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(Season 1&2)
*A love story*

Written by SALAM

Pdf by VaDeny.....
Chapter 1

Maria!! Maria!! Maria iwe!!

*Mhaaaa... mom just 5 more

minutes chete ndomuka kanhi*

Ndaidaro ndichiwedzera kuisa duvet

mumusoro haaa if you want to
provoke me ndimutse hope
dzichinaka kudai..

My mother went silent ndikatoti

vaenda ini and l continued to try and
cuddle myself to sleep again until
ndanzwa something chichidirwa
mvura and as a curious cat l was
ndakatomuka chete.


I ran to her ndikanonga Winnie

wangu anga atota and mhamha so...
Mom:*Yaah good wamuka ka....good
morning my sweet little
daughter...get yourself ready you
know kuti daddy vako havadi

Mom:*Kasika Maria*
Me:*But mhamha so ko Winnie
wangu atadzei manje?*

Ndakadaro while pouting ndichisvina

chiWinnie changu and she walked
out trying to hold her laughter....
Mhamha so...

I made the bed and took the remote

ndikavhura macurtains.....Tutu ran in
wiggling his tail and l hugged him,
well l named him Tutu since l was a
baby because ndandisingakwanisi
kuti kutu.
I ran to the bathroom ndikatanga
kuita my daily routine. Well sorry
forgot to introduce myself, I'm
Mariana Mpofu and I'm 16 years old
ndiri last born in a family of 3, my
first big brother is a Doctor,
Matthew(29) and he's married then
secondly my best buddie, a police
officer, Michael(23).l live in
Ridgemond with my parents
nebrother yangu although ane imba
kuRiverside anofarira pamba
pamudhara maybe.
My father is a business man while
my mother is a dress maker in doors
and daddy havabvume kuti vabude
bude so he opted mhamha vaite PA
anovatengesera nekureceiver
Believe me or not l have lived 16
years of my life locked inside my
father's house. I have not gone to
any school, any church and attended
no parties because he always sings
his usual song *it's not safe out
there especially when you are Zex
Mhofu 's daughter*

I have just wrote my 0 level ndiri

kumba, yep don't look at me like
that...thats my father for you he has
many connections and l wonder kuti
basa ravo iro ravanenge vachingoti
business man rimbori rei chaiko....

Enough of my boring dad let me give

a little description of myself :l am a
short girl, chocolate in colour, pink
bottom lip and black one at the
top,white teeth with a gap between
the incisors, slim and have long
black hair.well and for the record l
am single and not on the searching

Ndakangopfeka ka blue jumpsuit

kangu and tied my hair into a messy
bunny ndokupfeka mablue snickers
angu and walked out.....only to find
mom and dad kissing in the lounge.
Me:*ill.... guys get a room*

Dad:*Shut that small mouth of

yours.... Enda unopinda mumota
My father was playful and funny at
times but kana vava serious

Mom:*Greet your dad first
Maria....where are your manners

Me:*Mamukasei daddy*
Dad:*Morning Riana*

Dad:*Mai Mathew make sure she's

wearing properly....unoziva kuti
anything can happen*
Mom:*Ehoi Mhofu*

Mhamha took me to theeir bedroom,

l can't say l have not been here
before because l have. Mom took
out a bullet proof vakandipfekedza
and l wonder how she knew how to
put it on...

Me:*ko why do l need a bullet proof

mhamha?....asi vanhu vasati
vambobuda panze seni vanoti
vachingobuda vatoshutwa here!?*
Mom:*All you have to know is that
unofanirwa kungwarira kana
uchifamba kunze uko Maria*

I nodded

My mom was a quite person vainge

vatori too holy for my father because
there was this hidden agenda around
him that l couldn't point my finger at.

Mom:*You are escorting your father

to pick out new helpers for both his
company and this house so behave
yourself because this is a special
day for you*
Me:*horyt mhamha ndanzwa*

I hugged her and walked to dad

tichibva tatobuda....mota
payakabuda panze pegate
ndakanzwa kufema fresh air chaiyo.
Dad:*Put on your seatbelt princess*

Ko ndaiziva kuti roiswa sei here,he

did it for me and the driver drove out
inini ndandisisagoni nenyemwerero
haaa ndaifara kanhi...ndaifamba
ndakaita kudongorera panze and if it
wasn't for my father vakati
mawindows avharwe ndaitoda
kufamba musoro wese uri panze
ndichinyatsa kuona chaiko.

After what seemed like forever mota

yakamiswa in front of a huge
building yanga yakanyorwa in bold
letters kuti *M:M:M INSTITUTE*

Takaburuka and dad vangu behaved

like a gentleman vakandivhurira
door.... I followed beside him
ndozvavainge vataura hanzi
usafambire mberi kana behind me
hanzi always walk paside neni...

Haaaa journalists were everywhere

vachibvunza maquestions kuda
kuziva who l was to Zex and
vaitodana daddy vangu nezita
imagine... Takapinda mukati muya
ndisisagoni nenoise apa it was all
new to me zvecrowd izvi...

Maive nedifferent faces dzevanhu

mu building umu and l was
instructed to go sit muoffice
madaddy vangu. I went there looking
around in awe...

I sat down on his big chair ivo vainge

vatosara somewhere in the company
vachiita take care of other
things.Vanhu vaida basa vakatanga
kupi da one one and l started asking
them maquestions andainge
ndapiwa for the interviews and it
was really fun to me coz yanga iri
first time yangu kusangana nevanhu
vakawanda kudaro__



Enzo:*handisi kuda kukuudzira but

the only way to get him down is to
have yourself employed by him as a
worker boss*
Grey::*ini ndobvumira naEnzo iro
ndodama raataura
kana wakushanda pedyo naye
nyango kumuuraya hazvikone futi*

I looked at them and removed my

Me:*how can l stoop so low kusvika
segardener....mukundiona mushe

My name is Isheanesu Williams (25)

and I'm a gangleader and l have
enemies and one of them is the
famous Zex Mpofu who is running
the city and he is also a gangleader
but he is very secretive and right
now nobody knows if he has a family
or not.

My description:I am tall, and believe

me when l say l am very big judging
by my muscular body and broad
shoulders, l have grey eyes and I'm
freaking handsome and any girl
would drool when he sees me. My
mother is white while my father is a
black American.l have 2 siblings, an
older brother Ian (30)who works in
Gauteng SA then a little sister Tiara
(17)who lives with our parents in

Enzo:*and look here ndanzwa kuti

arikurecruiter new workers for both
his company and his home*
Grey:*Go for his home boss....the
nearer you are to him the better*

I stood up ndikamira pabalcony...

Me:*How many people are desperate
for the jobs?*

Enzo kept on scrolling on her ipad.....

Enzo:*its filled to capacity man but l
know his PA l can squeeze kuti
mupinde then you chose the home

Grey:*But doesn't he know you

boss...we can't risk to start a fight
right now*
Me:*we will see tasvika ikoko*

Yeah apa ndandazvipira kuita yese

yese because l wanted to bring him
down anga andiuraira vanhu
vakawanda too much.
Me:*Grey get the driver ready and
pack my bags....*
Grey:*Yes boss*

We got to the *M:M:M INSTITUTE*

ndikasvika and sneaked in ndanzwa
kuti Zex was outside and someone
was taking care of the interviews
haaa ndakafara kupinda mukati
kudai wanike pasara vanhu2 in front
of me coz Enzo was a friend to Zex's
PA so akaita madhiri.
Enzo:*Boss please try to act normal*

Me:*mpfanha do l act
abnormal....uda kufarisa Enzo
Enzo:*sorry boss but mungori stiff
so...and sorry again but please try to
relax munovhundutsa mwana ari
mukati umo*

Me:*handina kana basa

netwumahure tunoshanda pano
ini....and unoziva kuti zve mababe
hazvisi zvangu*

Enzo:*Well I'm just trying to help

Me:*Stay in your lane and we're

He pretended to lock his lips and

threw the key was my turn
to go in coz seems like vanhu
vaitoita zvekudzingwa.... I tried to
act less intimidating and walked in
kunodai wanike pakagara
tsvarakadenga zvayo.
Haaa ndakasticker and iye airatidza
kuva mudiki but moyo wanga
waenda kare.... Who was she nhai!?

Girl:*Good morning I'm Mariana

Mpofu and l will be interviewing you
Haaaa munoziva ndakasticker.....not
to talk of her voice which made my
evil heart beat and shatter into rose
petals of love. Ko kana ari mwana
waZex ndichabudirira here ini ndada
mwana wake kudai__

End of Chap 1 Ĭ
*A love story*
Written by SALAM

Chap 2

This man sitting in front of me was
so intimidating and his eyes are
those type that makes you want to
look away.

Inini ndikasangana nemunhu akadai l

become clumsy zvekuti everything
starts turning upside down.....
Apa daddy did not mention kuti
ndachazointerviewer nevarungu zve

Guy:*I'm Desmond*
Me:*ummmm alright so.... Unmmm l
saw your CV before you came in and
you have worked as a gardener

Guy:*If that is what my Curriculum

Vitae is saying then it is true*

Me:*yss....yes of course*

I shifted trying to gather myself

together cause l was acting crazy
and its unlike me....

Guy:*any other questions?*

I shook my head and handed him the
list of things that were required for
him to work for my father and the
guy read through them apa kugara
kwacho pasofa kuita kunge akagara
muoffice make yoh the guy was very
relaxed l tell you.

I started scanning his body and his

face, he seems very dangerous l tell
you.His eyes were grey and looking
through them was like trying to stare
at the sun.His ears had earrings and
he looked like someone ane zvinhu
zvake although anga ane worksuit
yanga iri sort of old but you could
see kuti the guy was dope and hot
ummm Maria focus mhani
ndakazviudza and the guy looked
up...haaaaa his eyes kanhi

Desmond:*Okay it's fine.....a

gardener l am then.....when do l
He said that standing up akamira
kuseri kwesofa with his hands in his
pocket....his eyes shifted to my
thighs and l tried to cover them up
haaa jumpsuit yacho kuonererwa
Me:*'s can start tomorrow*

Desmond:*Good....see you soon

Me:*Same here*

He winked at me and my heart went

wild again...akabva abuda
achibhamba zvake.Mukomana
anozvida eyeye.
I interviewed some more and my dad
walked in afterwards vachiisa bhachi
ravo paside.Jelous down my father
was that kind of man who would
have everyone's attention even in
church because of his

Me:*I'm done daddy mavaona here

vanhu vacho*
Dad:*yes grew up to
be just like your mother....she has
good taste*

He sat down and l smiled proudly....

Me:*But daddy why
muchindirambidza kubuda
panze...look at me izvezvi ndakagara
peacefully in my father's company
and no one is shooting anyone here
honai ka daddy*
I said that ndichinyatsogara
majestically on his big sofa apa
ndikati ndanga ndiri small he
laughed at me...

Dad:*Cupcake it's not about you

sitting comfortably on my chair with
your small self...its about your safety
as my daughter...l have people who
do not want to see me where l am
today and speaking of me I mean
your mother, you and your
brothers.....yoh guys are my life
that's why l protect you like that*

Me:*But daddy inga wani vana

bhudhi Matthew vanenge
vachingozvifambira wani... Why inini
and mom have to live inside walls*
Dad:*Matthew and Michael are men day vachakura kuzoita
seni and they will follow my
footsteps...iwewe namai vako you
need a shade under your heads
because you are females who get
lured by anything in exchange know in exchange of
Me:*So mukuti mhamha

Dad:*its not about trusting her

cupcake....l love your mother that
means l trust her with all of
me...ukuona chii iwewe namai vako
ndimitarget yemaenemies are my weakness and
mukabatwa imimi they know kuti I'm
capable of surrendering everything
just to get you back zvinove zvinhu
zvandinoavoider every time*

I's pointless to argue with

daddy because he always wins
anyway.Takadzokera kumba after a
day out with my dad although it was
not outing tanga tadyira muhotel
ndakaita kukombwa nemaguards.

Ndakasvika mhamha vakandihugger

a long hug....she was always happy,
she hugged his husband and they
drench kisses while l rolled my eyes
at them and walked to my room...


I took off this dirty old worksuit and
threw it in the bin and Enzo laughed
out loud.

Enzo:*Boss you gonna need it you

Grey:*For the next months until our
mission is accomplished*

Yeah Enzo and Grey were my PAs

but we've been together for too long
so takuitakunge mafriends although
they will always remember that they
are working for me. Grey(Killer) was
an Indian and we met when l was 19
ndiri kuUZ then Enzo(Danger) is a
pure Zimbabwean with dreadlocks.
Well my nickname is (Bullet)
because l do not hesitate to shoot
and secondly *I never miss*

My cook came in with food and we

dug in....ndandanzwa nenzara but l
could not get that girl off my mind
Maria was a bomb and ndisati
ndatenda kumbakwaZex already
ndandatove nemaobstacles munzira

We went to the warehouse tikawana

crew yese iriko....the gang yaive
neboys 40 then 5 girls.The girls dealt
with madrugs and kuboys kwaive
neve gold smuggling and the others
vaiita nezvekuexpoter nekuimpoter
maweapons from Brazil.

Enzo:*You have to tell them our plan

boss kuitira vagare vari ready to
attack as soon as you go inside his
Grey gathered them and l took a
cigarette ndikatanga
kusmoker.Kayla mukuru we girls
rangu had a crush on me so aifarira
kugara pedo neni but l pretended
kunge ndisingamuoni zvangu
especially since l found the one who
makes my heart go insane

Grey:*Boss is going to our next

target's home tomorrow and we wait
until we're told to move....weapons
need to stay ready for as long as he
is in Zex 's surroundings....Butcher
you are in charge of the cameras
and Razor you know what to do with
the information....we both know Zex
as a powerful man and he is no
jokes so any snitches you die!!..are
we clear?*

Yeah those are my PAs for you ndivo
vaiita yese yese.I spoke to my crew
in rare occasions especially kana
zvaipa or when we succeed...

The next day ndakamukira kuenda

kubasa and Grey had sorted my staff
haa l felt so small in these torn
overalls... Ndakasvika paden paZex
ndakabata an old bag ka
kuratidzawo kutambura kkk.

Ndakasvika maworkers ese

aratidzwa mabasa awo inini was late
apa pagate paive hot kanhi
...ndakasvika panga panaZex
achitoputa zvake cigar and he
looked at me quizzically ndakatya
kuti pamwe anga andiziva
Zex:*eeeeh....which department are
you at chikomana*

Mudhara uyu kuda kundifarisira

anondiona sechikomana inini
manje... He should wait until l cut off
that black head of his

I told him achibva ambonditarisa

from top to bottom ndokuzondiudza
kwekuenda. And anoda kunetsa
Zex,kuita careful kwenhema panapa
nemari yaanayo anoradza kutsvaka
vanhu vanoita zvekuita take care of
the workers here.
Ndakatanga basa bho and the only
challenge was the spot yekuisa
macamera angu chete. Apa
ndandisati ndaona Maria kubva
zvandaive ndauya pano and it was
now 2 weeks but nothing.

One day ndakawana mukana

wekuenda pa chimney paZex and
iyoyo seems like yaienda mulounge
chete so l found a perfect spot
yekuisa camera rangu.

Pandainge ndoda kuriisa l heard a

soft voice behind me...

Voice:*Ukuitei Desmond?*
I knew who that was and moyo
wangu wakafara coz ndainge
ndichimutsvaka all this while plus
aisabvumidzwa kubuda mumba but
zvandaiita zvacho manje l hope she
hadn't noticed anything__

End of Chap 2

*A love story*
Written by SALAM
Chap 3


It's been weeks and kubuda kwangu

mumba kwainetsa maybe because
my dad had gotten new workers. Apa
ini ndaitoda kuenda zvangu kupool
sezvo kwaive sunny those days.

I normally just scroll up and down

the Internet to keep myself busy.
Zvaisabatsira coz ndaitonzwa kuda
kubuda panze ndakazoti this other
day daddy went out ndikasara
I went into her workroom and
mhamha vangu vaive hard worker
yoh. I was never a fan of fashion so
helping her kusona wasn't for.

Me:*Mommy ndukubhoekana ini....*

She didn't spare a glance at as she
was very busy with her sowing....

Mom:*Sorry sweetie...have you

watched your favourite show?...have
you played with Winnie?.....wabika
your favourite dish here?...*
Me:*mhamha zvese izvozvo
ndazviita twice zvese....ndoda
kungoenda panze mhamha zvapane
durawall wani*
I said sulking and mom sighed....

Mom:*alright alright.....just for this

once handiti*
Yes!! I jumped on her and she kissed
my face as l giggled ndakafara yoh...

Me:*l love you mommy you the best*

Mom:*But unongoenda panze only
on one condition*

Ndakabva ndadzikama....
Me:*And that is?*

Mom:*Every worker anomboenda

kunozorora because they must not
see you....Xavier!!*
Xavier was our personal guard and
he always dilivers.....akauya
achifambisa and bowed his head

Mom:*Dismiss all the workers and

make them resume at 5....handiti
pool was cleaned yesterday by
Xavier:*Yess mam*

Mom:*Good....Maria will be out in a

few.... Make sure the cost is clear*
Xavier:*Yess mam*

He walked out and l hugged my mom

once more ndikamanya ndichibuda
to go get ready. I know you all think
I'm an idiot but this is an opportunity
to go out and probably my only

Xavier said the cost was clear so

ndakanzi ndichibuda haaa ndakafara.
Ndakabuda ndichiimba nziyo ye
Freedom chaiko. I wore my
swimming costume and jumped into
the pool feeling so relaxed huuuh
haaaa dream come true chaiyo.
I swam for a long time then spotted
someone achienda to the side of our
chimney. I thought every one was
out of the way so who was he.

I got out of the swimming pool

ndikamonera towel rangu coz l was
literally naked neswimming wear
yangu. I walked to the chimney and
as l got closer ndakaona ari
Desmond that white handsome man.
He was sort of searching for

Me:*Ukuitei Desmond*
Akaramba akadaro for some
moments then he turned around.
Ainge akabata a spanner in his
hand.... His grey eyes moved to my
towel which l was holding with my
dear life..

Me:*Its Maria....ukuitei kuno....

Workers are supposed to be resting*
He laughed shortly and came closer
to me and l moved back...

Des:*l call people whoever l want

anytime l want to Princess....and for
the rest l don't need it I'm fit to work
even when it's sunny besides hanty
kune masun screen*

Me:*its not about you resting mhani

iwe...l need my time alone in my
father's yard!*
Des:*Right waenda manje pandanga
ndichida were
supposed to state that you my
Princess don't want common
workers looking at you while you

I cleared my throat ndakaisa maoko

muchiuno mangu iyewo akaisa
maoko muhomwe yeworksuit and
raised his eyebrows at me haiiii
mahn this guy is freaking hot.

Me:*alright l want my time alone Mr

Desmond....get lost*
I walked away swaying my non
existence hips then l let go of my
towel and jumped into the pool__




I watched her model away....
paakazobvisa towel l got stuck at
the site of her well shaped body and
although she was a bit young and
small, she had captured my heart...

Zvekuisa ka camera ndakaisa paside

and sat down ndikatanga kusmoker
while l watch her swim. One could
see that she was enjoying herself....
I checked for guards and they were
very far and minding their business
plus kupool was way far from the
gate.l took my spray ndakurirwa
ndikasprayer macamera aive
directed to the pool and l took off my

I felt like holding her and that's what

I was gonna do.I went into the pool
quietly ndikamubatira muwaist from
behind akavhunduka but when she
saw me she relaxed...but she moved

Maria:*Desmond ukudei?*

I removed the strands of wet hair

that had covered her already
frightened face....

Me:*Relax....Princess l want to be
your friend*
She looked down akatanga
kutambisa zvigunwe zvake....

Maria:*You are my father's worker

Desmond and daddy vangu avadi
kuti ndiite mafriends*
Me:*Listen Maria...l will be your first
and last l promise you....*

Maria:*I'm sorry but l can't..*

Me:*Why don't you give me your'll be just between us
princess l promise you....just trust
me and give me a chance to be your

She frowned...
Maria:*Friends neni here...ndati
handikwanise my father will kill you
if he finds you here with me*

Ndakangoti nechemumoyo *l will

shoot him first princess*
Maria:*Desmond buda hausi
kuzvinzwa here okay you are white
right let me speak in English l said
get out of here and never show your
face again*

I kissed her forehead and she

blushed hard ndikaziva kuti munhu
aida kuomesa musoro but aindida
zvake.Ainyara too bad and she ran
out of the pool ndichiona zvangu
America yese lol.

She dashed off after putting on her

towel. She was trying to play hard to
get but paari ndaizoita yese yese just
to get her to be mine. Ndakaramba
ndakamuyeva until she was inside
the mansion but l got startled
ndanzwa someone aikosorera
kucheuka kudai ___

End of Chap 3
Sorry for a short Chap, electricity
challenges but l will make it up to

Ndokudai meseĬ
*A love story*
Written by SALAM

Chap 4

Ndakacheuka wanike ndevamwe

mudhara vaishandapo zvavo
vaitozhinya vakamira padhuze

I sighed and walked out of the pool,

mudhara Zani vaindibhowa.Vaiita
zvekugadzira mapipe leakages but
he could not stay pabasa rake
nekuda zvinhu...

Zani:*wakasvika pano zuro

wakutoda kudya
pamashark....mupfanha unofira
mahara siyana nazvo izvo*

Zani:*Hoooo ita mukonyo usina basa

uchidaro....unochiruza chimusoro
chine bhibho icho Mpofu hatambe
pamwana wake*

Aitaurisa mudhara uyu he doesn't

know who l am ndakanomupa punch
one achiwira mupool. Stupid
yemunhu...l wore my overall
ndikafamba kuenda.
I got to the workers rooms and no
doubt Zex treated his workers well.
The rooms were all good and the
meal was fair as well. Ndakageza
ndikabuda, Zex was back but l didn't
care about that ndakaenda
ndikanoisa camera yangu
pachimney yake.
The other one ndakataimira
mukomana wekugadzira roof aenda
kuno collector something from the
room. I called Grey.....

Me:*the cameras are on....Butcher
and Razor should be at
work....record everything he says....
The other camera is near his study
and ndaisa rimwe on his car so get
to work....*
Grey:*Yes boss....should Kayla come
with the torpedoes?*

Me:*Not yet*
Me:*Danger(Enzo) should follow
him....keep up nemawhere abouts
ake and then update me ndokuudzai
when to attack.... And no matter
what Killer follow the plan*

Grey:*Ndanzwa boss*

I heard shuffling behind me

ndikaona guard abudikira......xxaaa l
had the guts of speaking business
ndiri palawn zvangu.

Me:*l will tell you when to....*

Grey:*Alright boss we're on it*

I hung up guard uya looked at me

from top to bottom. Ndakaratidza
kusamutya achibva afamba achibva
pandiri...any funny movement l will
beat them to death vachinyepera
kutyisa kudaro xaaa kujaidzwa
naZex uko.
The next day ndakamuka ndikageza
and went out kunoita basa rangu.
Ndaitogadzira maruva parockery
ndikanzwa natemwa kumusana
kusimudza musoro kudai l saw
Maria peeping through the window
moyo wangu ukati wawonererwa
nemufaro, she waved at me smiling
ndikamutsonya akavhara her
curtains achinyara this girl so___


Grey walked in the warehouse as

Razor, Kayla, the girls and l were
busy packing drugs. Well it wasn't
our department but kungoda
kubatsira girls..
Grey:*Boss inserted the
cameras....Razor get to work*

Razor:*yes sir*
He said that playfully and we all
laughed....Razor and Grey walked out
vachienda kustudy ndikasara

Kayla:*So....Zex has a daughter*

Me:*That is none of our
concern...Bullet is there to bring Zex
down and that is it*

Kayla chewed her gum while

counting the packets for some time
and Cynthia took them away....
Kayla lit a cigarette and took a puff
and blew the air from her nose...

Kayla:*Enzokuhle you know l love

She laughed out and l could see kuti
mbanje dzadzakumupinda coz
adzitanga kare....
And for the record....i don't
smoke.Yes mabeers ndonwa but
manje ndakadzitadza.

Kayla:*Hell l would kill for Bullet....*

Me:*Haaaa unorwara
iwewe....unoziva Ishe haaiite zve
mababe but unoramba wakaita
kunamirana naye kunge
chikwekwe....leave him alone
utsvake anokuda Kay u are a
beautiful girl wewe*
Kayla:*eeee ndakanaka ka (smoking)
ndozviziva angu....l wonder why
Bullet asingazvioni*
Me:*You and l know that Ishe is
ruthless and haana moyo
wekunzwira to hell with
love inokuita dera*

Kayla puffed her weed again....she

blew the smoke on my direction
ndikakachidzwa ndichisumuka.
Kayla:*One day l will change him
mira uone zvako Enzo*

Me:*We will see*

I stood ndikafamba kupinda Grey naRazor were
busy kurecorder Zex achitaura about
his where abouts.Haaa zvinhu
zvaifamba bho, what could possibly
go wrong nhai?





I kissed my wife ndapinda mu

workroom make and she responded
well.She withdrew after some
moments ndobva anditarisa with
questioning eyes....
Me:*its wine Mai Matthew nothing

Her:*Not seem tense chii*

Me:*I'm not babe....or maybe I'm just
worried about the coming deal with
this Tanzanian millionaire....i must
win it you know*

She smiled and stood up akaisa

maoko muwaist mangu as she was
very short..... She looked me in the

Mai Matthew: *And ndinoziva kuti

you will my husband....haumbofa
wakaloser anything and if you do
chingoziva kuti ndinenge ndiri pano
standing by you every step of the
way handiti*
And she has always been here all
along from the beginning. I would die
if l lose her...l cupped her face and
kissed her hard and trust me I'm
obsessed with this woman's lips.
Me:*I love you Mai Matthew always
know that*

Her:*l know and l love you too

BaMatthew and will always will*
Me:*thanks my love*

We hugged and l kissed her forehead

and walked to Mariana's
room....ndakavhura window asiri
kuzvinzwa ari busy pawindow
kunotarisa kudai l saw her waving at
that white guy anoita
nezvemahedges and flowers.
I've never seen her that happy.
Akavhara curtain achiblusher akaita
time akabata hana yake smiling....l
swallowed hard knowing very well
that she was in love with that lousy
She turned around akavhunduka

Her:*Daddy.....maswera sei*
I narrowed my eyes at her....

Me:*You speak to gardeners

now?...through the window?...*
Maria:*l wasn't speaking to anyone
daddy....ndandichingoona panze*

Me:*Hooo haaa good manje

wavharirei curtain mwanangu dai
wanyatsovhura coz the bigger the
view the more beautiful it becomes*
She looked at me puzzled......

She turned around akatora remote

and opened macurtains with a
trembling hand.....l walked out
ndakananga kukagarden boy
ikako.Anyone who messes with my
daughter gets on my nerves and that
boy is going down....l took out my
gun as l made my way out to him___

Lots of love from Sandy

End of Chap 4Ĭ

*A love story*
Written by SALAM

The least you can do is put your

mother first in everything you do in
life. That woman sacrificed a lot for
you to be here today. Mom you are
appreciated Ĭ
Chap 5

I pointed the gun at him as my guys
tried to hold him down.
Ndandamutora ndikamuisa mu
torture room mangu but the boy was
way too strong for my four men.

Me:*This should be my first and last

warning!!...uri gardener wangu and
ukatambira pamwana wangu
ndokubvisa musoro without
hesitation....l don't even have time to
fire you if you make that mistake of
crossing the boundaries ukunzwa!!
Ndokuuraya ini!!*

I pulled the trigger beside him and l

expected him to flinch in fear but
akaramba akanditarisa.I ordered my
guard to punch him in the stomach
and akapiwa punch and he spat out
blood then smirked looking at
me...this young man is tasting my
patience mheni

Desmond:*Tell your daughter to stay

away from me as well and we're
Haaaa mupfanha uyu ka....l grabbed
his stuff and checked national ID
yake Desmond Bhuko was his full
name but madetails aripo weren't
adding up plus his face seemed

I got closer to him tikamira chest to

chest although anga akabatwa...
Me:*chibva waziva kuti mwana
wangu is too young for all your low
life nonsense ukunzwa so stay the
f##k away from her!!*

He tried to break loose from my

men's hold.
Desmond:*Or what huh!?*

Me:*iwe mupfanha iwe ndokuuraya

chete.....keep trying me....*
I walked out ndasiya ndaudza boys
kuti vambomudiscipliner.
Ndakadzokera kumba and went
straight kusitting room where Mai
Matthew was sitting nemwana wavo
watching T.V...
Me:*Mai Matthew udza mwana wako
adzikame zvake....l don't want stupid
police officers on my neck ndauraya
vashandi vangu inini and you know l

Ndaitaura pointing at Maria who was

pacorner pesofa akazviunganidza
and aitoziva mhosva yake.....

Mai Matthew:*ndazvinzwa
BaMatthew.....ko aita sei*
Me:*Mubvunze mwana wako
uyu....Maria ndokukanganwa kuti uri
mwana wangu iwewe ndakusakadza
face yese iyoo....from now on
curtains remain closed until l tell you
to open one leaves this
mansion and you will stay here until l
order you to leave urikuzvinzwa
Mariana Mpofu!!*

She had tears in her eyes but she

was just sniffing trying to hold them
from falling.

Mariana:*Ehoi daddy*
Me:*Good....wipe those tears....if you
go against my rules l will flog that
small self of yours ukuzvinzwa

Maria:*Ehoi daddy*
Me:*Handidi kuona chigarden boy
chiya chiri pawindow pako futi or
else ndokurova...ukuzvinzwa*
She nodded...

Maria:*ehe daddy*
Me:*Huya pano*

She looked at her mother for

approval and my wife nodded at
her.... Akasimuka akauya kwandiri
achifamba slowly and stood cm
away from me. Ndakasmiler looking
at how beautiful my daughter had
grown to be, and ainditya kudai
without knowing who l am ko kuzoti
musi waanoziva kuti daddy vake is a
bad man anodii...

I pulled her into my arms and hugged

her akatanga kuchema zviri serious.l
hope misodzi ndeyechokwadi iyi coz
ndinomupaza zvangu akaita
zvekutanga. Mai Matthew smiled at
us as we hugged __

I later went to my study and called

my right hand man Skhu...
Skhu:*Sho boss*

Me:*Skhu l have a job for you....Find

out more about a guy named
Desmond Bhuko l want his every
Skhu:*Right on it boss*

I hung up and ran my hand on my

chin feeling the beard that was
slowly recovering from a
shave.....who was this white guy???


*Mai Matthew*

I looked at Maria for an explanation

daddy vake vabuda...

Maria:*'s not what

daddy thinks....the guy is just
innocent plus l met him
pamainterviews and he seems
chilled hake....and then yesterday
ndakasangana naye panze kupool*

Me:*iwe Maria uchandiurayisa

nababa vako iwee....l thought
ndakati maworkers aende away
what happened*

I knew my husband....Zex anouraya

munhu without hesitating.

Maria:*mybe haana kuzvinzwa*

Me:*Mariana don't
know anything about men yet
ukudefender munhu wawakaona
Mariana:*well....he's just nice

Me:*Maria mira ndikuudze

mwanangu you're turning 17 years
on Monday right and age yauri iyi
iage inobatirwa nevarume because
you are too young to decide what
you want and make your own
decisions so please Maria
unofanirwa kungwara and always
remember who you are and how
special you are in your own see Maria varume
vanonyepa and they are all the same
vanokuudza kuti hee ndokuda and
ndichakuitira zvakati..all because
they will be luring you with words
and voda kupinda in between your
legs...the next thing you are
pregnant and the boy runs away and
never be seen again especially
nowadays the boys and men are just
nonsense and piece of trash*

Maria:*but daddy is a wonderful man

Me:*thats because he is your father
and you see him that way*

Maria:*okay ndazvinzwa
mhamha....but can l at least make
friends with him?*
I sighed.....

Me:*its too risky Mariana....if your

dad finds out then the guy will be
killed and l don't know about you
Maria:*but mhamha kungoita WhatsApp is empty
except for the family's numbers as
well as my contact list...*
Me:*l have done my part
yekukurayira Maria zvava kwauri
kufuka kana kuwarura*

She sighed and looked outside

through the window. Ndakafamba
kubva musitting ko ndini ndadii
zvangu...l have done my part and l
know that if it's love
ndaisazokwanisa kumudzivisa
nyango ndikashaura ndakamira
pamusoro pegomo ___




Zex achibuda muroom muya l

started throwing punches kuboys
rake although they were
ndandamborohwa coz vaive 5.

I managed to beat them down but l

was nose bleeding and limping at
the same time...

