91,260.00 0.00
Total 7,241,855.00 7,241,855.00 0.00 7,241,854.60 0.40

2. OBRAS PRELIMINARES Planificado (A) Contratado (B) Balance A - B Pagado (C) Balance B - C Comentarios
0.00 0.00
Total 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -

3. CONSTRUCCIÓN / MANTENIMIENTO Planificado (A) Contratado (B) Balance A - B Pagado (C) Balance B - C Comentarios
Wall repair 22,230 22,230 0.00 22,230 0.00
Cleaning program 11,670 11,670 0.00 11,670 0.00
Docks - Leveling platform+Door 25,884 25,884 0.00 25,884 0.00
Warehouse Extention 244,600 244,600 0.00 244,600 0.00
Total 304,384 304,384 0.00 304,384 0.00

4. FACILITIES Planificado (A) Contratado (B) Balance A - B Pagado (C) Balance B - C Comentarios
Utilities Design 70,000 70,000 0.00 70,000 0.00
Electric - Power supply - Switch breakers 78,889 78,889 0.00 78,889 0.00
Compressed air piping + compressor unit 78,400 78,400 0.00 78,400 0.00
Cold water piping + New Chiller 116,400 116,400 0.00 116,400 0.00
PP Discharging + piping + system up-grade + Aditive System 249,845 249,845 0.00 250,114 -269.48
Silos (Equip + Freight + Installation + foundation+ Door modi 780,918 780,918 0.00 780,918 0.00
Acustic Analysis + Construction 20,882 20,882 0.00 20,882 0.00
Total 1,395,333 1,395,333 0.00 1,395,603 - 269.48

5. INGENIERIA Planificado (A) Contratado (B) Balance A - B Pagado (C) Balance B - C Comentarios
Engineering expenses 10,000 10,000 - 10,000 -
Total 10,000 10,000 0.00 10,000 0.00

6. EQUIPAMIENTO Planificado (A) Contratado (B) Balance A - B Pagado (C) Balance B - C Comentarios
25kg bag opener (Freight + insurance) 245,016 245,016 0.00 245,015 0.20
Production devices 5,000 5,000 0.00 5,000 0.00
Process devices 5,000 5,000 0.00 5,000 0.00
Forklift 65,000 65,000 0.00 65,000 0.00
Ductwork Isollation 28,000 28,000 0.00 28,000 0.00
Transpotation and hotel services (Silos+PP discharping + pi 21,600 21,600 0.00 21,600 0.00
Total 369,616 369,616 0.00 369,615 0.20

Planificado (A) Contratado (B) Balance A - B Pagado (C) Balance B - C

9,321,188 9,321,188 - 9,321,457 - 268.88


Código: JDM-COP-DGI-002

JDM - Linea Base de Costos (USD)

