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Using Edmodo to Improve Paragraph Writing For Student for 11th

Grade in Senior High School.

Putri Sahriyah Rahmadani

Literature Review

Writing is one of basic skill in learning English which is important for students to be mastered.
Harmer (91: 2001) The reasons for teaching writing to students of English as a foreign language
include reinforcement, language development, learning style and, most importantly, writing as a skill
on its own right. In addition, writing can help to remember the information, writing can be able to
recognize the ability and potential of self, and clear the mind, can develop new ideas, and can even
relieve stress. So many benefits we can get from writing. However, the benefits are not only on once
write. It takes patience in order to feel the benefits. Students and teachers are experiencing that
problem right now.

In this modern era, the teacher not only delivery the material using blackboard in the class but the
teacher must be creative and understand with the development of education at this time that used
internet as a media in teaching learning process. Now has appeared several social networking sites
that specifically use in the field of education. One of the social media is Edmodo. Edmodo is a social
medium developed specifically for students and teachers to review virtual classrooms thoroughly.
There are so many advantages of Edmodo that to be gained by teachers, students and even parents.
In social media Edmodo, students can discuss with teachers. Teachers, exercises and quizzes,
activities and some other lessons provide findings of reference information. Edmodo learning
activities with activities and learning in the classroom, the difference is Edmodo can be used anytime
and anywhere. The Edmodo website is accessible to students on the mobile platform.

The students are the ones who are directly involved in the learningprocess. If the school and the
teachers already provide a maximal facility, but the students themselves lazy or always reasoned to
learn it also would be the same. In the use of edmodo,one of the advantages is the teacher could
interact to the students without having to looked, So indirectly from the teachers and their schools
respectively also had a facilities to support in usability of Edmodo media e.g computer along with
modem or could also using handphone who could access to the internet network.

From what has been previously explained, using technology to improve writing skills for students is
needed to use edmodo as one way. educators must also learn how to utilize technology that can be
used to help students. how to improve students' writing skills by also utilizing technology. And later
this method makes students more interested in learning.

It can be concluded that this media was easy to use by the teacher and by the students, the Edmodo
media are good in implementing and improving the students interest and attention in English
teaching process of writing skill. The teacher aimed to make them willingly join and take part in class
activities during the teaching learning process of writing skill. The English use several features , such
as; assignment, quiz, gradebook, and library. Therefore Edmodo media was succesfully make the
students became very enthusiast to give feedback into the lesson and created a lively athmosphere
to the class during the teaching process.

Yulastri, D. (2015). Building Students’ Writing Skill by Using Edmodo. Journal Polingua : Scientific
Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Education, 4(2), 106–110. doi: 10.30630/polingua.v4i2.97

Alsmari, N. A. (2019). Fostering EFL Students’ Paragraph Writing Using Edmodo. English Language
Teaching, 12(10), 44. doi: 10.5539/elt.v12n10p44

Fauzi, A. (2017). The Effect of Edmodo on Students’ Writing Skill in Recount Text. IJPTE :
International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education, 1(2). doi: 10.20961/ijpte.v1i2.5038

Sumarno, W. K. (2019). Effects of Edmodo-Assisted Process Writing with the Problematized

Scaffolding on the Quality of Students’ Writing. Lingua Cultura, 13(1), 31. doi:

Permatasari, D. (2018). The Effect Of Using “Edmodo And Quipper School” In Blended Learning
Method Towards Students’ Writing Skill At The Second Year Students Of Sman 1 Bengkulu
Tengah. JOALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature), 3(1), 32–40. doi:
Edmodo has various useful features that can help both teachers and students. Ali (2015) outlined
several features of Edmodo in his study. He reported that Edmodo permits users to upload profile
pictures, documents, links and This tool can help teachers in their teaching, delivering the content
and sharing the files that learners can easily access. Not only documents or files teachers can upload,
but they can share digital videos that can enrich the course content. Other organizational features
ofthis platform for teachers are monitoring students’ interaction, making quizzes, assignments,
posts, notes, polls and award badges. Process writing has been distinguished from product writing in
the sense that the teacher guides learners to follow a specific procedure which helps them
eventually improve their writing product. Accordingly, the focus is directed mainly at raising
learners’ awareness of the different steps of process writing which is recursive innature (Seow,
2002). White and Arndt (1991) proposed a writing process model which includes a set ofinterrelated
and recursive stages including drafting, structuring, reviewing, focusing and generating ideas and
evaluation (as cited in Harmer, 2007:258)

Using Edmodo for this stage offers many choices for the teacher to help students embark on their
thinking. The teacher, for example, can post discussion questions for students to think about or post
relevant images of the writing topics for students to comment on them. Edmodo isclaimed to be an
effective tool for interaction, wider exposure and use of the target language among learners (Hariri
& Bahanshal, 2015). Organizing ideas, on the other hand, can be guided by the teacher through
posting links that provide students with model writings. Teachers can find some examples for their
students to help them organize their ideas according to certain instructions.

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