Ndakastruggler kuenda kuroom

kwangu dragging my bag with me
coz ranga ratorwawo nezibharanzi
rinonzi Zex.l threw myself on the
small bed and exhaled loudly and
took my phone ndikadialer #
dzaEnzo...he picked up on the
second ring

Me:*When is he going to the

Tanzanian deal?*
Enzo:*On Monday*

Me:*Kill his men....*

Enzo:*Yes boss...what about him?*

Me:*Zex is mine to slaughter.....Just

get the gang ready and kill all his
men and disturb the deal on that
conference as a warning.....send
Kayla with the weapons l will need

Enzo:*Yes boss*
I hung up ndikarara until the next
morning. Ndakamuka ndine nzara so
l freshened up and got to the kitchen
lucky enough l found food and ate
until ndakunzwa bho.
I wanted to finish off with the
rockery so l went there ndikatanga
zvangu kudiridza maruva angu.
Paive nelawn futi so l set up the
sprinkler ndikaona a tissue
richidonhera palawn paya

Nakarinhonga and l saw a small

paper pakati paive nenumber..... I
looked up and saw her smiling down
at me. Mariana ka...
I lifted ruoko rwanga rwune chipepa
chiya and she nodded ndikaziva kuti
inumber dzake.l smiled and winked
at her and she blew a kiss at me
akavhara curtain achiblusher hard
although it was a huge house l could
see her blushing.
I shoved the number neatly into my
overall pocket and looked up again
but anga aenda zve sure and
macurtains anga azovharwa zviri
serious.Ndakatombosiya maruva
and went pacorner ndikaisa number
dziya muphone mangu
ndikatoappear kuApp but ndakaita
zvekufona chaiko.
She picked up pa3rd ring hameno

Me:*Thanks for giving me your

number Maria*
Her:*Shhh usataurisa shaa
unonzwika panze ipapo....daddy
vangu sent his guards around the
compound hanzi ndoda kuita make
sure you stay away from that boy*

Xaaaaa Zex ka boy inini manje.... I

wanted to play cool ndandisingadi
kuti Mariana azive zvandiri and no
matter what l was never going to use
her to get to his father ndaimuda

Me:*Saka taamafriends hanty

Her:*Ehe but pafon chete l don't
think ndichabvumidzwa kubuda ini*
Me:*Don't worry princess l will make
a plan...tonight l want to see you*

I felt like it was too soon ndatotaura

kare but l could not take back my
words.... But inside of me ndainzwa
kuda kutomuona izvezvi
Her:*aaaa aaaa Dessy it's too early
plus daddy vangu vachiri
vakatsamwa hold on a little....*

Me:*l will try.....*

Her:*Bye bye mhamha
vakundidana....totaura later if l get
the chance*
Me:*take care princess*

Her voice was soothing and sweet at
the same time.

And for the first time in a million

years l felt my heart
softening....ndakacontinue kuita
basa rangu ndikazodanwa kugate
Kayla ainge auya nemaweapons.
I collected them munhu wacho
aindida saka anga oda kuwanza
nyaya but l ignored her. I took the
bag of weapons uku maguards
aingofunga kuti ihay coz Kayla
akauya akaisa musaga rine hay.

Ndichivhura matools in my room,

coz anga atova manheru
pandakazomavhura.l smiled
ndichibata ma *bullets* haaa this
was my life and Zex was going down
for sure.

Ndakatanga kuloader maguns angu

slowly with a smirk on my handsome
Face.Get ready for me Zex....the
devil in me was praising because of
the guns and spears l was seeing...
My phone vibrated kupinda
message....handina kuwana chance
yekuitarisa when my phone rang and
caller ID was Razor....
Razor: *Boss we have a problem....*

Me:*Talk to me*
Razor:*Zex knows who you are and
now he is on his way to your crib!!*

Me:*Are you f##ken serious right

Razor:*Yes boss get out of there
right now!!*

Achipedza kudaro l heard the

workers door banging loud ndichibva
ndakoka pfuti yangu___
End of Chap 5Ĭ

*A love story*
Written by SALAM

Love heals, love kills, love is like the

sunrise on a Monday morning Ĭ
Chap 6

At that moment l felt ready for
anything and ndozvandagara ndiri.
But ndaiti ndikafunga Maria hana
yangu yairova.

I hold my gun in position ndikaona

varume vaZex vachipinda
vakandinongedzera pfuti vose apa
mamonya zvawo. I feared none of
them coz ndaitovewo mhondi

They came close vachida kuita

zvekundizvuva.l had no back up but l
started shooting them vachidzorera
uku l had bullet proof but pane
rakapinda nepashoulder
ndikanyatsonzwa kuti ndarwadziwa

I was in pain ndichibleeder at the

same time apa they now had
renewed energy ndakarohwa
ndikaremember chispray chaive in
my pocket and ndakachitora and
sprayed them kuface and in the air
ndakavhara my nose with a clothe
vese vachiti pasi.
I packed the little stuff l had but
most importantly zvinhu zvandaida
and chiID chenhema ndikachisiya ko
ndaichidii.l carried the backpack and
called Grey kuzonditora apa Maria
was calling non stop and kumudaira
kwaisaita ndaimuudza kuti chii.
I checked panze ndikaona maguards
akaita kumwaiwa wena they were
everywhere except the side yanga
ine imbwa.l had a gas yekurarisa
imbwa so ndakaivhura and rolled it
over to them hapana kana
yakakwanisa to bark again they were
drugged and they all fall to the
Ndakaprepare and ndikakwira
nepamusoro pedurawall uku noise
mukati l think vanga vaenda kuroom
kwangu.Ndakawira pasi neshoulder
raibleeder riya and groaned in pain...

I ran for as long as l remember

ndikamira ndaona kuti ndainge
ndave kure chaiko.A car pulled over
in front of me and Grey rolled down
the window ndikapinda hurriedly
kuback seat akarova mota akananga
kuden kwangu.

Grey:*Boss you're bleeding*

Me:*Its nothing my

Grey:*Yes boss*
He did and ndichisvika kumba
kwangu ndakawana doc wangu ariko.
I took a shower first ndokuzobviswa
bullet while smoking.

My phone vibrated again yapinda

text ndikatarisa it was from Maria. I
stopped the doctor
ndikamboverenga text yeruva
remoyo wangu...

It read: *I thought you were genuine

Desmond or whatever your name is l
don't even know you yet l thought
you could be the guy l always dreamt
of....To be frank l had fallen in love
with you Desmond but no that can't
happen when l know you are my
father's enemy.Ndaifungira kuti we
could be more because whenever l
see you l feel as if my world is
complete and as if l was made for
you or as if you were made for me
but because wakadecider kunyepera
kuva munhu wausiri I'm rubbing off
all these stupid feelings l have for
you and work on healing my weak
heart.Handizivi kuti ukurwei nadaddy
vangu but please don't bother calling
me again or even texting....Siyana
zvako neni*
I threw my phone away ndikaseka
zvangu and puffed some more weed
and blew the smoke through my
nose. Mariana is mad anofunga kuti
ndomusiya ndichienda kunani when
she's the one with my heart. Imagine
after warming my cold heart oda
kundisiya xaaa she's crazy to think
that l will ever leave her alone. She's
Grey:*So tomorrow we procceed or
we withdraw the plan*

Me:*Th plan is still on and this time

I'm coming with you*
Grey:*Boss you are injured*

Me:*im fine....*
Enzo, Kayla and Razor walked in and
bowed to me before sitting down...

Enzo:*Boss...Zex is searching
everywhere for us*

Razor:*The cameras are still on and

I'm recording everything....but why
arikupopotera mwana wake boss*

Kayla eyed me then Razor

akasimuka kuzogara pandainge

Kayla:*Bullet are you okay?....*

Me:*Im fine*

I replied coldly....
Kayla:*But you didn't tell us kuti Zex
ane mwana musikana who will
cause this destruction dai zvangu
ndakaenda ini*

I glared at her....
Enzo:*Kayla dzikama iwe...are you
questioning the boss*

She rolled her eyes and tried to

touch my arm ndikaloser control and
slapped her across the face
achinowira pana Enzo weave
ichivhara face yese iyi. I didn't like
her character aitaurisa zvake....

Me:*Mind your behaviour

Me:*Is Zex going anywhere tonight?*

Razor:*Yes boss he's leaving for

dinner with a business partner in

Me:*What time?*
I said that checking my time.....Razor
started playing the audio while the
Doctor applied something on my
gunshot wound. Zex was going to
leave at 7 so l had enough time to
Me:*Grey and Enzo prepare for
tomorrow...Kayla get your girls ready
you will be joining us....Razor keep
recording him*

Them:*Yes boss*
I stood up ndikaorder food and ate in
my room then dozed off





Ndakanzwa daddy vangu vachiita
kupopota downstairs ndikabuda

My mother vaive vakabata musoro

daddy vachidya marasha....when l
showed myself daddy threw
something at me ndikachinhonga
wanike iID ya Desmond
ndakavatarisa fearfully.

Dad:*waona ka.... Maria ndati waona

ka!!..You got yourself involved
nemhondi because of
you he has escaped!!...*
Me:*Daddy handizivi zvamukutaura
nezvazvo ini*
He scoffed and almost slapped me
but mhamha vakamira mberi
kwangu... I had never seen my father
this angry......

Mom:*Ba Matthew please calm

Dad:*haaa usandiudza kuti ndidzike
hasha when your daughter does not
listen to me!!....Mariana
ndichakurova chete mira uone zvako
now your mother's life and your life
is in danger*
He walked out vasingagoni
nehasha.....mhamha slapped me
ndikaona nyeredzi

Mom:*Didn't l tell you Mariana kuti

usiyane nekutruster munhu
wausingazive heee!!*
Me:*mhamha hapana zvandiri kuziva

Kuzodaro ndakavawedzera hasha

ndakarohwa futi mbama yakarira
imba yese....she later told me about
Desmond lying about his identity and
that his real name was Isheanesu
Williams. Ndakanzwa kurwadziwa l
felt betrayed ndakamanya kuenda
kuroom kwangu ndikamunyorera
zimessage ndokuzorara after

Ndakamuka late kuma 5 chaiko, l

was woken naTutu licking my face. I
giggled ndichichibvisa pandiri
hugging it and ruffling its hairy head.

My brother Michael was standing

there with his hands in his pocket.
He had surprised me again
ndaksvamhanyira and he lifted my
small self up kissing me in process.
NaMichael taive very close
Me:*l missed you bhudhi*

Michael:*Missed you too Riana

wangu.. Asi handichatambe newe
hanty wakuita zve boys here kkkk
ndatodanwa namudhara ndiri paduty
coz vakutotya kukusiya wega*
Me:*haaaa it's not that Michael..*
Michael:*ndiudze tinzwe munin'ina
wangu....chiii ndidaddy vakufremera
nyaya here*

Haaaa Michael aive free spirit

waisatombofunga kuti mupurisa
kana. I sat on the bed akatora chair
and sat in front of me
ndikamutsanangurira nyaya yese
and he laughed out loud ndikasara

Me:*Ko chiii*
Michael:*But unopenga Riana...unoti
baba ndizvo futi then you fall in love
with a man who is just like your

Me:*ukurevei manje?*
Michael:*You are too young to
understand....saka ndiudze younger
unomuda here mukomana uyoo*
Me:*Aaaaa ndaaconfused ini iye
ainyepera chii nhai*

Michael:*people do things for a

reason Mariana....but
hazvimutadzise kudiwa just because
wakamutsamwira ka*
Haaaaa Michael ndiye umwe aida
kurohwa namhamha uyu. He was
supporting munhu waasingazive futi.
Takagara muroom mangu ndichiita
catch up nabhudhi vangu then
takazodzika downstairs vanadaddy
namomz vakuenda out for dinner

Takabika dinner tese naMichael

kutoudza chef vedu kuti
vsmbozorore zvavo. We ate then l
went to take a shower Michael
achiisa some snacks and choosing a
movie to watch...

I walked out of the shower with a

towel wrapped around my body
ndikaita lotion up and wore my night
gown which was pink in colour
ndakanomira pamirror trying to tie
my hair into a bunny when Tutu
started barking ndikangoti hameno

Ndakazoona a tall man in a black

mask achimira behind me looking
into the mirror.l wanted to scream
akandibata muromo shutting me up.
Akabvisa mask yake slowly rumwe
ruoko rwakandibata muromo chete.,
he let go of my mouth and l turned
around ndikamujambira
kutokanganwa kuti ndainge
ndakamutsamwira a while ago.

He wrapped his strong arms around

my small body.I inhaled his strong

Him:*l love you princess....ndokuda

nezvese zvandinazvo*
I disengaged from him ndokutanga
kumurova chest, ndichidodomera
ndichimuslapper futi iye anga
akamira looking at me as if l was
doing nothing. His chest was as hard
as a rock ndakaneta and hugged him
again and he pulled me to him once
Me:*why Ishe....why would you lie

Ishe: *it was for a reason Mariana

but l didn't know l would fall in love
in the process.....I'm in love with you
and zvikundivhundutsa babe*
Me:*Ndiudze ka reason yacho. . .*

He brushed my hair slowly....

Ishe:*Ndokuda babe and handidi kuti
undirambe because of small
things....l will tell you kana time
yakwana Mrs Williams*

I blushed and buried my face in his

hard chest....he chuckled achitryer
kundibvisa paari but ndaimunyara
zvangu. That's when it hit me kuti
panze pane maguards saka this man
anga apinda nepai...

Ndichida kumubvunza I heard

Michael's foot steps.And handizive
kuti Ishe anopenga here coz he
dashed to my door aka locker. Just
then Michael tested door rangu
akaona rakalockwa

Michael:*Mariana!!....are you okay

uchiri kugeza here the movie has
Ishe came to me and whispered kuti
nyepa uchiti waenda kumaperiods
yaaaa this guy wanted to kill me
chete because of blushing.How does
he even know about girls stuff

Me:*l just got my monthly visitor and

I'm having a hard time with the

Michael:*Ooooh sorry little

angel...vhura door l want to tuck you
Ishe:*(whispering) tell him you
spoiled the sheets and you're taking
another bath*

Me:*sorry bhudhi....i spoiled the

sheets so I'm taking another bath*
Michael:*okay cool sleep tight

Me:*you too*
Achifamba kuenda Ishe
akandisimudza kunondiisa pabed
like a little baby.
Ishe:*Allow me to spend the night
with you Maria....I'll leave in the

Me:*l might be young but I'm not

stupid Isheanesu....ndiudze kuti
wapinda nepai first*
He scratched his head and his grey
eyes moved to the window and
ndakatarisa ikoko slowly.

I could not believe it but

ndakazvisiyawo ini.He took off his
clothes uku mukati me jacket rake
maive nepfuti hanzi just for
protection ko kuzogara yakaiswa
pasi pepillow.

I thought he was going to listen to

me ndamuti ndakurara pacouch.
Instead he pulled me in his arms....
Ishe:*am l here to spend the night
with your bed or you*

Me:*l have never been

mumablankents with a man who is
not my brother before*
Akawedzera kutondiisa pachest

Ishe:*l know that....*

My heart was not stable it was
beating fast ndaitya kuti daddy
vangu vanogona kungondisvikira
ndine enemy yavo mumba

Ishe:*relax Mariana l just want to

hold you ...l won't let anything come
between us babe ndouraya

Me:*ndotya daddy...vakakuwana uri

muno unourawa Ishe*
Ishe:*don't worry....for tonight just
relax and allow me to hold you*

I nodded and moved closer to him

and he lowered his face and kissed
my forehead and within some time
ndanga ndakudrifter slowly to sleep.
The next morning ndakamutswa
nenoise yemagunshots.Ishe was not
beside me and hana yangu
yakatanga kurova zvisingaiti__
End of Chap 6ĬĬ

*A love story*
Written by SALAM
You owe someone a thank you just
for being in your life Ĭ

Chap 7

I ran downstairs hana ichirova,to be

frank l was scared of losing my
father but at the same time l loved
Ishe.l tried to dash outside
maguards akandibata....
Me:*chiii chikuitika please leave me
alone!!....leave me mhani*

I kicked one in between his legs and

he groaned ndikabuda ndichimanya.
I saw Michael akabata a small gun
akapfeka ma goggles achishuta
zvimaclay pots that were a distance
from him.

I felt so relieved, and walked to him

and when he saw me akasmiler and
kissed my forehead after hugging
me. My brother loved me
Me:*Morning bhudhi*

Michael:*good morning angel how

was your night and wakunzwa sei*
Me:*im fine bhudhi...kunzwa sei

Michael looked at me with narrowed

Me:*Ko chii?*

Michael:*Nezuro wainyepa ka
iwe...Maria asi chii newe wakatanga
kunyepa riini iwe*

Jeso l almost forgot kuti Ishe made

me lie yesterday, ndakakwenya
musoro ndichigaya kuzvidefender
ndikanzwa Michael ave kuti....
Michael:*He was in your room wasn't

He dragged me to my room achibva

atanga kuita ku investigater room
yangu kusvika kuwindow..And sure
the atmosphere was filled with Ishe
's manly fragrance...


Michael:*Usanyepa Maria
ukuzviinzwa....handidi kuzvinzwa
zvaukuda kutaura how could you lie
to me....I'm your brother mhani iwe*

I looked ashamed.....
Michael:*saka makarara mese?*

I knew this question would come apa

masheets angu ese were just Ishe
pachake....l could not lie.
Me:*On the same bed chete....he
was just holding me*
Michael laughed ndikaona kuti anga

Michael:*saka Mariana Mpofu ukuda

kundiudza kuti a man slept the
whole night holding you and hapana
zvamaita....usandiita stupid
I looked down ndakanyarara..l didn't
want to argue with my brother
because akatsamwa face yese inoita
butcher iyi....he was just like my
Me:*i'm sorry bhudhi*

Akandiignore akatora phone yake

akatyper something and inini was
just standing there ndichikwiza
mashoulders angu ndakaruma the
insides of my mouth looking at him...

Michael:*Tell me about this guy

Mariana and handidi kuudzwa
nhema zvangu ndokurova izvezvi....*
I nodded quickly and started talking...

Me:*His name is Isheanesu Williams

and he is coloured but looks
white...he has a short beard....brown
hair....grey eyes....he is very tall and
muscular with tattoos on his arms
and right side of the neck....and l
guess that's all*

Michael:*Good l will deal with him

my way*
Me:*But ndokumbirao
musamuuraraya bhudhi l love him
and he loves me too*

Michael:*izvozvo hazvinei neni Maria

this guy is trying to kill my father yet
you're still protecting him apa
hautozivi zvaari futi has
already gone out namomz so I'm
taking you out for breakfast ita
ugeze tione*

Me:*Ehoi bhudhi*
He walked out ndikamanyira
kuphone yangu and paitove netext
from Ishe it read :*Good morning
princess, l have something to take
care of today so will have to talk to
you later ndoona kuti ndoita sei kuti
ndikuone..usanetseke nekufona
babe just know that I'm too busy to
talk but l will be fine. Ndokuda Maria
take care*
Ndichiverenga text yake kudaro l
could imagine his deep voice saying
the words and l smiled to
myself....hugging my phone as if I'm

I tried calling ndikatonzwa iri right

off. I sighed and went into my
bathroom , l hope whatever Ishe is
doing won't end him up in prison
naMicheal __



I walked into the warehouse and saw

everyone preparing, some were
wearing bullet proofs. Some were
loading guns and the others were
sharpening knives.

Enzo came to me and we fist

bumped tikafamba tese kupinda
mustudy maive naIshe....

Ishe:*Gents sup*
Me:*everything is ready...but l think
we'll be outnumbered zvangu coz
Zex ane vanhu uya*

Ishe:*(smoking) You should set your

fears aside....l trained all of you well
and l don't expect you to be weak

Me:*Yes boss*
Enzo:*I found a spy manheru
anezuro...he was eavesdropping on
our conversation and ndakamuisa
mured room ndikatryer kukufonerai
but it was unreachable*
Ishe puffed on his weed and looked
my direction coz ndini ndega
ndaiziva kwaainge aenda last night....

Ishe:*tomuona tadzoka...Enzo can

you excuse us for a few*
Enzo:*Yes boss*

He walked out and l went to close

the door....our rooms were sound
proofed as well.
Ishe:*Grey l don't know what is
happening pandiri....l don't think l will
be able to kill Zex*
Me:*Boss is it because of Mariana?*

Ishe:*(smoking) Yes....l have fallen

deep for her Grey and she's slowly
weakening me l mean l feel this
attached to her kana ndinaye you
Me:*l know boss and l understand you think you can still carry
on with the plan*
Ishe:*of course....umm that man
killed my men and l have to revenge
and nezuro ndakaisa recorder
muroom maMaria...her brother
wants to hunt me down*

Me:*Michael is crazy anozviziva ega

kuti hamubatike boss and hamufe
makapinda mujail but anoramba
achingoita kunge munhu anorohwa

Ishe:*Yeah anorwara uyoo xaaaa

kuda kuonererwa ndichamugadza
demo one day ndazvikanganwa kuti
moyo wangu unaMaria*
We both laughed and takazobuda
tikajoiner vamwe ku prepare. Razor
and Butcher were on the cameras.

The plan was for Sniper kuenda

patop most of the skyscraper oaimer
ari ikoko. Then the rest taizomirira
kuti moto utange before we attack
We just had two black lorries
maikwana boys rese.Takaenda
kunopacker pabuilding yacho quietly
and maguards aZex were
everywhere panze.
Ishe ordered Sniper to fire vanhu
vakadonha one by one
chinyararire.Zuva rakacheka nyika
vanhu vachifa sehuku and l saw Ishe
smirk ndikaziva kuti the devil in him
was waking up.

We got inside ne team rose even the

girls fight ikatanga.Ndaive nesoft
spot for Cynthia, one the girls so
ndaimutyira ini kuti anogona
kukuvadzwa ini varume vaive umu
were beyond strong but Ishe is Ishe
we managed to bring them down.

Muroom maiitirwa meeting yacho

makatanga kuita noise tapindamo.
Maguards were trying to protect
their masters but zvakashaya basa
we were shooting none stop. Ishe
shot Zex pagumbo and the
Tanzanian guy akashutwa akafira
paspot. Ishe was ruthless and Zex
akaita lucky because of Mariana dai
pakamuperera futi.

We hurriedly got into our lorries and

drove off,tichisvika ku warehouse
pane kamupurisa kaida kunetsa
tikakapa mari kakaenda kachizhinya
nxaaa corruption.
I went to Cynthia tave kudya after we
all freshened up..... Ishe was already
out of site

Grey....congratulations for the
Me:*But inga taenda tese wani*

Cynthia:*kkkk yeah but still you're

the right hand man of boss and you
got the plan covered leading to
Me:*alright cool...saka hauna
kukuvara here are you okay?*

Cynthia:*im fine thanks*

Me:*zvotendwa here I'm just asking
my other half if she's really okay coz
iwewe ukakuvara inini ndenge
ndakuvarawo unoziva*

She eyed me with her big eyes

ndokunwa just a sip from her juice....
Cynthia:*Other half? unopenga
Me:*ndiwe unondipengesa*

She blushed and l watched her

achisimuka kutiza day l
would make her mine__



I had accomplished a mission once

more but ndainzwa kunge ndatadzira
Maria by shooting her father.She had
gone out for lunch ne brother yake
so ndaitoda kunomuona ini.

I took a cold shower ndikapfeka a

black tuxedo suit ne matching
formal shoes. Waimbozoimaginer
kuti munhu abva kunouraya vanhu
here.I freezed my hair backwards
and put on my shades haa l was
breath taking.

I took my car keys and walked out to

my Mercedes AMG AC 63.I got in
and drove out of my mansion
accelerating here and there.I looked
pareview mirror ndikaona mota
yainditeera, ndakamira and it also
I reversed ndichiita kunge
ndakudzokera kwandabva and it
turned around and drove away iri
speed. Ndakaona kuti whoever it
was munhu iyeye ainditya chete, l
carried on nekudriver ndikasvika
pachidyira Maria and Michael. ..l
watched them for a while ndikaona
osimuka kuenda kubathroom.
I followed behind ndichiavoider
kuonekwa naMicheal. Singe akagara
with his eyes kwainge kwaenda
Maria and aityira mwana wamai vake.
I got there ndikanzwa muladies
muchibuda mvura and I suppose
anga ari iye chete.l walked in there
lucky manga musina vanhu
vakawanda.Ndakawana mubath
musina musina mvura yaingobuda
yega,as l was about to turn around
ndakanzwa ndabatwa maziso with
soft hands chimunhu
chichidodomera trying to match my
I removed her hands slowly, ko iye
anga and iona nguvai futi. I pinned
her on the wall and looked into her
eyes with my lips an inch away from

Me:*wandiona sei*
Maria:*your cologne....chindisiya
Michael might follow me*

Anga ane kamwe kahurude kaanako

so....but ainditya. I let her go
ndokubva aiita seakuenda and l
grabbed her hand and kissed her in
the neck akabata musoro wangu..

Maria:*Ishe iwee.....stop kanhi....*

Me:*stop me babe...*

I kissed her leaving hickeys on her

neck ndikanzwa munhu akuti.....
Maria:* father was

Haaa guilt yakandibata

ndikamusiya....l looked away
clenching my teeth and her soft
small hand moved on my cheek
Maria:*Ishe please tell me kuti hausi
iwewe....look at me and tell me that
you have nothing to do with this*

I moved my gaze to her and maybe

guilt was all over my face coz l saw
a tear stream down her chocolate
cheek....l wiped it with my thumb but
akandisandudzira kure...

Maria:*Ishe how could you!! go

around shooting my dad iwe
uchizviti unondida what's that!!*
I tried holding her hand and she
slapped me hard...

Me:*babe...l love you Mariana and

I'm so sorry l shot your father*

Maria:*haaa Ishe you must be out of

your mind could you
shoot my father wouya kunoku
uchinditi sorry nyango benzi
rikanzwa zvaukutaura rogona
kutoseka....unopenga chete iwee
and I'm done with you handichade

Anga atsamwa and the blame was

one me.... Ndainge ndamurwadzisa
but ini wacho it was my first time to
shoot munhu pagumbo without
killing him
Me: *Mariana sorry...babe*

Maria:*Haaa putsek Ishe uri imbwa

yemunhu....siyana neni*
She walked out ndikamutevera
ndichimanya....l now didn't care
about anyone seeing me.....

Ndisati ndabuda mumatoilets muya
ndakanzwa ndanongedzerwa pfuti
End of Chap 7 Ĭ

*A love story*
Written by SALAM
Spread your wings and love others
but don't lose yourself in the process

Chap 8

I remained still because l knew who

it was. I put my hands in my pockets
Michael:*And don't think I'm scared
to pull the trigger Bullet....l will blow
your brains right now right here
without hesitation*

Me:*Do it Michael....killers do not

I smirked as l eyed him and saw
sweat on his forehead and nose.He
was scared of me.l kicked the gun
off his hand and pushed it away
from him.
Me: *your father killed my men and
you know that....l took my revenge
and you are lucky he's alive*

Michael: *And unotaura zvaunoda

Bullet.....okay l will play along with
that your stupid white head that will
be in prison hours from now*
I laughed out loud...

Me: *ukurova dzipi ko these days

dzakudziisa musoro kudai....listen
Michael I'm done with your father
and I'm not going to come for him
Michael:*Fine tomboti wasiyana
nadaddy vangu...leave my little sister
out of all this...she's too young kuva
nemhondi yakaita sewe*

Me:*Haaaa iwe ini ndapedza kutaura

newe....zvawakutaura zvekuti
ndisiyane naMaria ndezvako wega

I picked up his gun and gave it to him

ndokufamba kuenda.My eyes were
searching for Maria mureustraunt
muya but l could not find her...
As l got out of the restaurant
ndakanzwa masiren epolice. They
pulled over in front of me
vakandisurrounder, l then saw Maria
standing near a Michael 's limo
akatarisa kwandaive.l hold her eyes
with mine for moments kusvika
ndanongedzerwa pfuti and she ran
inside the car achichema.
Me:*don't touch me l can walk for

Michael smirked at me achivhura

mota yake driving away as l walked
in between the officers.
Michael is out of his mind to even
think that he can get me arrested.
Ndonzi Bullet ini and police officers
are nothing in my eyes__



I groaned in pain to my hurting leg as

the doctor took off the bullet. My
wife was actually holding my hand
kusvika Doc vapedza.

I was now sipping on my coffee

sezvo kwanga kwakuita a little cold. I
thought of today's incident
ndikanzwa hasha, that young man
wants to challenge
me.Ndichingopora chete
ndaizomubvira maziso ekiti iwayo....

Michael and Mariana walked in

maface akasuwa suwa....
Michael:*Maswera bho here
Maria:*Afternoon daddy*

I greeted back....
Michael:*dad I'm sorry...l tried to get
him arrested but he escaped and
almost killed all the police officers*

I sighed and looked at Maria

ndikaona maziso akazvimba but
when Michael spoke akataridza
kutura mafemo...l instantly got an
idea to capture Bullet

Me:*l love you semwana wangu and l
hope you know that right....*
She nodded achitarisa bhudhi vake....

Maria:*ndozviziva daddy*
Me:*good coz zvinhu zvandukuda
kuita uchafunga kuti handichakude
and don't get me wrong....ndoda kuti
undibatsire kubata Isheanesu*

She looked at me zvekupererwa

zviya and l heard her say...
Maria: *Tarambana daddy*

Michael:*haaa iwe point of

correction...ndiwe wamuramba
kwete iye so chitoita ubvume offer
yadaddy tipedze nemunhu uyo
atitemesa musoro*

Me:*Yess Maria think about it....l

can't afford to lose my businesses
nekuda kwemwana akazvarwa zuro

Me:*But can you afford to lose me
daddy....ini ndakutomutyawo ini and l
can't do it*
Dad:*oh yes you will are
his weakness and only you can get
him down*

Me:*l don't want to be involved in

whatever vendetta you have with
that man daddy!!*
Dad:*And young lady don't you dare
raise your voice at me....*

I looked down immediately....

Dad:*As long as you're under my
roof uchaiita zvese zvandichakuudza
kuti uite am l clear Mariana!!!!*

He roared and l nodded quickly

wiping the tears that were prickling
from my eyes like warm summer
rain.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,

Dad:*Good....Michael prepare
her....we're killing Ishe right away*
Ndakasimuka kutevera Michael
tichibuda.... I tried to negotiate with
him kuti asandiendese. I loved lshe
but anga akundityisa zvisingaiti.
Room yangu yakaita kuitwa yese
yese, Michael was really good at this
aiita kuisa macamera and everything
yanga yanyatsoita perfect trap

Apa ini hana yangu

yairova,especially pandakanzi nyora
message to Ishe maoko angu
aibvunda and Michael ndiye
aindiudzira zvese...
Michael:*I'm sorry Ishe...l know l
pushed you away but l never meant a
single word l said...tonight my dad is
going out so you can come and see
me.... Please usiye pfuti you know l
hate guns....l love you Isheanesu*
I pressed the send button musodzi
ichiyerera, what exactly were they
going to do with Ishe....Michael
akasmiler clapping his hands
ndikaita kunge ndicharidza tsamwa.

Me:*saka mukuda kumuitei?*

Michael:*Dont worry angel....just
watch the show.... ooohh let me
bring you some snacks*

He winked at me and l rolled my eyes.

I was forced kugara muroom mangu
kusvikira Ishe auya apa vanga vatora
phone yangu and l wonder where my
mother was while l acted puppet

Kwatova kumanheru ndainge

ndakunzwa hope nekugara ndega
that's when l heard noise kuside
rewindow rangu and l dashed
End of Chap 8Ĭ

*A love story*

Written by SALAM
Love is like a diamond, if you get
hold of it you should never let it

Chap 9

Ishe came in through the window

and took off helmet yaainge anayo,
his brown hair was messy but he still
looked handsome though.

I then remembered my father's plan

and as he stepped closer to me
akabva abatwa maoko automatically
with a rope. An alarm rang and tears
rolled down my eyes...

His legs got tied up in chains as well

akabva amira panzvimbo one. He
looked down at his chained legs and
then at me with his grey eyes...
Me: *I'm sorry lshe...l had no
choice...I'm sorry*

I shook my head trying to control my

tears but l could not..l saw his
Adam's throat move up and down as
he looks at me with eyes full of love.

Ishe:*Before they come in

Maria....tell me honestly if you still
love me babe*
I nodded quickly ndichienda paari
and hold his right cheek and he
responded to my touch by smiling...

Me:*I love you...l love you and I'm so

sorry l had to do this to you Ishe*
Ishe: *l hate seeing you cry
Maria....wipe those tears and always
know that I've gone through a lot
babe and I will be able to survive
whatever your father has planned for
I cried hard ndakaisa my forehead on
his and he tried to break loose from
the chains l think aida kundinyaradza
asi zvairamba coz anga akasungwa.
Ndakazongoona malips ake ave
pane angu and he kissed me
passionately, my first kiss with the
man l loved.
I was pulled away from him by my
brother Michael.

Michael:*.... Hahaha look who we

have here dad..... The unstoppable
man of the country*

Ndakatorwa neumwe guard

ndichiiswa panze nerough chaiyo.
I stood there ndichichema seeing my
man in chains.Vakamutinha
semombe vachimuisa muneimwe
mota then drove away.... I ran to my
mother who was busy in the
kitchen... Vaitoita kunge vasiri kuziva
zviri kuitika, as if she didn't care coz
she was cooking peacefully
Me:*mhamha they took him!*

Her:*Ooh sweetie that's not your

problem....let your father do his

She stopped slicing her onions and

looked up at me..

