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Reference Date
Number Received


Guidance Notes

Northamptonshire County Council is working with community groups to deliver a community managed library service for the future. As a part of
this process, the Council has a duty to ensure that all proposed services are supported locally and that all proposals are sustainable and viable.
One standardised method of doing this is to ask for a Business Plan to be completed. This allows a consistent approach and also ensures that
all aspects of the proposal have been thought about and developed prior to any handover. This provides assurance for all parties and would
normally form a part of any grant funding application.

The aims of a Libraries Transfer from Northamptonshire County Council are:-

 To encourage people to take part in economic and community life

 To develop capacity in and connections between public, private, voluntary and community sectors in order to support economic and
social development
 To safeguard buildings for community use

When initially assessing your completed “Business Plan”, the Council will consider:-

 Does the project meet at least one of the Council’s Library Transfer aims?
 Have you given the figures for funding / costs?
 Do the figures add up – that is, does income match expenditure ie: is it sustainable?
 Does the proposal benefit the people of Northamptonshire?
 Does the project contribute to the Council’s corporate priorities and plan?
NOTE – You must be realistic about the amount of time it will take to do your proposal and what you can achieve.

If your Business Plan meets the Council’s criteria, it will be considered for submission as a Library Transfer application. A Library Transfer will
not be finally approved until it is clear that your project can be realised – that is, the funding is in place, the plan is viable, and your management
structures are sufficiently robust to implement and operate the library.

However, if your application is approved in principle, your proposal may be endorsed by the Council if you are seeking external funding.

Please feel free to add additional text in order to answer the questions or attach a separate sheet / documents as requested or required. If you
have previously submitted information as part of the Independent Library process, then you can use this information and include this in your
business case.

This form, once completed, should be sent to:

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1. Library Name Burton Latimer Library

2. When will your Ideally September Library N/A

library provision 2019 provision end
start? date (if
Property Address Burton Latimer Library
160 High St
Burton Latimer
NN15 5RH
Is the property Yes, currently
owned by NCC?

3. Organisation Name Burton Latimer Town Council

4 Contact person Fergus Macdonald
5. Position held Town Mayor
6. Contact Address 15 Church View
Burton Latimer
NN15 5LG

7. Telephone number 07767 398386

01536 725922
8. Email address
9. Website address (we didn’t decide how we include this)
10. When did your organisation start? 1974
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11. Constitution enclosed YES NO – we are a Town Council
If NO, why not? (attach details)
12. What are the main To ensure that the success of Burton Latimer Library continues and grows. The library is already
aims and objectives of well used by all sections of the community and Burton Latimer Town Council intends to build on this.
your organisation?

13. List any NCALC

organisations that you
are affiliated to or
work with.

14. Are other No

responsible for
delivering any parts of
this library? If yes,
please tell us who and
how they are involved.

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15. Describe the proposal - Tell us what you want to do.

We will continue to provide and develop the large range of services and activities currently offered in the Library.
Burton Latimer (BL) Library will be the hub of the community, providing activities for all and with emphasis on supporting and involving
vulnerable people. The library will be closely linked to other BL organisations including schools, churches and voluntary organsations like
the Heritage society and to charities like the Food Bank.The library will provde support, information, signposting and facilities to integrate
and develop the social network and enhance the already strong sense of community in BL. Emphasis will be placed on social
inclusiveness and integration of all into the social and economic fabric of the vibrant BL community and will involve local people, charities
and businesses in economic regeneration.
Key Features:
Welfare: Install a Community Fridge
fridge-network-to-double-in-size; Food Bank; “one stop shop” for welfare benefits, health and wellbeing advice etc.
Children: we will develop the role of childrens centre; we will develop reading support for children liaising with local schools and provie
training in safeguarding children when using the internet.
Wellbeing Centre: We plan meditation and stress relieving sessions for children; mental health support including drop in cafes; support
groups for adults and children with autism; memory cafes and singing for adults with dementia; Social Prescription links with the Health
Business: The Library will become a local business hub and forum and will champion BL businesses and artists/crafters.
Training: we will be Training Centre providing low cost/free training and adult education for BL people but will charge non BL at market
rate to generate profit.
Volunteers: Use of volunteers will be extended beyond just helping in library to volunteers being used to provide skill sharing and support

The core activities will be included in the overarching approach of community development, so will be highly inclusive, particularly geared
to the vulnerable and excluded members of the community. Within this approach there will be an emphasis on the promotion of social,
emotional, and economic wellbeing with close links to BL Health Centre and the schools. There will be an extensive outreach
programme to ensure that everyone in Burton Latimer knows that the library is owned by them, for them and the programme of activities
will be delivered as a result of public discourse. We will also have a focus on environmental sustainability.

