Science Reviewer

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Changes in the Environment

 Changes in matter depends on the changes that happened in a material.

 Phase Change is all kinds of matter can change from one state to another after being exposed to the right
 Phase Changes are reversible

Change of material from…

1. Melting – solid to liquid (cube ice melting, ice cream melting)

a. Melting Point – temperature at which a solid material will melt, used only for solids

2. Freezing – liquid to solid (freezing meat or cube ice)

a. Freezing Point – temperature at which a liquid material turns into solid

3. Evaporation – liquid to gas (clothes hanging, used only for surface of liquids like water on ground that
dries up)
a. Boiling Point – temperature at which a liquid material turns into gas

4. Condensation – gas to liquid (moist from cold surfaces), presence of moisture

a. Gas particles cool and begin to slow down
b. Water vapor in the air comes in contact with the cold surface (cold water from pitcher condenses
on the sides, water droplets on the side)

5. Sublimation – solid to gas (moth balls, or air freshener, dry ice)

6. Deposition – gas to solid (cold air or dew and becoming ice ice crystals), carbon dioxide freezes like

 Chemical changes are used to create medicine, food, and other products

1. Freezing/Freeze Drying – make the food products freeze-dried to prevent deterioration (freezing
dried fruits or vegetables)
2. Dry Ice – keeps food cold to prevent spoilage, it doesn’t melt
3. Water Cycle or Hydrologic Cycle – movement of water from bodies of water to the atmosphere then
to the land

 Other Chemical changes can bring pollution, acid rain, other harmful effects

4. Acid Rain – occurs when man-made sources (factories) and natural resources (volcanic eruption)
release gases that react with the atmosphere
Physical and Chemical Change/Changes of Matter

 Physical Change – change of matter in size in shape or without changing its composition (forming of rocks,
boiling water, hammering metals, cutting paper)
 Physical Change is also bending metals, pressing clay, hammering iron, cutting paper

Examples: melting of ice cubes, crushing a can, boiling of water, breaking of glass, dissolving sugar in water

 Phase Changes of Matter – condensing, melting, freezing

 Chemical Change – change of matter that formed a new substance (burning paper), you can not turn it back
(also called as chemical reactions) – riped food, rusting of food, food digestion
 Burning paper is a chemical change because it releases light, gas, and it becomes ash (new material
 Decaying/Decomposing (rotting) – food cannot be fresh again, when animals die, they become nutrients in
the soil

Practice Answer: True or False

1. A change in a material that results in the creation of a new material is a chemical change.
2. Physical change is a change in the shape and size of the material
3. Changing the composition of the material is a physical change
4. Evidence for a physical change may include the presence of heat and light, change in color, gas production,
or release of odor
5. Bending an object is a chemical change

Practice Answer: Write PC if Physical Change and CC if Chemical Change

1. Paper cut into pieces

2. Spoiled milk
3. Frying Chicken
4. Squeezing an orange
5. Rotten Banna
6. Melted Ice Cream
7. Burned Wood
8. Preparing Halo-halo
9. Baking an egg pie
10. Making coffee jelly by combining cooked gelatin, flavored coffee, condensed milk, and cream
11. Dissolved powdered juice in water
12. Overripe banana
13. Chewing of food using your teeth
14. Slicing a pineapple
15. Lighting a candle

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