Her:*l meant....dealing with that boy*

Me:*mom Ishe is not a boy....he's

Her:*and iwewe une 17 Maria...that

guy is too old for you and too
dangerous futi saka please get your
brains together ufunge mushe kwete
kufunga nechimoyo chako chidiki
diki icho*
I almost laughed but ndandine too
much stress. I walked out of the
kitchen ndikaenda muroom mangu
kumbonochema, my heart was very



I watched qs Kayla kept on pacing
up and down...mubabe anga ane
mamhepo iyeyu.

Me:*Kayla haugari pasi here making me feel dizzy*
Kayla:*Just keep quiet Enzo
ukutowedzera anxiety yangu*

Me:*anxiety yekudii ko iwee...boss

vatanga nhasi kubuda manheru

Kayla:*Wangu it's 9 in the morning

vanosidai vaenda
Me:*Eeee ini hangu leave me out of
that conversation kana wakupinda
nemubvunzo yakadaro unoziva wani
kuti Ishe haadi ku interrogatwa*

Kayla rolled her eyes abva ati *iri

gwara iri* l walked out of the
warehouse ndikasangana naGrey
padoor kissing Cynthia like there's
no tomorrow.

I cleared my throat vakasiyana. Grey

groaned and l laughed hitting his
Me:*Something is wrong man*

Akaudza Cynthia something and she

went away....
Grey:*what happened wangu*

Me:*You have to be honest with me

Grey....where did Boss go last
He scratched his head..

Me:*Be honest Grey..something

happened to Ishe and we have to act
Grey:*He....he....had gone to Zex's

Me:*you better not lie to me

Grey....anoenda kunaZex kunodii isu
takapedza deal*

Grey:*Haaaa its tough my

brother....Ishe akudanana nelast
born yaZex and he goes there
almost every night*
Me:*eish...saka wairegerei
kundiudza wangu.... that is why he
could not kill Zex last time?*

He nodded and l grittted my teeth

hard, that's why he's weakening each
and every time.He was slowly

Grey:*Man we have to find where he

is before it's too late....Zex ari
dangerous where's Razor*
We walked to the study tikawana
Razor ari busy nemadrugs, duh not
smoking but packing them
achibetsera chimwe chimubabe
chainzi Ciara so and boys iri
nevasikana vanodealer
nezvemadrugs so.

I never believed in love pachangu....

Me:*Razor track down boss uone
kuti vari papi izvezvi*

Razor:*Right on it sir*
He got on his laptop and IPAD and
started swiping up and down.We all
waited and Grey was pacing up and
down. Takazovhunduka tanzwa
Razor aakuti
Razor:*Guys you won't believe this*



One of the guys kicked me hard on

my stomach and l didn't flinch.One
thing my father told me about
dealing with my enemy is to
intimidate him as much as l can.
Zex:*Untie him*

They did and l stood chest to chest

with Zex apa gumbo rakaiswa
bandage. His men hold me back
vanga vondibhowa vanhu ava...l
turned around ndokuvapa
mapunches one by one vamwe
ndichikavira uko,,, they were 6 and
vakaenda pasi vese

Michael:*daddy ndakuudzai kuti

munhu uyu ngaangofa zvipere....*
Me:*Shut up Michael!.....Zex tell your
son the deal is over....You killed my
men and l killed yours saka
chauchada kwandiri chii*

Zex:*Siyana nemwana wangu....*

Haaaa izvo vaitorota zvavo,, inini
kusiyana naMaria zvinenge
zvinotoda n'anga chaidzo....
Michael:*iwe mupfanha ukuzvinzwa
here....siyana naMariana unofira
mahara wee*

Me:*lf l die l will be dying for the love

l have for her...l love Mariana with all
of me*
Ndakadirwa chibhakera naZex
ndikapfira ropa.Michael raive gwara
he wouldn't try me....

Zex:*boys electrify him*

Michael smirked at me ndikamudira
chibhakera achinowira kure uko
akapfira zino while glaring at
me.Ndakamomoterwa nemaguards
aZex achindiisa pachair tying me
and connecting the electrifyer
I started shaking vigorously, magetsi
airwadza and because l was
coloured it made my skin turn
pink.They left magetsi ari on for
some minutes ndikayuwira
ndandanzwa and l felt like passing
out but l could not risk it.
My sight was blury now
ndandisisaoni mushe
ndikasunungurwa and l fall down

Zex:*Do you still love my daughter

Me:*More than my life*
His laugh echoed through the

Zex:*You heard him boys*

Zex walked out, Michael hameno
kwaainge aenda zigwara riya. A
guard kicked me in the stomach and
l groaned forming a banana shape
ndakabata mudumbu.

They started kicking me every part of

my body. I was too weak to fight
them. Vaona kuti ndaibva they
dragged me out of the torture room
ndikanoisiwa mumota.

I was weak and kusunungura seat

belt ravakandiisa ndakatadza.The
car l was in yakatanga kufamba for a
long time and because l was now
weak handina kuona kuti yaiindepi.
Finally the car came to a hault
munhu wacho akaburuka...l could
hear something beeping ndikaziva
kuti it was a bomb.I didn't know how
much countdown time the bomb had
so l gathered all the strength that
had left in me and moved my hand to
the belt and took it off slowly.
Ndakagwesha ndichibuda struggling
to even drag myself out of the car. I
had to do this for my girl, l know she
won't survive it if l die. I managed to
crawl out of the car and l dragged
my weak body away from it ndisati
ndaenda kure the car exploded and l
shut my eyes ___
End of Chap 9 Ĭ

*A love story*

Written by SALAM
Tonight, find a place in your heart to
forgive that human who wronged
you Ĭ

Language ̣
Previously on Mariana....
Ishe:*Before they come in
Maria....tell me if you still love me

Maria:*l love you...l love you and I'm

sorry l had to do this to you lshe*

Zex:*Siyana nemwana wangu*

Ishe:*If l die l will be dying for the
love l have for her...l love Mariana
with all of me*

Chap 10

Enzo:*What the fuck do you

mean...the car exploded?!*

Razor:*This is the proof man....boss

is dead!!*
I kept quite ndichitevera some
places near the trashed car. I got
down ndikachonjomora and l
touched the ground, l took some and
hand feeled it.
Kayla:*What is wrong....Grey talk to

Me:*There is no trace of him*

Enzo:*this can only mean one thing*

Kayla:*Please don't tell me kuti

Bullet akafa...please don't*
Me:*He burned to death mumota
imomu...if he tried to crawl out it
was too late*

Akabata musoro akachema mhere
yakaita maungira.I stood straight
ndikafamba kupinda mumota mangu
and drove away in full speed.

I tried kuzvisimbisa ndichiti pamwe

Ishe anga asina kufa.I then
remembered kuti pandaenda
pandanga ndichifunga kuti akatizira
panze ndaona pakatsva pane zvinhu
zveblack zvairatidza kuva madota
and that assured me that he was
gone for good.

I hit the steering wheel violently

ndichiscreamer.... *fuck you
Ishe...fuck you and that fucken shit
called love!! hell with love!!*

I almost lost control of the steering

ndichibvunda. I have been through a
lot with that guy haangafi this way
just because of some girl.Ishe anga
abirira shame.
Ndakamisa mota paside peroad
ndikambosearcher mapics emwana
waZex wacho uku musodzi yanga
yazara mumaziso ndichitotadza
kana kuona phone.
Pakabuda mapics acho
ndakatombomedza mate, she was
the definition of beauty pachayo.
Mariana Mpofu kaive kari kaslim
akati rebei mbichana, skin yake was
pure chocolate haaa ndakapa
kutenda zvangu mwana wakazvarwa
uyu over long lashes and hair kanhi
kwanga kuri kuseri plus anga ane ka
body kaya kari right kasina pressure
yakanyanya uyu nyango kufamba
wakamutakura bho manje.
I now understood why Ishe gave up
life for her but still l was hurting. Ishe
akandirwadza kusvika pakuchema
semukadzi chaiko. I broke down and
cried some more ndokuzosimudza
mota ndoenda zvangu.
Cynthia neni were now dating anga
andibvuma ndatambura
zvangu.Pandakasvika pawarehouse
paya munhu wese anga akamirira
answer from me, Enzo, Cynthia and
Razor walked to me waitoona kuti
navowo vaitryer kuzvisimbisa but
they were broken.
Cynthia and l hugged....

Me:*Did you announce the news?*

Razor:*Its tough tatadza isu...*

Enzo:*We were waiting for you were the closest to him*
Me:*l don't think kuti ndokwanisa
shaaa....a lot has happened in the
past few days plus....ndaifunga
tichakura tese naIshe....*

Ndakadaro musodzi yakutobuda. I

was trying to be a man but

Enzo:*Hai have to stay

strong simba
zvaigarotaurwa naBoss hanzi l didn't
train all of you to become weak*
Razor:*Yeah its true Grey man
maybe yanga yava nguva ya
boss...Maiguru Cee moona kuti
manyaradza mukomana uyu mushe*

They laughed a bit Razor was trying

to cheer me up but iii l was hurt ini...

Enzo:*Come on inside....the crew is

already waiting*
We walked ndatryer kuzvishingisa
and Cynthia aitondisimbisawo.I
stood straight looking at the crew
ndichiona basa rainge rasiiwa naIshe.
Ndakagadzirisa pahuro ndikatanga

Me:*Good afternoon gang...l am

standing in front of you today to
announce that our boss, Isheanesu
Williams was burnt alive by Zex
Mpofu nezuro manheru..*

That was the worst speech ever

when announcing the death of
someone ndakabva ndafamba
kubudamo. I didn't want to see their
reactions ndaitorwadziwawo and l
could not live remembering how
broken the gang looked after the

Ndakanotora Hennessy mubar yaive

mu warehouse imomo and l opened
it ndikaita yekudhudhudzira
mumuromo.l started scattering
zvinhu pasi ndikambobata musoro
then ndonwa futi dorp rangu, l was
going to go for revenge. A man like
Ishe can't just die tobva tazvisiya



Was very happy, that boy was out of

my life for good. I was watching
video yemota ichidhuuka which was
on news ndikasmiler ndichikwenya
my chin.
Maria ainge azviunganidza pana mai
vake achizvibaya
nekuchema.Michael was popping his
knuckles akatarisa T. V
Michael:*Asi daddy l you really sure
that he died*

Me:*what are you trying to say

Michael...mota yatsva and newe
ukutozviona unless maziso ako ari
enyimo asingaone*
Michael:*Kungotaurawo daddy....ini
mupfanha a onzi Ishe
handimutatruste zvangu....he could
have escaped or something*
Me:*eeeee aaaa iwe uri coward zve
what can l say*

He sighed and looked close pat.v

Me:*saka ukuda kundiudza kuti papi
pacho munhu paachawana simba
rekubuda mumota ini ndambomuisa
pamagetsi? boys rangu ranga
rambomushandira futi*

Maria:*Daddy mune
hutsinye....mukuenda kugehena!!!!!*

She screamed at me akamhanya

Michael:*I don't know but heyyy
daddy hamumuzive Bullet*

Akafamba kuenda mai vacho kissed

my cheek on her way out leaving me
alone. Ndakasara ndikambogaya
zvaitaurwa naMichael.
I hope Bullet died paspot nekuti kana
asina haaaa pangu panenge
pandiperera. That young man is
ruthless when it comes to revenge

I could not believe that he was
gone....l took a blanket and a pillow
that night ndikanorara panze naTutu.
I was holding on to my winner as the
tears stream down my eyes.

Panze paive nekamhepo kainakidza

asi ndaisazvinzwa zvese izvozvo
ndaiti ndikafunga Ishe moyo wangu
wairwadza.Ndainzwa kusuffocater
kutopererwa nemweya chaiko.l took
my phone ndikatarisa mapic
aaindisendera mamwe he was
shirtless and his tattoos were all
over chest yese iyi. Mamwe acho
ainge asina kana pose munhu
kungotarisa paca era otora pic. Then
one raainge atitora tiri 2 the day
raakarara muroom mangu ini was
sleeping on his chest zvangu.
Ndakakanda phone kure neni apa
Tutu thought it was a game
chikamanya kunoitora.Moyo wangu
was heavy but daddy vangu vane
hutsinye shuwa. I don't know when l
slept ndakabatwa nehope while in

I woke up the next morning

ndichinzwa ndakasimudzwa wanike
ndiMichael. I was placed kumberi
kwadaddy kunge ndiri chisaga
chema potatoes...

Dad:*you look horrible my angel*

I rolled my eyes....

Me:*ehe daddy l feel horrible killed my man so what
makuda kundiurayawo here....go
ahead I'm right here....stab me
daddy....shoot me or do whatever
you want with me coz l can't leave
without Ishe!!*

Michael:*Dad dai marega kumupa

coz anonozvisunga just because of
that fool*
Me:*Dont ever call him that Michael
iwe ndiwe fool*

Anga atsamwa akada kuuya pandiri

ndikatizira kuseri kwadaddy....
Michael:*Mariana ndokusakadza
face iyoo putsek mhani kamunhu
kasingatende aka....dai asina kufa
Ishe akambokuratidza road
nemazipfuti ake chimusoro
chisinganzwisisi ichocho*
Me:*putsek newewo imbwa
yemunhu!!....Ishe will never hurt me*

Michael:*Ita would because rakafa

zimhondi riya....*
Takatukana kanhi daddy

I flinched in fear shutting my mouth
in the process... Daddy
vakandikandira makeys ndikashaya
kuti ndeechii vakati tibude panze....
Ndakabata muromo ndaona
mugarage mune a new car, a
Maserati Quattroborte in shiny
white.Wow l was speechless...

Dad:*l want to ask for an apology

for killing your boyfriend Mariana I'm
really sorry my little angel...*
Ndakashaya mashoko.....

Dad:*And to show you how guilty l

feel..l will set you free for 5 will visit every place
you always dreamt of*

Ndakatarisa Michael and face yake

had no expression....l paused for a
moment ndichifunga__
Is Zex's offer genuine?

Gamba redu rafa here?

Won't Grey hurt Mariana?

This is just the beginning handei

I luv you guys

End of Chap 10 ĬĬ*MARIANA*

*A love story*
Written by SALAM

I love you mom Ĭ


Previously on Mariana :

Kayla:*Please don't tell me kuti

Bullet akafa.....please don't*
Grey:*i am sorry to announce that
our boss, Isheanesu Williams was
burnt alive by Zex Mpofu nezuro

Zex:*Mota yatsva and newe

ukutozviona unless une maziso ako
ari enyimo asingaone*
Mariana:*You killed my man dad so
what you want to kill me too...go
ahead I'm right here...stab
me....shoot me daddy or do
whatever you want with me because
l can't live without Ishe!!*
Zex:*And to show you how guilty l
feel...l will set you free for 5 will visit every place
you always dreamt of*
Chap 11


Ndakangotarisa daddy vangu

ndichimedza this really
my real father. And handina
kumbobvira ndaona police pano
which means havasi kutosungwa
after killing someone.

Me:*Daddy who are you?*

Vakaratidza kuvhunduka and
vakakamhina gumbo kuuya near

Me:*Dad stop!!...stop right there and

tell me the truth and nothing but the killed my boyfriend and
now you want to lure me with your
car and crazy freedom..l don't want
zvese zvamukundipa
ini....mukuregerei kusungwa you are
a murderer!!*

Dad:*Your good for nothing

boyfriend shot me and killed all my
Me:*What men daddy!!...akakushutai
right dai makamushutawo not kill

Dad:*Tanga tapedzerana ikoko*

Me:*okay ko why did you kill him
then daddy??...makamuurayira chii

He looked at me for some time...

Dad:*I didn't want him to corrupt were too young for him
Mariana...and he was dangerous*
Me:*daddy l don't know
anymore....something is not adding
up here and l need time to think*

Dad:*I am sorry my daughter...aren't

you taking the offer*
He tried to touch ndikamover back..

Me:*l said l need time alone!!*

Ndakakanda makeys avo pasi and
moved away ndichifamba kupinda
mumba. Mom hold my hand
ndichipinda padoor..

Mom:*Mariana he's still your father*

Me:*Ndozviziva mhamha but....he

killed him....the only guy that l have
ever loved*

Ndaitaura ndacover my mouth with

my palm ndichifamba kupinda
mumba. The tears could not stop
pouring. Ndasvikovhura door
remuroom yangu and allowed Tutu
to come inside before shutting the
door and locking it.
Ndakachema ndakabata Tutu while
it wiggled its tail and licking my face
here and there...if they won't tell me
the truth then vese maenemies angu
because mom, dad and my brothers
pane chavakaviga from me and that
thing ndicho chaiita kuti daddy
vangu naIshe vave nehatred__

Mai Mariana

Ndakatarisa murume wangu walking

in. Michael followed behind vachibva
vavhara door coz kwainge
kwakutoita a bit cloudy and windy.
My husband sat down ndikaona
abata shaya. Inini pachangu l knew
that this day was going to come
where by Mariana will grow and
deserve to know the truth.
Me:*Dai mangomuudza mhofu....its
now or never fanika zvazvadai kuti
she is now on a dating stage
tofanirwa kumuudza kuitira azive
vekudanana navo*

Michael:*Mom is right daddy...tarisai

mukomana waanga akuda manje our
enemy in the field*

Dad:*l know...l know...zvese izvozvo

ndaizvifunga but ndaishaya courage
yekuenda kwaari*
Me:*Scared of her reaction...dont
worry murume wangu l will tell her
myself when she's calm kupera
kwezuva ranhasi*

Michael:*yeah that's a good idea tell her maybe woman to
woman zvinoita*
Dad:*go ahead then...Mariana
anodhuva dzungu mwana
wako...ukangoona ranyanya dzungu
racho..tell her you were lying or
joking but please deal with her the
right way*
Me:*okay will do musanetseke....can
l tell the maid to prepare something
for you before you leave for the

Dad:*Sure my wife*
I got to the kitchen ndikaudza maid
then we had breakfast but Maria
haana kuda kudzika kuzodya. I let
her be because l felt her pain shame,
mukomana iyeye aidiwa....
Zex naMichael went out ndikasara
ndikaprepare her favourite, potato
chips, savoury rice,green salad,
mushroom soup mashed potatoes
and a 100% guava juice.

Ndakatakurirwa tray yacho namaid

kusvika padoor pake and knocked...
Maria:*go away!*

Me:*Sweetie it's mom...would you

mind opening up...your favourite
She went quite for moments
ndokubva azovhura door. Maziso
ake anga azvimba...

Maria:*Handisi kuda kudya*

She was already shutting the door
ndikaribata.... I told the maid to go
back nechikafu
Me:*We need to at least talk Maria*

Maria:*Mhamha l said l want to be

She eventually gave in after a hard
convincing time... Ndakatanga
kutaura naye but l was beating
around the bush ko zvinotaurika

Maria:*So daddy why vasiri

kusungwa....l want him behind bars*
Me:*You see Maria....your father is
a...gangleader and that is why....*
She stood up akamira achibvisa
bvudzi kuface kwake...

Maria:*Mhamha mukutii....are you

like losing your mind or something*
I sighed, Maria so....l stood up
ndikamubata maoko and haana ku

Me:*Your father has a

gang....vanoita zvemadrugs, zvepfuti,
zvekurwa nemamwe magangs and
stuff....he's famous that vane
maenemies and that's why he
wanted to keep you away from the of his enemies is Bullet,
the guy you fall in love with*

Maria:*Mhamha you mean Ishe was

a gangster!!?*
She lost balance akagara pasi
akabata musoro...

Me:*That is why your father never

liked him and hondo yavo yakabvira
Maria:*Ko why asina kundiudza

I sat down on her carpet paside


Me:*pandakasangana nadaddy vako

he lied to me sweetheart....he said
he was an accountant coz ndaive
ndichishanda muhospital as a
medical doctor*
Maria:* are a doctor?*

Me:*A qualified one

sweetheart....your dad was 27 when
we met and l was a young girl who
was 18 years old...trying to build her
future but l left all that aside when
we started dating, l was his
weakness so Bullet's father wanted
to use me to get to my boyfriend and
bring him l stopped
working and moved in with him*

Maria:*Your mom and dad*

Me:*my whole family didn't want
anything to do with a girl who buried
herself with a dangerous man who
kills people and robs banks....but
here l am married to my dangerous
man and still breathing the same
oxygen the whole universe is
Maria:*So ndofanirwa kurwira rudo
rwangu naIshe mhamha*

Me:*I'm sorry Mariana but your case

is different from mine....mukomana
wako akafa*
Akatarisa window rake akayeredza

Maria:*l know mommy but...l kind of

feel like he's alive...l love him
mhamha! much hii hii*
Akawira pandiri and sobbed
sorrowfully ndakamubhabhadzira
trying to calm her down but
airwadziwa mwana wangu__

*Months later*

Somewhere in Harare....

A nurse stared at an unconscious

body lying life less on the hospital
She smiled amazed by the soul in
front of her. Ainge asati akamboona
munhu akadaro ever since and she
felt proud to have rescued him by
herself at least she will gain
something from him.
The nurse's eyes trailed down to the
patient's hands and she moves to
feel if all of the veins that were on
his hands were real.She giggled to
herself as dirty thoughts cloud her

Nurse:*I would give anything away

just to have a man like you*
She hold her file on her chest with
her left hand and walked away
making sure to lock the door on her
way out of the room.
After the nurse left pakapera
chinguva then machines started
beeping. The man opened her grey
eyes immediately like someone who
just had a nightmare.Akamuka
akagara although all his body was in
pain akabva atanga kudambura
matambo ainge ari paari
No matter how short, the chapters
are meant for you.

Not edited mamistakes

I luv u guys §

End of Chap 11 Ĭ
*A love story*

Written by SALAM
You are a special human that is why
you look different,do it differently,
and act differentĬ
Before you read

#share adventure.

#react with § and give me

Previously on Mariana....
Mariana:*Mhamha you mean Ishe
was a gangster!!*

Nurse:*l would give anything away

just to have a man like you*
Chap 12

Enzo:*You need to let it go Grey you
won't last a day out there if you try to
revenge Zex*

Razor:*Enzokuhle is right..revenge
inongoda iye Ishe wacho*
Me:*haa iwe ukunwa doro
rakawandisa ukunzwa
can someone revenge his death iye
akafa xaaaa wakuwanza mapostori

Enzo:*Haaa truth be told

wangu...Ishe ndiye anogona
zverevenge izvi siyana nazvo*

I stood up ndikatarisa panze through

the window...zvinhu zvandaifanirwa
kuita kubata Zex ndaizviziva chasara
yanga iri action.
Me:*l have a good plan*

Enzo:*Yekudii plan yacho?*

Razor:*Haaaa Sir Grey chisiyanai
nazvo henyu...its been 4 months
since boss died makuda revenge
Enzo:*Its the best time coz anofunga
kuti zvarova....Grey tell us your plan*

Me:*Firstly Cynthia must go there

kumba kwaZex onoita maid then she
gets close to Mariana....after that
we'll have access to get to Zex
nyango kumukidnapper...he'll come
wherever we tell him to just to get
his daughter*


Akandirova shoulder....
Razor:*haaa ini hangu l don't think
it's a good idea ini*
Me:*Eee Razor you are a complete
coward hapana zvatingaita kuchinja
izvozvo...Enzo call the girls*

He did ndokubva vauya vese

ndikataura nyaya yangu. Kayla
waitoda kuenda iye ndikaita
wekudzimura nekumutuka ko
ndazvaaida zve ko ndaidii. Iye agara
aida boss and zvekuti anotokonyana
naMariana zvaisabuda.

I left Cee akugadzirwa nekuiswa

mabullet proof, kupiwa macamera,
mavoice recorder.Ndakamuvinga
ava ega....aitya babe wangu but ini
ndaitotya worse coz l didn't want to
lose her
Ndakasvikoisa maoko muwaist and
kissed her lips.
Me:*Relax you're very tense babe
unosvika ukabatwa*

Cee:*l am know it's my

first time to go on a mission ndiri
ndega Grey especially without you*
I put my forehead on hers...

Me:*hapana chinoitika's

been months and Zex atokanganwa
uyu plus you are a girl
haambosuspect a thing*
Cynthia:*Are you sure Grey....ini
handidi kufa hangu pliz*

Me:*babe look at me....the scars you

have shows that you are a warrior
who will always win no matter what
and wakapedza apa babe then l
promise you babe kuti hakuna
kwauchaenda...l will firstly engage
you,get you pregnant and then wife
your ass do you get me*

Akaseka achindirova shoulder....

Cynthia:*Grey you are so not

Me:*l know....but l mean it

this for me one more time and we're
done with Zex alright*
Cee:*okay fine*

She said achiita kuroller maziso like

ndichibva ndamudhonzera pedo and
kissed her again.Takazovhundutswa
nemunhu akakosorera ndichibva
ndasiya Cynthia.

Enzo:*Get a room pliz*

Me:*shut it time*

Enzo:*It is time*
I drove Cynthia kuden kwaZex haaa
ndainzwa moyo kubata chaiko babe
rangu ndairida veduwe.But l had to
be strong especially if l remember
mashoko aigara achitaurwa naIshe
ekuti l didn't train you all to be weak
ndaibva ndasimba.

I went back to the warehouse

kunoprepare mission yese. Zex l am
coming for you and this time you are
going down for good __


This house is huge kanhi, ndaive

ndine shungu dzekuona Mariana
wacho. Lucky randakaita ndakasvika
vachitotsvaka 3 maids so the wife
took me in ndikaudzwa marules and
it was tough kanhi.
The next day ndakatomuka fast
sepamba pevanhu ka.l dressed up in
a dress for the first time in a long
time coz ndaisafarira madresses.

The other maids prepared breakfast

ini ndaimirira kuserver vanhu.The
family came down kwakatanga this
guy who was freaking handsome but
pana Grey aisasvika, he looked like a
black god.

Guy:*Are you going to stare at me all

day and get fired or you are going to
dish out for me*
Ndakanyara ndichienda patable paya
and started dishing out for him. A
woman downstairs naZex
kumashure haa mukadzi wacho
kuita angel sent from heaven.
They sat down ndikamira paside
nekuti vainge vandiudza kuti you
don't dish up for me nor my

Mai Mpfu:*Michael didn't you call

Mariana for breakfast?*
Oh the black god ndiye anonzi

Michael:*Ndamudana know Maria*
A young black girl walked down
akapfeka zvake bum short necrop
top.Her skin was flawless and she
was tall ari muslim, long lashes
nebvudzi rakareba raisvika
kumusana. Kuzoti face haaaa anga
akanaka zvake ummm maziso ake
ari ewhite...
She sat down after amhoresa
vabereki vake.Dai Kayla ari pano dai
azviitira chete coz apa anga
akakundwa kunaka apa pasina

Michael:*you look happy little angel*

Mariana:*ndukufara my bro....l feel
so happy*

Zex:*Thats good news

have been stuck in your room for too
long mhani*

Mai Mpofu:*And Maria unoziva kuti

offer ya daddy vako irikuexpire next
Maria:*(eating)well from today
onwards ndakuda change....I'm
taking my baby for a walk in the

Mai Mpofu:*Maria ukureva your new


Maria:*Yes mommy....*
Zex:*Thanks for reconsidering my
angel l was worried about you*

Michael:*Are you sure kuti chipenzi

ichi moda kuti chibude daddy*
Maria:*Ndadiiko bhudhi
chimbosiyana neni shaa*

Maria achingopedza kudya

akapukuta muromo and stood up
kwakukisa mhamha vake nadaddy....
Maria:*l am going out mommy!!..*

Zex:*Izvezvi here Maria?*

Maria:*Yes...this is my freedom right
then here l go!!*

Mhamha vakazosara vosheedzera

kuti bye bye atomanya panze
kare....Zex had fear written all over
his face. I heard a car drive out
vachibva vatopedzesawo kudya and l
took away maplates, ndakabva
ndarangarira kuti l have to call Grey
and tell him that Maria was out they
have to follow her pamwe ndiyo yega
opportunity yatinenge tawana__


I called Skhu immediately Maria


Me:*Skhu follow my daughter...*

Skhu:*Sho boss....*

Me:*cool l will send the car's

numbers and you will do it

Skhu:*yes boss right on it*

I hung up and sent the numbers

emota ndikagara pasi ndichikwenya
musoro. Nothing must happen to


I drove for a long time to nowhere

ndichiridza pabluetooth yephone

It was *My head & My heart* by Ava

Max. I was singing along as l drove
through the city ndichiona zvangu
nyika feeling so free.

I saw a bar near by ndikatanga

kufighter pfungwa dzainditi
usapinda. My mind was saying buy
something else this world does not
revolve around the bar. But kuda
kuexpreince new feeling l got out of
my car ndikaenda kubar kuya but l
wasn't allowed in hanzi no under 18.
I rolled my eyes ndichivapa mari
nekupinda inside. There were too
much men vamwe vaiita kunditarisa
as if they are undressing me with
their eyes vamwe vaisheedzera kuti
enda kumba uri mwana mudiki.
I didn't care ini ndakatenga doro
rangu ndisina kana kumbotarisa
zita.l walked out ndikadriver away, l
opened the bottle and took a sip
ndokupfira nekataste kandakanzwa
eish vanonwa doro vanonwa sei.
I pulled over pathis lake like ko
ndaiziva kwandaiva here. I took my
bottle redoro apa it was cool
raitotonhorera. I sat pamabenches
aivepo and opened it again ndichibva
ndazvimanikidza kurimwa and l was
now gouping it kunge munhu

I started having this weird feeling.

Ndakasimuka and started to dance
to the song yairira mumota mangu. I
didn't care if anyone was looking, l
was free today and l didn't want to
be miserable but have as much fun
as possible.

Ndakagara pabench ndaneta then

ndakanzwa kunge cologne yemunhu
wandoziva. I turned around
ndikawana pasina munhu xaa maybe
brain dzangu is playing tricks on me.
I stood up and watched water, l wish
dai ndanga ndina Ishe, we could
have had fun today that I'm out of
my father's house. Ndakabva
ndascreamer and put my face in my
hands ndichichema.
I felt a strong hand hold my waist
from behind ndikavhunduka. I
wanted to turn around ndichibva
ndaiswa a cloth on my nose and
things started spinning around, my
vision was now blury ndakanzwa
ndakuiswa pashoulder munhu
wacho a katanga kufamba...

Those are the last words l said

before blacking out__
Lots of love from Sandy §

End of Chap 12 Ĭ
*A love story*
Written by SALAM

The love of your life is you Į

Previously on Mariana...

Grey:*Zex will come wherever we tell

him to just to get his daughter*
Maria:*And today onwards ndakuda
change....I'm taking my baby for a
walk in the park*
Zex:*Skhu follow my daughter*

Maria:*Please musandiuraya*
Chap 13

I woke up feeling as if l was going to
unscrew my head like a terminator
and put it on the side of the bed. It
was heavy shame....

Ndakatarisa mandaive ndikaona

ndisingamuzivi. Oh my God and from
my view nemachenero anga aita
bulb l assumed aive atova manheru.
I sat up facing the window....l took a
deep breath, l hope no one took
advantage of me

Voice:*You go into bars now?....*

I flinched and turned around in fear.
Pandakaona who it was l screamed
and fall back negotsi....

Ishe:*And Maria don't you play that

stupid fake face....l want you to tell
me first kuti iwe wakupinda
mumabar and advertising my
property to fucking hungry men just
because your fucken stupid father
told you l died...ndiudze Maria!!*
I stood up although I was still
shocked by seeing him....l had to
stand my ground coz aitoratidza
kutsamwa apa anga ava nebvudzi
refu akagera kumasides akasiya
repakati and tied it backwards...his
beard was there but short as always,
his had black lenses now.. ...
Ishe:*Maria usatamba nepfungwa
dzangu wanzwa....ndati who gave
you the permission to go in a bar full
of men dressed like that!!*
Me:*Ishe please don't suffocate me
netumubvunzo twako alright.....*

Ndakakaruka munhu andibata huro

pushing me against the wall....
Ishe:*Dont you dare talk to me like
that!!...ukuzvinzwa Maria!!*

I nodded quickly....ndandakupera
mweya because of his grip on my
Me:*unondiuraya Ishe....ndazvinzwa

Ishe:*l want no man looking at your

body because it is mine..... get that
into your head*
I nodded.... He tightened his grip
ndichibva ndanzwa kunge mweya

Ishe:*l need words Mariana*

unondiuraya plizzz*
He let go of me but he didn't let me
fall down akandigamha. He sat me
on the bed ndikaita nguva ndakabata
huro yangu. I looked up ndikawana
akandipa ziso rine munhu pasi...l
heard his deep voice say...

Ishe:*I am sorry*
Me:*Please take off those lenses..*

Ishe:*okay babe*
He walked into the bathroom
ndikasimuka fast looking for my
stuff and l spotted my keys...l need
to get out of here ndisati ndaurawa
zvangu apa this house looked new.

Akadzoka ndakamira holding my

keys ndichibva ndamavigisa, he
came near me apa anga ava
nemaziso ake natural grey manje. He
looked me in the eye achisimudza
ruoko rwangu the one holding the

Ishe:*Mariana you want to leave

me....babe after 4 months apart?*
Ndakavhizura ruoko rwaanga
akabata ndikabata chiuno...