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What do you want to use the property for?
Normal library functions plus provision of community services and the development of the library as an adult learning and training centre

Any relevant timescales.

Much of this will be achieved in the first year and has, in fact begun, already . There will be a 5 year plan in place by January 2020.

Who are the stakeholders?

The residents of Burton Latimer; the Town Council; Northamptonshire Charitable Community Foundation; Friends of Burton Latimer
Library: KBC;

Other involved parties: local schools; the churches; local businesses; the Heritage Society; The Allotment Society; Scouts; Parent
Teachers’ Associations: Service Six; Christians Against Poverty; the Health Walk Group.
Leisure and fund raising activities including regular quizzes and musical events. Our partners will be local churches schools health
centre pubs, businesses and interest groups such as the Heritage Society and the Hollow Wood road residents Christmas event. We
will also work with the health centre and the local caring industry to be part of the developing Social Prescriptions programme. We will be
inclusive and varied, working closely with all stake holders and interested parties.

Innovative Features summary: (see previous points)

Welfare benefits one stop shop including community fridge/food bank/
Role of childrens centre further developed
Library as a local business forum/hub
Training Centre
Safeguarding Centre

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16. What groups of people How? How How often?
will benefit from the many?
Further development of BLL as a Children’s Centre and learning All There will be a range of
Children (all ages) hub. We propose to employ 0.5 Library assistant with children’s children activities on each week,
specialism and recruit volunteers specifically to support children’s in BL with additional activities
work. We will develop a close working relationship with St Mary’s will for the school holidays
School and Meadowside. Provision of an after school reading club have
with children self referred and from the schools with volunteers access
offering 1-2-1 support. Links with BL Medical Centre to provide
social prescription needs for adults and young children with
support from Service Six.
Children will have an additional source of support to: develop
skills in stress management/mental health awareness, use the
Internet safely, develop study and creative skills.

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Adults of all ages, Extension of volunteering services and much more advertising of All There will be a range of
including the vulnerable activities currently being held in the library and current provision adults activities each week,
will be extended by introducing skill sharing training sessions. The in BL with the flexibility to
library will have a recruiting and support table at the current will respond to needs as
farmers’ market and will have representatives on the Town have they arise and relevant
Council Events Committee. Contacts with various charities access national
including the Kettering Food bank will be extended. The current campaigns/events
provision of Blue Badge application support will be extended
following the success our volunteer support has had in both Blue
Badge Applications and Attendance allowance applications . We
will be supporting people with their application for Universal Credit
should this be introduced here. IT training sessions will continue
and be developed, with focus on key skills needed for job
applications and support for those who lack confidence in using IT.

This will give adults access to information and support they need.
Opportunities for skill sharing will involve a range of people which
will benefit both the deliverers and receivers. Having the Library as
a “One Stop Shop” will enable residents to access resources and
support with ease, developing inclusivity, particularly of new
residents and the socially isolated. Continuation of groups such as
“Knit and Natter” and Healthy Walkers will reassure those who
have been long term users of the Library.
Businesses We will be encouraging local business and crafters to display their All There will be a
information and products and will be holding various social events busines designated area for
to focus on Burton Latimer businesses. These include Arts and ses in business to display
Craft exhibitions and Street Food events focused around the BL will information and regular
library. have meetings/events.
Businesses will have a much needed hub for meetings and
information dissemination. They will be given opportunities to
promote their businesses, recruit staff and share resources and
ideas. Local business has been under threat from larger
companies, so we hope to give confidence for the regeneration of
our High Street and promotion of local enterprise.
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17. Who will manage the Library?(e.g. a management committee, steering group, project
a) Tell us about your organisation’s track record if it has one.
Include any current projects or schemes you operate, who runs them and how they are
financed. You can include information leaflets, annual accounts and reports.

Burton Latimer Town Council is an elected local authority successfully performing the
normal functions of a Town Council.

Describe a structure chart for your current / proposed organisation (this should
show your governance structure, staff if you are employing any, and volunteers).
b) Explain this structure and tell us about the expertise of Board Members/ Directors or
A twelve-member local authority with appropriate sub-committees.
We have a financial officer (the Town Clerk)
The Library Manager will report to the Town Council.

c) Further to this chart(s), clarify how you intend to manage the day to day running of the
library? Who will be responsible for the day to day running of this library and what will
they do.

