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Action Research Proposal


Proposed Title: Improving Classroom Active Participation and Social Interaction of Grade 5 Students in
Bago City Elementary School

I. Context and Rationale Study Background

An ideal 21st-Century teaching and learning require active student participation and social
interaction. Opportunities should be provided for learners to engage and interact with students and
teachers during teaching and learning (Zhu, 2012). The literature suggests that student participation in
teaching and learning is a common problem in several educational contexts, requiring much attention
(Herrmann, 2013; Nguyen et al., 2018). This attention is needed because student participation is
required at the lower and higher levels of education, tasking teachers to design teaching and learning to
meet the different needs of students (Herrmann, 2013; Roberts & Friedman, 2013). One of the essential
features of student participation is teamwork, which encourages students to become competent and
socially responsible for lifelong learning, which is arguably needed in Vocational and Technical Education
(VTE) (Karge et al., 2011; Mulongo, 2013).

Active classroom participation and social interaction has always been a critical factor in yielding
positive learning outcomes for students and further developing their abilities. Participation allows
students to build on their knowledge, demonstrate they have understood the curriculum, developed
confidence, and applied theory. It teaches students to think critically (Garside, 1996) and engage in
dialogue with their colleagues and professors by providing informed arguments based on information

One way for students to shoulder the responsibility for learning is for them to be the readers,
writers, speakers, listeners, and thinkers in the classroom through active engagement in social
interaction with others (Alvermann & Phelps, 2005; Vacca, Vacca, & Mraz, 2011). For the purpose of this
study, we define social interaction as meaningful dialogue among learners. Socially interactive learners
are engaged learners (Vacca et al., 2011). Routman (2005) contends “students learn more when they are
able to talk to one another and be actively involved” (p. 207). In short, social interaction is vital to the
learning process.

II. Action Research Questions AR Questions

1. What are the strategies to enhance the active classroom participation and socialization of the Grade 5
students of Bago City Elementary School?

2. How can the students engage in active participation and socialization?

3. What are the advantage and disadvantage of active participation and socialization in the classroom?

4. What causes students’ less participation and social interaction in the classroom?

III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention Strategy Describe Innovation/Intervention/Strategy

IV. Action Research Methods (Describe Action research Methods)

V. Action Research Work Plan

a. Participants/Others sources of Data

b. Data Gathering Methods
c. Data Analysis Plan

VI. Cost Estimate

VII. Plan for Dissemination and Utilization

VIII. References

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