Descriptive Research (Final Edit)

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Sample Title:



Statement of the Problem:

1. What is the profile of the teacher-respondents in Bago City College in terms of:
a. Sex,
b. Age,
c. Subject of Instruction,
d. Years of Teaching Experience,
e. Number of Online classes handled per day,
f. Estimated number of hours spent per day using virtual tools.

2. What is the extent of the strategies in designing a module of the teacher-respondents in Bago
City College in terms of:
a. Learning Outcomes
b. Module Content
c. Learning and Teaching Strategies
d. Assessments/Evaluation

3. What is the extent of the utilization of virtual tools of the teacher-respondents in Bago City
College in terms of their technology skills?

4. Is there a significant difference between the strategies in designing a module of the teacher-re-
spondents in Bago City College when grouped in terms of their profile?

5. Is there a significant difference between the utilization of virtual tools of the teacher - respon-
dents in Bago City College when grouped in terms of their profile?
6. Is there a significant difference between the strategies in designing a module and the utiliza-
tion of virtual tools of the teacher-respondents in Bago City College?
7. Is there a significant relationship between the strategies in designing a module and the utiliza-
tion of virtual tools of the teacher-respondents in Bago City College?

Schematic Diagram
Independent Variable Dependent Variable


a. Sex
b. Age
c. Subject of Instruction
d. Years of Teaching Experience
e. Number of Online classes handled per day
f. Estimated number of hours spent per day us-
ing virtual tools

STRATEGIES IN DESIGNING A MODULE Results of the evaluation of the

teacher-respondents in Bago City Col-
a. Learning Outcomes lege
b. Module Content
c. Learning and Teaching Strategies
d. Assessments/Evaluation

Research Instrument
Utilization of Virtual Tools
PART I. Profile of Teacher-Respondents in Bago City College
a. Technology Skills
Name (Optional) :
Sex: Female Male
Age: 21 - 25 years old
26 - 30 years old
30 - 35 years old
36 - 40 years old
50 - 55 years old
56 - 70 years old
older than 60 years old

Subject of Instruction:

Years of Teaching Experience: Less than a year

1 - 2 years
3 - 4 years
5- 6 years
7 - 8 years
9 - 10 years
More than 10 years
Number of Online classes I handle per day: 1 2 3 4 5
more than 5
Estimated number of hours I spent per day using virtual tools:
1 - 2 hours
3 - 4 hours
5- 6 hours
7 - 8 hours
9 - 10 hours
More than 10 hours


5 - Strongly 1 - Strongly Dis-

INDICATORS 4 - Agree 3 - Undecided 2 - Disagree
Agree agree
Learning Outcomes

I clearly stated
the learning out-
comes in the

I align the learn-

ing outcomes to
the content of the

I make sure to
develop the
knowledge and
skills of the stu-

I encourage ac-
tive participation
of the students in
answering the

I articulate what
a students should
know and can
do after answer-
ing the module.

Module Content

I make sure the

content is
matched to the
module out-

I make sure that

there is an appro-
priate amount of
information pre-
sented in the

I make sure the

amount of work
required in this
module was ap-

I help the stu-

dents develop
their critical
thinking skills in
answering the
I encourage stu-
dents to conduct
a research for ad-
ditional knowl-
edge about the

Learning and Teaching Strategies

I make sure to
provide relevant
ideas and exam-
ples to help the
students learn
and understand
the topic.

I use variety of
teaching strate-
gies that is ap-
propriate to the
learning style
and level of the

I motivate the
students to take
part in the teach-

I help the stu-

dents develop
skills in commu-
nication and self-

I encourage ac-
tive learning.

Assessments / Evaluation

I make sure the

methods were
appropriate to
the lesson and
were clearly ex-
I make sure the
marking criteria
was clearly ex-

I make sure that

the assessments
contains the con-
cepts discussed
in the module.

The assessment
technique I used
were appropriate
to measure the
knowledge and
performance of
the students.

I use different
assessment tech-
niques that will
measure the
knowledge and
skills of the stu-

PART III. Utilization of Virtual Tools

5 - Strongly 1 - Strongly Dis-

INDICATORS 4 - Agree 3 - Undecided 2 - Disagree
Agree agree

I can use Web-

based teaching
tools effectively.

I feel comfort-
able using virtual
tools in commu-
nicating with my
students and
conducting on-
line classes.

I can download
files and add at-

I am able to eas-
ily access the In-
ternet and use
web browsers.

I can discuss
properly and
clearly when us-
ing virtual tools.

Source: (Modified Instrument)

NASSAU Community College (2022). Online Readiness Survey

Dejene, Wondifraw (2019). The Practice of Modularized Curriculum in Higher Education In-
stitution: Active Learning and Continuous Assessment in Focus. pp. 6-9.

Queen Margaret University Module Evaluation Questionnaire

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