CLASS 12 - Computer Nerworks - Problems

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CLASS 12: Computer Networks ~ Problems Setting up a computer network ‘The 80-20 Thumb Rule: ~According to this rule, in a properly designed and organi of whole network should be dedicated to loc: 20% of whole traffic should not exceed backbone. If it happens, there may be a condition of network congestion arises. —We need to follow above rules while designing a network. d network, 80% of the traffic network. Easy way to solve questions 1. Where to set Server ? : At the place with maximum number of computers. 2. Suggest a suitable cable layout of connectio: A suitable cable layout can be suggested in the following two ways: (a) On the basis of Server: First, the location of the Server i fouiid. out. Server should be placed in that building where the number of computers is maximufa (according to the 80:20 rule}. After finding the server position, each building distance is compared with the Server building directly or indirectly (taking other building{s) in between). The shortest distance is counted, whether it is directly or indirectly calculated. (b) On the basis of distance from each building: The distance between each building is compared to all(other buildings, either directly or indirectly, Thé shortest distai calculated, whether it is direct or through some other building, 3. At what place following devices are tobe used? : * Server : The building with maximum number of computers. © HUB/SWITCH: In cach building, * Modem: The building with serve * Repeater: buildings Raving distance more than 70 meters so that channel can be amplifics. © Ronter: when a LAN is to gt connécted with other LAN. + Best Cable: Twisted Pair, Ethernet Cable (when the distance is in meters and needs to be feasible.), coaxial cable (when high speed is required) * Best Cable: Fiber Optical Cable (when distance is in kilometers and high speed is required, * Best Connecting Technique: In Hilly areas satellite signals , for city to city radio es and state to state satellite signal. Smt.Deepa.S, Lecturer in Computer Science 1 CLASS 12: Computer Networks — Problems Case study questions - 4 marks 1 ][BeHappy Corporation has set up its new centre at Noida, Uttar Pradesh for its office and web-based activities. It has 4 blocks of buildings. BeHappy Corporation Block B Block A BlockD Block Distance between the various blocks is as follows: AtoB40m BtoC 120m Cto D 100m Ato D 170m. Bto D 150m Ato C 70m Numbers of computers in each block, Block A= 25) Block B - 50 Block C - 125 Block D - 10 (a) Suggest and draw théycable layout to efficiently connect various blocks of buildings within the Noida centré for connecting the digital devices. (b) Suggest the placement of the following device with justification i, Repeater ii, Hub/Switch (c) Which kind of network (PAN/LAN/WAN) will be formed if the Noida office is connected to its head office in Mumbai? (4) Which fast and very effective wireless transm be used to connect the head offi Smt.Deepa.S, Lecturer in Computer Science 2 CLASS 12: Computer Networks — Problems ‘Ans | a) BeHappy Corporation a neeKe [see] (b) Repeater : between C and D as the distafi@@lbetween them is 100 mts. Hub/ Switch : in each block as they/felp 6 share data packets within the devices of the network in each block (c) WAN. (a) Satellite MyPace University is selfing up its academic blocks at Naya Raipunand is planning, to set up a network, The University has 3 academic blocks and one Human Resource Center as shown in the diagram below: [Busines] Technology Block Block AR Center Center to Center distances between various blocks/center is as follows: Law Block to business Block 40m Law blovk to Technology Dlvck GOm, Law Block to HR center 105m Business Block to technology Block | 30m Business Block to HR Center 35m “Technology block to HR center Tom Number of computers in each of the blocks/Center is as follows: Law Block 15, Technology Block | 40 HR center 115 Business Block | 25 ‘Smt-Deepa.S, Lecturer in Computer Science 3 CLASS 12: Computer Networks ~ Problems ‘a) Suggest the most suitable place (i.c., Block/Center) to install the server of this University with a suitable reason. b) Suggest an ideal layout for connecting these blocks/centers for a wired connectivity. ©) Which device will you suggest to be placed/installed in each of these blocks/centers to efficiently connect all the computers within these blocks/centers. d) Suggest the placement of a Repeater in the network with justification. ¢) The university is planning to connect its admission office in Delhi, which