Professional staff (Library manager plus two CAs) reporting to the Town Council. The
Town Council will make decisions regarding the property.

d) If different to c) above, who will be responsible for making decisions regarding the
e) Tell us who will be responsible for the finances of thelibrary and their previous

The Town Council. The finances are overseen by the financial officer (the Town Clerk).

18. Work Plan

a) Attach an outline action plan that shows your key milestones for the project including any
works to the property asset and injection of funds.

The action plan should demonstrate a logical timetable of tasks or key events that your project
will undergo. You should also include key milestones. Milestones are dates that you have set
as deadlines for achieving certain activities during your proposed project. These dates must be

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b) Tell us about what changes or works you intend to do to the property to make it further fit
for purpose.

Install large storage cupboards to free up the back room to improve its practicality for
Install charging points for electric cars in the car park
Explore the posiibility of putting solar panels on the roof
Install a facility for the temporary secure parking of buggies and prams
Install blinds at the rear of the building to control temperature and improve the usability
of rooms in the summer
Improve toilet facilities to include a fully equipped disabled toilet
Develop the kitchen facilities
Critically examine the layout to improve the ability for confidential consultations re
welfare and the zoning of uses
Examine the potential extension of the building

c) Tell us what else do you need to do to set up your library?

It is being taken over as a going concern

19. Explain how the proposed library will be financially sustainable.

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a) Describe your start-up costs
See budget proposals on spreadsheets

b) How certain are you that you have this financial resource? Tell us if you are relying on
grants (whole or part) or volunteers / donations.
Precept in place.
Northamptonshire Charitable Community Foundation – we have monies ring fenced for
20 years.

c) Describe your estimated running costs – indicative figures can be obtained from NCC if
you do not already have these.
See budget proposals on spreadsheets

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d) Explain how you will fund these? Tell us if you are relying on grants (whole or part) or
volunteers / donations.
Rent from KBC for room rental
Income as shown on spreadsheets
Precept in place.
Northamptonshire Charitable Community Foundation – we have monies ring fenced for
20 years.

e) How will you ensure there is sufficient resource of paid staff or volunteers to meet the
minimum opening hours requirements?
Our anticipated opening is for 33 hours per week. Paid staff recruitment will begin as
soon as possible and once we have the go ahead from NCC. We have job descriptions
written and hope to have our paid staff in place prior to the official handover.
We already have volunteers in place and are recruiting more. We already have a list of
people who came forward at our public meetings.

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20. Complete the risk assessment table in Appendix A as fully as possible.

Refer to the guidance notes in Appendix A and use the table to help you to think about your
project and identify potential risks that need your attention.
Examples of the types of risk you may wish to consider are: Access to local or national match
funding, Staffing, Planning & Building consents, Deliverability, environmental, other factors
specific to your project.

We are a properly constituted Town Council with the ability to raise a Precept and draw
down funding from the wind farms (NCCF). We are taking over the Library as a going
concern with minimal changes, except to develop the facilities and services. Therefore,
any risks are negligible and do not need detailing. BLTCs finances are healthy and we
hold reserves over and above the minimum recommended level.

21. Part F - Impacts of your Business Plan Proposals.

Tell us what these may be - These may be things that take some time to have an effect as a
result of your proposed business plan. You may be asked about your progress towards these
impacts. (For example, “Older people’s lunch club sessions have led to increased morale and
reduced loneliness”)




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The costings are an extremely important part of your application. Costs and sources of
funding frequently change in the time between applying and actually spending the money, so
it is vital that you keep the Council informed of any changes. Any significant changes to costs
or to how they will be met should be put in writing and agreed with the Council, as they may
change the potential of your proposal. Be realistic about when your proposal is likely to need
funding and how likely it is to be available.

Indicate whether costs are estimates / actual / in kind.

Where appropriate, this completed “Project Business Plan” form should be accompanied by
professional estimates, tenders or quotations. Where it is recoverable, VAT should not be
included in these costs.

VAT number (if applicable)

Our organisation can recover VAT  Our organisation can NOT recover VAT 

22. Develop your financial proposal and attach a summary.

(Please use the “Budget” spreadsheet and guidance notes in Appendix B to do this.)

Library Costs Summary (transferred from Appendix B)

Financial Summary Year 1 - Libraries £

Total Income
Total Cost (inc VAT)
Total Income Minus Total Cost (inc VAT)

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Library Budget -Guidance

You will need to develop a breakdown of your library costs for the first 5 Years.
This should show:-
 the total amount
 revenue and capital
 how this will be funded

Consider carefully how much your library will cost in total, and how much you need to fund.
Complete the budget sheet using the guideline budget headings and add any that are specific
to your library so we can see what your library will cost.