Me:*Ishe unoziva
ka....handikunzwisise ini...seriously l
don't understand you...l believed you
died in that car explosion and here
you are in a brand new house after 4
good months usina kana
kumbofunga kunditsvaka or
anything...lshe ndakakuchema ini,
you don't know how broken l felt....*

I was shut off by his lips on mine and

l tried to push him off but l was too
small so l reciprocated.We kissed
for a long time, his hands roaming
around my body.
I moved back when the kiss was
getting somewhere l didn't like... I
shut my eyes regaining my
breathing.He moved his hands on
the back of my neck and moved my
face more closer to his and kissed
my kissed my forehead....
Ishe:*Ready to hear me out now?*

I nodded tikabuda mu bedroom

make and went to the sitting room
and damn this house was fine.
Almost everything was glassy...His
pictures were all over the place even
ari mudiki.

I sat down and this young guy

brought me food, ndaidya Ishe
achitaura ngano yake. Yes kwandiri
yaitova ngano coz munhu
haangandiudzi zvekuti akarescue
nanurse and that nurse is the one
who took care of him for 3 good
months achingoita revolve around a
woman without even caring to text
or call me.

After apedza kutaura l placed the

glass l was holding down on the
table.l crossed my legs together and
l saw his eyes move to my thighs
Me:*Saka ukundiudza kuti iwewe
nanurse ava...makagara mese for 3
good months*

Ishe:*babe l was weak and l needed

Me:*ohh you needed her?...why
didn't you at least call me to let me
know that you are alive?..just a call

He rubbed his temple as his grey

eyes searched mine...

Ishe:*babe...nditerere apapa....l
really wanted to call you although l
had lost my phone but ndaiziva
number dzako with my head but the
thing is...if l had called you then Zex
would have gotten on my neck
knowing that I'm alive*
Me:*Zex ndiani manje?*

Ishe:*Your father babe..*

Oh.....ndakadaro and phone yake
started to was beside the
couch l was. Ndakamutarisa and he
was nervous ndikaziva kuti iphone
iyoyi. I took the phone ndikawana
pakanzi *Thandiwe*
Me:*And now who the hell is

Ishe: *that's the nurse who was

taking care of me*
He tried to grab the phone and l
moved it away as it started ringing
for the second ring...

Me:*Why would you label her by her

name instead of just labelling her
kuti nurse....Ishe you better not be
cheating on me*

Ishe:*it's not like that Maria pane

zvandandichida kutokuudza....its
about Thandiwe....*
Yeah l knew that was coming, there
was something between these
people havagare vese for 3 months
pasina zviripo. I stood up nephone
yake ndichingoikata ndikanomira
paseri pesofa looking at him with
narrowed eyes ndandatsamwa...
Me:*Taura tinzwe*

Ishe:*please calm down babe...l love

you and would never hurt you
intentionally and you know that*
Me:*handichazivi anymore
Ishe....ndiudze nyaya yacho iri pakati
pako nethis Thandiwe woman right
now before l lose it*

He rubbed his hands together....

Ishe:*babe she seduced me...*

Ndakaramba ndakamutarisa hoping

him to continue talking but
aitoratidza kutya akatarisa kwandiri.
I'd never seen him this worried

Ishe:*I tried hard to fight it babe....*

Me:*hoooo you two slept
together?....ndokumbirawo chokwadi
and no lies Isheanesu*

Ishe:*yes babe I'd never lie to you....*

His phone vibrated in my hand
ndikaona yakanzi text from
Thandiwe but the phone was locked
with a pin. I moved my gaze to him...

Me:*pin ichii?*
Ishe:*it's ummmm.... your date of
birth babe*
Ndakaisa and l went straight to
Thandiwe's message and it read
:*Stop ignoring me Mr handsome...l
am 6 weeks pregnant with your

Ndakanzwa kupera simba ndichibva

ndamutema kumeso nephone yake
ndichifamba kuenda kunotora
makeys angu.He followed me
achidana.... I met him padoor coz
ndandakumanya chaiko

Ishe:*babe here me out please...l

never loved Thandiwe she is
obsessed with me and so she
seduced me and l lost control babe
I'm a man*
Me:*yes l know that you are a man
Isheanesu and from now on you are
going to be Thandiwe 's man coz
she's your baby moma*
He hold my hand ndikavhizura

Ishe:*Listen Mariana hear me out

please ....babe l love you*
Me:*Isheanesu we're done.....I'm
done with you and don't you think of
threatening me!!....chitosiyana neni
zvako and ikozvino try coming to my
father's house ndovaudza vakuuraye
ndakatarisa....l hate you!!!*
Ishe:*Babe hausi kundinzwisisa*

Me:*lshe ka hapana chandonzwisisa got that woman pregnant
and it shows kuti unotomuda zvako*
Ishe:*Ndoda iwewe babe and no one
else...Thandiwe was a mistake*

I shut my eyes and opened them to

meet his serious face...

Me:*lshe handichakude and my

decision is final....uri mbwa
I turned ndikafamba kuenda....

I found my way out of his mansion
ndikawana mota yangu parked near
his huge limo. I got in and drove off
without looking back but my weak
ass was crying again. Ndakachema
and tears were clouding my eyes.

I was not used to driving at night but

l found my way back home
zvakadaro. I was done with Ishe and
wanted nothing to do with him and
his endless flaws __



Ishe hit the wall with his fist and
started bleeding. He had messed up
and he knew that. But letting Maria
was not going to happen...

He ran his bleeding hand in his now

long hair.He was trying to connect
Thandiwe's dots together, he had
slept with her once and that was 2
months back so why would she say
she was pregnant for him now and 6
weeks dzishomasa plus he was
careful to use protection back then.

He called his new side man Sandile,

he now had a new gang wich
consisted 20 people..

Ishe: *kidnap Thandiwe and get her

to the torture me when
that is done*
Sandile:*right on it boss....l hope
there's no problem though and I'm
sorry for asking*

Ishe:*She is trying to trap me with a

Sandile:*WTF you slept with
Thandiwe?.....boss that woman is a
cheap whore*
Ishe knew Sandi was right, he was a
black man who works at a
pharmarcy in Mbizo. They had met
at the Harare hospital when Sandile
'a wife was giving birth to their first
born son.
Ishe:*l know man l know and
ndakabhaiza just get her to talk
before you call me coz l want to take
care of something*

Sandile:*don't worry boss everything

is in order*
Ishe hung up and walked to his
bedroom....He got in and got to the
side where Maria was sleeping and
he bent over and took in her sweet
fragrance .He moved his hand on her
pillow then hugged it close to his
chest....akarumanisa mazino
achifunga mashoko aainge audzwa
naMaria and the blame was all on
He later took a shower and headed
to Mutapa.Thats where Grey had
moved the warehouse because they
were being attacked.

Paakasvika kuwarehouse the crew

got the shock of their lives. Razor
fainted 2 times with shock and Kayla
ran into Ishe 's arms akadirwa
mbama yakarira imba yese
recovering people from their shock.

Grey went and hugged his boss

achismiler with tears in his eyes.The
crew did that too ndokubva vagara
vakambotaura catching up. Enzo
was happy to see his boss alive as
well.Ishe called his new crew there
there and they altogether became 60

Grey:*And now boss?*

Ishe popped his knuckles for a
moment ndokuudza Grey naEnzo
nezva Thandiwe nekurambwa
kwaanga aitwa naMaria.

Enzo:*We need to get Cynthia out of

there first*
Ishe:*thats not a good idea...l still
want Maria*

Sandile:*then boss l have a plan for

you to get your girl back....*
Grey:*I hope the plan doesn't involve
pissing Zex off.....ini handichadi
vanhu vanopisirwa mumota futi*
They all laughed and Sandile rose his
glass of champagne....

Sandile:*Cheers to bringing Mariana


A little noise of hitting glasses was

heard vese vachibva vanwa
madrinks avo vachiseka ___
Short or long the chapters are meant
for you Į
Luv u all

End of Chap 13Ĭ

*A love story*
Written by SALAM
You are strong today because you
know your worth and you rule your
life your way Ĭ.
Previously on Mariana...

Ishe:*l want no man looking at your

body because it is mine....get that
into your head*
Maria:*Saka ukundiudza kuti iwewe
nanurse ava....makagara mese for 3
good months*
Ishe:*Babe she seduced me*

Maria:*Ishe handichakude ini and my

decision is final....uri mbwa
Sandile:*Cheers to bringing Mariana
Chap 14

Ndakasvika mhamha vakamira
padoor vachipopota....

Mom:*Nhaiwe Maria uda kundiitira

mashura here pano!!*
Ndakalocker mota yangu
ndikafamba kuda kupinda mumba...

Me:*Mhamha hwava husiku uhu....*

Mom:*pwusiku pwusiku kudii
Maria....l want you to tell me what
kind of wings you have grown
zvekuti umosvika kumba this time*

Ndakapinda and ndaitoda kudarikira

kuenda kuroom kwangu but
ndakaona daddy vakagara musitting
vachismoker...he moved his eyes to
me ndichibva ndanogara pasi
zvangu ndaisada kufira mahara
ndovamwe vane hasha dzisina basa
sedzaIshe ivava

Mom came and sat pana daddy....


He called and l moved my eyes to


Dad:*urikubvepi kuma 10 kuno?*

ndazoenda kulibrary and spent the
afternoon there but ndazobatwa
nehope kuma5 and got locked up in

Mom:*Oh my God Maria are you

okay sweetheart*

Vakatodaro coming near me

kwakutanga kunditarisa tarisa.......
Dad eyed me
Mom:*Saka wazobuda nepai
mwanangu...oh God tomorrow
wakutofamba naguard this is so

Me:*l know mommy but I'm fine

really...ndaita lucky papfuura vamwe
mai and she called the police for

Daddy vakandipa ziso raiiti kana

uchinyepa ndokupaza....
Me:*l will....go to my room now and
thank you so much mom for
dinner...l ate before going into the
library so I'm fine*

Mom:*are you sure honey*


I stood up ndikafamba kukwidza

upstairs but gotsi rangu rairemera
kutariswa chaiko. My father's eyes
were digging straight through my
Ndakapinda ndikageza and retired to
bed. The next day ndaitoda kuenda
kunoswera zvangu ndega after
breakfast l took a cold shower and
wore black jeans, a black t and a
white long coat coz it was a bit cold
then white stilettos.Ndakasunga
bvudzi rangu bunny...
I walked down the stairs mhamha
vakamira vakabata chiuno smiling at

Mom:*Angel you look...*

I laughed throwing my head back...

Me:*l know mommy....and you too

you look*
We both laughed and l hugged her..

Mom:*ummmm you smell nice

Me:*Thanks mhamha*

I took a lollipop ndikadya ndichibuda

hangu...daddy was out so it was an
advantage ndakarova mota
ndakananga kuneimwe shop so
yandainge ndaona kuMutapa

I got there ndikatanga kutenderera

hangu....l bought myself some
sunglasses aienderana nehembe
dzandainge ndakapfeka.l also
bought a few goodies zvekuzodya
Ndakabudamo ndakananga
kuRiverside kwaive neriver racho just
to have fun zvangu. I drove for a long
time ndikagara pamabenches
...watching the shore with my
shades on___


I paced up and down in my office
ndichiudzwa mashura akabhoiliswa

Skhu:*its true boss ndatomuona

akatarisa mwana wenyu right now..*
Me:*what did the guy look
like....explain further*

Skhu:*He was wearing a mask but

his neck was black skinned zvayo*
Ndakaita kutura befu ndokugara
Me:*who do you think he is and

Skhu:*l don't know boss but

whatever it is has nothing to do with
Me:*haaa iwee anything that has to
do with MARIANA includes
me.....what the fuck is he doing near
my daughter*

Skhu:*l will try to find out because

arikuti akagara gara otarisa Maria
then omaker a call*

Me:*That can only mean one

thing.....someone is giving him
Skhu:*but who nhai boss*

Me:*we are about to find out*

Takadriver tikaendako naSkhu
kuRiverside ikoko. Takanyangira
muface uya and drugged him using
ka cloth. He tried to fight
ndikamurova chibhakera achinoti
rezu ari kure uko.

We went with him kuwarehouse

kwangu apa ndainge ndasarirwa
nevanhu 10 chaivo. He was taken to
the torture room akadirwa mvura
akamuka achivhunduka.

Me:*Your name...and the reason why

urikuteverera mwana wangu....who
are you working for*
Guy:*l am...Tendai*

Me:*Tendai?!?!?!!...who are you

working for?*
Akaramba akandidzvokora and
ndakabva ndati boys rimurove
ndinzwe akutoscreamer semukadzi..
Haaa iri ndiro gwara pacharo..

Me:*electrify him!!!*
Guy:*No no no......please don't l will
die with just one shock
ndokumbirawo l will talk zvangu
ndakuda kutaura ndonzi Razor*
Skhu and l looked at each other...

Skhu:*that's a gang name boss*

Me:*cool....who are you working

Razor:*For....for Bullet*

Me:*Iwee ukuda kundiita saskam

here....ukushandira munhu akafa kuti
zviite sei and mwana wangu unei
Razor:*nda..nda..ndandatumwa na
Bullet but please do not kill me*

Ndakarohwa nehana
munoziva.....Ishe was alive?? How

Skhu:*Boss tiite sei naye*

Me:*wait a moment ndimbofunga*

I walked out confused nyango

dzungu ndairinzwa ini__



Enzo:*boss Razor isn't coming back*

Grey:*we are attacking his

warehouse now!!*
Sandile:*Yes let's go...Razor is a
coward havamumise....boss don't
worry about coming with us we will
be fine*

Me:*l wasn't planning to come with are all grown ass men so
go save Razor*
They laughed vakutoisa pfuti
mabullet....vachibva vatorana
ndokubuda. I later drove home
kwatova manheru.
I got there ndikageza, l wore all black,
nebullet proof, my gun then l took
machocolates and Teddy bear then
the letter l had bought for her.l
checked the time ndikaona iri 8:30

Nyango hangu ndichiziva kuti

ndaizonodzingwa but at least she
should hear the audio yaitaurwa
naThandiwe about the fake
pregnancy. Hongu l had slept with
her but that was a mistake.

I drove to their place and parked a

few houses away ndokuburuka
hangu ndikafamba kuenda kumba
kwavo.The durawall had barbed
wires for security so ndaitanga
ndaisa rope ndojamba kusvika
pahalf way ndobatira rope

Side reroom yake there was one

guard wandainovhara netowel rine
drug for him to sleep for hours.Her
room was upstairs so ndaikanda
rope yangu nekanonobatira
pawindow rake then l climb up.
Ndakavhura window nekupinda
mukati without making any noise.
Problem yanga yava pachimbwa
chake chaindihukura none stop
ndakachinongedzera pfuti then l
thought aizorwadziwa owedzera
kutsamwa so l drugged it too and it
went to sleep.
I checked her bathroom ndikawana
musina munhu...ndakaziva kuti
varikudinner. Ndakatombodecorate
bed yake nemachocolates then
maflowers and the letter nediamond
necklace yandandamutengera
ndokubva ndatanga kuisa hangu
macamera angu.
I heard her voice laugh downstairs
ndikaziva kuti akuuya. I felt so
nervous Mariana haanzwisisike ka.....

She came in ndokuvhara door rake

locking it in the process achiturner
akavhunduka kundiona.But akabva
atoisa ziface rebasa kuratidza

Maria:*Ukudei Isheanesu?*

Me:*babe kana hi zvayo*

Maria:*Iwee ukuhumana zvehi...hi yei
yandokupa....aneta newe here
Lindiwe or whatever that whore's
name is*
Akataura akabata chiuno ndokubva
atarisa pabed pake akaroller
maziso.Akabata chirecorder
chandaive ndaisa pabed and she
struggled to turn it on ini was quiet
ndakagara pacarpet yake near the

She listened to the whole audio

apedza achibva anditema nacho
kumeso l just shut my eyes. Mariana
was something else dai ndaisamuda
madiro andaimuita ndaimurova
akaziva kuti ndini ani.

Maria:*Saka ke zvinochinja chii

Ishe....wakarara naye full stop and
inini ndakati it's over between us*
I kept quiet ndakaramba
ndakamutarisa apa paitoda uchiputa
mudzanga uchiudzwa zvisiko

Maria:*Saka ndozvawavinga
muroom mangu manheru ano here
kuti undivhurire maziso ako....nxaaa
lshe please get out iwe neni

Me:*babe keep your voice down

ndikawanikwa ndiri muno ndiwe
unopinda busy....*
Maria:*Ndongoti arikuda
kundiraper....unosungwa ndiwe

She said that achitoisa rimwe

gumbo pamusoro perimwe chitarisa
zvakapfekwa zvacho. Maria ka.....
Takamboita some moments
takatarisana and l was controlling
her mind with my eyes.
Ndaitokumbira ruregerero nemaziso
iye was actually saying but why
ndikazoresponder using my mouth
Me:*babe give me another chance
handifi ndakazviita futi...*

Maria:*and if you do?*

Me:*then this time we are done for
good Mariana*

Ndakaziva kuti zvakuda

kuita....ndikanzwa akuti
Maria:*Usatombotaura nechilow
voice zvako Ishe.....I'm not forgiving
you shuwa ungapotsa wandiuraya
kundidzipa huro yangu Isheanesu
that's a sign yekuti unotogona
kundirova and l don't want to be a
victim of abuse NO*
I stood up kwakufamba kuenda paari
ndikapfugama ndakavata maoko ake
....that was really a mistake
kumubata kwandakamuita

Me:*Ndokumbirawo undiregerere
babe...l did not mean to touch you
that way*

Haaaa touch iyoyo yakanditukisa

Maria:*Touch chii Ishe ndiko kubata
munhu here....ndisiye apa*

Me:*babe sorry really... sorry zvako

babe ndokuda Mariana and l didn't
mean to hurt you*
Akapeta maoko akabwaira
zvekuzvida zviya and she moved her
hand to my beard achibva afambisa
kuenda kumaziso ndikanzwa oti

Maria:*please bvisa zvimalense

zvako izvi l hate them...l like your
eyes grey*
Me:*saka ndaregererwa here Maria*

Maria:*first bring back my real Ishe

then l forgive you*

I dashed to her mirror ndikabvisa

malenses ndikamaisa mukabox
kawo then looked at her ndikaona
achismiler revealing her dimples
moyo wangu went wild with love.
I went to her ndikagara paside
akasimuka ega and sat on my lap....

Me:*am l forgiven Maria?*

She nodded achinyara zvake
nepaainge azvigarisa.....

Maria:*but chingozvipamha futi

ikozvino ndokuramba zvamuchose*
Ndakabvumira nemusoro and turned
her face to mine ndikamukisser
slowly at first then harder as l moved
her close to me.I controlled myself
ndikamira ...
She stood up and l took off my
jacket akauya pandiri and she took
my gun akaisa pasi pepillow
smiling.Ndakabvisa zvese and was
left with boxers and a vest iye anga
atorara achiverenga tsamba iya
while blushing here and there
achidya chocolate yake.
I joined her ndikabva ndaremember
something....l took off my vest
akavhara maziso nemaoko.

Me:*open your eyes...l want you to

see something*
Akamavhura slowly and her eyes
roamed around my chest akabva
avhara left side
pamoyo wangu pandandaisa tattoo
rakanzi *l love you Mariana*....

Me:*this is how much l love you

babe and I will do anything for
you....ndokuda Mariana*

Her hand moved to my chest

akahesitater kundibata and looked at
me and l nodded ndikatora ruoko
rwake and made it contact with my
chest painge pane zita rake.....she
covered her mouth
Maria:*l love you too Ishe...l love you
so much*

Me:*And l love you more babe*

Takazorara, we cuddled to sleep her
hand was on my chest ndichibva
ndaisa ruoko rwangu padumbu rake,
mukati me nighty chaimo, she was a
bit warm... Akavhunduka but haana
kubvisa ruoko rwangu she now
trusted me.
Me:*l want to put my babys in here*

Ndakadaro ndichifambisa ruoko

rwangu padumbu pake
....ndakanzwa oti

Maria:*aaaa lshe ndiri mudiki ini*

I snuggled close to her and kissed
her neck mwana akanyara
achindifuratira and l cuddled her
from behind......

Me:*but hauvadi here vana vangu?*

Maria:*it's obvious Ishe but ndichiri
mudiki understand least
when l turn 20 or more*

Me:*kure uko babe....l want to make

you mine badly....l want to get you
pregnant first nematwins kana
matriplets , engage you then marry
you kana ndichiurawa naZex
ndourairwa zviripo*

She laughed out loud kutokanganwa

kuti manheru....akazongonyarara
ndikaziva kuti arara. I turned her to
me ndikakisser her forehead then
moved her closer to me
nekutobatwa nehope.

Ndakamutswa nenoise yaibva panze

ndakanzwa Zex achipopota achitryer
kuvhura door raMaria
Zex:*Mariana open this door before l
break it and you know l can!!*

I luv u all §
End of Chap 14 Ĭ
*A love story*

Written by SALAM
Don't worry about tomorrow, God
has everything under control Ĭ
Previously on Mariana....

Mai Maria:*Oh my God Maria are you

okay sweetheart*

Zex:*cool...who are you working

Razor:*For....for Bullet*

Ishe:*babe give me another chance

handifi ndakazviita futi*
Maria:*but chingozvipamha futi
ikozvino ndokuramba zvamuchose*
Chap 15


Kuti ndimuke Maria was holding on

to me...babe wangu anorara
zvake.Ndakabvisa maoko ake slowly
achibva atomuka akavhunduka
kunzwa daddy vake vari padoor

I kissed her already sweating

forehead. Anga otya babe wangu. I
got down from her bed ndikanotarisa
panze through the window ndikaona
pakazara maguards...

Maria:*what do we do Ishe nhasi

zvangu nadaddy....*
Her eyes were watery kutoratidza
kuda kuchema chaiko.I put on all my
clothes negun yangu panzvimbo Zex
achingorova door chete....

Me:*Maria go unlock the door*


Me:*ndati go unlock the door....*

Ko ndandazvipira kumisidzana
nababa vake zvaisashanda zve
kuramba ndichingotiza ini ndichida
mwana wavo.
She came and hugged me tight then
looked into my eyes....

Maria:*my father will kill you

Ishe...please think of something
Maria:*No Ishe handisi kuda
kuzvinzwa what you want to do is
give up on us....if he finds a chance
this time unourawa Isheanesu plizz l
don't want to lose you*

Me:*l don't want to lose you too

babe but it's time l face your father
as a man because running away
proves that l am a coward*

She looked into my eyes and

akadonhedza musodzi
ndikaupukuta....l hold on to her waist.
Maria:*and for our love Ishe...please
be my coward for today*

I wanted to say something and for

the first time since l dated her, she
initiated a kiss that got my mind
running wild. Ndakatombokanganwa
kuti daddy vake vaive padoor
ndikadairirawo pulling her to me. She
stopped akanditarisa...


Ndakamutarisa one more time then I

walked into her bathroom.
Ndakabuda nepawindow
ndikagamuchirwa nemaguards and l
smirked vachindipointer vese nepfuti
vanhu ava havandizive mushe. I
started kicking their butts vamwe
ndairovera kure uko,siren yepamba
yakarira ndakukwira padurawall
ndikawedzera speed.

Ndakawira pasi and stood up and

ran as fast as l could ndichinosvika
pamota yangu lucky it hadn't been
noticed. I got in and drove away, l
hope musikana wangu haana kusara
akapinda busy ndaitove worried_____




Ndakatuma munhu akauya

akagwejenura door raMaria and l got
in ndichipupuma nehasha...

She was sitting pacorner pebed yake

holding on to her Teddy bear....and it
was very obvious kuti muroom make
makarara mune munhurume the air
was filled with a manly fragrance.
Me:*Maria uda ndiite zvekudii

Maria:*Pachii daddy*
I signalled my man to search the
whole room vachibva vatotanga.l
went to her aitoratidza kuvhundukira
and l know a guilty face when l see

Me:*Aenda nepai?*
Maria:*l don't know what you are
talking about*

Me:*Maria handisi kuda kukurova

ini...l know Bullet was in here the
whole night and only God knows
what you two were doing in here*
Maria:*ndiani Bullet?*

Ndakamuregedzera mbama aka

screamer achinowira uko___



I put my palm over my cheek

musodzi ichiyerera .... I stood up
ndikamira zvakanaka but
ndairwadziwa daddy vangu vane
ruoko runopisa.
Daddy:*lie to me again and l will skin
you alive Mariana Mpofu...ndati
Isheanesu Williams anga ari muno
aenda nepi?*

Ko kuzoisa mafull names ndokunei

nxaaa ndakarwadziwa nedama
rangu handidi kunyepa.....

Maria:*Eeehe he was here

daddy...but nothing happened he
was just holding me*
Daddy scoffed.....

Dad:*haaaa Maria unoziva pavana

vangu ndiwe munhu wandisina
kunyatsa kurova iwe....ndosaka une
mukonyo usina basa zvino nekabody
kako aka ndichakuvhuna
chete!!....why didn't you call me or
shout kuti Ishe was here hee?*

Ndakakwiza dama rangu....

Me:*daddy then what?..momuuraya

futi here....daddy l am your daughter
and l deserve to be happy l don't think kuti
munondida zvenyu*

Dad:*Maria zvawakutaura
wakuzviwana kupi? are my
only daughter and l love you whole
Ndakabva ndatotanga kupfikura
nhema zvangu....
Me:*daddy dai maindida
mairespecter mafeelings angu but
you don't even care about my

Daddy:*mafeelings api
Mariana...mafeelings ako haana
kukwana anowira pamunhu asiri
iye...Ishe imhondi wazvinzwa!!*
Me:*And daddy ndinomuda
akadaro....he loves me
daddy....ingawani mom sacrificed....*

Ndakabva ndadimburwa ndisati

ndapedza kutaura...
Dad:*eeee eee wait right there young
lady...dont you dare compare
yourself and your wife
went through hell with me kuti
tisvike patiri nhasi*

Me:*And neniwo daddy l want to go

through hell with Ishe because l love

Vakabata musoro vapererwa..

Dad:*Maria.....don't use my words

against me*

Dad:*And listen to me and listen very

carefully....pandichabatira Ishe
ndukuda kumuuraya*
That sent shivers down my
spine...vakazobuda muroom mangu
ndikasara ndichismiler to myself
remembering last night with my man.
Ndakatora necklace yaanga
anditengera and tried it on wow it
was beautiful.
I spent the day in my room
ndichingozvikeeper busy. I didn't
feel like going out, chikafu ndaitora
kukitchen ndichidyira muroom
mangu. I watched a movie titled
kuma 4 *Everything Everything*

Ndapedza movie riya then l decided

to take a shower kumeso hakuna
kutogezeka bho nenhau yedama riya.
I finished up and lotioned
kwakupfeka my red jump suit with
stripes on the sides. Yanga iri off
shoulder ichiguma kumakumbo

Ndaitoda kudzokera mukutsvaka

another movie ndikanzwa phone
kuringer. I checked wanike inew
Me:*new number hello*

Voice:*babe it's me*

Me:*Ishe...are you okay?*

Ishe:*ndiri right babe ndotobvunza

iwee hauna kusara ukapinda patight
here my love*

Me:*daddy slapped the daylights out

of me*
Ishe:*iisshhh babe zvino wazodii
hauna kukuvara here babe
wangu...I'm sorry my angel*

Me:*aaa ndava bho ini*

Ishe:*your answer are
not okay Maria...come out ndikuone*

Me:*For now hazviite Ishe*

Ishe:*zvotadza nei babe...warohwa
iwewe and l want to see how bad it
is babe...hanty daddy vako havapo
here shaa ukaramba I'm coming in

Me:*ummm let me see what l can

Ishe:*let me help babe...unokwanisa
kuti ndukuda kunotenga masanitary
towels handisisina*

Ndakablusher ndichikata
phone...what's with this guy and girly
stuff nxaaa. And when l tried his
excuse mhamha vakabva vatoti
ndimanye ndizovavigirao near by

I got out guard aida kunditevera

ndikamudira rough. I walked out a
ndikafamba a few yards ndichienda
to a black Corolla parked by the
roadside Ishe akandiona and got out
akavhura his arms and l could not
resist ndakatomumanyira and he
hugged me tight as l took in his
strong cologne eish my man smells
so nice.

Takazoregedzana and he looked he

kissed me pa forehead akandivhurira
door ndikapinda akadriver
ndokuzomira.... His hand moved on
my stinging cheek and l saw his jaws

Ishe:*im really sorry babe....sorry

I nodded, musodzi manyawi
ndakatotanga kuchema ini...he
opened his door achibva abuda and
came to my side akandivhurira and
told me to get in the back side iye

He put my head on his chest ndikati

shavi remusodzi rauya ndakachema

Ishe:*Maria no shaaa wachema

zvakwana babe chinyarara...look at
me babe (l looked at him) your father
didn't mean it pavakurova wanzwa
he's just playing a fatherly role and
trying to protect you*
I sniffed....ndandatove nemahiccups

Me:*from you here?*

Ishe:*ehe babe he's protecting you
from me because he doesn't want
his daughter to go through a life of
hibernating for the rest of her life
just because she married a gang
Me:*but inini l love you Ishe and I'm
ready to live whatever life there is in
your world*

He moved me closer to him...

Ishe:*l love you more
Mariana...promise me something...
That you'd always be there when l
need you..that you will love me no
matter the circumstances...promise
me that you will love me forever
babe even on my lowest days when l
can't love you back promise me kuti
uchange uchingondida Maria*
I sat up and looked him in the eye
and he reached for my face akawiper
the tears on my cheeks with his

Me:*l promise you Ishe....kuti l will

love you beyond measures....l will
put my fears and worries aside and I
will embrace your flaws and love you
until my last breathe*

His pink lips cracked up into a heart

warming smile and his grey eyes
moved to my lips and l saw his voice
box move as he swallows...moving
his hand on my lips
Ishe:*ndokuda Maria*

He kissed me not giving me a

chance to explain. I reciprocated and
we sealed our promise with a bone
melting kiss. He moved to my neck
and kissed me gently biting me with
the intension of leaving hickeys all
over my neck.

Takavhundutswa tanzwa gunshot

tikanzwa nota ichiita kakudzikira.
Ndakaziva kuti ivhiri rashutwa hana
yangu yakarova Ishe akandisiya fast.
Someone knocked on the window
and my father's face appeared
vakabata pfuti haaa ndakapotsa
ndazviitira chete.
Ishe told me to relax akabva
atotorawo pfuti yake mukati me
seat.Ini hangu ndaitya zvisingaiti__
Thank you for all the support airtime
ndukuiona vari kuisa Mwari
vakuwedzerei pamunotapudza Ⱥǧ

Sorry for short Chap I'm not feeling

well Х
I luv u guys

End of Chap 15 ĬĬĬ.*MARIANA*

*A love story*
Written by SALAM

Don't waste time, be happy Ĭ

Previously on Mariana....

Maria:*my father will kill you

Ishe...please think of something

Zex:*And listen to me and listen very

carefully.. Pandichabatira lshe
ndukuda kumuuraya*
Maria:*but inini l love you lshe and
I'm ready to live wherever life there is
in your world*
Chap 16 & 17


Me:*babe tora mabullets over there

and put them in your pocket*
She did that and perfect anga
akapfeka zvaienderana nezvandaida
kuti aite.Ndakaisira Grey audio
ndimuudza situation yandaive
ikatoticker blue ndikaisa phone
My girl was shaking achiona vanhu
vakanongedzera mota yataive
nepfuti. I sat her down ndokubva
ndastruggler kuenda kufront but l
got there ndokumutora and sat her
on my lap akatarisa kwandiri
ndikamutsa mota vasina kufungira
ndokuzama kuidriver although rimwe
vhiri ranga risina mweya yakafamba
ichiita zviya zvekumira yofamba futi.
Zex's men started shooting apa
vanga vari 8 chete. Vamwe vane
zvimotor bike iye Zex was standing
akanongedzera nepfuti.

Pakangoita kasudden push

kakakwanisa kufambisa mota
ichinomira nechekure. Ndakamisa
nechekure navo and got out
ndikamanya kuside raMaria, l carried
her ndikamuti akochekere makumbo
ake muwaist mangu ndaiziva aisava
neweight zvekudaro. Akaita
kupfunya chisero around my waist
ndikashuta umwe aive pamotor bike
achidonhera pasi. Zex akanzwa
hasha akandinongedzera pfuti from
a distance ndikabva ndatendeuka
kumuratidza mwana wake ndikaona
akuisa pfuti pasi.
Iye Maria kuzonamira pandiri kanhi
aitya musikana wangu. I took
chimotor bike chiya ndikakwira
ndikagarisa Maria kumberi kwangu
with her legs crossed on my waist.

Ndakamutsa chimotor bike

semumovie and drove away lucky
munhu wangu anga akasunga bvudzi
rake nhasi ndaivharwa kumeso
tikakudubuka zvedu...her hands were
wrapped around me...

Me:*Ukuonei Maria?*
Maria:*3 cars and 2 motorbikes
following us*

Me:*unogona kushandisa pfuti here

Ndakanzvenga imwe mota
akandibatirira zvekutya kudonha

Me:*there are two silent guns on

both my inner pockets....relax and
trust that l got you and
handimbokusiya uchidonha wotora
pfuti idzodzo then you aim at the
cars and bikes that are following us
kana uchida kuti ndinzvenge you tell
me to move right or left or to speed
up hanty babe*

She struggled to let go of me
ndokubva azotora pfuti dziya and
aimed ndakazongoona munhu akuda
kudonha by just shooting one time...