versión: 00
Fecha: 26/05/2021
Página: 02 / 04

Completar los Pagos de Acuerdo a lo Planificado Gastos Planificados 2020 Gastos Planificados 2021 Variación
Linea Base Entregables Costo Base Total
1ero Fecha R 2do Fecha R 3ero Fecha R 4to Fecha R 5to Fecha R 6to Fecha R 7mo Fecha R 8vo Fecha R 9no Fecha R 10mo Fecha R Total Variacion ### May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Total
Estimado Reicofil X Beam 7,020,000 130,000 05-May-20 52020 923,000 05-Jun-20 62020 2,273,155 09-Oct-20 102020 2,273,155 09-Nov-20112020 1,420,689 09-Dec-20 122020 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 7,020,000 -0.40 130,000 923,000 0 0 0 2,273,155 2,273,155 1,420,689 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,020,000 -0.40
Estimado Freight & Insurance + traslation 95,495 495 07-Nov-20112020 47,500 14-Nov-20 112020 47,500 20-Dec-20 122020 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 95,495 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 47,995 47,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95,495 0.00
Estimado Installation Insurance 35,100 15,100 07-Jul-20 72020 20,000 08-Aug-20 82020 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 35,100 0.00 0 0 15,100 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,100 0.00
Estimado Spare Parts 91,260 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 91,260 11-Feb-21 22021 121899 121899 121899 121899 91,260 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91,260 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91,260 0.00
Estimado Wall repair 22,230 22,230 06-Jun-20 62020 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 22,230 0.00 0 22,230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,230 0.00
Estimado Cleaning program 11,670 11,670 07-Jul-20 72020 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 11,670 0.00 0 0 11,670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,670 0.00
Estimado Docks - Leveling platform+Door 25,884 1,416 16-Jan-21 12021 24,468 15-Feb-21 22021 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 25,884 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,416 24,468 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,884 0.00
Estimado Warehouse Extention 244,600 73,380 25-Jul-20 72020 97,840 20-Aug-20 82020 73,380 27-Sep-20 92020 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 244,600 0.00 0 0 73,380 97,840 73,380 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 244,600 0.00
Estimado Utilities Design 70,000 5,108 03-Oct-20 102020 5,857 07-Nov-20 112020 3,527 14-Nov-20 112020 5,933 28-Nov-20112020 4,507 05-Dec-20 122020 2,928 12-Dec-20 122020 3,790 26-Dec-20 122020 38,348 11-Feb-21 22021 121899 121899 70,000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 5,108 15,318 11,226 0 38,348 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70,000 0.00
Estimado Electric - Power supply - Switch breakers 78,889 35,069 26-Dec-20 122020 14,028 23-Jan-21 12021 29,792 15-Mar-21 32021 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 78,889 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,069 14,028 0 29,792 0 0 0 0 0 0 78,889 0.00
Estimado Compressed air piping + compressor unit 78,400 39,200 11-Nov-20112020 39,200 03-Feb-21 22021 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 78,400 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 39,200 0 0 39,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78,400 0.00
Estimado Cold water piping + New Chiller 116,400 58,200 20-Dec-20 122020 58,200 04-Mar-21 32021 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 116,400 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58,200 0 0 58,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 116,400 0.00
PP Discharging + piping + system up-grade +
112,918 03-Oct-20 102020 1,966 21-Nov-20 112020 8,269 19-Dec-20 122020 126,962 15-Jan-21 12021 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 250,114 269.48 0 0 0 0 0 112,918 1,966 8,269 126,962 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Estimado Aditive System Modification 249,845 250,114 269.48
Silos (Equip + Freight + Installation +
46,280 19-Jun-20 62020 208,260 05-Jul-20 72020 23,727 16-Aug-20 82020 250,000 15-Sep-20 92020 250,000 12-Oct-20 102020 2,651 11-Nov-20 112020 121899 121899 121899 121899 780,918 0.00 0 46,280 208,260 23,727 250,000 250,000 2,651 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Estimado foundation+ Door modification) 780,918 780,918 0.00
Estimado Acustic Analysis + Construction 20,882 1,180 19-Sep-20 92020 8,095 07-Nov-20 112020 8,269 19-Nov-20 112020 3,338 15-Dec-20 122020 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 20,882 0.00 0 0 0 0 1,180 0 16,364 3,338 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,882 0.00
Estimado Engineering expenses 10,000 10,000 15-Jun-20 62020 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 10,000 0.00 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 0.00
Estimado 25kg bag opener (Freight + insurance) 245,016 122,508 05-Sep-20 92020 122,508 15-Nov-20 112020 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 245,015 -0.20 0 0 0 0 122,508 0 122,508 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 245,015 -0.20
Estimado Production devices 5,000 5,000 25-Nov-20112020 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 5,000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 0.00
Estimado Process devices 5,000 5,000 25-Nov-20112020 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 5,000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 0.00
Estimado Forklift 65,000 65,000 25-Nov-20112020 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 65,000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 65,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65,000 0.00
Estimado Ductwork Isollation 28,000 28,000 25-Nov-20112020 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 28,000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 28,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28,000 0.00
Transpotation and hotel services (Silos+PP
21,600 25-Nov-20112020 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 21,600 0.00
Estimado discharping + piging+system up-grade) 21,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 21,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21,600 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 121899 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Costo Base 9,321,188 Pagos 9,321,457 268.88 130,000 1,001,510 308,410 141,567 447,067 2,641,181 2,643,756 1,584,292 142,406 193,276 87,992 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,321,457 269
Contingencia de Reserva 0 0 130,000 1,131,510 1,439,920 1,581,487 2,028,554 4,669,735 7,313,491 8,897,783 9,040,189 9,233,465 9,321,457 9,321,457 9,321,457 9,321,457 9,321,457 9,321,457 9,321,457
Presupuesto de Proyecto 9,321,188
ÍTEM Description Total Amount