Although we understand that the figures you give at this stage may be estimates and that they
might change when you library actually starts, you should try to ensure that you cost your
library accurately. This is especially important if your library will need grant funding because, if
you are awarded a grant, funding organisations will not normally be able to increase your
grant at a later stage if your calculations prove to be inaccurate.

You will be asked to provide these detailed assessments at a later stage.

23. What would happen to the delivery of your library if funding becomes unavailable,
or is available for only for a reduced amount?

N/A – we are a Town Council

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Data Protection and Information Security
The information submitted in this “Business Plan” application form will be processed in accordance
with the Data Protection Act (2018) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

For the administration, appraisal, approval, monitoring and auditing of this project,
Northamptonshire County Council will hold your proposal information. We may need to share it with
the Appraisal Panel, elected Members, Officers from the Council – and any internal or external
auditors required to audit the activities of the Council.

Please sign and date below to confirm that the information supplied in this “Business Plan” form is
accurate, and that you accept processing of your information as stated above.

Applicant’s Date

This “Project Business Plan” must be submitted electronically to

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Risk Factor Risk Explanation / Justification Actions to Minimise Risk / Mitigating Factors
(high, medium,
moderate, low)
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Please use a section 19 or a separate page to outline a full breakdown and calculations
Organisation Name NCC
Year 1
Income & Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month 12 Supporting Statement
Expenditure Forecast 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 month Please use this space to tell
total us how you either intend
to generate the income or
what you have based your
costings on)
Income 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 32400 Precept
2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 30000 Windfarm funds
Printing / 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 2040
Sale of books 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 240
Fines 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 1560
Resource Rental 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 720
charges- DVDs etc
Room hire 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 1920
Equipment hire / use 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 720
Donations 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 600
Other (please specify 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 960 Drinks
in Supporting 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 900 Crafts
Statement column) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 2400 Shop
229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 2748 KBC Rental
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 120

Total Income 6444 6444 6444 6444 6444 6444 6444 6444 6444 6444 6444 6444 77328

Expenditure 0
Staff costs 3750 3750 3750 3750 3750 3750 3750 3750 3750 3750 3750 3750 45000
Premises costs - Rent, 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1460 17520
lease, mortgage 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 2220 Business Rates
Premises costs - 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 1475 Repairs & maintenance
repairs & renewals 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 335 Insurance

Utilities & Rates 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 4223
Book / magazine 0
purchase / loan costs
Subscriptions 0
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Stationnary 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 600
Equipment purchase 43.50 43.50 43.50 43.50 43.50 43.50 43.50 43.50 43.50 43.50 43.50 43.50 522
Equipment 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 1600
maintenance costs
Other (please specify 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 3120 Cleaning
in Supporting 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 264 Sanitary
Statement column) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 480 Window Cleaning
Total Expenditure 6446 6446 6446 6446 6446 6446 6446 6446 6446 6446 6446 6446 77359

Surplus / Deficit -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -31

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Organisation Name NCC
Income & Expenditure Forecast
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Recoverable Total (less Supporting Statement
VAT recoverable Please use this space to tell us how you
VAT) either intend to generate the income or
what you have based your costings on)
Income 32400 32400 32400
30000 30000 30000
Printing / Photocopying 2040 2500 2500 0 0
Sale of books 240 300 300 0 0
Fines 1560 1600 1600 0 0
Resource Rental charges- DVDs etc 720 800 800 0 0
Room hire 1920 2000 2000 0 0
Equipment hire / use 840 850 850 0 0
Donations 600 600 600 0 0
Other (please specify in Supporting 960 1000 1000 0 0 Drinks
Statement column) 900 1000 1000 Crafts
2400 2500 2500 Shop
2748 2748 2800 KBC Rental
Total Income 77328 78298 78350 0 0 0 0 0

Staff costs 45000 46000 47000 0 0
Premises costs - Rent, lease, mortgage 19740 19740 19740 0 0
Premises costs - repairs & renewals 1810 1810 1810 0 0
Utilities & Rates 4223 5000 5000 0 0
Book / magazine purchase / loan costs 0 0
Subscriptions 0 0
Stationnary 600 600 600 0 0
Equipment purchase costs 522 522 522 0 0
Equipment maintenance costs 1600 1600 1600 0 0
Other (please specify in Supporting 3864 3870 3880 0 0
Statement column)
Total Expenditure 77359 79142 80152 0 0 0 0 0

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Surplus / Deficit -31 -844 1802 0 0 0 0 0

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