Maria:*l shot one bike*

Me:*good girl...aim for the other one
then woshuta mavhiri emota ka3*

She shot again and this time anga

Maria:*Pane vanhu vakushuta kubva
mumota lshe....l think you should
move to the right side of the road*
Instead of moving to the right l sped
off hamheno kuti chii chakaitika
ndakanzwa ndashutwa shoulder and
Mariana screamed.....

Maria:*lshe!!....oh my God are you

I groaned in pain musatambe
nebullet and it's obvious it was for
Maria...ndakawedzera speed
ndichiita ndichinzvenga kuitira
ndivarase....Maria tore her jump suit
pama arms apa akasunga ruoko
rwangu to stop the bleeding, l
Maria:*Ishe please you need to
stop...pull over wakuvara iwe*

Me:*Do you still see them*

Maria:*no no handichavaoni
ini...please mira...yess there is a

Ndakanomira and l threw away the

bike tikapinda muhospital muya
holding hands.Apa kwaive kwasvika,
ndakafonera Grey akadaira
ndakubviswa bullet...

Grey:*Boss you are at the hospital

and I'm on my way there*
What the!??!

Me:*cool be quick my wife is cold*

I hung up and zveshuwa kwainge
koita kachando. Ndakatreatwa
wound riya after taking the bullet out,
mind you ndandanzi ndibvise shirt
nurse vanga vadyira ndakanzwa

Nurse:*Who is this Mariana....such a

lucky girl*
Mariana rolled her eyes akapeta
maoko akatarisa nurse vaya...
Ndakada kumunzwa ndikati
Me:*Why is she lucky*

Nurse:*aiii you are not serious Mr

handsome don't you see how
handsome you have
everything a woman can want in a
I eyed Maria ndikaona akupenya
huma netuziya twehasha...ndaitoda
kumunzwa chaiko..

Me:*thank you nurse*

Nurse vaya moved her hand to touch
my beard ndikati rega vapedzerane
namadam...ndakaona nurse vabatwa
ruoko zvehasha vachisandudzirwa
Mariana:*he is mine!!...and if you
touch what's mine you will see the
other side of me*

Nurse:*ohhh feisty much huh....uri

mwana mudiki panhau idzi iwewe
what do you know about handling
Haaaa ndaisaziva kuti Maria
unotsamwa kudaro nurse vakanzi
gwati vachinobalancer newheel chair
yaive near by. Vakada kuuya paari
ndikasimuka kuenda mberi kwake
and the nurse glared at me
I wore my shirt groaning nekuda
kweruoko Maria kana kundibetsera
anga akatobeeper kare.

Me:*ko watsamwei babe?*

Ndakavhunza takubuda kuti timirire

Maria:*you know what lshe that

nurse was right handizive how to
handle you*
Ndakatoona kuti munhu atsamwa,
ndakaenda paari and hold her hand...

Me:*Maria ndokutii ikoko?....did l tell

her to compliment
me?...ndachifunga kuti ndini ndega
ndine jealous ka*

Akabva awedzera kuisa chimuromo

mberi madimples akabuda
ndakamboda kuseka asi
Maria:*nxaaa saka ini handisi munhu
here?...apa wanga uchitoti thank you
uchismiler futi..unobhowa

I moved to her and l hugged her from

Me:*handichabvuma any
compliments from anyone who is
not you my love l promise*
Maria:*nxaaaa saka ukuda kuendepi
neni....l want to go back home*

Me:*Do you trust me babe?*

She nodded...

Me:*then wait to hear from me kuti

unoenda kumba riini handiiti*
Maria:*okay daddy*

Ndakamutarisa ndakasmiler
ndichida kuti adzokorore zvaainge
ataura. But akavhara kumeso
nemaoko achiblusher l laughed mota
yaGrey ikasvika haaa ziso raakapa
musikana wangu ka ndakangoti
maybe ifirst time kumuona hamheno.

He took us to my place plan

yandaive nayo Maria aisaida but l
had to do it for the love l have for her.
Takasvika kumba kwangu and l
climbed up the stairs ndikasiya
achiona imba yemurume wake.
Obviously ndandatoudza Grey kuti
adzokere ko papi pacho paairamba
ari pamba pangu iye achitarisa
musikana wangu with a hungry eye.

I finished bathing ndikapfeka a pair

of grey trousers nekasweater kegrey
with grey sandals. I checked my
closet and took a sweater
ndikadzika downstairs Maria was
already busy in the kitchen she was
just finishing kubika a quick meal,
spaghetti, potato soup and meat

Ndakamupfekedza chisweater and l

helped her dish out for the two of us
ndokugara pasi todya. Ummmm the
food was tasty haungati munhu
anogara pane mamaids
ndakananzvira while she laughed at

Me:*eish babe l didn't know kuti

unogona kubika ini....*
Maria:*is it good?*

Me:*very much babe should teach me
how to cook handigone kana tea*
Akaseka throwing her head back
kwaku mutarisa while smiling.
Musikana wangu ndaimuda nemoyo
wangu wese. I hold her hand which
was on the table....
Me:*You are beautiful Maria*

She blushed achivhara face neruoko

rwanga rwune fork. By the way she
was left handed ndosaka arova
nurse vaya vakaona road....
Maria:*thanks you are a handsome
guy too*

Me:*And babe picture our kids kuti

vanenge vakaita sei*
She rolled her eyes achibva asimuka
akafamba kubuda neplate yake...l
followed ndikaisa musink paakamira
ipapo and l kissed her neck achibva
andidira mvura kumeso.
Me:*kudenha ka uku*

Maria:*ndiwe watanga zve...*

Ndakatorawo mvura ndikamudira
tikatotanga kutamba
tichimhanyisana iye anga anditema
netumbler so l ran after her.
Ndakamubata mukitchen
maanetsvina yega yega. I lifted her
up nemuwaist ndikamuisa
makitchen counter and we looked
into each other's eyes and one thing
led to another kwakutanga kukisser
Her hands roam around my back and
l was pulling her head closer to mine
invading her mouth slowly.
Ndakuenjoyer munhu
kwakundipusha kundibvisa paari....

Me:*babe chii*
Maria:*Ishe shaaa let's stop here
zvisati zvaenderera tikazoregreter

Yaaa my girl had self respect and l

like that...kune vamwe vekuti
anokusiya uchiita zvaunoda nebody
Me:*saka haundide zvako*

Maria:*hazvisi izvozvo
Anesu....unoziva kuti l love you but l
just want to maintain my purity
kusvika waita zvinhu kwazvo*

Me:*kkkk okay babe let me do the

right thing because l also respect
you ..its a bit cold ngatisuke tiende

Takabatsirana kusuka and mopping

our mess then went to my bedroom
kunotandara hedu and we slept
afterwards in our usual position ____

Ndakamover up and down, haaa

Ishe wazondigura kunorira
chaiko....Mai Matthew ndaizova
udza ndichiti chii kuti mwana atorwa
nani uye ndanga ndiripi...
I didn't even go home ndakananga
kuMutapa neboys rangu apa vanga
vasara vari 7 manje eish. I
remembered how Maria shot one of
my men ndakapera mate nazvo. Who
taught her how to shoot nhai, l only
taught her how to drive zvimwe izvo
ndaisaziva kuti aizviwanepi ini.
Skhu:*boss the best zvomoita apa
ka...give the two a chance moona
kuti zvoinda nepi*

Me:*you mean Maria and Ishe here?*

Skhu:*yes boss l mean ndiyo yega
choice yamasara nayo...look boss
lshe ane more than 40 men plus girls
riya remadrugs but honai isu
tasarwa tiri 7 and mukaramba
muchivavhiringa rudo rwavo tichafa
tese nalshe uyaa*
Me:*Skhu do you think it's a good
idea?....won't surrendering prove self
Skhu:*No it doesn't...fighting your
daughter's feelings ndiko kuva need to respect how she
feels and consider her first before

Skhu:*and the hatred between you

and lshe must get eroded....forgive
him and he does the same because
now makubatanidzwa nerudo
rwaanarwo kunaMaria*

I nodded ndichibva ndatombogaya

zvaainge ataura ndokuona chiri
chokwadi ___




Musazoti ndadyira pana Maria no l

respect lshe. Ndakashamisika
ndichimuona in reality Haaa imi
kuonda kuonda hako means
wakanaka iyeye.
Nyango iye anogeza muchocolate
haanaki sezvakaita Mariana. Maziso
ake kuita kuchena kuti mbuu iwe iwe.
I got to the warehouse after
dropping them, Razor anga adzoka....
Enzo:*How is he*

Me:*he is fine just a gun wound...*

The girls walked in ndikasmiler as l
pulled my girl to me and kissed her
in front of the crew akablusher
seanopenga...Cynthia waizonyara

Kayla:*(smoking) ko Grey who was

that charcoal of a girl wandaona
achifamba naBullet pamacameras*
Me:*unomudiii ko Kay....she is none
of your business plus if l were you
ndaitoregera hangu kutaura nezvake
that way nekuti zvikapinda munzeve
dzaboss unonbviswa zvimalocks
zviri mumusoro umo zvose
nemusoro wacho*
Enzo:*unotaurisa Kayla and you
should learn to control chimuromo
chako before zvakushatira*
Kayla:*eeee eeee ndazvinzwa
nyango manga muchipindura
zvandisina kubvunza...if she's boss
's girl wacho wavanoti Maria then l
hope ari strong enough to face me*

The guys and l laughed Kayla atori

nemamhepo chete....
Razor:*une mhepo dzinokutevera
here nhaiwe?*

Kayla:*kana uri sewe nyarara you are

a coward ndokukwapaidza right

Razor:*haaa ibva apa...zvirinani kuita

gwara pane kuzarwa nemamhepo
sewe kudai*
We all laughed including some
girls...Kayla akakweva fodya yake

Sandile:*Kayla is madly in love

nemunhu asingamude....nxaaaa
ngaabvunze ini ndakaona u we
achikaviwa bhutsu nhumbu ichibva
ipapo ipapo*

Razor kaida nyaya hanzi

Razor:*tiudze nyaya yacho tinzwe*

Sandile:*It was Thandiwe, that nurse

boss told you about kuti ndiye
akandibatsira what what....imagine
kunyepera boss kuti ane nhumbu
yavo nhai*
Enzo:*Yaaaa akakanya too bad and
if you want to provoke Bullet
munyepere munotorana kkk*

Sandile:*iweeee nxaaaa hamuna

zvamakaona...Thandiwe akakaviwa
bhutsu mudumbu yekuti neni
ndakavhunduka....nhumbu yacho
yakabvira paspot although yanga
isiri yaboss*

Me:*Mmm wotoudza kedu Kayla

kanoda kuzviidza kane mawings
kumberi kwaBullet hamheno
akapiwa mambama mangani asi

Razor:*haiwa musiyeyi boys

achanoita musoro wekunhonga
wawira pasi*
We laughed ndokudirirwa wine
ndokutanga kunwa zvangu tichitaura



I was woken up by a burning smell,
ndakamuka ndikadzika downstairs
kuwana kitchen yese iri hutsi hwega
Ishe was standing pastove trying to
put out the fire....
Me:*Oh God...lshe are you freaking
crazy... What the hell are u doing?*

Ishe:*Trying to make my girl

breakfast in bed*
Aunt vaive muuniform vaive
vechikuru vakauya mukitchen

Me:*makadii henyu auntie*

Her:*Hello hello daughter*

Vaive munhu anofara auntie vacho

Aunt:*Yoh mwanangu
ndambokuudza kuti siya ndibike
zvauchatipisira mumba*
Ishe:*sorry auntie....was trying to
please that beautiful girl beside you*

Auntie vakandicheuka ndikatarisa

Ishe:*ndiye muridzi wemoyo wangu
iyeye auntie mukaona ndisingafungi
paya imhosva yemunhu
iyeye...anonzi Mariana Mpofu and
babe meet Auntie Helen my house
I stretched my hand to her
o ndikaona Mr Williams vasisagoni

I went back and took a shower

hamheno ndaizopfekei.
Pandakabuda ndakawana new
clothes pabed woow there were
white denim jeans, a white polo neck
top then zvimwe izvozvo were white
futi, l didn't know where he had
gotten my size from coz zvaifita.

I put on necoat racho rewhite, l

looked like snow white ndakaona
pasi pane new white fluffy flip flops
aiita kunge majombo ndokupfeka
and walked out.

Ndichibuda kudai ndakashamisika

kuona daddy vanhu vakamira naIshe
panze....l ran there ndikasvika
ndichipinda pakati pavo...
Me:*please ndokumbirawo musarwe
Daddy sorry lshe didn't mean to
shoot your man and me too l didn't
mean it*

They both laughed ndikashaya chii

chiri kuitika.....
Ishe:*Babe your father was here to
Ndakatendeuka kutarisa daddy and
he had a smile on his face.....

Dad:*I want to kindly ask Bullet for
forgiveness pane zvese
zvandakamuitira...trying to kill
him.....killing his men and then trying
to take you away from him*
Ishe:*Its water under the bridge
Zex.....I'm sorry too...... for killing
your men*

Dad:*Same here it's also water under

the bridge*
I moved a little and they fist bumped
and bro hugged nepashoulder apa
ndikambopukuta maziso kuda kuona
if its really happening.

My father turned to me....

Daddy:*and from now on
Mariana....I'm giving you and Ishe a
chance ndikanzwa kuti waonekwa
une mumwe mukomana unondiziva*

Me:*ehoi daddy thank you*

I went and hugged him....
Daddy:*and iwe Ishe if you break my
daughter's heart you know what I'm
capable of*

He nodded achismiler......
Ishe:*l promise...thank you so much
Dad:*mudhara wako ndiani*

My father warned vachinyepedzera

kutsamwa and we all laughed. I was
happy ndikavhundutswa nevoice
ramomz vachiita kupopota___
I'm sick, sorry for the short chaps Į

Mamistakes mogadzirisawo l luv u

all §
Chap 18 on the way ĬĬĬĬĬĬ
*A love story*

Written by SALAM

Never force people to stay, let them

leave because they don't deserve to
be in your life. Ĭ
Previously on Mariana...
Maria:*lshe!!...oh my God are you

Skhu:*boss the best zvomoita apa

ka give the two a chance moona kuti
zvoinda nepi*
Kayla:*if she's boss's girl wacho
wavanoti Maria then l hope ari
strong enough to face me*
Chap 18

Mom vakaburuka mumota vakauya

pataive vachiita kupfuta nehasha.....
Mom:*Maria ndiudze kuti wamera
mapapiro erudzii chaiko ekuti
wakurara panze*

Mom:*don't you mhamha me
wakuda kumera mukonyo usina
basa manje iwee....and BaMatthew
wakutendedza izvi ka*

Haaaaa my mother vaipopota


Mom:*iweee Maria ndipindure uko!!*

Ndakangotarisa pasi daddy vakabva

vavatora kuenda paside...lshe got
hold of my hand kwakubva ndakiswa
padama...lshe was just full of love

Ishe:*if they leave with you

ndozokufonera babe hanty*
I nodded ndakutonyara nezvaainge
zvaitwa naamai vangu... Ishe is lshe
ndakanzwa akuti

Ishe:*Maria takatanga riini kutaura

nemasign? plus wakandifuratira futi*
I turned to him....

Ishe:*ambuya vangu vane moto
wena....ndakazoona munhu
wawakatodza pakupopota babe*

Kkkkk l knew that was true ini

ndikatsamwa ndaisagoneka
ndaitozonyarara yapera nyaya
yacho....kana kuti ndainyaradzwa
nefood chaiyo.

Ndakaona mhamha vakufamba

kudzokera mumota mavo... Dad
walked to us
Dad:*Maria it's time to go back
home....Bullet tobatana hanty
ukuona kuti tavingwa*

Ishe:*haaaaa paribho
tobatana...thank you once again*
Dad:*welcome Bullet*

Vakafamba kupinda mumota mavo,

ndakada kutevera ndikadhonzwa
naIshe kwakutondipa tight hug
nhaimi in front of my parents.
Ndakanzwa achiisa something in my

Ishe:*l will visit properly ikozvino

hanty ndakupinda nepadoor*
Ndakaseka ndichimurova chest
kwakundikisa forehead ndikafamba
kupinda mumota and our driver
started the car vachitevera ya daddy
yaive kumberi....

Mom:*l am sorry Maria for the way l

acted pamberi peboyfriend
yako.....ndandisingazivi ka kuti
daddy approved it*

Me:*its okay mhamha*

Mom:*but anokuda zvako*

Me:*kkkkk why madaro mhamha...*

Mom:*l saw the way he was looking
at you pandandichipopota....dai
moyo waitaura paya dai wanzwa
wake uchitoti sorry babe*

Ndakaseka my mom is something

else haii. Ndakabata bata mupocket
mangu ndikawana a chocolate bar l
smiled ndikatotanga kuidya namomz

We got home and mhamha prepared

breakfast ndokugara pasi sefamily
tiri 3 coz Michael had gone back to
At the table waingonzwa maspoon
achirira chete no one was talking...

Mom:*Ba Matthew.... l was thinking

of inviting Ishe for lunch or know l want to know
what kind of man my daughter is
Dad glanced at me ndikaita serious
nekuslicer bacon ndakatarisa
muplate mangu...
Dad:*Maria what do you think?*

I shoved the piece of bacon

mumuromo and looked at dad
Me:*well....l think it's a good idea
moda kumuinviter riini*

Mom:*umm Saturday evening will

do....tell him it's dinner... He should
show up around 5 o'clock*
Takatarisana nadaddy...

Me:*but mhamha....Saturday
ndimangwana ka*
Mom:*eheka ndipo pandukumuda

Dad:*isn't it a bit too will

scare the boy away*
Ndakamboda kuseka coz l knew lshe
didn't want to be called a boy....

Mom:*Look daddy...that guy is not a

boy he's a freaking old man who
needs to see how serious my
daughter is with him...and akatoona
zvadai he must take Mariana to his
parents too but if he doesn't ndoziva
kuti hapana zviripo*

I took my glass rejuice ndikanyudza

face yese imomo you know that act
yekubuditsa maziso chete when
drinking something yeah.
Dad:*yeah you are right my
wife....Mariana uudze lshe nhasi
wanzwa ka*

Me:*ehoi daddy*
We finished eating ndokubva
ndaenda panze kunotamba zvangu
naTutu. This dog was my best friend,
it was all white and hairy.



Ndakamira mira zvangu padoor and

Razor through a ball at me
ndikadodger rikadonha pasi.

Razor:*chii ko iwee why are you

restless today kutondi disturber
kuona movie rangu*

Me:*l messed up big time man*

Razor:*how? what happened tell me

about it*

I took a chair ndokugara facing

him.....Razor was light in complexion
with brown eyes and curly hair. To
me he was really beautiful...
Me:*so l went visiting my mom
yesterday for dinner... And so my ex
showed up, man he looked really
fresh and I couldn't resist him*

Razor:*whoah whoah
whoah!!!.....wait right there Enzo l
thought you said your ex!? Man how
come he is a he ukutamba
nepfungwa dzangu here*

I scratched my head....
Razor:*What the f##k dude you are

I shut him up with my palm...haii

Razor is loud man
Me:*keep your voice down Razor and
yess l um gay!!*

Akaisa muchinjikwa mutatu

ndokubva andidvokora..
Razor:*No No No that shit ain't real come?*

Me:*l was born like that dude and

don't you dare judge me*
Razor:*Don't worry handidaro shaaa
after all no one is what
happened between your ex and your
Me:*she walked in on us
kissing....and unoziva mhamha
vangu is a Christian lady man l really
disappointed her apa vaitotarisira
muroora but l can't diliver wangu

Razor:*don't worry she'll come

Me:*l hope so....ukuona movie ronzi

Razor:*ohhh's Woman King*

I moved closer to his laptop
ndikaona richinakidza....

Me:*Can l join you*

Razor:*Haaaa of course but don't
kiss me zvako*
He said that laughing ndikamurova
shoulder Razor wainakirwa zvake...

Me:*nxaaaa never you are not my

We laughed and watched the movie
together, this is just what l needed
as a friend someone who doesn't
judge my personality___



Ndakaswera ndichiita catch up
necompany yangu...yes l had 3
businesses one company

The other one yaive yemamotor

bikes aibva kunze from Australia and
Brazil. Then the gang of course.
I later went to the warehouse kuma
4...l ordered a braii for a celebration
ko ndandatoudza Enzo, Grey and
Sandile kuti ndava man of the year
ka kubvumirwa kusvika paden pana
Maria a dream come true chaiyo.
Taigocha tichinakirwa girls rikauya
nemadrinks Kayla came with mine
ndikatora ndikanwa rese akaenda

I called my woman akaita time asina

kudaira...ndokuzodaira pava paya....

Me:*Sweetheart.....urisei babe*
Maria:*ummm bho...l hear music is
there a party?*

Me:*sort of celebration ka
kubvumiwa namudhara shaaa u
don't know how happy l am*

Maria:*Serious here lshe*

Me:*of course babe ndafara
iwee....kupindawo nepaentrance ka
kwete emergency exit yandaipinda

Akaseka Maria kukachidzwa zvake

nekuseka, l joined her...
Me:*saka urisei babe wangu ukuitei
ndakusuwa ini*

Maria:*miss you too....ndakatorara

zvangu musitting...hii almost forgot
Ishe mommy invited you to dinner
Me:*babe get out!*

Maria:*handisi kujoker lshe I'm

serious vatoti ndikuudze*
Haaaa ndakafara
munongonzwa....what more would l
want ndichidiwa nevabereki
vemusikana wangu.

Me:*uuu ndafara babe...l will be

there l promise*

Maria:*please upfeke zvine

musoro...try not to put that black
thing in your head kana uchipfeka
cape ngaitarise kwainofanirwa
kutarisa Ishe....then trouser daddy
ngariende parinogara no drip please*
Apa anga andibata kk

Me:*Ndazvinzwa babe...ndazvinzwa
Maria:*Okay cool plus those lenses
of yours usamapfeka ndokumbirawo
l love your grey eyes*
Apa ndandakamapfeka achitaura

Me:*l will remember everything you

said babe....relax
handimbokunyadzise kanhi sweetie
Kayla walked to me ndokundisvitsa
doro rangu,, l took a sip and she sat
there eyes moved
to her short dress nxaaa kupfeka
rudzii ikoko
Maria:*good....ooh and thanks for
the chocolate daddy*

Me:*Anything for the girl who owns

my heart....l love you babe*
Kayla rolled her eyes akaisa gumbo
pamusoro perimwe thinking l will
look at her thighs ndichibva

Maria:*I love you too daddy...enjoy

your party bye*

Me:*mmmm babe wakuenda kupi?*

Kayla:*to read books hanty mwana


Akataurira pasi but Maria

Maria:*lshe....l heard a female voice
ndiani l hope you ain't cheating on
me lsheanesu*

Maria:*I trust kuti haudaro lshe l love
you ndakudanwa namhamha*

Akabva akata ndikagara

zvakanaka...l told Kayla kuti auye
pedo ndaimboda kumuratidza Road I
stupid yemunhu.
Me:*iwee hausi kunzwa here ndati
pfugama apa*

She did....ndakamurova mbama

achiwira uko akabata dams rake
ndakasimuka ndakamira with her
between my for me handina
mutemo wekuti mukadzi haarohwe
kunze kwewangu vese ndinopwanya

Me:*wanga wanzi nani utaure

paphone pangu heee?....*
Kayla:*haaaa Bullet ini hangu
kutaura chokwadi ndokuda but iwee
hauzvione unenge uchingondirova

Me:*Kayla unorwara here are you

okay upstairs....didn't you see my
Kayla:*haaaa iye mwana mudiki
iyeye wakaonei ipopaya apa haana
kana structure*
Ndopandakatanga kumurova rough
chaiyo. She cried out ndichimukava
nxaaa ndiye anodanana naMaria
here anondiudza shit idzodzo...vaive
kubraii Havana kumbozviona
ndakamurova kusvika face

Kayla:*Bullet unondiuraya please

sorry zvako*
Akapfira ropa ndikabva ndasuduruka
kubva paari...

Me:*Handide hure rakaita sewe

wazvinzwa!!...l love Mariana and you
should rub off that infatuation
yaunayo towards me*

Ndakatora doro rangu and walked

away, ndakanodya nyama nevamwe
but doro rangu maybe raive strong
kudarika revamwe here but l started
feeling horny all of a sudden.
Ndakashinga and put it aside
ndokutowedzera kunwa.l was now
drunk nyango crew yanga yaparara
and we dicided to call it a night
kwava kuma11.
I staggered to my room yaive
pawarehouse ipapo coz kudriver this
late zvaisaita uku ndaive ndaparara
nedoro zvangu. Ndakasvika
ndichizviwisira pabed nekutobatwa
nehope even bhutsu ndakafara
nadzo ini.

Ndakazomutswa pakati pehusiku

ndichinzwa kubatwa batwa. My
vision was blurry nekuda kwedoro
ndakanzwa munhu uya akurwa
nebelt rangu and l let her be.That is
what l needed at that moment_

The next day ndakamutswa nenoise

yaiitika downstairs. I opened my
eyes apa aitorwadza zvawo...
I felt soft hands holding me
ndikavhunduka ndichitarisa who it
was wanike ndiKayla haaaa hure iri
what did she do to me... I lifted the
blanket and realised l was naked
ndakanzwa kuzvisvora, what have l
I shook her akamuka
kwakutozamura zvake smiling....

Me:*iwee tell me what you did to me

last night*
Kayla:*ooh last night....we finally
slept together my king*

Ndichishamisika kudaro the door
flew open Maria akapinda akabata a
tray of food. Paakaona Kayla and l
naked on the same bed she
screamed achidonhedza tray___

I luv you mafans you keep me going

End of Chap 18ĬĬĬĬĬĬĬ

*A love story*

Written by SALAM
Smile, today can be your lucky day
Previously on MARIANA......

Mai Maria:*Ba Mathew l want to

invite lshe for lunch or dinner you
know l want to know what kind of
man my daughter is dating*

Razor:*What f##k dude you are

Enzo:*l was born like that dude and
don't you dare judge me*

Ishe:*Kayla unorwara here are you

okay upstairs....didn't you see my
Kayla:*oooh last night we finally
slept together my king*


Chap 19
Mai Matthew

Maria ainge abuda hanzi ndukuenda

kunosarurira lshe hembe dzekupfeka
for dinner. I let her be coz
ndatodawo kuti mwana wangu afare
you know to let her wings spread for
a bit.
I went to husband in the study
maaive and sat on his lap akabva
asiya zvaaiita...he looked into my

Him:*you are the most beautiful

woman I've ever seen in this entire
world my lady*

I giggled,and he kissed me slowly

then stopped..
Him:*Maria adzoka here?*

Me:*haasati l guess vachiri

kusarurina hembe dzacho daddy
don't worry......give them space
Him:*l hear you mammi....and I'm
going to (kissing) take this to the

I stood up quickly kutotiza kkkk he

got up kwakundibatira padoor
ndichiseka. I know my husband has
flaws but l know his love for me is
unexplainable kubva ndichiri
musikana,,, he loves me and that
never changed.

Him:*wakutizei manje....l miss you

Mrs Mpofu these past few days were
just hell for me*
Me:*handisi kumbotiza ini*

He laughed kissing my forehead

ndokundiregedza ndikabuda
kuenda...ndakati fambe fambe
ndokudzokera mustudy and kissed
my husband a long passionate kiss
that left us all breathless.

Him:*yoh!!...what was that?*

Me:*just to show you that l never

stopped loving you murume wangu*
Murume wangu smiled....

Him:*ndozviziva izvozvo mudiwa

and ndoda kuti uzive kuti...neniwo I
didn't stop loving you and l will never

We kissed some more ndokubva

ndanzwa door kuvhurwa and we all
turned around Maria achipinda
akazviwisira pasi and l ran to her__


I dropped the tray and l didn't want

to show them l was broken.
Ndakamedza godo ranga ragara
pahuro pangu, walking out ndakaona
lshe achipfeka fast but l didn't want
to hear anything from him.
He had gotten what he wanted, he
failed to broke my heart the first
time but this time anga andigona
manje.....Ndakadzika downstairs
ndokuona Cynthia the girl anga
ambouya kumba kwedu achishanda
Cynthia:*Maria what happened*

Me:*He...he....please l have to go
I ran out trying so hard not to break
down.l got in my car apa warehouse
yake was full of cars type
netype.Ndakadriver out of the
garage ndikaona munhu ouya
achimanya akapfeka kashort chete.

Akapfugama mberi kwemota when l
was about to drive out. Ndakatarisa
ndikaona his men and girls
vachishamisika l guess they didn't
know this side of him...
Ndakasimudza mota zvehasha
chaizvo ndikapinda nepaside pake
driving off without sparing her a
single glance. Ndakatarisa pamirror
ndikaona munhu achibuda gate
akabata musoro kupererwa.

I drove for a long time kwakubva

ndambomira and took my phone
ndichimublocker kwese kuApp
kumacalls. Ndakaridza tsamwa
yekuti dai ndaive nemunhu mumota
aivhunduka.l started my car
kwakuenda kumba hangu ndaisada
kuratidza ana momz kuti ndaive
ndakonana naIshe plus l wanted
mom to be happy. Kumudana to
dinner kwaitoreva kuti vanga

Ndakasvika kumba ndikatsvaga

Mhamha kuvashaya. I went to
daddy's study ndikawana vakagara
zvavo pamakumbo adaddy zvavo
kuona my mother kwakaita shungu
dzidzoke ndikazviwisira pasi....

Mom:*Mariana are you okay*

Dad:*chii mwanangu*

Dad vanga vatosimukawo....

Me:*Mom and dad l....I'm fine....l
just....lost balance ndukunzwa

Dad hold my chin kwakusimudza

face yangu kutaridza kwavari....
Dad:*Are you sure Mariana?*

Me:*ehe daddy ndukunzwa dzungu*

Mom came to me kwakundisumudza
and walked out of dad's
study.Takaenda kuroom kwangu....

Mom:*its Ishe isn't it?*

I nodded....

Me:*he is always breaking me

mommy...l don't know anymore*
She pulled me to her and made me
lay on her chest but handina kuwana
musodzi yekuchema...

Mom:*I know my baby....and that's

how men are....but that doesn't stop
your love...handidi kutomboinzwa
nyaya yacho because l understand
perfectly fine*

She was moving her hand slowly in

my hair ndikabva ndatotanga
kurara.Ndakazomuka imba yese ine
appetising smell ndikaziva kuti it
was my mom preparing for the so
called dinner mxewwwwwwm
ndakaridza tsamwa ndichifunga
munhu ari kubikirwa wacho.

Ndakarara ndakarembedza musoro

pasi muviri uri pabed ndichitamba
naTutu.l heard my door open
ndikaziva kuti ndimhamha.....l didn't
bother lifting my head
Mom:*he is here*

I continued ruffling Tutu's hair.
Ndaisada kuenda ini aaaa why didn't
they cancel the dinner
Mom:*be down in 20 minutes time*

I mumbled an okay ndikanzwa

vachibuda...l continued playing with
Tutu for some time ndokuzobuda
and I could feel kuti l was walking
like a zombie chete.

Imagine l hadn't changed anything

kana kuita freshen up since
morning.I didn't even raise my head
ndakangogara pakati petable while
my parents were sitting kuend and
Ishe the other end.
Mhamha vakandipa ziso but l didn't
move ndakanzwa daddy voti...

Dad:*tonight is about the two of you

Maria...go sit near Bullet so that
whatever he decides to answer will
be unanimous*

Ende baba ava ka.....ndakazvidhonza

kuenda paside palshe iye pretended
to be a gentleman kwakundivhurira
chair. I sat reluctantly
We started eating, in fact they
started eating coz last night was
literally just playing with my fork and

Dad:*tell me about yourself Bullet

who is dating my daughter?*
Akataura zvese honestly ndokubva
daddy vangu vati......

Dad:*that is good...l want to know

your plans with my daughter 2 from
Ishe:*(looking at me)l want to take
her to my parents her
archive her dreams first then we will
get married if she's ready*
He tried to reach for my hand
ndikanzvengesa and he clenched his

Mom:*(taking a sip of her juice and

placed the glass down) that is very
good son*
Ishe:*l know mam and thanks for
inviting me here....l really appreciate

Ndakapotsa ndaroller maziso angu. I

pretended to drink from my glass
ndokubva ndasimuka....Ishe stopped
eating too kwakusimukao
Dad:*sweetie you didn't touch your
food.....are you okay*
Me:*I'm fine can l please be

Dad:*of course mwanangu....*

Ndakafamba kubuda ndikanzwa
zongororo rinonzi lshe rakuti kwahi
can l please talk to her nxaaa dai
ndisina kuzvidzora dai ndakaridza

I walked fast up the stairs ndaona

munhu akundibatira door kuti
risavharike takarwisana but you
know a man is a man takapinda tese
ndakagara pabed akabva


She just looked at me without any

expression ndakaona ndega kuti l
had messed up....l got hold of her
knees ndakapfugama kudaro.
Me:*babe I'm sorry musikana uyaa
drugged me yesterday ....l know you
already see me semunhu anenhema
or something but babe I didn't mean
it dai ndakaramba doro rake dai
zvese zvisina kumbotika*

I expected her to say something

kana kundipopotera but akaramba
akanditarisa....ndakabata maoko ake.