1 Beam " A " € 5,400,000.00

1.1 Aditive System Modification S/. 5,782.00
1.2 Translation S/. 1,456.64
1.3 Electrical Installation $ 77,123.80
1.4 Freight & Insurance of beam "A" $ 43,502.87
1.5 Wall repair $ 22,230.00
1.6 Desuadenaje Coste $ 817,608.57
1.7 Spare Parts $ 91,260.00
2 Silos € 356,000.00
2.1 Desuadenaje Coste $ 79,890.00
2.2 Installation silos $ 163,430.00
3 Feeding System $ 229,409.00
3.1 Acustic Analysis S/. 11,564.00
3.2 Acutic construction $ 16,538.00
3.3 Freight & Insurance of feeding system $ 3,311.50
3.4 Desuadenaje Coste $ 43,426.28
3.5 Electrical Installation $ 10,000.00
4 25 kg bag Opener $ 245,015.20
5 Construction S/. 333,899.07
5.1 Engineering
5.1.1 Postive Pressure S/. 12,373.48
5.1.2 Compressed Air & Cooling Water S/. 17,676.40
5.2 Project Development S/. 34,452.12
5.3 Arquitectural S/. 3,304.00
5.4 Structural S/. 14,141.12
5.5 Civil Supervision S/. 56,836.73
5.6 End Of The Project S/. 18,048.47
5.7 Door Relocation (Docks) $ 2,832.00
5.8 Warehaouse Structural $ 2,360.00
6 Warehouse extention
6.1 Sistema pozo tierra S/. 9,000.00
6.2 Tendido de cables para los tableros $ 10,000.00
6.3 Iluminacion $ 8,000.00
6.4 Movimientos de tableros $ 10,000.00
6.5 Sistema contra incendios $ 60,000.00
6.6 ACI S/. 88,106.66
6.7 Obras Civiles S/. 751,549.53
6.8 Supervisión de obra S/. 91,770.84
7 Installation insurance
8 Cleaning programan $ 11,670.00
9 Compressed air piping $ 65,098.98
9.1 Electrical Installation $ 10,000.00
10 Cold water piping + new chiller $ 129,761.06
10.1 Electrical Installation $ 17,000.00
11 Forklift $ 61,429.89

12 Transpotation & hotel services (silos+feedyng $ 21,600.00

13 Docks - Leveling platform+Door
13.1 Fast Door $ 11,868.50
14 Ductwork isollation $ 26,000.00
15 Engenering expenses $ 10,000.00
16 Production & process deveces $ 10,000.00

Pronostico Parcial ($)

4-May 11-May 18-May 25-May 1-Jun
€ 100,000.00 € 710,000.00

$ 122,507.60
Soles S/. - $ - Soles
Dólar $ - $ - Dólar
Euro € 100,000.00 $ 130,000.00 Euro
$ 130,000.00

May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20

$ 130,000.00 $ 1,215,474.73 $ 118,025.98 $ 233,298.48 $ 49,948.47
$ 130,000.00 1,345,474.73 1,463,500.71 1,696,799.19 1,746,747.66
Código: JDM-COP-DGI-002 US $ - EUR 1.3
versión: 00
Fecha: 26/05/2021
Página: 03 / 04 US $ - S/. 0.34