is more (hai 1250ku frou us 1 type of network vul of LAN, MAN, us WAN will be formed? Justify your answer. easily. WI ‘Ans = a. Most suitable place to install |the server is HR center, as this center has maximum number of computers. b. [Business Technology Block Block Taw] < AR Block Center . Swift d. Repeater may be placed when thédistance between 2 buildings is more than 70 meter. e. WAN, a8 théigiven distance is more than the range of LAN and MAN. 3 Ravya Industries has set up its new centre at Kaka Nagar for its office and web based activities. The company compound has 4 buildings as shown in the diagram below: KR Sy Cy (Baiting Balding \ // \ J \ Build Y Centre to centre distance between various buildings is as follows: Harsh Building to Raj Building 50 m Raj Building to Fazz Building 60 m Fazz Building to Jazz Building 25 m Jazz Building to Harsh Building 170 m Harsh Building to Fazz Building 125 m Raj Building to Jass Building 20 m Smt.Deepa.S, Lecturer in Computer Science 4 CLASS 12: Computer Networks ~ Problems Number of Computers in each of the building is as follows: Harsh Building 15 Raj Building 150 Fazz Building 15 Jazz Building 25 (a) Suggest a cable layout of connections between the buildings. (b) Suggest the most suitable place (i.e., building) to house the server of Unis urgauization with «suitable reasun. (9 Suggest the placement of the following devices with justificatios () Internet Connecting Device/Modem (ii) Switch (¢) The organization is planning to link its sale counter situated in various parts of the same city, which type of network out of LAN, MAN or WAN will be formed? Justify your answer. ‘Ans fa) The layout is: ) The most suitable place/block tOhouse the séPer of this organization would be Raj Building, as this block contains the maximum number of computers, thus deeredixing the cable cast far most af the campnters as well as increasing the efficieney Of, the maximum computers in the network. ) (i Raj Building (i In both layouts, hub/switch each would be needed in all the buildings, to interconnect the groupiof cables/from the different computers in each block. h) ‘The type of network that \Shali(be formed to nk the sale counters situated in various parts of the same éity Would be a MAN, because MAN (Metropolitan Area Networks) are the networks that link computer facilities within a city 4 The Great Brain Organization has set up its new Branch at Srinagar for its office and web based activities. It has 4 Wings of buildings as shown, in the diagram: Smt.Deepa.S, Lecturer in Computer Science 5 CLASS 12: Computer Networks ~ Problems Center to center distance between various blocks Wing X to Wing Z 60 m Wing Z to WingY 70 m ing Yto WingX 125 m Wing Y to Wing U 80 m Wing X to Wing U 175 m Wing Z to Wing U 90 m Number of Computers: 50 30 150 WingU 15 ( Suggestymost suitable cable layout of connections between the Wings and topology. i Suggest the most sttitable place (i.e., Wing)/to house the server of this organization with asuitable reason, with justification. Gi) Suggest the placement of the following/devices with justification: (1) Repeater (2) Hub/Switch (wv) The organization is planning to link its head office situated in Delhi with the offices at Srinagar. Suggest an economic way to connect it; the company/is ready to compromise on the speed of connectivity. Justify your answer. ‘Ans | (i) The layout option 1 for star topology is: & G7 () Wing Y, as it has largest number of computers (ii) (1) Repeater. It is used if the distance is higher than 70 m. It regenerates data and voice signals. Smt.Deepa.S, Lecturer in Computer Science CLASS 12: Computer Networks ~ Problems (2) Hub/Switch. It is better to place in nearby buildings. The maximum distance covered by an active hub is about 2000 ft. («) The economic way to link between Delhi and Srinagar is Radio Wave or Satellite Link or WAN because they have reasonably high speed of data transmission and as they are easy to install, they can travel long distances and penetrate buildings easily. 