Me:*Maria ndati sorry babe l didn't

mean it*

Me:* whatever you want to

do with me....shout babe... slap
me....but usandiignorer Maria
ndokumbirawo utaure neni*
She scoffed achitarisa kuside and
she licked her bottom lip akabvisa
maoko ake mune angu..

Maria:*what is her name....musikana

wawakarara naye?*
Me:*l didn't mean it Maria babe
sorry zvako...sorry musikana wangu*

Maria:*nhaiwe lshe....which part of

my question didn't you understand
ndati musikana wawakarara naye
anonzi ani?*

Me:*Should we be talking about her

babe....ndati sorry Mrs Williams
ndokumbirawo ruregerero babe*
Akapeta maoko looking at me....she
wasn't smiling and that tore me.

Maria:*is it a crime kubvunza zita

remusikana wako Ishe okay chibuda
Me:*babe sorry anonzi Kayla but
haasi musikana wangu Maria ndiwe
wega musikana wangu babe and I'd
never chose anyone kunze kwako*

Maria:*Kayla and a

fantastic match....(claps her
hands)makafitana manje*

I called akandiignore achirara
nemanhede pabed pake.l stood up
kwakumira ndakamutarisa kuface,
she had shut her eyes...

Me:*babe ndokumbirawo
Maria:*l gave you your second
chance and wakanyatsoibata mushe
breaking my heart for the second got what you wanted
chindibudirawo mumba mangu lshe
and just know that from now on iwe
neni zvavharana uri zongororo
I swallowed the lump in my throat
looking at how beautiful she looked
achindituka kudaro......
Me:*Maria you don't mean that....l
love you babe*

Maria:*. Xaaaa uri zibenzi Ishe kana

wapedza kuhukura kwako
undivharire door on your way
I clenched my teeth kwakufamba
kubuda ndakaoneka maparents ake
and drove out ndaperekedzwa naZex
I sped off ndichinzwa
hasha....kurambwa nemunhu
waunoda zvinorwadza especially
when you know that your heart won't
survive it and you can't let go of her.

I got to the warehouse maziso

atsvuka.Ndakatora pfuti yangu
walking in ndichinzwa dzungu zvese
nekuda kuuraya munhu and l could
feel my veins popping out.
Ndakawana crew yakagarisa Kayla
pakati vachimutongesa.....

I pointed my gun at Kayla and she

started shivering...
Me:*no one separates me from are going to meet your
ancestors for trying to do so*

Akapfugama.....akabatanidza maoko
Kayla:*sorry hako Bullet seriously
sorry hako....ndaingodawo ku...*

Enzo:*boss she didn't mean

it....we're sorry on her behalf spare

Grey:*lshe don't do this*

Ndakakoka pfuti yangu.....

Kayla:*(crying) Bullet I'm sorry!!*

Me:*that doesn't mend my girl's

broken heart*
After saying that l shot her in the
chest akadonha pasi....the crew
gasped ndikaona asina kufa
ndikamupamha mumusoro chaimo
and she breathed her last
kwakutasamuka. No one separates
me from Mariana___

Season 1 is coming to an End let's

enjoy the last moments tichienda
naro book redu_

Munodiwa mese §
ͻSome airtime please for those
willing to give guys as for now I'm
broke.Thanks kune achabatsira.
End of Chap 19 ĬĬĬĬĬĬĬ

*A love story*
Written by SALAM
God is not dead, he doesn't sleep,
talk to him and he won't tell anyone

Previously on Mariana....
Mai Matthew:*Mariana are you
Ishe:*l want to take her to to my
parents her archive her
dreams first then we get married if
she's ready*

Mariana:*what is her
name....musikana wakarara naye*
Ishe:*no one separates me from
Maria....Kayla you are going to meet
your ancestors for trying to do so*
Chap 20

Finale Chapter for season 1


Ishe walked out after shooting Kayla

kunge pasina zvaanga aita. Grey and
Sandile moved the body away
ndikaona Razor akubvunda.
I took him out of there tikadriver out
of the warehouse coz he was literally
shaking. Razor aingosara
paWarehouse whenever we had a
mission coz aidealer nemacamera
achitiudza zvinenge zvichiitika.

I stopped out of nowhere ndokubva

awedzera kudedera akatarisa pfuti
yaive patrouse pangu.l took off my
belt kwakuikanda kuback seat....

Me:*Razor relax okay unostroker

nazvo izvi*
Razor:*shaaa how can l? he just shot
her just like that Enzo just like that*

Me:*That's Bullet for you

wangu....inga ndiwe waiwarner Kayla
this other day wani*
Razor:*eheee hazvo but he...he...just
shot her*

I sat properly ndikatarisa panze then

back at him. The only option to calm
his weak ass down was one way....
I brought his head close and he
didn't flinch, l kissed him slowly
akatanga achishamisika but then as
time went on he reciprocated and we
kissed and l felt him relaxing and l
pulled out..
Razor:*woow* he exhaled

I said that laughing ndikatovhura
door ndikafamba kuenda to the
nearest kiosk kwakutenga hot dogs
and drinks coz it was probably time
for dinner but richsdyiwa here
kuWarehouse kaurawa munhu kudai.

I got back to the car tikadya over a

light conversation. Razor was just
cool and l liked him....
Me:*so you have a girlfriend?*

Razor:*Just broke up...she thought l

was gay*

Razor:*(smiling) yeah she was one

of those slay Queens from KZN SA*

Me:*yoh!...the white and blue braided

ladies huh?*
We laughed...

Razor:*but you know Enzo you just

cool and l like you*
Me:*l like you too*

He took my hand and took a deep

breath...Razor was a nervous wreck
Razor:*no l mean...l really like you

I smiled looking outside then back at

Me:*taura nyaya yako tinzwe*

Razor:*(blushing) haaa iwee

I took his hand and kissed it...

Me:*so can you be my girlfriend


We kissed then l drove away

takudzokera kuWarehouse.l was
happy to be with Razor and l needed
to take her to my mother kana
vachindiramba vondiramba zvangu,
coz there's no way l would change
my personality just because my
mom is a Christian.

.. .


Cynthia came to my room

afterwards ndichitaura naSandile...

Cee:*good evening gentlemen*

Me:*ndeyp babe*
Sandile:*evening beautiful*

Akagara pasofa raivemo....

Sandile:*bro we'll finish talking

Me:*Cool man*
He walked out ndikagara mushe and
looked at my woman iye kwakutarisa

Me:*babe huya ka pedo shaa*

Cee:*ndiri right pano just wanted to
ask something*

Me:*Cynthia zvinovhunzwa uri ikoko

here babe come closer utaurire
As an Indian it has always been my
dream to marry someone
foreign....and my heart had settled
on Cynthia who was a shy wreck.
She stood up kwakuuya kumira
mberi kwebed yangu.I pulled her
hand akawira pandiri akakurumidza

Me:*babe covid is gone wangu

what's with the social distancing?*
Cynthia:*chingomira ka nditaure
nyaya yangu wakateerera*

I slept back and shut my eyes...

Me:*ukangotaura wakamira l won't
listen to it babe come closer ugare

Ndakanzwa agara kusvinura kuwana

ari kucorner kwebed ndakaseka

Me:*babe are you scared of me chii

chinoitika kwauri iwe?*
She fiddled with her fingers
akatarisa pasi, her big eyes are the
ones l had fallen in love with...

Me:*come closer
Cynthia...handizvinzwe kana uri
ikoko babe*
Cynthia:*dont worry ndosheedzera*

Me:*yelling makes my ears hurt babe

ko kungomover closer unobvei l
won't touch you*
She rolled her big eyes kwakumover
closer to where l was
sleeping...aingobiridzira kunditarisa
ndikapotsa ndaseka zvangu. I got
hold of her waist munhu
kwakuvhunduka ndakamuka and
pulled her to me anga asisagoni
nekunyara musikana.
Me:*chitaura tinzwe ndakuzvinzwa

I sat up ndakamuisa in between my

legs and kissed her neck....
Cee:*l wanted to ask kuti
ndokwanisa kuenda hangu kunoona
Mariana here?*

Me:*Uuummm l will ask Bullet

woenda mangwana*

Me:*thanks ani babe?*

Cee:*Grey ka*

Kamunhu aka ka....l turned her face

to mine kwakumukisser hard.Her
lips were the softest l had ever
tasted since l started dating when l
was 18. Yeah l was a player but this
time l had settled for Cynthia for

She pulled out ndichiri kuda over

things were heating up. She stood up
Cee:*good night l have to leave now*

Me:*nothing is wrong if you sleep

here you know you're my girl

She kissed my cheek kwakuda

kubuda ndikamudhonzera pabed
ndikaenda kuno locker door rangu.
I turned around ndikaona munhu
akuchema.Kutoridza mhere
chaiko....l went to her akasimuka
kunozviunganidza pasofa.

I went and knelt before her

kwakumubata makumbo...
Me:*Cynthia chii ukuchemei babe*

Me:*talk to me Cynthia...*
Cee:*hiii hiii l thought to repeat what
happened some years ago*

Me:*calm down and talk to me

Cynthia...what happened some years
ago babe?*
Cee:*l was raped!*

She said and continued crying

ndikabata musoro kupererwa__

I stared at nothing in particular
pfungwa dziri kure...lshe had broke
me and ndakazoona manje kuti kana
munhu achichema anenge asati
arwadziwa ini musodzi ndakaushaya

Tutu was trying to cheer me up but l

felt so broken that nothing was
making sense at that moment. The
picture of Ishe with that girl naked
on the same bed yairamba ichidzoka
in my mind and it tore my heart
everytime it did.

It started raining panze, Mhamha

came into my room vakabata her
Mom:*sweetie relax you look like a
zombie....all because of a man*
Me:*mhamha he broke me*

Mom:*but you need to let it go Maria

even kutryer this
situation crying helps unoziva l have
been there before..... your father is
no saint but hona kwandiri navo*
Me:*handichazivi ini mhamha*

My mother laughed.....and sat down

Mom:*uchafira zvisina basa kufira
munhu anokuda futi unoda kuti
asare nani*

I kept quiet vakabva vanditambidza

tab yavo and l saw kuti anga ari
maresults angu. I had passed my O
level ne9 As and 1 B kumaths. I
moved the IPad away from me....

Mom:*Maria ndichazokurova
manje....shuwa munhu akapasa
kudai you ignore your results and
doesn't even spare them a smile just
because your boyfriend cheated on
Me:*mhamha you don't get it....l
thought lshe loved me*
She hold my hands.....

Mom:*and he does
Mariana....believe me he does love
you and ndiyo imwe yemuyedzo
inowanikwa pavanhu vanodanana
and zvese zvichipfuura*
Me:*l hear you mhamha*

Mom:*cheer up sweetie
takutonotsvaka nzvimbo yeah level
unenge uchiita choice yako gara
wakati unoda combination ipi*

Me:*MaSciences mhamha*
She smiled vakandikisser pahuma
and l thought of lshe that moment
coz he was literally obsessed by
kissing my forehead...

Mom:*that is a good choice

angel....chirara tomorrow we're
going to celebrate your success
wadadisa my little baby*
She walked out vachingobuda l
breathed out ndakabata zvangu
shaya. Maybe l should forgive lshe, l
mean ndosvikepi ndakatsamwira
munhu wandinoda.
I was brought back to planet earth
nephone yangu yakavibrate iri
pasofa and Tutu ran to get it
kwakuuya kuzondipa.It was a video
randainge ndatumirwa neunknown
number, l downloaded it ndikabata
muromo ndichiona lshe achishuta
musikana wandaive ndamubata
anaye eish ndakanzwa moyo wangu
kuenda kure.
Ndichiri mushock kudaro, another
picture was sent by the same
number ndikaona ari lshe
akatarisana nethis yellow girl in a bar
akabata doro but position yavaive
vari tore my heart apart.

Ndakakanda phone uko and this

time ndakabreaker down crying. I
cried for a long time ndikabuda
muroom mangu holding myself from
crying again. Everyone was asleep
and the house was quiet and

I went to my father's storeroom

yaive mumba yaigara mushonga
yavo nezvimwewo. I took imwe
chemical yandaingoona
vachishandisa vachiti makonzo
awandisa mustoreroom mangu and l
went to the kitchen kwakutora cup.
I hesitated for a moment ndichifunga
my moments with lshe. I started
crying again...
I mixed the powder with water
kwakumixer and drank it
all.Ndakanzwa voice radaddy from
the passage..

Dad:*Maria is that you!?*


I whispered ndakunzwa mudumbu

kumona ndichibva ndawira
pasi...Dad showed up..

I shut my eyes ndichinzwa mweya

How will Enzo's mom welcome

How will Grey react to Cynthia's

Ko Maria achadii,,, who is sending
the pictures??

Will Ishe and Maria 's love survive??

Let's meet again paseason 2
tichifamba naro book redu.

I luv you all and thanks to

Moreblessing Mulauzi ndiye aita
muverenge book nhasi....thanks

End of season 1 Ĭ*MARIANA*

*A love story*

Written by SALAM
At least you have someone who
makes you smile Ĭ
Welcome to Season 2

Let's keep the fire burning ̎

Season 2

Chap 21

I opened my eyes slowly ndichinzwa

someone holding my hand firmly. I
tried to see who it was ndikanzwa
ndisina kana simba...

The person looked up ndikaona vari

daddy vangu, l felt tears streaming
down achiiyerera kuenda kuback
kwemusoro wangu.

Dad looked horrible maziso avo ari

red...l was in their bedroom l could
tell from the way things were their wall was glass.
Dad:*baby you're awake...*

I tried to speak ndikanzwa huro came in nadoc,
you should have seen my mother
vaingoyeredza musodzi.
Mom:*Maria asi chii...why nhai
mwanangu all because of a man

She cried harder vachiuya kwandiri

vakabva vabatwa nadaddy. The
doctor came closer kwakutanga
kundiisa zvinhu pamaoko. He took
this thing like kwakutaridza
mumaziso angu chikabva chalighter.

He opened my mouth vakavheneka

futi tasting yacho
vakabuda vachitaura nadaddy. Mom
came and sat paside pangu
vakapeta maoko avo...
Mom:*Mariana l gave birth to
you....carried you in my womb for 9
good months and nearly died
ndichikuzvara and then you just
decides to take your life just like that
I tried clearing my throat musodzi
ichiyerera ndainge ndatadzira amai

Me:*mh..mhamha sorry... I am really

She came closer vakapukuta
musodzi yangu...

Mom:*its okay Maria....inini nadad

vako we were worried
zvisingaiti...Matthew and Michael
are in the sitting*

Ndizvo zvandaisada izvozvo,

nabhudhiMatthew nyaya yaisapera
zvekudaro.Apa seems like vanga
vatoudzwa nyaya yese...
Me:*lshe handichamude mhamha*

Mom:*Dai zvirizvo zvawanga

wataura not commit suicide*
Me:*sorry mhamha l will never do it

I tried to stand mhamha

vakandibatsira kufamba...tikaenda
kusitting ndakawana vanhu vakazara
vanatete, vana maiguru vamwe
vakangondiona ndokubva vaoneka
kwakusara mabrothers angu, daddy
namhamha namaiguru Mai Sonia
vaive mukadzi wabhudhi vangu.

Maiguru:*tete are feeling okay

Me:*ndaa bho maiguru*

Maiguru:*iii plizz tete don't ever do it

again you scared us all....kana vari
sabhudhi venyu kumba kwakusisa
Me:*l won't tete...bhudhi makadii*

Matthew:*usanditi makadii iwee

ndakadii kwekudii are you crazy
Maria...akambonyanyodii mukomana
wako iyeye*
zvako....nemazariro akaita
vakomana unoramba wakasimbirira
pasaskam rako riya more over kuda
kuzviurayira benzi riya*
Ndakatarisa pasi.....

Dad:*imi stop it regai mwana

Matthew:*okay mudhara but
ndizvinzwe futi kuti wada
kuzviurayira munhu asina
musoro...izvezvi aripi*

Me:*l am really sorry l didn't mean it*

Michael:*we forgive you but you
better stay away from that man who
wants to see you dead*
Ndakasmiler and mhamha
namaiguru Mai Sonia helped me go
upstairs to my room_

Months later__
Ndaive ndava form 5 and I was going
pa Montros High.l drove to and from
everyday but sometimes mom opted
for a guard to drive me there. I never
saw lshe and l missed him really bad.

Ndaive ndava nekafriend

kandaidzidza nako kaigarawo
kuGweru saka ndaimupa lift
everyday ainzi Cassandra

This other day it was

akapinda achikama musoro coz she
had an Afro....
Cass:*ndeyp Maria*

Cass:*oh my gosh you look more
beautiful nhasi....bvudzi rako
unoriisa chii*

Me:*hapana kungogeza nekublower

I started my car because it was a 1
hour and some minutes
journey...Ndairidza song yaJah
Prayzer yekuti *Chengetedza rudo*
ndaitozvifungirwa zvangu mwana
wekwaWilliams apa anga aguma
kusender ma messages a week ago
ndandakutorwadziwa although
ndaisamupindura mamessage ake
ndaimada chete.

Cass:*woow wakanaka zvako and

before l forget...nhasi cousin
brother yangu Brian ane party*

I rolled my eyes coz Cass aitoda kuti

ndidate cousin yake of which the guy
Me:*okay where is party*

Cass:*kuMutapa at his place*

Apa kuMutapa ndiko kwaive kune
gang raDaddy nalshe zvese.

Cass:*earth to Maria*
She said that waving her hand in
front of my face ndikaseka..

Me:*l am here with you and sorry

can't go to your party*
Cass:*but Brian invited you
personally...Mariana please rethink
maybe my poor cousin has gathered
his weak ass and decided to propose
to you*

Cass:*come on Maria!!..the party is
going to start kuma3:30 and end up
kuma 8 chaiko how cool can that be*
Me:*it can't be any cooler

Cass:*so go for it*

Me:*okay fine l will try convincing my

Cass:*wuuuuuuuhhhh yeahhhhh!!*
She screamed achiwedzera volume
ndakaroller maziso angu hitting the
accelerater some more__



I was shocked with his reaction

pandakataura kuti l was raped. He
put his hands in his head kupererwa
but ndakaona munhu akuita
kutsvukisa maziso...

Akanditarisa with blood shot eyes

and akaita seoda kundibata
ndikamover back...
Grey:*l won't hurt you babe*

I relaxed achibva andisumudza

kwakundigarisa pabed kuita
sekacheche. I collected the gun that
was on his belt pawaist ndikaisa
padhuze nelamp.
He sat in front of me kwakubata pasi
pechirebvu akandiita kuti
ndimutarise...he had brown eyes
Grey:*do you want to tell me about
it...l won't change my mind or my
feelings towards you babe l just
want to hear the story*

I narrated the story of my father

raping me when l was 16 ndasara
navo months after my mom's
death.We lived in Mkoba 3 back then
before lshe came to my rescue and
shot him awana vachindidzipa
because l had threatened him kuti
ndaizovareporter kumapurisa.

That's how Bullet took me in and

gave me food to eat and a roof on
top of my head...
Grey moved my head to his chest
coz ndandakuchema.His strong
hand wiped my tears inini
ndakaramba ndichingopfikura.

Grey:*l am here with you Cynthia and

sorry for not being there when you
needed me the most....I'm so sorry
your father broke you babe sorry
Me:*its okay he's gone naIshe
havana kana kupiwa time yekutaura
he just blew his brains out*
Grey:*that is good he deserved it*

Grey:*but from now on ndoda kuti

uzive kuti l am here to protect you
Cynthia and I'm not going anywhere
ndichakuda kusvikira ndafa wanzwa*
I nodded ndikabatwa kumusana
kusvika to my other lady
ndikasuduruka mbichana...he
laughed with his hoarse voice... Grey
is naughty kanhi..

Me:*usadaro kanhi*
Grey:*kudii Cynthia...relax and let me
love you*

Me:*ndakunzwa hope*
He got up ndikasimukawo....he made
up the bed kwakuenda kucloset
kwake kwakutora one his t shirt
Grey:*put that on*

Ndaive ndisina kusimba just like

Mariana but difference ndeekuti l
was light in complexion iye ari
mutema. Ndakapinda mubath make
and put on the t shirt kwakudzoka
ndikawana munhu atova
Ndakarega kuita nharo and l got in
mumablankets muya. I was at the
end of the bed ndikanzwa munhu

He moved me closer to his hairy

chest ruoko ruchitobata waist yangu
sending shivers down my spine.
Since my father broke me handina
kubvira ndada kutambira
pavanhurume futi.

Grey:*l love you Cynthia with all my

Me:*l love you too*

Akatanga kufambisa ruoko rwake on

my thighs slowly ndakarubata
Grey:*trust me babe l won't do
anything silly without your
I let him be ndikanzwa ndakubatwa
nehope kwakutorara...ndakamuka
ndichinzwa door richivhurika munhu
achipinda akabata musoro

Me:*ko chii*
Grey:*Ishe is almost running mad
hanzi Mariana anwa poison*

Me:*nhai Jeso!....ko chii chaitika*

I said that putting on my clothes
arimo ko ndaitove mushock
zve...ndakaona munhu anditarisa
seavhiringika brain...

Grey:*babe....babe....inonzi chii pane

munhu anga asendera futi Maria pic
renhema ralshe akamira mubar
nemumwe musikana*
Me:*eish zvefriend yako zvanyanya
Grey hamutsiurane here...he's
breaking Maria's heart each and
every time apa mwana mudiki Maria

Grey:*so takuenda kunotsvaka

munhu wacho babe and l know kuti
tomuwana woswera bho*

Akauya pandiri and kissed me

kwakumhanya kubuda...

Me:*newewo* l smiled to myself

ndakutaura ndega, l was blessed to
have Grey in my life__


Razor took the number from Bullet
kwakutanga kusearcher using his
laptop. Ndakaona lshe achiita
kubuda tsinga...

Grey walked downstairs

achinanzvira malips ndikaseka
Grey:*so for now mambonzwa from
Maria here boss*

Ishe:*she's awake*
Me:*and then why didn't you visit....*

Ishe:*they think l caused this so they

probably hate me right now*
Razor:*apa kunana blazi vacho*

Grey:*gaya gaya shamwari....but I'm

glad she's awake*

Razor:*ohhh l found the location...*

Takatarisa tese Razor akatanga

kubaya baya futi pakabuda pakanzi
Riverside. Ishe cursed and told us to
back down.He dashed to his study
akazvivharira, Grey and l followed
him tikawana akaisa musoro

Me:*WTF man chii chaitika*

Grey:*you wanted us to dig the
person down right...whoever it is is
in Riverside so man let's hit the road
and go blow his brains*

Ishe:*l can't*
Me:*excuse me?*

I folded my hands on my chest and

looked at him...he took a cigar out
and lit it kwakukweva kaone and
shut his eyes...

Grey:*Bullet what's happening please

fill us in... toda kakuziva*
Ishe:*the man who wants Mariana
and l apart is my it's
making sense....Thandiwe....Kayla
and now that yellow chameleon from
the bar it was all him*

We both sat down and lshe

scratches his beard
kwakumbokweva futi fodya yake.....
Grey:*so we do nothing about it*

Me:*Bullet if you love Mariana

there's got to be a plan you can't give
up because he is your father*

Ishe:*l know and I'm not giving

up....if it's Maria l will never give up
even if my life depends on it*
Grey:*thats have a plan

Ishe:*(smoking) For Maria l don't run

out of plans....this is my plan*
We both looked at him takamirira


End of Chap 21 ĬĬĬ

*A love story*
Written by SALAM

Do not worry, God got you covered


Season 2
Chap 22


Enzo and Grey looked at me waiting

for an answer but l didn't want to
share anything with them l wanted to
deal with my father alone.

Me:*l will tell you when l need your

help but for now lemme deal with
him my way*
Grey:*is it a good idea Bullet?*

Me:*I know it is*

Enzo:*okay then....tomirira kunzwa
kwauri but always let us in*

Me:*l will just get my G wagon

cleaned up I'm heading to Riverside*
Grey:*yes boss*

Vakabuda vese ndikasara ndikabata

musoro...l took my phone
ndikatarisa maresults aMaria
andainge ndatumirwa naZex.
Musikana wangu aigona yoh. I then
remembered my O level coz
ndakaiitira muno muZim ndakaita 10
As. I smiled imagining how
intelligent our kids would be nxaaa l
loved Mariana, mudhara ndivo vanga
vakuda kundivhiringa mhani.
I later went there kuRiverside. I wore
bullet proofs and cameras ndikasiya
crew ichiona my every move. I got
there ndikawana munhu wese aripo
including my little sis Tiara ndiye
akandimanyira before l even park my
car, she was same age naMaria.

I hugged her...
Tiara:*bro l missed you so much*

Me:*you were missed too younger*

Tiara:*you look bigger than the last
time l saw you*

Ndakaseka tichipinda mumba. My

mother ran and hugged the daylights
out of me zvekuti ndakatombogaya
kuti macameras angu achabva

Mom:*ooohhh my son....l missed

you big boy where in the world where
you hiding your big self*
She said that checking me out and
flying kisses all over my
mother vaive vasingagoni some
shona words but mamwe vaipicker.

Me:*Mom I'm not that big haii...*

Mom:*you are son....and I've
prepared your best meal...l thought
you will come with your beautiful
African girlfriend*

I glanced at Tiara and she nodded

ndikaziva kuti Maria vanga

Me:*she will visit when the time is

right mom l promise*
Voice:*l don't want to see that
f##ken daughter of a witch in my
house Isheanesu!!...*

I turned around slowly and faced my

father's brown blazing eyes.Tiara
took mom upstairs vachitisiira
My father was a black American and
hapana chaiera kubuda mumuromo
mavo. He moved closer to me
ndikaramba ndakamira...

Me:*what do you want from her?*

Dad:*l want her to stay the f##k
away from you because her useless
goddamn father killed my f##ken
brother with a f##ken!! spear*
I put my hands in my pocket relaxed

Me:*l love Mariana dad and I can't do

anything about it*
He pushed me and l staggered

Dad:*I told you to kill Zex but you

didn't when you got the chance and
now you f##king his daughter!!*
Me:*I'm not doin that shit because l
respect her and I want to marry you gotta understand me
you are a man*

He exhaled....
Dad:*OK fine let's do it like this...l
send someone to kill your big
brother lan....would you let me go
just like that*

Me:*of course not*

Dad:*so go kill Zex*

Me:*l can't dad... I love Mariana*

He scoffed and took his gun out,
shot me on the chest ndikamover
back a little kwakubva vaseka...

Dad:*bullet proofing for me!!.clever


Dad:*shut your trash and get your

weak ass out of my yard Bullet....l
didn't train you to be this fool you've

I swallowed....

Dad:*Just know that I will not get off

your back as long as you're still with
that black girl....get out of my house*

I turned around and walked

was useless fighting with this man. I
got in my G wagon and drove away.
Months passed ndikamboenda
kuGauteng kunotaura nalan coz
issue yangu yaitoda munhu mukuru.

Maria handina kumira kukumbira

ruregerero although ndaiziva kuti l
was not guilty. She wasn't
responding to all my messages and
that tore me.
I got back from SA ari masikati after
settling issues dzamudhara. Ian
anga ati timirire kuona kuti zvoenda
nepi....l got a call from Razor

Razor:*boss....your girl is attending a

party here in Mutapa...*
Me:*what party and nguvai*

Razor:*ummmm it's starting this

afternoon but handizivi time...its
Brian Hove 's party and from my own
point of view ndiye arikuda Maria*
Me:*ok send me the location*

Razor:*right on it boss*
I hung up akatumira location
ndikabva ndageza. I felt tired but l
didn't want any man to get their filthy
hands on Maria.

I finished bathing kwakuprepare

ndikazobuda ___

Cass:*And here we are....Maria come
on relax*

Me:*shaaa I'm relaxed wani*

Of course ndaive relaxed coz kumba
ndaive ndasiya mhamha nadaddy
vabuda hamheno hanzi 3 days
kuconference kuDurban.

Ndandasiiwa ndega hanzi Michael

aizouya mangwana acho. I sat down
pazvimachairs zvaivapo...
Cass came necousin yake, Brian was
slim and tall...akasvikogara paside
neni nekundipa glass raive nedoro, l
knew because of the unpleasant

Cass:*I'm going to have fun...enjoy

yourself Maria*

Akataura achienda, Cassandra aida

mafaro... Brian turned to me
Brian:*pane akambokuudza kuti
wakanaka Maria?*

His eyes were undressing me

ndakagara kudero...l didn't like it

Brian:*haaana kukuudza're a beautiful girl and
you deserve to be treated like with a
gentleman like me*
Ndakapotsa ndaroller maziso angu,
what kind of nonsense is that...
Brian:*une mukomana here
Maria....and ita uchinwa ka the night
is still young*

I took a glance at my glass ndikaisa


Me:*Yaaa ndinaye and he doesn't

like how you are looking at me right

Brian:*(sipping from his glass)

anonzwa nani...must be a lucky guy*
Brian akataura achiisa ruoko rwake
pagumbo rangu ndakakaruka munhu
arohwa chibhakera achiwira pasi...

I turned around ndikaona ari lshe.

Ndakada kumujambira coz
ndandamusuwa but situation
Brian:*chiiko iwee why are you a
party pooper ndatadzei*
Aitaura trying to stand uku
achibleeder really bad..

Ishe:*Maria tell him who l am*

Me:*he is my ex*
I crashed lshe 's ego zvangu ko aida
Ishe akanditarisa with a boiling
expression kwakutarisa Brian for a
moment achibva andinonga
sechisack chemapotatoes.

I grabbed my small purse achibva

afamba kubuda neni.Akaona kuti
ndaive ndauya nemota achibva
alocker yake and made a call
akangonditakura kudaro.
To my man l felt so small in his arms
yet l felt like a complete woman.
Ndakavhurirwa door achindiisa
softly and he jogged to the other
side akapinda kudriver's seat
kwakubva mota yasimudzwa.
Ishe:*who's your ex Mariana?*

Ndakaroller maziso angu and leaned

on the window ndichimuignorer. I
wanted an apology first for him
proving to be an ass hole.
It was now raining ndikaona munhu
akunanga neni kumba kwake. I knew
kuti anga atoziva kuti maparents
angu haako. I let him be kwakubva
papinda text from Cass
:*wandirasisa Maria inga hauna
kumbondiudza kuti une mukomana
I typed back :*he is my ex*

Ndakabvutirwa phone akaverenga

kwakukanda pamakumbo angu...his
deep voice cracked up into a deep
chuckle kwakunzwa akuti
Ishe:*Maria Maria Maria....girl you
make me lose my sanity*

I folded my hands below my breast

ndikapiwa ziso. He clicked his
tongue nehasha ndikaziva kuti
arikubhoekana with the ex part.
He hit the center of the streering
kuridza hooter gate rake richibva
ravhurwa....akadriver inside
kwakubva aparker paside neBMW
yake achiburuka kwakuenda kuside
rangu ndikaona ovhura umbrella l
felt loved.
Akandivhurira door
kwakundisimudza ndikakochekera
my legs on his waist akafamba
kupinda neni mumba make. I wasn't
wet but ndainzwa chando chaicho.

He went straight to his room with me

kwakusvikoburuka ndega. He pinned
me against the wall but asina
kundidzipa, my hands were tied by
his by his left hand

Ishe:*Maria ndakakuramba here ini?*

Me:*ukundirwadzisa Ishe we broke
up inga wani...what do you want
from me!*

Ishe:*l want you*

Ndakazama kuzvibvisa paari munhu
kwakundivhara muromo newake.He
started tongue kissing me uku
maoko akanditsimbirira kumusoro.
Ndakadzungudza musoro kuramba
but he pushed his whole body on me
more and l felt hot but his lips turned
me on ndikapedzisira ndodairira.
We kissed for a long time, munhu
achindirambidza kumubata....he
stopped and looked me in the eye


Ishe:*l love you*

Ndakatarisa kuside
ndichipindurudza maziso....he kissed
my chin okay he literally licked it
kwakusiya maoko angu ndikamira
ndega, my wrist were hurting
ndakamakwiza ndichinzwa kuti
I went to his closet paakabuda
ndikatsvaka chekuchinja and l found
majumping suit esize yangu
akawanda. I smiled and put one on
ndaenda kubathroom ndaitya
kupindirwa ndakashama lshe
He came back with pizza and drinks
takadya takanyararidzana. When we
finished ndakatorerwa phone
ikaiswa paside tikagara facing each

Ishe:*babe firstly l want to tell you

that....ndinokuda nemoyo wangu
wese maybe ndizvo zvaunganzwa
coz hausi kuda kunzwa how sorry l
am babe for breaking your heart*




Maria:*lshe l don't know

anymore....handikunzwisise ini....*
I moved closer to her...
Kwakumubata maoko looking at her

Me:*ask me anything
chausinganzwisise pandiri babe l will
elaborate everything for you*

She moved her hand on my cheek

then my beard....
Her:*the way you shot that
ndozvawagara uri here
didn't even hesitate or listen to her*

I took a deep breath....