Jun-20 J
8-Jun 15-Jun 22-Jun 29-Jun 6-Jul

€ 35,600.00

$ 112,917.50
S/. 3,469.20

S/. 6,186.74
S/. 8,838.20
S/. 3,469.20 $ 1,179.53 Soles
$ 245,015.20 $ 245,015.20 Dólar
€ 745,600.00 $ 969,280.00 Euro
$ 1,215,474.73

Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21

$ 2,665,039.51 $ 4,041,972.85 $ 605,702.20 $ 375,654.61 $ 155,125.93
4,411,787.17 8,453,760.02 9,059,462.22 9,435,116.83 9,590,242.76
Jul-20 Aug-20
13-Jul 20-Jul 27-Jul 3-Aug 10-Aug

S/. 728.32 S/. 728.32

S/. 8,094.80

S/. 17,226.06
S/. 3,304.00
S/. 7,070.56
S/. 15,024.94 $ 5,108.48 Soles S/. 73,642.59
$ 112,917.50 $ 112,917.50 Dólar $ -
€ - $ - Euro € 160,200.00
$ 118,025.98

Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21

$ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
9,590,242.76 9,590,242.76 9,590,242.76 9,590,242.76 9,590,242.76
Aug-20 Sep-20
17-Aug 24-Aug 31-Aug 7-Sep 14-Sep

S/. 5,782.00

€ 160,200.00

$ 8,269.00

S/. 6,186.74
S/. 8,838.20
S/. 8,613.03 S/. 8,613.03

S/. 7,070.56
$ 25,038.48 Soles S/. 19,441.98
$ - Dólar $ 43,338.20
$ 208,260.00 Euro € -
$ 233,298.48

Aug-21 Sep-21
$ - $ -
9,590,242.76 9,590,242.76
Sep-20 Oct-20
21-Sep 28-Sep 5-Oct 12-Oct 19-Oct
€ 1,748,581.00

$ 35,069.20 $ 14,027.84

$ 330,940.33

$ 79,890.00

S/. 69,784.90

S/. 10,828.95

$ 1,416.00
$ 6,610.27 Soles S/. 471,486.01 $ 160,305.24
$ 43,338.20 Dólar $ 231,578.97 $ 231,578.97
$ - Euro € 1,748,581.00 $ 2,273,155.30
$ 49,948.47 $ 2,665,039.51
26-Oct 2-Nov 9-Nov 16-Nov 23-Nov
€ 2,571,419.00

$ 14,027.84 $ 7,013.92 $ 6,985.00

$ 2,784.27 $ 40,718.60
$ 11,115.00

€ 160,200.00

$ 112,917.50 $ 3,574.00

$ 8,269.00
$ 3,311.50

$ 122,507.60
S/. 131,139.72 S/. 116,279.49 S/. 16,694.95

S/. 36,096.53 S/. 9,911.25

S/. 18,048.47
$ 1,416.00
$ 2,360.00

S/. 9,000.00

S/. 225,464.86 S/. 69,786.74 S/. 69,786.74

$ 15,080.40 $ 11,729.20

$ 51,904.42 $ 19,464.16

$ 18,428.97
$ 7,200.00

Soles S/. 331,097.93 $ 112,573.30

Dólar $ 378,294.85 $ 378,294.85
Euro € 2,731,619.00 $ 3,551,104.70
$ 4,041,972.85
30-Nov 7-Dec 14-Dec 21-Dec 28-Dec
€ 270,000.00

$ 11,115.00
$ 486,668.24
$ 91,260.00

$ 32,686.00

$ 43,426.28

$ 10,000.00

S/. 26,432.00
S/. 69,786.74 S/. 69,786.74
S/. 30,590.28

$ 3,890.00
$ 14,830.98 $ 11,729.20

$ 19,464.16

$ 14,400.00

Soles S/. 166,005.48 $ 56,441.86

Dólar $ 198,260.34 $ 198,260.34
Euro € 270,000.00 $ 351,000.00
$ 605,702.20
Jan-21 F
4-Jan 11-Jan 18-Jan 25-Jan 1-Feb