5 | “Learn Together” is an educational NGO. It is setting up its new campus at Jabalpur for its web based activities. The campus has 4 compounds as shown in the diagram below Center to center distance between various Compounds as per architectural drawings (in Metre) is as follows: MainjCompoulid)to Resource Compound 110 m Main Compound to Training Compound lism Main Compound to Finance Compound 35m Resource Compound to Training Compound 25m Resource Compound to Finahce Compotind)) 135 m ‘Training Compound to Finance\Compound 100 m iuxpected Number of Computers ijeach Compound is as follows: Main Compotnd = 5 Resource 15 Compound ‘Training 150 Compound Finance 20 Compound (@) Suggest a cable layout of connections between the compounds. (&) Suggest the most suitable place (i.e., compound) to house the server for this NGO. Also, provide a suitable reason for your suggestion. (9, Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification: ) Repeater (W) Hub/Switeh (6) The NGO is planning to connect its International office in Mumbai, which out of the following wired communication links, will you suggest for very high speed connectivity? Smt.Deepa.S, Lecturer in Computer Science 7 CLASS 12: Computer Networks ~ Problems {0 Telephone Analog Line (i) Optical Fiber (ii) Ethernet Cable (a) The cable network layout is: ‘Resource Main Compound Compound Compound [Resource ] cmt, Sl ic (») Training Compound, as it 66#fains maximum number of computers. (9) (i) A Repeater should be placed when the distance between any two connecting computers exceeds 70 m. (ii) Every compound will need ongjkiub/Switeh, to)Send signals to all of the workstations connected to it, (4) (ii) Optical Fiber. 6 | TPU University is setting up its academic blocks at Udaipur and is planning to set up a network. The University has 3 academic blocks and oné Human Resource Centre as'shown in the diagram below: Center to Center distances between various blocks/center is as follows: Law Block to Business Block 40m ‘No of computers in various blocks/center is as Law Block to Technology Block | 80m follows: Law Block to HR Centre 105m Law Block 15 Business Block to HR Centre 30m ‘Technology Block | 40 ‘Technology Block to HR Centre [15m HR Centre 115 Business Block 25 a) Suggest an ideal layout for connecting these blocks/centers for wired connectivity. b) Which device will you suggest to be placed/installed in each of these blocks/centers to efficiently connect all the computers within these blocks /centers. Smt.Deepa.S, Lecturer in Computer Science 8 CLASS 12: Computer Networks ~ Problems c) Suggest the placement of a Repeater in the network with justification. d) The university is planning to connect its admission office in Delhi, which is more than 780 km from the university. Which type of network out of LAN, MAN, or WAN will be formed? Justify your answer ‘Ans |a. [Business| Technology Block Block So Law | <— Bloc! b. Hub / Switch c. Repeater may be placed when the distance between 2 buildings is more than 100 meters. d. WAN, as the given distance is more than the range of LAN and MAN. 7 | ABC Software Development Company has set up its new center at Jaipur for its office and'web based activitiesaIt has 4 blocks of buildingsas/shown in the diagram below: Center to center distances between various blocks | Number of Computers Black A to Block B 50m Block A 25 Block B to Block C 150m, Block B 50 Block C to Block D. 25m. Block C 125 Block A to Block D 170m Block D 10 Block B to Block D 125m Block A to Block C 90m. a, Suggest the most suitable place (Block) to install the Server of the Company. b. Suggest an ideal layout for connecting these blocks for a wired connectivity. c. Suggest the place of repeater in the network with justification. Smt.Deepa.S, Lecturer in Computer Science 9 CLASS 12: Computer Networks ~ Problems d. Which device will you suggest to be installed in each of these blocks to efficiently connect all the computers within these blocks. e. The company is planning to connect its administrative Office in Delhi which is more than 1200 km from the Company. Which type of network out of LAN, MAN or WAN will be formed? Justify your answer. ‘Ans a. Block C maximum number of computers b. Any layout either Bus or Star ©, Suggest the place uf repeater in Uae uetwork with justification, d. Place of repeater where distance is morejthan 80m e. WAN Unicorp Tech Training Ltd. is a Delhi based organization which is expanding its office set-up to Jaipur. At Jaipur office, they are planning to have 3 different blocks for Admin, Training and Accounts telated activities. Each block has a number of computers, which are required to be eoninected in.ametwork for communication, data and resource sharing.As a network consultant, you havelto suggest the best network related solutions for them for issues/problems raised by them in (i) to (iv), as per the distances between various blocks /locations and other given parameters. Dethi Jaipur Office |shortest distances between various blocks /locations [Admin Block to Accounts Block [310 Metres \ccounts Block to Training Block 1160 Metres [Admin Block to Training Block 190 Metres [Delhi Head Office to Jaipur Office 700 Km Number