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English for Teaching 2

Module 3: In the future Coursebook

Listening: Integrating speaking into all lessons

You are going to listen to a teacher called Midori talking about giving learners
speaking practice in every class. Fill in the table with the difficulties she faces and
ways to help the students.

What difficulties do Midori’s learners have with speaking?

1) Shy

2) Worried a lot of making mistakes.

Speaking is one of the hardest skill for learners.

How does she help them?

1) get to know our students.

2) find their interest.

3) the reasons they learn English.

4) brings interesting topics to the classroom.

5) does not interrupt the students.

6) does not correct immediately.

praise and encourage them to speak.

8) put learners in pairs and group.

9) be patient.

10) try not to speak too much.

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