$ 65,372.00 $ 65,372.00

$ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00

$ 10,000.00
$ 8,000.00

$ 60,000.00
S/. 28,634.67 S/. 28,634.67
S/. 69,786.74 S/. 69,786.74 S/. 69,786.74
S/. 30,590.28 S/. 30,590.28

$ 3,890.00
$ 11,729.20
$ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00
$ 19,464.16
$ 8,500.00

$ 11,868.50
$ 13,000.00 $ 13,000.00

Soles S/. 227,433.09 $ 77,327.25 Soles

Dólar $ 298,327.36 $ 298,327.36 Dólar
Euro € - $ - Euro
$ 375,654.61
Total Total ($)
8-Feb 15-Feb 22-Feb
€ 5,400,000.00 $ 7,020,000.00
S/. 5,782.00 $ 1,965.88
S/. 1,456.64 $ 495.26
$ 77,123.80 $ 77,123.80
$ 43,502.87 $ 43,502.87
$ 22,230.00 $ 22,230.00

$ 91,260.00 $ 91,260.00
€ 356,000.00 $ 462,800.00

$ 163,430.00 $ 163,430.00
$ 229,409.00 $ 229,409.00
S/. 11,564.00 $ 3,931.76
$ 16,538.00 $ 16,538.00
$ 3,311.50 $ 3,311.50

$ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00
$ 245,015.20 $ 245,015.20
S/. 333,899.07 $ 113,525.68

S/. 12,373.48 $ 4,206.98

S/. 17,676.40 $ 6,009.98
S/. 34,452.12 $ 11,713.72
S/. 3,304.00 $ 1,123.36
S/. 14,141.12 $ 4,807.98
S/. 56,836.73 $ 19,324.49
S/. 18,048.47 $ 6,136.48
$ 2,832.00 $ 2,832.00
$ 2,360.00 $ 2,360.00

S/. 9,000.00 $ 3,060.00

$ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00
$ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00
$ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00
$ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00
S/. 4,405.33 S/. 88,106.66 $ 29,956.27
S/. 37,577.48 S/. 751,549.53 $ 255,526.84
S/. 91,770.84 $ 31,202.09

$ 3,890.00 $ 11,670.00 $ 11,670.00

$ 65,098.98 $ 65,098.98
$ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00
$ 19,464.16 $ 129,761.06 $ 129,761.06
$ 8,500.00 $ 17,000.00 $ 17,000.00
$ 43,000.92 $ 61,429.89 $ 61,429.89
$ 21,600.00 $ 21,600.00

$ 11,868.50 $ 11,868.50
$ 26,000.00 $ 26,000.00
$ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00
$ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00

$ 9,345,227.56
S/. 142,359.83 $ 48,402.34
$ 106,723.58 $ 106,723.58
€ - $ -
$ 155,125.93
Código: JDM-COP-DGI-002
versión: 00
CURVA S - COSTOS Fecha: 26/05/2021
Página: 04 / 04







43952 43983 44014 44045 44076 44107 44138 44169 44200 44231 44262 44293 44324 44355

Performance Optimo Desviación Aceptable Performance Malo Contratado

Contratado 130,000 1,131,510 1,439,920 1,581,487 2,028,554 4,669,735 7,313,491 8,897,783 9,040,189 9,233,465 9,321,457 9,321,457 9,321,457 9,321,457 9,321,457 9,321,457
Real 130,000 1,345,475 1,463,501 1,696,799 1,746,748 4,411,787 8,453,760 9,059,462 9,435,117 9,590,243 9,590,243 9,590,243 9,590,243 9,590,243 9,590,243 9,590,243
% Avance 100.00% 118.91% 101.64% 107.29% 86.11% 94.48% 115.59% 101.82% 104.37% 103.86% 102.88% 102.88% 102.88% 102.88% 102.88% 102.88%

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