of computers installed at various blocks are as follows : [Training Block 130 iccountsBlock [40 nin Block [50 Smt.Deepa.S, Lecturer in Computer Science 10 CLASS 12: Computer Networks ~ Problems () Suggest the most appropriate block/location to house the SERVER in the JAIPUR office (out of the 3blocks) to get the best and effective connectivity. Justify your answer. (ii) Suggest the best wired medium and draw the cable layout (Block to Block) to efficiently connect various blocks within the JAIPUR office compound. (iii) Suggest a device/software and its placement that would provide data security for the entire network of the JAIPUR olfice. (iv) Suggest a device and the protocol that shall be needed to provide wireless Internet access to all smartphone/laptop users in the JAIPUR office. ‘Aus | @) Training Block - Because It has maximum nuniber of computers. (ii) Best wired medium: Optical Fibre OR@ATS OR CAT6 OR CAT7 OR CAT8 OR Ethernet Cable (iii) Firewall Placed withijthe server at the Training Block OR Any other valid device /software hame (iv) Device Name: WiFi Router OR WiMax OR REsRouter OR Wireless Modem OR RF Transmitter Protocol: WAP\OR 802.16 OR TCP/IP OR VOIP OR MACP OR 802.11 9 |Hi Standard Technologies Ltd. is A Mumbai based organization which is expanding its office set-up to Chennai. At Chennai office compound, they are planning to have 3 different blocks Sor Admin, ‘Training and Accounts related activitics, Bach block has)inumber of computers, which are required to be connected in a network for coftimunication, data and resource sharing. As a network consultant, you have to suggest the best network related solutions for them for issues/ problems raised in (i) to (iv), keeping in mind the distances between various blocks/locations and other given parameters. CHENNAL Office MuMB&l Head Office Smt.Deepa.S, Lecturer in Computer Science 1 CLASS 12: Computer Networks ~ Problems Shortest distances between various blocks/locations: ‘Admin Block to Accounts Block 300 metres ‘Accounts Block to Training Block 150 metres ‘Admin Block to Training Block 200 metres MUMBAI Head Office to CHENNAI Office _[ 1300 metres Number of Computers installed at various blocks are as follows: Training Block] 150 ‘Accounts 30 Block ‘Admin Block [40 (i) Suggest the most appropriate block/location to house the SERVER in the CHENNAI Office (out of 3 blocks) to get the best and effective connectivity. Justify your answer. (i Suggest the best wired medium) andgdfaw the eable layout (Block to Block) efficiently conncet various locations within the)CHENNAI office compound. a. Suggest a device/software and its placement that would provide data security for the entire network of the CHENNAI office? b, «Suggest a device and the protocol that shall besheeded to provide wireless Internebyaccess to all smartphone/laptop users in the CHENNAI office. ‘Ans ‘The Server should be placed ih Training Block as it contains maximum number of computers and ¢lesest to all other locations. (i) The bestwired medium is Optical Fibre cable or CAT6. The cable layout is: CHENNAI Office (i) Firewall should be placed with the server at the Training block. (i) Device Name: Wi-Fi Router or WiMax. Protocol : TCP/IP or VoIP 10 Smt.Deepa.S, Lecturer in Computer Science 2 CLASS 12: Computer Networks ~ Problems available solutions. XYZ CONSULTANTS is a professional consultancy company. The company is planning to set up new offices in India with its hub at Gurugram. As a network adviser, you have to understand their requirements and suggest to them the best ee Homan Gaeeec Resource Block Z Finance Block Block-to-Block distance (in Mtrs. Block (From) Block (To) Distance Human Resources Conference 60 Human Resources nance 60. Conference Finance 120 Expected Number of Computers to be installed in each bloc Block ‘Computers Human Resources 125 Conference 25 Finance 60 install their Server? each of the above buildings? (i) Gateway (ii) Switch (iii) Modem (h) Draw a blaele-ta-hlack cable layout ta cannect all the hnildings in the mast appropriate manner for efficient communication. (c) What will be the best possible connectivity out of the following to connect the new set-up of offices im Dehradun with its London base office? ( Infrared (ii) Satellite Link (iii) Bthernet Cable (d) Which of the following devices will you suggest to connect each computer in (a) What will be the most appropriat@ block wheré aimorganization should plan to ‘Ans | a) Human Resource ») [eee J (6 Gi) satelite Link (4) (ii) Switch Smt.Deepa.S, Lecturer in Computer Science B

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