Me:*l have killed a lot babe...l have
murdered a countless times....and
now that you are my weakness
anyone who comes between us

She stood akamira kure neni....face

yake yairatidza kunditya chaiko.....l
stood up munhu kwakuzviunganidza

Me:*l will never hurt you

Mariana....even if its my last option
handifi ndakakukuvudza babe
because you own my heart*
Maria:*but you killed that girl...*

Me:*because she made me break

your heart by drugging me to sleep
with her....and anyone who comes
between us ndinouraya Maria*

Maria:*promise kuti no matter what

nyango ukatsamwa sei haundirove
I took off my t shirt ndikaswedera
pedo naye ndikapfugama in front of
her and took of my vest.....

Me:*huya pano*
She hesitated but eventually came
and knelt in front of me..l took her
hand ndikamubatisa moyo
wangu...her eyes were now watery

Me:*my heart beats for you one else but you*
Maria:*(sobbing)l love you lshe
and...ndokuregerera hangu*

She put her forehead on mine

ndikaona rudo....we both smiled
musodzi was an
emotional moment and ndainzwa
hana dzichiroverana...

Pakaita a thunderstorm munhu

wangu akamhanyira kundiswederera.
I picked her up tikapinda
mumablankets aitya Maria.
The lights went off Maria akaita
kunge achatiza. She pulled the duvet
over her head ndikaseka zvangu....

Maria:*Ishe turn on the lights please

I'm scared of the dark*
She was even crying...

Me:*babe malights esolar yangu are

not connected...for today torara
murima hanty uneni here babe trust
Maria:*trust chii ko murima muno
lshe mhani!!*

Akatanga kundirova ari mublacket

imomo....l laughed ndaitonzwa
kutekenyedzwa netumaoko twake
hangu. I got hold of her and put my
head in the croak of her neck akabva

Maria:*ndukutya lshe*
Me:*nothing will happen to you kana
ndinewe babe trust me*

Maria:*okay l trust you

daddy....tomorrow kuchikoro iFriday
and mauniforms angu arikumba*
Me:*l will take you there first thing in
the morning babe....*

She nodded kwakubva atendeuka

akatanga kutambisa chigunwe
chake pachest pangu . Nxaaa Maria
so ndairara sei munhu achindidenha

Me:*babe dzukuramba kuuya here

hope coz zvawakuita izvi...babe it
won't end well*
Maria:*saka handibvumirwe
kukubata here*

She said that sulking ndikatoziva

zvangu chimunhu changu hapana
Me:*handina kumbodara ini body is yours*

Maria:*okay so let me be*

Haaya ndandazviparira ndakatonzwa
munhu akushifter and she got on top
of me kwakurara akadaro. I covered
us with the duvet and put my hand
on her waist and tried to drift off to
sleep although it was a hard task___



The next morning....

I drove into my mother's yard
ndikawana vachitosakurira zvavo
yard sezvo kwaive kwarara
kuchinaya the ground had softened a
Razor:*ndakutya ini ngatidzokerei

Me:*stop being a coward my mother

doesn't bite l assure you that she'll
overreact zvavo but then come back
to her senses*
I parked near her car yandaive
ndabva kuvatengera some months

Vakatigamuchira tikapinda mumba

mushe....l had no brother just 2 older
sister and a little sister who is in
grade 7.

Mom made us coffee and we drank

tichibvunzana hupenyu but ziso
raipiwa Razor was one hell of an eye
Me:*mhamha l have something to
tell you*

Mom:*taura hako Enzo ko ndotyisa

here hanty ndiri amai whatever it is
taura tinzwe*
Ndakaisa cup pasi ndikakwiza
maoko looking at her then Razor..

Mom:*nhai Enzokuhle khuluma

Me:*mhamha.....l know you didn't
expect this from me and you will
probably hate me after this because
you wanted me to follow dad's
footsteps and marry a Christian
girl....get married and take over his
church but l failed that as a son
mom forgive me*
Mom:*you did not fail my
can still be a pastor like your father
and take over the church what can
possibly stop you?*

Me:*mhamha l can't......I'm not a

man mhamha I'm gay and I'm part of
a dangerous gang*
My mother shifted on her seat
eyeing Razor....

Me:*And l want you to meet my

girlfriend mhamha.....his name is
Kudakwashe Dliwayo....l know you
probably hate me right now but
please just consider my feelings as
your child*

I squeezed Razor 's hand takamirira

kuti amai vanhu vataure__
I luv u all thanks for supporting me
munodiwa mese §
Ugamba ndichaedza kusvikira
kwaedza ̎

End of Chap 22ĬĬĬĬ

*A love story*
Written by SALAM

Happy belated birthday to Mimmy

ͻ you loved girl.

Season 2
Chap 23


I was sweating ndakatarisa amai

vangu kuti vachati chii...
I could not read her expression
neither could l tell what she was

Mom:*buda pamba pangu Enzo and

never show your face here again
unondinyadzisirei nhaiwe mwana

Mom:*no no no chimbomira
zvekundidana....handisi Mai vegay
ini....ndakakuraiser with good morals
Enzokuhle....ndakaisa effort yangu
yese raising you in a Christian way
now wakundiudza kuti unoda
mumwe mukomana what kind of
rubbish is that ndiudze!!*
Ndakadirwa dish remvura raivepo
trouser kunyorova.My mother was a
good woman and I had turned her
good heart down.

Razor:*mhamha sorry henyu*

Akanzi cup kumeso kuaimer paziso
zvavo amai vangu. I took Razor's
hand ndikabuda naye...mhamha
vakatevera vachititema nemutsvairo.

Mom:*wakutoenda nehubenzi hwako

Enzo une shuwa ere!! need
prayers mwanangu wakagarwa
nedemon riri strong*
Me:*mhamha please...*

Ndakatemwa nebroom
ndikanzvengesa Razor... I took him
tikaenda kumota and drove out
vachipopota chete nyakubereka

I stopped tavachinhambwe from our

Razor:*Enzo handichade ini maybe
ndotodawo maprayers*

Me:*unorwara here babe*

Razor:*Enzo this is wrong l feel like it
is wrong....after your mother spoke
ini ndakunzwa kunge takuita zvisiko

I chuckled, Kuda aive gwara horaiti....

Me:*Kuda do you love me?*

Razor:*l do Enzo...l love you okay but

mhamha vako is not approving

I looked at him akatarisa panze...

Razor:*relationship yedu ka*

Me:*saka ukuramwa here uri kudii

He brushed his beardless chin
kwakunyura museat remota....

Razor:*handichazive ini
Enzo....ndokuda but eish ma1 your
mother shaaa*

Me:*let's go outside*
Takabuda and l leaned against the
car looking ahead....Kuda came in
front of me kwakumubata maoko
looking into each other's eyes
Me:*its not like it's our first time to
feel this way....what kind of people
are your parents?*

Razor:*my mother was killed by my

father because she had aborted his
second child*
Me:*what!!?....saka uri zai regondo
why would he do that though?*

Some men are just useless.....he got

of my waist and deeply sighed.
Razor:*my mom was coloured and
he got married to this black
dangerous guy who was almost his
father's age and he was crazy...he
would shout all sort of insults and
swear words and he was a
drunkard....this other day l was
running away from home and dad
was chasing me ndakabva
ndatsikwa nemota in lvine and this is
the scar...*
Me:*how did you end up working for

Razor:*mota was

Bullet...l met him when his gang was
small, he was in high school back

Me:*haiii babe you came this far with

He nodded.....

Razor:*and I'm right here today...still

He said that proudly achibwairira
and we both laughed.I moved my
head closer to his and our lips met
halfway tikakisser panze ipapo.

The kiss heated up takapedzisira

tofemereka not minding that we
were outside....we moved it into the
car kwakuita make out tikazobvapo





I was having breakfast with the

gents when Tasha came to me
kwakugara paside neni. She was one
of the girls that felt with drugs
ikozvino vainge vasara vari 3, my
babe, Tasha and Rinel.
Ndakapiwa ziso neumwe ainzi

Me:*ko iwee Tasha what's wrong

kugirls mapedza kudya here
zvawauya kuno....and what's with the
closeness shaaa unoziva ndine
musikana wani*

Akatora cup yangu kwakunwa coffee

Tasha:*l kuda kushare
munhu imhosva here*

Ndakamubvisa pandiri ko ndaisada

kumirira kuti Cynthia andione ndiri in
this position neumwe munhu ka...
Me:*no your limits iwewe....vasikana
vepano mune mhepo here dzekuda
varume unofira mahara
ndukutokuudza I'm not Bullet
anokuuraya zvinhu zvakanganisika
inini l will stab you right now right
here zvipamhe futi rubbish*
Akakesvaira achienda ndikabva
ndasimudza maplates angu kunoisa
kukitchen....ndakasangana naRinel
this one was cool ari kablack girl
kapfupi pfupi asi achirova rough

Rinel:*ndeyp Grey*
Me:*mushe zviri sei*

Rinel:*bho mudhara*
That's what I liked about her aive
asina kana dzungu....l washed my
hands kwakubuda ndikamusiya
achiita madishes maybe it was her
I got in my room kwakuwana
ndakagarirwa naCynthia pabed but
she was sobbing akabata kumeso....l
went near her ndikamubata

Me:*babe waitwei?*
Akabva abva pandiri
kwakusimuka....her eyes were puff,
red and swollen.Plus aive mutsvuku

Cynthia:*Grey why....... chii nhai was l

wrong to tell you!!*

Ini ndaitove murima zvangu...

Me:*tell me what Cynthia?...handina
chandikuziva ini*

Cee:*Ever since l told you about me

being a victim of no
longer love me Grey you distanced
yourself from me...inga l told you
wani Grey kuti it wasn't my fault l
never wanted all of this to happen to

Akabva agara pasi kwakucontinue

kuchema.I have been very busy for
the past weeks zvekuti handina
kutowana time naye.....
I moved her chest to mine
akawedzera kuchema....
Me:*chinyarara babe l didn't realise
that l wasn't making time for
you....I'm sorry but the bike company
needed me and Bullet was on my
neck when he went to Gauteng*

Cee:*it wasn't my fault that l got

raped okay....l was young and I could
Ndakamunyararidza and disengaged
from her kwakumupukuta musodzi. I
didn't like it kana achichema ini....l
made her look at me, her nose was
now red...
Me:*babe handina kumboziva kuti
ndukukurwadzisa or l was shutting
you out.....l will never do it again my

Cynthia:*Tasha was making

advances at you futi ini hangu
handizvide Grey..*
Me:*handibatwe neumwe musikana
kunze kwako babe l
swear....chisekerera ka Cee l hate
seeing that face on you*

She smiled and l lost it

kwakumuuyisa pandiri and kissed
her slow at first then hard as l
pushed her on her back kurara

I kissed her kubva pamalips kusvika

muhuro, she was moaning my name
but pandakati ndiende patop yake
ndakabatwa maoko...
Me:*babe trust me please....l would
never hurt you*

Akasiya maoko angu slowly and l

continued to romance her, but l knew
she wasn't ready to sleep with me
saka ndakasiya pachiri pedo...l slept
beside her

Me:*l want to take you out for lunch*

Akasmiler a wide smile....

Cynthia:*is it a date Grey?*

I shrugged....
Me:*maybe...l want to make it up to
you for trying to be an idiot*

She laughed kissing my lips, just a

Cynthia:*even if you are an are my idiot and no one
Me:*thats right babe....ndokuda

Cynthia:*me too*
Akazomuka kuenda kunoprepare
mwana wevanhu and Bullet called
me ndakutogadzirawo....

Ishe:*Grey ndaita mhosva kuno
shaaa ma1*

Me:*ko chii futi what happened!?*

Ishe:*l slept with Maria*

I almost choked on my own saliva.....

Me:*tell me you joking....lshe are you
out of your mind!!....that girl is under
age for f##k 's sake*

Ishe:*shaaaa l know that.....she was

sleeping on top of me....would you
wake up uchiri sane pakadaro....l
failed to control myself wangu and
we did it....apa she was sealed virgin
yakakwana wangu*

Ndakabatwa musoro lshe is insane

chete.....after being given another
chance orara naye here
Ishe:* are you there*

Me:*yess yeas I'm here....haana

kukuramba here*
Ishe:*l explained my reasons to her
without putting the blame on her....l
told her about my father*
Me:*saka zvazodii abvuma
zvemwana zvacho here?*

Ishe:*partly....mira ndinyengerere
she's in pain*
Me:*yoh okay wabhaiza wangu*

He hung up ndikarara pasi aiii lshe is

unpredictable zveshuwa saka all he
wanted was a baby with Maria kuti
vasaparadzaniswe but
ndikafungisisa it was a good idea. I
finished preparing tikabuda naCee__


Akaramba achichema but ini
ndaitoda kumupamha for me to be
sure kuti kana iri nhumbu ibate

I didn't mean to take her purity like

this but l had to do it. My dad was
now threatening me ukuZex was on
my neck kuti ukangosiya mwana
wangu ndokuuraya...

Maria:*(crying) ndukurwadziwa lshe

you could have discussed this with
me taona zvekuita tese pane
zvataita izvi*
Me:*sorry babe....papasina zvekuita
shaaa I'm sorry musikana
wangu....daddy vangu pushed me
and this is the only way
yatinochengetedza rudo rwedu Mrs
Williams just know that I will always
love you*
Maria:*l love you too*

I carried her from the tub after

bathing her kwakumupukuta and
lotioned her ndikamupfekedza a new
red jumpsuit coz that was her
favourite outfit.
Ndakamurarisa muma new sheets
and sat kuma jumbo kwake holding
her hand....l was only in my boxers

Me:*let me order us breakfast

babe....l already texted Michael with
your phone telling him that you are
at a friend's place*
She reached for my beard hamheno
chaakabvisa...l smiled, after we had
our first sex ndaifunga kuti
ndicharambiwa zvangu but aindida
Maria:*okay cool but...l want home
cooked food ini inotodziya chaiko*

Me:*Maria babe....ndoiwana kupi

shaaa handigoni kubika ini*
Akaroller maziso ake
ndikamuswederera and kissed her...

Maria:*make a plan lsheanesu l want

to eat right away*
I scratched my head...pamwe
atobata nhumbu yacho ko
ndingatii....l stood up kwakupfeka
my pair of black jeans nevest and l
kissed her forehead...

Maria:*your muscles are all out wadii

kupfeka something else*

Me:*babe inga ndine vest wani plus

ndiri mumba muno I'm not going
anywhere ndoda kunoudza auntie
vabike something for us*
Maria:*auntie vaive pano since last

I knew she was asking because of

the noise that we were making last
night .....
Me:*No....vauya this morning babe*

Maria:*okay bho*
Akaisa duvet over her head
ndikabuda.I found auntie mukitchen
vachitopedzisa kubika ndakaita
kuvatenda kanhi.....

Me:*morning auntie....*
Auntie:*Good morning son...*

Me:*ummm smells good in

here....ndachitoda kudzika kuti
ndikuudzei kuti ndine muenzi and
she needs warm food*
Auntie:*kkkkk mwanangu...dont
worry the food is almost done
ndaona masheets panze so....l knew
that she needed warm food l hope
ndiye Mariana wandinoziva*

I chuckled ndichinyara, auntie was in

her early 40s so vakaireader nyaya
yacho....she dished the food for the
both of us ndikati vaendese tray coz
my phone was now ringing...

I picked it up,,, ndikashamisika kuona

vari mhamha.
Me:*my queen*

Mom:*son your father is on his way

there with this white girl called
Briana and he wants you to marry
the girl without negotiations*

Mhamha vakabva vatokata phone

ndikabata musoro.....Rudo rangu
naMaria rwairarama here pakadai

Handei naro
Lots of love from Sandy§

End of Chap 23 ĬĬĬĬ

*A love story*
Written by SALAM
Kundida kana kusandida ndezvako
ndiwe unozviziva ̎

Ssn 2
Chap 24

Mai Matthew:*I miss my daughter

My wife said that on our second was a business trip
yaiuyiwa with wives for 3 days.

We booked a hotel....and it was after

Me:*zuva one irori nhai mukadzi
wangu....ko paanozoenda
kunoroorwa uchaenda naye here*

Mai Matthew:*well...if its Ishe

handiende naye but if its some
unknown nigga ndomutevera chete
mwana wangu*
Ndakaseka zvangu ko mukadzi
wangu was capable of doing
anything ka....iye lshe anga afarirwa
kanhi despite of Maria trying to
commit suicide because of him
Me:*saka kana akatotiziswa nhasi
nalshe what will be your reaction*

Akabva atomuka....
Her:*Zex handidi zvangu
ndapota....mwana wangu ndomuda
haasati akura zvekuva nemurume
anomutemesa musoro
everyday....and ndopika namai vangu
vakafa necancer kuti ndikangowana
mwana wangu atiziswa naIshe
ndukukudivorcer because whatever
lshe is doing or planning with my
daughter iwewe ukuvapa go ahead*
Me:*wati ukangowana Maria
atiziswa unodii*

Akapeta maoko akatarisa kuside....

Me:*Mai Matthew ndukutaura newe*

Her:*Zex you need to let me in on

whatever lshe is planning on my
Me:*Ndamboti pane zvaari kuronga
here ini!?*

Her:*l heard you paphone this

evening uchimuti usasiye mwanangu
you know how much she loves you*
Me:*eheka ndozvega*

Her:*hooo ndiite benzi uchandiona

Akafuga blanket akandipira gotsi
kutotsamwa chaiko....ko pairarika
here ndatsamwirwa zvangu

Me:*nhai ndiko kwazvasvika here

nhai mancube wangu*
Her:*siyanai neni*

Me:*babe hona ka....chitarisa kuno

nditaure chokwadi..(she turned
around and looked at me) Ishe's
father is my enemy*
Wife:*And so!?*

Me:*l killed his brother a long time

ago ndosaka lshe aida kundiuraya in
the first now his dad
Jonathan Williams akaziva about his
son and Maria's relationship handiiti
so akuda kuti varambane and izvezvi
kutaura kuno he brought Ishe a white

Wife:*yuwiiii nhai Mwari....saka

vakuda kuti Maria asiyane naIshe
here ko murungu wavauisira lshe
apa kutoti aroore zve*
Me:*yaaaa and lshe is denying the
white girl anditumira audio....Joe
haasi kuzvibvuma manje and he
might demand war for revenge*
Wife:*war from you here

I turned on my phone kwakuenda

panumber dzalshe and turned on
audio iyaa
Audio: lshe:*daddy the girl l love is
Maria what do you want me to do*

Joe:*l want you to wed with Emily

and if you don't I'm wiping off that
black girl's whole family...*

Ishe:*do whatever you want....all l

know is that you will never get your
hands on my girl for as long as l am
still breathing*

Joe:*l will see about*

My wife was sweating

akanditarisa...she woke up
kwakutanga kurongedza ndakaseka
Me:*what's going on ko wakuenda

Wife:*l can't just sit here ndichinzwa

threat yakadaro....this is too much l
have to go to my daughter*
Me:*Mai Matthew huya pano tione*

She came fast kwakugara facing me

ndikatora her hands into mine....l
started moving my thumb on her left
hand pa ring then looked at her...l
had to remind her kwaakabva neni
kusvika patiri nhasi.

Me:*kubva zvandakasangana newe

that day muNMB babe l knew that
we were going to go far coz you
risked your job and got me
lost your job as an accountant
wakaita your second option ukaita
Doctor and for the second time l
ruined your career futi because you
had to cross an accident scene and
help me and ipapo ndipo
pandakaona kuti unonditruster with
both your life and your heart*

Ndakambomira ndichimupukuta the

tears that were flowing from her
Me:*kuti tive pano nhasi babe...for
me to stand strong as a man ndiwe
waindisimbisa....uchimira neni when
life was showing me storms even
threats never moved you my love*
Wife:*Zex this is a different
case...we're talking about Maria only girl child*

Me:*listen to me Slimel it might

seem different and stronger but l
know that we will overcome it like
we always did....for now let's finish
the meeting first tichiziva kuti
Michael and Ishe got our girl
protected ukundinzwawo*

Wife:*ndukukunzwai mhofu*
Me:*good now can we now have a
good night*

Akaseka and we cuddled to sleep___




I saw some ladies eyeing Grey

taenda out for dinner tiri two...the
restaurant was not that loaded but
munongoziva vanhu.

I hated the way they were looking at

him as if they had never seen an
Indian man before nxaaa a...
Ndakavhurirwa chair and sat
down....l wasn't comfortable in
dresses and he knew that
kungopfekerawo kuti
ndisamunyadzise coz ndandisina
body structure

The waiter came kwakutora odder,

there was a lot t choose pamenu
pacho so Grey akachoser nezvangu.
Ndakazongotio please bring me
water hauzoshayi zvekutaura ka...

Grey:*you look beautiful in that dress

Cynthia...l want to take you out more
often coz l don't like the way you
Ndakaita kakushifter chair yangu
kwakunyatsomutarisa....this man
was handsome with pure brown eyes.
When l grew up ndaisafarira maIndia
ini kuisirwa Starlife ndokutuka
But here l am years later with an
Indian god seating right in front of
me. Maria ari nani Ishe murungu..

Grey:*earth to my
woman....ukufungeiko babe when
I'm right here*
Me:*nothing zvangu*

Grey:*ukufungei nezvanothing kkkk

Me:*haaaa nhaiwe*

Ndakamurova kambama and looked

around nervously....
Grey:*Cynthia it's been more than a
month since I started taking you out
but you are still a nervous wreck...try
to relax*
Me:*l am trying Grey*

Our food came, he said it was an

Italian dinner akatanga kundiudza
the types of foods haaa zvainaka
kanhi but zvimwe zvaisadyika
I gulped down my wine yese and
Grey was also done tikabuda holding
hands after paying.l almost hissed at
the girls staring at my man...Grey
hold my waist tichisvika pamota and
opened the door for me ndikapinda it
was a grey Range Rover Velar.
I got in and he got on the other side
and started the car....

Grey:*Did you enjoy the dinner

Me:*sure did was actually
an adventure coz l didn't know any
Italian dish*

Grey:*uchaziva zvako babe....l spent

2 years in ltaly*
Me:*hooo doing what?*

He shrugged....argh this guy is a real

shrugger always shrugging apa
zvaimufita. Grey had a moustache
then a short beard and everything
about his hair was black.

Grey:*A business trip...*

Me:*hoo so both your mother and
father are Indians*

Grey:*ehee babe pure lndians*

Me:*saka iwe ukutsvakei muno and
how come uchigona shona fluently?*

Grey:*ndukutsvaka iwewe*
We both laughed and he put his hand
over mine which was on my lap....

Me:*be serious Grey*

Grey:*okay fine my lady....l chose to
grow up in Zimbabwe when l was 13
years old so l finished my high
school here and I went to UZ
kwandakanosangana nalshe*

Me:*how old are you ikozvino?*

Grey:*babe I'm a grown ass man*

He said that laughing....l hit his

shoulder and he laughed some more
achiwedzera speed coz kunze
kwainge kwoda kusviba..
Grey:*Ndine 25*

Me:*hooo that's not being old....and

before you ask inini ndine*
He cut me off....
Grey:*ndozviziva kuti une 19 Cynthia
and we are 6 years apart*

I rolled my eyes and looked out the

window and he took my hand and
kisses it kwakubva apinda pagate

Hit the like button and give me

Hit the share button button and let
them know about Mariana

Together we can go far.


I tossed and turned on my bed

kutoshaya hope chaiko ko dzaiuya
nepi when l knew that lshe was
dealing with his father and that
yellow cocroach.
My phone rang ndikaburitsa musoro
wangu mukati me pillow as Tutu
started barking....
I answered without checking who it
was ndikanzwa voice raCass on the
other side...

Cass:*Maria ko wakaregerei kuuya

kuxul on Friday?*
And yanga yava Sunday munhu
achindibvunza rubbish...

Me:*hi to you too Cassandra I'm fine

Cass:*okay okay fine urisei Maria*

Ndaitonzwa kusvotwa zvangu, Cass
aitaurisa and her character was
opposite to mine l didn't even know
how we became friends naye.

Cass:*yohh nhaiwe Maria ndozviziva

kuti you're feeling all down and
moody but at least tell me ka about
that white guy of yours....who is he
uye anoita nezvei?*

I sighed...

Me:*Cass what's with the million

questions....he's my boyfriend and
that's all you need to know*

Cass:*okay kwacho but damn he's

fine girl...l mean his eyes, his body
yoh!!...everything about your man
screams hot*
I rolled my eyes......

Me:*l know*
Cass:*yoh nhai asikana
zvawakundipindura maone word
answer....okay bye anyway rega
ndiende kuchurch ini*

Me:*okay bho*
I hung up and sighed....Michael
budged into my room achisunga tie
yake....he was wearing a grey trouser
with a white shirt and a grey tie with
matching shoes. I smiled bhudhi
wangu was handsome kanhi kozoti
cut yaanga akarohwa bho manje.
Michael:*stop drooling l know I'm
hot wangu*

I rolled my eyes as he leaned in and

kissed my cheek good morning.
Me:*well of course l know you are
hot but not hotter than my man*

Mariana...watochinja mood yangu
chigeza tiende kuchurch uko*
I got off my bed yawning....

Me:*Ehoi Detective Michael*

He clicked his tongue and walked
out kwakubva ndagadzira bed yangu
then went kunogeza....l was feeling
pain pasi peguvhu maybe my
monthly visit was around the corner.

I stood under the shower as the

warm water hit my body...l felt
relaxed ndaifunga zvangu nhau
yemwana yaitaurwa nalshe and to
think that l had agreed made me so
sad. I wanted to further my
education ndaidawo madegree
emuwando but because l loved lshe l
had to sacrifice for him.

I finished up ndikaprepare and wore

my red long pencil skirt, a red long
sleeved crop top then black
matching stilettos. I left my hair
untied kwakugrabber kaclutch bag
kangu and put a few things including
some sanitary towels. Ndakafunga
lshe and smiled to myself that guy is
naughty haii

My phone rang ndikaona ari iyee....l

answered ndichibuda muroom
Ishe:*morning ani?*

Me:*iwewe ka*

He warned ndichibva ndaseka....his

deep voice cracked into a laugh too.
Ishe:*Morning my sunshine*

I giggled...
Me:*Morning my heart beat*

Ishe:*that's my girl....urisei this

morning babe*
Me:*ndiri right yazodii nhau

He took a deep sigh...

Ishe:*leave that to me
babe...ukuendepi ndukunzwa
Me:*usandichinjira nyaya lshe you
know l hate that and from my view
Emily is still in your house unoda

Ishe:*babe calm down*

Me:*aaaaa aaaa lsheanesu
usandiudza zvekuti calm down
uchigara neumwe musikana l can't
stand that kana usisandide unotaura
what's delaying you kuti uudze baba
vako kuti haumude Emily
wacho....kana usisandide
unongotaura shaa*
Ishe:*Maria it hasn't gotten to that
zvekundiramba zvabvepi
babe....ndimuuraye here?*

Ndakarohwa nehana ndikamira

kufamba...i knew he was capable of
doing that
Me:*killing her won't solve the
problem father doesn't
want me near you and he'll come
after ndourawawo futi*

Ishe:*hapana munhu anokubata

ndiripo ndizvo zvandiri kuda
kuurayira Emily izvozvo because
tichapedzisira takonana babe*

I sat pamasteps
Me:*lshe if you love me don't kill her*

Ishe:*ndazvinzwa....then give me the

permission of threatening her abve
pamba pangu*
Michael akabudikira holding his car

Michael:*Maria hande!!*
Me:*lshe talk later ndakuenda

He groaned....
Ishe:*unodzoka nguvai plus i church

Me:*l think kuma past 4...and I'm a

Jesus Nation ndopinda ECG*
Michael rolled his eyes akafamba
kubuda ndakabva ndasimuka..
Ishe:*ooh l know it Prophet
Shepherd Bushiri 's Church?*

Me:*yess ummm ndakunonoka

kanhi bye bye love you*
Ishe:*love you more*

I hung up and ran to the car Michael

achipopota zvake. We went to
church zvakanaka but ndaitonzwa
mudumbu uri serious ini.
Michael akazviona takubuda Church
akabvunza....l told him zvaivepo
takudriver kuenda kumba l could not
sit properly paseat ndainzwa pain ini.

Michael:*Maria inga maSundays

hatidye wani iwewe wadyei?*.
Me:*hapana bhudhi....l don't know

Michael:*chii saka little sis should l

inform vana mhamha?*
I shook my head......

Me:*dont disturb them....*

He opted to take me to the hospital
ndikadzungudza musoro....

Me:*l will call lshe*

Michael:*Maria usada kundiitira
mafunnies wanzwa...lshe ndidoctor
here asi pane zvamakaita
nezimhondi riya?*

I kept mute...takasvika kumba and

ran to my room.Ndakaenda straight
mutoilet and checked myself
kwakuwana ndaenda kuperiod, l took
a bath and sorted myself kwakubva
ndatotora mapills and got under the
covers. I texted lshe kuti ndukurwara
coz akazoziva ega would lead to an

Ndakabiwa netuhope ndikazomuka

ndichinzwa noise downstairs. I got
down stairs ndikawana lshe
achirambidzwa kukwira to my room

As soon as he saw me
takamhanyirana ndichinozviwisira in
his arms....
Ishe:*babe are you okay?*

We disengaged and looked in each
other's eyes kwakubva tagumhanisa

Ishe:*l was worried babe wakunzwa

Me:*l think zvava nani*

Michael pushed lshe away from me

apa pa height vanga vakaenzana
Michael:*man you need to
leave!...right now*

Ishe:*l respect you Michael...and l

just want a minute with her ndobva
ndaenda hangu*
Michael:*shaaa ndati buda l don't
remember inviting you in my father's

Ishe pulled me to him achibata bata

nzeve yake and l saw kaiita kunge
kaphone in his ear.He looked scared
all of a sudden akati kuna Michael

Ishe:*lock the doors!!*

Michael:*iwee ukutaura neni here
shaaa....l am...*

Haana kupiwa nguva

yekutaura...lshe grabbed him by his
Ishe:*l said lock the f##ken doors
right now!!*

Michael akasiiwa akabva amhanya

kunotora maremotes emadoor ese
locking nemagates zvese...lshe
carried me upstairs to my room
Michael achiteverawo.
Me:*ko chii chikuitika?....lshe what's
going on Michael hee?*

Ishe took his phone out ignoring me

kwakutanga kufonera vanhu.
vandaisaziva...he came back
achikoka zipfuti ranga rakareba
ndikaita kunge ndizviitira

Michael:*Bullet what's going on?*

Ishe:*my father is after Maria and

he's outside right now*

Kwakwakuda kusviba so Michael

peeped through my window while
lshe hold on to my waist nerimwe
Ishe:*l will protect you with my life

Ndakanzwa kubaiwa nechinhu

chinenge torch muziso kwakubva
chamover kuenda pachest pangu. It
was a red dot pointing to my heart...
Hana yangu yakatanga kurova.

I pointed on my heart akazviona

achibva auya mberi kwangu and
looked into my eyes....
Michael:*there is no time to be
romantic Bullet...your father is
shooting anytime soon*
Ishe captured my lips with his and ini
kurova kwehana yangu didn't allow
me to kiss him back ndaishaker
chaiko nekutya.Ndakanzwa kurira
kwepfuti panze and my heart
skipped and lshe groaned, he had
taken a bullet for me,he had been
Ugamba ndichaedza kusvikira

Handei naro munodiwa mese,§

End of Chap Ĭ

*A love story*

Written by SALAM
If loving you is a crime, I'm willing to
spend the rest of my life in jail Ĭ
Ssn 2
Chap 25


I now understood their love as lshe

fail on his knees....l heard vans and
cars moving away from our
premises. Maria screamed
akapfugama looking at his man..


I dashed to collect my phone
downstairs ndikafonera our family
doctor zvese neambulance. I went
back and found lshe on the floor
bleeding, the bullet had pierced right
on his back and l think he had
forgotten to wear a bullet proof
anzwa kuti Maria ari kurwara.
I carried him ndikamuisa pabed
paMaria. Maria was on the floor
crying her eyes out and l felt sorry
for him. Ishe was still breathing and
awake aitozama kumuka..
Me:*Bullet you were shot you need
to stay down and save your

Mariana wacho kuvhararira imba
yese achichema zvake...

Me:*she is perfectly fine*

Ishe:*(trying to sit)babe...Mariana..*

Maria stood up kwakubva auya paari

and hold his hand...lshe struggled to
wipe away Maria's tears yoh ndaive
ndisingabelieve in true love but l was
in front of one of a kind love.
Ishe:*ba...(groaned) when you cry*

Maria wacho akawedzera kuchema

Maria:*Ishe please don't leave
me....please....I'm so sorry but
usandisiya lshe...please....Michael
do something!*

Ishe:*Mariana....l will....never leave're.... my life*
My phone vibrated and it was a
message from our family doctor kuti
ainge asvika. I stood up ndikatora
maremotes emadoors and ran
downstairs to open up..
The doctor came in with 2 nurses...l
directed them upstairs but
pakuburitsa Mariana pakanetsa. She
didn't want to leave her man naiye
Ishe anga asingadi kuti abude.

