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Activity: Compete the Table below.

Factors that Contributed to the Indolence Explanation why such Factor Caused
of the Filipinos Indolence
1.Gambling was established and widely Most of the government official use their
propagated. power to do what they’ve wanted
especially in engaging all sorts of bets
and gambles like every day there were
cockfight that was against in Catholic
2.Spain did not protect the people against The Filipino’s are forced to become
foreigner invaders and pirates. The nomads, lost their interest in cultivating
natives killed, their houses burned and their lands or in rebuilding the industries
their lands destroyed. that were shut down and simply become
submissive to the mercy of God.

3.Implementation and forced labor. The Filipino people were forced to work
in shipyards roads, and other public
works, abandoning agriculture, industry,
and commerce because of the wars
between Spain and other countries in
4.The Spaniard rulers are bad example to Filipinos feel unequal treatment they
despise manual Labor. wanted because they saw that other
officials go to work at noon and left early
and all the time they are just doing
nothing while they were in their own
5.Taxes were extremely high Paying an extremely high taxes makes
Filipinos suffer from it because the big
portion of what they earned went to the
government which is make them difficult
to against it. Moreover, when they object
the said law, they were exploited and
they were not given the freedom to do
what they wanted to do.
Questions to Ponder

1. Why do you think that Jose Rizal wanted the women of Malolos and ultimately every
woman in the Philippines to possess the values and skills he stated in his essay?
-I think he wanted ALL Filipinos to be able to think for themselves, where he addresses
all kinds of women mothers, wives, the unmarried, etc. and expresses everything that
he wishes them to keep in mind.

2. Do you believe that women in the Philippines especially in the current times have been
empowered enough to become the women that Rizal described in his essay? Why or
why not?
-Yes, when compared to many other countries, women in the Philippines appear to be
more empowered, occupy more prominent roles across society, and enjoy relatively
equal footing with their male counterparts. But far enough for what Rizal described in
his essay.

3. Are there still issues that women in the Philippines experience today that is still true to
the issues confronting women in Rizal’s time? Explain your stand.
- No, because Filipino women have gained and enjoyed equal rights with men. They
have become presidents, senators, congresswomen, mayors. They have served in
government offices, and have held cabinet positions for presidents.

4. What must still be done so that women in the Philippines will live a much better quality
of life?
-I Think there’s no need to be done because Filipino women in general are more
privileged than in many countries. They are often treated as equals to our men with the
same economic expectations. There have females in the police and in the army, in the
healthcare frontlines, in education, in government, in positions of power. They are not
encumbered in educational and professional opportunities.

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