Ndakamutora ndikaenda naye

downstairs....she was still crying and
l made her look at me..
Me:*Maria you need to stay strong*

Maria:*strong for what?...if Ishe dies

l will never be able to forgive myself
or live to see tomorrow without him*

Me:*that man in there is a warrior

and he got through a lot....he'll
survive it*
We heard lshe groaning loudly
ndikaziva kuti it's the bullet and
Maria stood up achida kuendako
ndikapinda busy kumugarisa pasi.

My phone rang and it was

Dad:*what happened?*

Me:*Jonathan was here and he

wanted to shoot Maria...lshe took a
bullet for her and right now the bullet
is being removed by Doctor
Dad:*ashutwa pai?*

Me:*kumusana on the right side*

Dad:*how bad is the wound....can he
survive it?*

Me:*l am not sure...*

Dad:*he will l know that...Maria is in
tears l know just stay with her until
lshe aita bho even akapinda
mucomma let Maria stay with him
Me:*l hear you dad*

Dad:*good I'm just some hours

He hung up and the doctor came
downstairs with only one
nurse....Maria stood up

Doc:*He lost a lot of blood but we

managed to remove the bullet....we
gave him an injection to sleep
because haii the guy doesn't feel any
pain anga the way
who in the world is Mariana?*

Mariana:*that's me..anomuka
Doc:*(checking his watch) should be
about 8 hours or so.... Miss Zaine
my assistant Nurse will stay behind
so that when he wakes up anopiwa
right medication and anotariswa*

I saw Maria roll her eyes akapeta

maoko akatarisa kuside.Raitove
jealous chairo. The doctor
vakazowoneka vachibva vabuda. I
locked the doors ndikaenda
kunoudza mamaids abike
ndaitonzwa nzara ka.


*Jonathan....Mr Williams*

I got hold of Haniel 's collar and

shook him vigorously with rage.

Me:*you shot my f##ken son!!....l

told you to withdraw dat gun buh you
did listen...if l lose e' m um blow your

Haniel:*boss it wasn't my fault l had

spotted the girl perfectly fine l don't
know what happened*
I put him down and attempted to
leave then l turned around and gave
him a big blow in the face and he
was on the floor.

I was back in Riverside after an

unsuccessful mission. The worst
part is l had shot my own son.If lshe
doesn't wake up l will be dead. He
had inherited my business and
carried on the legacy of the gang...

My wife got downstairs with lan who

had just arrived from SA to visit us.
Tiara was behind them.
Haniel stood up and pretended
nothing had happened.

Wife:*Hubby why are you restless...l

thought you had gone out already for
your meeting as you said*
Tiara:*daddy your knuckles are red*

I thought of an idea but found

none...l was trapped but l didn't want
them to think l was the bad guy
Me:*Juss ha' misunderstanding wit
Haniel here righ' Haniel!?*

Haniel nodded.....
Wife:*okay but l told you so many
times not to beat up your workers

Me:*l am sorry honey l won't do it

Tiara:*daddy are you okay aren't you

Me:*i am fine Tiara*

Tiara and her mother walked away
and l dismissed Haniel and walked
to my study...l hadn't noticed that Ian
was behind me...

I sat on my chair and he stood there

staring at me. My sons' eyes are all
intimidating, Ian was taller than lshe
and had broader shoulders than him
as well, had hazel eyes, grey hair and
a longer beard than Ishe.He was not
light skinned like lshe because he
had taken after me, he was like
caramel skinned.

Ian had refused to take any share

from my business and said it was
obtained illegally. He had his own
company in SA that dealt with taxis
and mini buses.

Ian:*spill out the truth l know you

were lying to my mother and Tiara*
Me:*l wasn't lying*

He laughed sarcastically...
Me:*and yu better show me som'
respect young man l am stil' your

Ian:*l would really love to respect

you dad and really l do kodwa you
just hide from this family and right
now as I'm speaking you lied to your
wife about what happened tonight*
Me:*okay tell me what
happened tonight!*

Ian:*you shot my little brother*

I swallowed looking at
WTF?? I blinked like a stupid man
Ian:*dont be shocked dad....l told you
to leave lshe out of this dirty
business of yours but you didn't
listen now you wanna kill him
because he has fallen in love with a
girl from your past.....your past
Me:*you do not understand Ian*

He sat down....
Ian:*okay cool l admit that l do not
understand anything
dad.....elaborate for me go on
enlighten me!!*

I shifted uncomfortably on my seat

and narrated the whole story to
him....after l was done he stood up
and hit the wall hard with his fist and
started bleeding.
Ian:*dad do you even understand
what love means? you know
that lshe can give up his life for that
girl? you know he can let you
disown him as your son or him
disown you as his father? you
know what love can make you do?*
Me:*l don' care all l know is that l
don't want that black girl near my

Ian:*that is pure bullshit*

He walked out...



Ndakabhoekana kuti nurse uyu anga

asarirei nxaaaaa....l know lshe has a
thing for nurses or maybe l can say
nurses have a thing for him
I slept beside him coz my bed was
big enough for the both of us. Anga
aiswa bandage raicrosser richiuya
kuruoko uku. Ummm ndairwadziwa
but l felt so loved seriously coz
zvitoreva kuti lshe's words ekuti l
would die for you were true and real
I wake up ndichinzwa someone
groaning the next morning.
Ndakakasika kumuka ndichinzwa
ndakamutsimbirira eish ko
ndakatanga riini kuita mararo nhai.

His eyes were shut and when l got

myself closer to his ndakanzwa
achifemera pasi eish maybe

Me:*lshe!!.....(shaking him) lshe

I was shaking him softly kuitira
ndisawedzera gumi pazana...

Me:*lshe mhani...*
I was crying already ndikaona munhu
akusmiler...he opened his one eye
achibva atanga kuseka nxaaa this

Me:*hazvinakidzi why do you like

scaring me huh....handichatambe
newe uko*
I hit his shoulder achibva ada kugara
and he groaned in pain ndichibva
ndanyatsomubatsira kugara mushe
balancing him nepillow.

Ishe:*thanks babe...ndukunzwa
nzara get me food Maria*

Me:*okay but wava sei how are you

Ishe:*now that l can open my eyes
and see you ndakunzwa bho babe

He hold my eyes for a moment

ndikatarisa pasi...ndainyara ini. He
lifted my chin and searched my eyes
for some time kwakuzoti..
Ishe:*ndokuda unozviziva izvozvo?*

I nodded....
Ishe:*l will kill for you Mariana*

I laughed nervously ndikati....

Me:*but you nearly died because of
me lshe....don't you think kuti
tikatora break on our relationship
tichibhaiza daddy vako hazviite?*

Akasiya chirebvu changu and sat

back akanditarisa... The nurse came
in kwakutanga kumuchecker
vachiisa something on his wound.
Ishe:*hauchandidi here Maria?*

I tucked my hair back behind my ear

and l hold his hands...
Me:*l love you ingawani lshe
zvaunoziva wega but ndakutya ini*
Voice:*don't be scared Mariana*

Ndakatendeuka kudai and got the

shock of my life __
I luv you guys §

End of Chap

*A love story*
Written by SALAM
Your smile is like a candle it
brightens up my cold heart Ĭ.
Ssn 2
Chap 26

I turned around ndikashamisika
kuona an older version of Ishe
achipinda naMichael.

I had never seen such a specie

before ndakatarisa lshe then back at
this guy and I swallowed yoh l never
knew that people can be this alike.
But this guy anga akati kurei
mbichana kudarika lshe plus his hair
seems frozen.
He sat down....they fist bumped
naIshe that's when l saw that he had
tatoos on his right arm kusvika
paruoko chaipo.
Ishe:*Ian this is my wife to
be...Mariana and babe meet my big
bro lan*

He stretched his hand and I did the

same....l was shy that I hadn't taken
any bath yet.
Ian:*my pleasure to meet you....*

Me:*same here*
He bpulled my hand to his lips and
kissed the back of it....yoh l blushed

Ishe:*heyyyy stop making my girl

blush haiii that's not right*
Ian cracked up into a laugh showing
off golden teeth woow.He let of my
hand and l stood up...

Ian:*jealous freak*
Michael:*you guys look....l don't
know...alike l can say*

I walked out and went into Michael 's

room ndikageza and took my clothes
that were in there for past sleep

I prepared them breakfast vakauya

kuzodya, l felt pity for my man anga
asingatogoni kufamba mushe. He
was in pain but that did not stop him
from being naughty aitaura
zvaanoda achidya kudaro hanzi
mukadzi wangu is the best cook
kana ndaroora handidi munhu
kumba kwangu kk.

My parents came pamba pakaswera

pakufariwa especially my mom she
liked lshe a lot. Pakazoitwa braii
mheno zvaitaurwa panze ipapo
ndaitove mumba busy kunyora
assignment yangu ndainge ndarovha
futi that Monday...
Ndakanzwa mota dzakumutswa
panze and l peeped through the
window ndikaona vaakutobuda
zvese nadaddy vangu nxaa saka lshe
akutobuda asina kundiudza sure..
I got startled when l felt hands on my
waist...l turned around ndikawana ari
lshe smiling down at me.

Me:*l thought wakutobuda usina

Ishe:*saka wanga watobeeper ka

Me:*kuregerei nhai?....ko
mukuendepi nadaddy?*
He moved his eyes away from mine
kwakubva atarisa my lips..

Ishe:*Its men's issues babe...l don't

like the way you are skipping school
Me:*ndiani arikukonzeresa*

He leaned in and kisses my cheek

ndikaziva kuti he was kissing my
dimple chete...akabata dumbu rangu
moving his hand around it
Ishe:*is he okay?*

I rolled my eyes kwakubva ndati...


Ishe:*our baby ka...we talked about

this Maria*
I removed his hand ndikati

Me:*we did it once Ishe and you're

already talking nezvemwana*
Ndakanzwa bhudhi vake
vakumudana panze but he kept on
holding my waist...

Ishe:*l don't shoot blanks*

Haaaa l covered my face
ndichinyara...he chuckled and got
me closer to him and he pulled my
lower lip with his kwakubva tatanga
kukisser, we kissed hungrily kuita
kunge vanhu vanga vasingaonani...
Ian:*if we weren't in a hurry l could
have told you two to get a room!*

We pulled apart tichifemereka and l

shyly looked at my feet ndikanzwa
silent ndikasimudza musoro
ndikawana ndakatariswa nalshe
akasmiler haii this man.
Me:*lshe wakamirirwa...go!*

He kissed my forehead kwakubva

abuda and l shook my head
ndichigara back on the sofa. I had
forgotten kubvunza nezvaEmily but
the thought of her staying with my
man made me swallow __



Months later...

I watched Maria closely achifamba

nefriend yake kubva kuschool.She
wasn't showing any signs of
pregnancy and that was scaring me.

We have been intimate countless

times different places.Her birthday
was tomorrow and l had planned her
a surprise namhamha vake..

They got in her car and drove away

ndikatevera slowly behind. I know
what I'm doing is creepy but this was
my woman.Ndakazopfuurira
paakapinda pagate pavo...l went to
my warehouse of which kwanga
kwahafurika vanhu.
I had given half of my crew to Zex
coz my father wanted war with him
revenging his brother. Ndakasvika iri
lunch time so my men were eating,
the smell of food hit my nostrils hard
ndikamhanya panze and threw up
too bad.
Grey came with a water glass and l
rinsed my mouth...

Grey:*Boss you're good?*

Me:*yeah I'm fine...wait did you
spray some perfume or something
jeez the smell is killing me*

Grey:*I don't do sprays man just

some deodorants*
Ndakacheuka and saw Cynthia uku
smell yeperfume ndiyo yandanga
ndichinzwa all along.l could not
control it again ndikarutsa kuita
mukadzi chaiko. Grey started
laughing at me...
Me:*l will blow that mouth of yours
what are you laughing at?*

He sat down laughing his lungs out

and l glared at him...
Cynthia:*Are you okay boss?*

Me:*l am fine thanks...*


She walked away and l sighed

looking at this crazy friend of mine.
He gave me the glass and l rinsed
my mouth again.
I sat beside him on the garden

Grey:*let's go to the hospital*

Me:*for what?....because I was

Grey:*lshe your face is fact

it has been like that for the past few

Me:*really l hadn't noticed maybe it's

Grey:*but we need to go see a doctor
right away*

I took out my mirror

ndikazvitarisa...even Maria anga
ambondiudza sometime ago this
week but ndakangoti semunhu
anondida anenge achingondityira
zvake. I didn't put it in mind.

Grey drove me to the hospital and

doctor vacho kusvika vasipo there
was a nurse in charge ndakatariswa
tariswa...vakazodzoka nemaresults
emalaria yacho which she had
Nurse:*l am not seeing any malaria
in your blood and from other test I've
conducted hapana chirwere
chirikuonekwa pamuri*

Me:*saka is it cholera?*
Ndaive ndatopererwa ini Grey was
laughing at me non stop

Nurse:*No sire....are you married?*

And vamwe vanhu should not be
working mabasa avasina kudzidzira
veduwe. What does my marital
status have anything to do with what
I'm going through??
Nurse:*sir l said are you married?*

Grey:*imi nurse muite mushe imi did

you train to be a nurse or maitove
plumber zvenyu then corruption got
you in that white uniform?*
Me:*bvunza zvako Grey...what does
my marital status have to do with my

Nurse:*don't get me wrong and don't

twist my words might be
possible that if you're married or you
have a fiancé...she might be
pregnant and you're likely to be
suffering from her morning
Grey and l looked at each other and
smiled like two retarded idiots __

My apologies for the short chapter

I'm not feeling well today.
End of Chap Ĭ

*A love story*

Written by SALAM
My love for you is like the morning long as my eyes are
open I will love you here, there and
again Ĭ
Ssn 2

Chap 27

Ishe and l smiled at each other

peaking up the nurse's lines. That
only meant that Maria was
Nurse:*you...see...that is why l was
asking if you have a fiancé*

Bullet was excited and his plan had

worked....he ran his hand in his hair
Ishe:*yes yes yes l do nurse*

Nurse:*okay...did you observe any

changes on your woman
kusimba, kuita a lot of appetite?*
Ishe:*l don't know I'm not sure
because munhu wacho haasi
kuoneka uyu*

Nurse:*okay come back with her

when you get the chance so that we
clarify the issue neh*
Ishe:*olay nurse we will*

Me:*thank you so much nurse*

Nurse:*you are welcome*

She winked at me takubuda and I

sighed and looked away. Ishe was
smiling all the way from the
Me:*haaaa bro you are happy but
let's just wait a little longer tonzwa
ka maresults coz we don't want to
celebrate for nothing*
Bullet glared at me while driving...

Ishe:*l know that she is carrying my

baby and l knew it from the first time
we slept together*
Me:*okay kana ukadaro you're the
boss after all*

Ishe laughed and hit my shoulder...

Ishe:*argh Grey stop pouting unless
you are gay*

Me:*dude I'm not pouting man don't pout you got it
He drove to his house akafonera his
little sister and they spoke for a
while then hung up kwakuudza maid
wake kuti aprepare something nice. I
think he had invited his sister home.

I went to his bar and collected a beer

kwakudira in two glasses and we sat

Me:*man you have to go home for

Christmas...sit down with your
family and share love with them*
Ishe:*l don't believe in Christmas
only the Christians do and you know
that I'm not one*

Me:*dude your mother do it for your

mother and Tiara*
My phone rang

Me:*l have to take this bullet*

Ishe:*no problem*

Enzo naRazor vachipinda. I stood up

with my glass of beer and gulped it
ndisati ndatarisa kuti aive ani...

Me:*hello my heart beat*

Cee:*hi babe...please spend
Christmas Eve with me Grey just
Christmas Eve*
My babe was a free person all she
wanted was my attention not my
money and that is why I wanted to
spoil her and spend my every cent on

Me:*babe inga wani l told you that

we're going out together tonight....l
have already booked a lodge for us
and then tomorrow l will take you to
my mother in Mutare...she's here for

She sighed...
Cee:*hauna kumbondiudza zvese
izvozvo...Grey l don't want your
money okay l just want you*

I brushed my forehead then my

Me:*And l want you too my love just
that I love you so much and l want to
spend my time and my money on
you only babe...*

Cee:*l can't wait to meet your

Me:*l know babe...l will come pick
you up at...umm around 3
ndozongouya kuMutapa ikoko ka1

Cee:*okay fine uripi?*

Me:*At Bullet's crib babe*

Me:*l love you always know that*

She giggled and my heart melted....

Cee:*l love you too*

She hung up and I went back to the

gents...ndakashamisika kuwana
munhu wese akanyarara. Ishe was
glaring at Enzo and Razor, l sat down
Me:*bro what's cooking here?*

Ishe covered his face with his hands

ndokubva abata musoro...

Me:*Enzo chii wangu....Razor heee

what's going on*
Ishe:*can you believe what they just
told me?*

Me:*what did you say?*

Razor was shaking...the distance
there were sitting didn't make sense
at all.

Enzo:*Grey we're gay*

I stood up....

Me:*Jesus of Nazareth!!*
Ishe:*imagine Grey!...and they hid
this from me all along*

I was just shocked but ndaisa da

kuvajudger coz it was their choice
and l didn't want to judge them.
Enzo:*we had just started dating*

Ishe:*And you f##ken hid that from

Razor flinched in fear ichi
chaitovewo chicoward zvacho.

Me:*Bullet calm down you must not

judge their choices*
Ishe:*l am not judging shit but they
must have told me since they live
under my roof*
Enzo:*l am sorry Bullet really l am*

Ishe nodded and walked out yoh he

was really pissed ndipo paunoona
kuti nyango usiri muChristian
sometimes you just want things to
be done the straight way.
Me:*dont worry l will talk to him*

Enzo:*yeah please do*

Me:*Jesus Kudakwashe relax you'll
pee on yourself with fear*

Razor just shifted in his seat

I walked away then turned around
and saw them kissing.Ewwww it was



Jonathan appeared in front of my

car with three men beside him. I also
had men in the other car but l was
scared of him.
This man was no joke, he was a
monster in human form plus
munongoziva these black Americans
....l was on my way to a business
conference in Hwange.

I ordered my men to follow my every

move so l got out of the car
slowly...takabva tamira takatarisana
Me:*Say whatever you want
Jonathan l don't have all day*

Joe:*l want to kill you righ' here righ'

Me:*Why don't you ask me why l
killed your brother in the first place?*

Joe:*Zex tha won' bring my f##ken

brother back to me!!*

Me:*Your stupid brother wanted to

rape my wife! l shot him in the
Joe:*My brother could do no such
thingy!...he respected his body and
could never want to sleep wit your
black shit of a wife!!*

Kuzondidaro ka handitukirwi
mukadzi wangu ndiripo ini nxaaa l
shot his shoulder and he lost
balance and shot aside achindikuta.
His men started shooting back fight



*Mrs Mphofu*
My husband was out ndikaona iriyo
opportunity yekuivestigator nyaya

My daughter ndaive
ndisisamunzwisisi, she was now
glowing.Kabody kake kadiki
kakakudeveloper zvandaisanzwisisa
ini akusimba kuita mahips haaa.
Ndakatanga ndichiti maybe kusimba
kuri normal sezvo aikwanisa 18 musi
we Christmas ka you know body
developing. Kudya kwake ndiko
kwakazoita kuti ndione kuti munhu
anenge ava nenhumbu uyu.
I called her musitting room....akauya
achizvikweva zvake and sat far away
from me
achiruma chigunwe.

Maria:*mom you called for me?*

Me:*eheee sweetie but come closer
unoda ndipere voice here*
She dragged her self kwakugara
pasofa raive opposite mine. I stood
up ndikagara paari, she was
smelling good kureva kuti anga abva

Me:*l am your mother hanty

Maria:*of course mhamha ko inyaya

Me:*l want you to tell me the truth

and nothing but the truth
ukunzwa?handiiti unoziva kuti
ikazopindirwa nadaddy vako
hazvimire mushe hanty?*

She nodded achiruma nzara dzake

akatarisa child was so
innocent kanhi ndaitobva ndanzwa
kunge ndaimubvunza zvisiri zvezera
Me:*une nhumbu here?*

Akavhunduka kwakuti...
Maria:*matii mhamha?*

Me:*l said are you pregnant Mariana

Maria:*l don't think so
mhamha....handina ini*

Me:*You don't think so meaning

what Maria unoziva dad vako vanga
vasina hanzvadzi saka tete hapana
and ndini tete vako inini....are you
sleeping with lsheanesu?*
She looked down achitambisa
zvigunwe zvake....and my suspicion
was correct after all.

Me:*how many times did you sleep

together Maria?*

Maihwe amai vangu mbizi iwee

yanga yatova mimba ka iyi
ndakabata gotsi ndikamhanya
mubedroom mangu.. ....l opened my
drawer kwakutora chipregnancy

Ndakawana munhu apfugama

achichema...Maria aindinzwisa ngoni
mwana wangu veduwe she had this
innocent personality.
Maria:*mhamha please
ndokumbirawo musandirova....l love
lshe nemoyo wangu wese and I was
just doing this to protect our
love.....sorry mhamha*

Ndakamukandira chitester
akachigamha and looked at it
achipukuta musodzi uku maziso
anga asisaoni nemusodzi...

Me:*l bet you know how to use

that....go to your room and test
Akasimuka hurriedly and ran
upstairs, l waited for almost thirty
munhu kwakuzouya nechitester

Maria:*mhamha I'm not pregnant*

Me:*iwee Maria usada kunyepedzera
kudzungaira give me that thing
ndizvionere ndega tione!!*

She passed me the tester ndikaona

zveshuwawo it indicated negative.l
looked at the tester then back at her
body ndikaona kuti something was
not adding up__

Jonathan and Zex who is taking his

life home?
Will Grey's mother like Cynthia?

Is Mariana pregnant or??

Happy festive season to Mariana 's
fans ŷŷŷthe book will resume
on the 26th of December so that we
can all celebrate with family and
friends as the Lord has carried us
this far together §

Sandy luvs you all, you inspire me as

l inspire you to become better. Merry
Christmas once again Ĭ
End of Chap 27ĬĬĬ
*A love story*
Written by SALAM
To everyone out there who loves me,
l love you too...its all love because
we don't know where we are going
Ssn 2

Chap 28

I played with my fingers looking at

my mother vachinditarisa
suspiciously. I know lying to my
mother wasn't a good idea but
zvinhu zvacho zvainge
zvandiwandira plus lshe ndaimuda
zviri serious l don't know ndaitonzwa
kupenga naye ini hamheno maybe
that's first love kuda.

Mom:*Are you sure about this

I nodded...

Me:*inga ndataura wani mhamha

kuti handina nhumbu ini*
She eyed me kwakubva vada
kusimudza blouse rangu kuona
dumbu Michael akabudikira vachibva
vandisiya huuuu that was so close.

Mom hid the pregnancy tester..

Michael:*evening mom*

Mom:*waswera mwanangu?*
Michael:*mushe ndeyp
Maria....daddy is coming tonight or?*

Mom checked her time kwakuti...

Mom:*ummm nguva dzaenda he left
na2 masikati and its now 6.30pm*

Me:*vanga vachifanirwa kudzoka


Michael:*eee mhamha what time

was he supposed to be here?*
Mom:*vanga vachifanirwa kudzoka

Michael:*not too bad though

something might have delayed him*
Mom:*you're right...Mariana help me
in the kitchen*

Me:*OK mhamha*
Takaenda tikanobatsirana kubika
namhamha Michael was watching
t.v zvake you know benefits of being
a male child.
Me:*mom l will go freshen up before
dinner is served*

Mom:*okay but l thought wageza

Me:*ndatsva nemapoto mhamha*

Mom:*ummmm okay*
I went upstairs ndikasvikogeza
zvangu. I was feeling my baby bump
under the shower smiling.lshe better
have something for my birthday coz
this pregnancy was a surprise.

I finished up kwakupfeka a bum

short and a spaghetti top zvese zviri
zvered. I looked at myself in the
mirror ndikasmiler. I was no longer a
girl, l was going to be a mother. I
bent to my drawers and hid the
unused pregnancy tester because
randaive ndapa mhamha was
actually used some days ago when I
tested myself ndikawana ndine

Ndakadzika downstairs and saw

lshe talking to my mom naGrey
naCynthia wow this was really a
surprise and from my view vainge
vakokwa namhamha chete.

I greeted them kwakugara pasi for

dinner but ziso randaipiwa nalshe
handina kutichenesa ini. We ate in
silence waingonzwa maforks
Tapedza Cynthia and I washed the
dishes, mhamha was talking kuboys
riri rega.. ...

Cynthia:*Maria l like your dressing*

Me:*really thanks look
good too*

She was wearing a short too kari

keblue then a blue Jersey with blue
takkies. Ini ndaive ndakapfeka
masandals ered to polish up the red

Cynthia:*thanks...your man is here to

take you out ndozvaari kukumbira
We were already done nemaplates.
Ndakafara to hear that you know my
man was that kind of guy
waunonzwa kuti dai ndagara naye
every minute of your life.

We went to the sitting mhamha

called me paside vakandiudza about
kukumbirwa kwandaive ndaitwa
nalshe hanzi you're spending the
Christmas with him. Ndakafara l was
over the moon, l ran upstairs
kwakupacker a small bag
kungoisawo a few things tikabuda

Tava pagate Grey akationeka

naCynthia and they left nemota yavo.
Ishe akada kuvhura door remota
kwakubva ndaramba ndakamira...

Ishe:*babe manheru pinda mumota

tiende...why are u standing there?*
Me:*handisi kuda mota ini*

He closed the door and stared at me

for a moment, his eyes were a bit
intimidating but at the same time
they were full of love...
Ishe:*what do you want babe?*

Ndakapeta maoko and rolled my

eyes ndichiruma my lower lip dimple
rikabuda and he leaned against the
car akanditarisa.
Ishe:*Mariana ndati uri kuda
chii....tell me babe tiwane kufamba
it's getting cold out here*
Me:*the motor bike*

He frowned looking at me and l

looked away ndizvo zvandaida
kunzwa ainditarisirei like that.
Ndakanzwa akumaker call and l
grinned like a little baby.
Within some time ndakaona mumwe
murume akusvika nemotor
bike,takazobvapo inini was kuback
kwake holding him with dear life of
course ko ndaitya ka kudonha.

It was a long distance ndikaona tava

kuRiverside....l was sweating
ndatofunga kuti aida kuenda neni
kuna mhamha vake plus daddy vake
ndaivatya zvangu.

I took a deep sigh ndichiona

takupinda pakanyorwa kunzi Lodge
uuuu. He came to a halt kwakubva
aparker motor bike paside
takaburuka and we registered in but
paive nevanhu imi as Christmas Eve
ka. Receptionist wacho was female
akatotanga kuda kunyemwerera
nhema and l kissed lshe pamalips ka
kuti zvishamise anyotsoona kuti I'm
the main chick.

We walked to our room tapiwa

makeys. Tapinda mupassage l
screamed when lshe lifted me up
spinning my small self around
tichipinda muroom medu.
It was decorated romantically with
red roses pabed, ndakasviko
gadzikwa pabed and he locked the
door and came back and knelt in
front of me...he reached for my top
and took it off slowly ndikaziva kuti
munhu aiziva nyaya yake
I let him be, akafambisa ruoko rwake
slowly padumbu pangu...

Ishe:*We are pregnant right?*

Me:*no we are not...*

He frowned....
Ishe:*Maria what do you mean we
are not...there's a baby bump here
and l have been having trouble with
morning sickness....your body is
changing too*

Me:*those things are just happening

naturally....I'm not pregnant*
Akataridza kupererwa and l put my
leg on top of the other zviya
zvekusvotesa zviya. Ishe moved his
hand on my stomach again akuita
kubuda ziya..
Ishe:*Mariana are you sure hauna
nhumbu shaaa*

Ndakati regai hangu ndichitaura coz

was going to kill vamwe baba
masikati machena....
Me:*was going to make it a surprise
but ndaona kuti ungafe....lsheanesu
Williams you are going to be a father
in 5 months from now*

Ndakakiswa kanhi munhu

achindisimudza kundiisa
pamakumbo and pake akagara
pasofa raivemo wooow l didn't know
kuti he was going to be this happy ini.

Ishe:*meaning tava four months

gone here babe...but hazvisi
kuonekwa wani baby the bump is
Me:*yeah I guess musana
wamhamha vangu...the pregnancy
takes time to be visible....are you
happy lshe?*

Ishe:*ndafara babe...wandigonera
Mariana you don't know how happy l
feel right now wazoisa a log on our
love babe*

He leaned and pulled my lower lip

kiss yakabvira iyoyo and it ended up
into a sweet love making session we
never did before. We took a bath
together kwakuorder food takamirira
food l was lying on his chest
tichitaura hedu about our future



Drop it!!
We screamed one more time nababe
wangu as l sat on the bed watching
her twerk for me. She got the moves
hauzomboti muslender kana
anotokwikwidzana negirls renyash
She took a deep sigh akamhanya
mushower anga aneta babe wangu.I
heard the water running ndikaziva
kuti ogeza.

I didn't want to disturb her but

ndandaipirwa so l took off my
clothes ndichibva ndapindawo
imomo l think l had given her enough
time yekundijaira.

The steam from the warm water had

painted the glass and seeing through
that glass was like a mission on its
own. I got inside and hold the
sponge that was in her hand
achikwesha kumusana.Akavhunduka
munongonzwa imi, she went
kucorner kweroom and I turned off
the shower....anga abata pane
hupenyu manje kutya kuonererwa

Me:*can l please join you Cynthia?...i

mean no harm*
Her eyes trailed down to my
manhood and I saw her gulping in

Cee:*l don't remember inviting you in

here Grey zvoita here zvaukuda kuita
Me:*babe l just want to bath with my
girlfriend chete.....l promise you kuti
this shower will be innocent l swear
on the sacred cows in india*

She rolled her eyes smiling...

Cee:*handigone kugeza nemunhu
Grey buda shaaa*

Me:*do you need more convincing

for me to bath with you?*

Ndaidaro moving closer to her and

she screamed...
Cee:*Grey No!!...if you move any
closer to me I'll scream again and
call the security ndonyepa kuti

I lifted up my hands in defeat....

Me:*sorry sorry...okay okay how
about munhu nemunhu akagezera
kuside kwake ke how's that*

Cynthia:*fine...but don't you dare try

any stupid move*
I laughed zvangu..

Me:*okay l hear you mummy*

And like l had promised it was a
peaceful and innocent bath. Iyee Cee
ndiye anga otoda kumutsaa zvirere
by pressing her body on mine. We
finished bathing tikambodya zvijunk
zvandaive ndatenga on our way here
hedu coz supper tatadya kare then
we slept in each other's arms.
The next day was a long day for both
of us, l drove to Mutare where my
mother was and we assigned kuti we
would meet in a restaurant.

Cynthia was a nervous wreck

waitoona with shacking hands
paainwa coffee for breakfast back at
our Lodge..

Me:*babe relax shaa my mother is

just like any other woman that you've
Cee:*l know but...the sense of her
being your mother makes me feel
unease what if she doesn't girls like

Me:*girls like you ndiko kutii ikoko?*

Cee:*you know...ko kana vasingadi
kuti udanane ne a black girl like me*

I moved my hand on her thigh...she

was putting on a blue floral dress
and white matching sandals.
Me:*l don't care if she doesn't like
you babe what matters is our
love...ini ndinokuda Cynthia and you
love me too that's what matters the
most to me*.
She nodded achibva awuyisa face
yake pedo and we kissed
slowly....we pulled off pava paya and
looked into each other's eyes

Me:*l want you to always remember

kuti ndinokuda nemoyo wangu wese
babe and will always do until the end
of time*

Cynthia:*Love you too my Grey man*

I laughed kwakubva tazobuda
tikapinda muroad. KwaMutare was a
long journey kanhi takasvika
kwatova masikati and found my
mother in the restaurant dressed in a
sari haaa she was on point nyango
wega waiona kuti this woman is
Indian even watarisa face chete.
We got in vachingonditi ba my
mother ran to me and hugged me
slightly yes that was the thing about
Indians. We don't hug like crazy

She sat down and l did the same

after ndavhurira Cee wangu
chair...we greeted ndikati rega ndipe
proper introduction
Me:*Mom meet Cynthia my girlfriend
and Cee babe this is my mother Mrs
Mom:*Woow she is really beautiful pleasure to meet you
sweetheart l am Mrs Parashk mother
to Grey Parashk*

Cee:*my pleasure to meet you you

too mam*
They shook hands and l could see
anga afarirwa Cynthia...

Mom:*Argh come on daughter

there's no need to call me mam or
Mrs can just call me
ummm (her big eyes looked at the
ceiling vachifunga) just call me mom
or mother in law*

Cee:*thanks mom*

Mom:*son dish out for my future

daughter in law....there's plenty of
Indian dishes that l ordered today
just for Cynthia dear its
sure is a Merry Christmas*

I smiled at the way way they were

connecting, Cynthia was the one for
me after all....l started fishing out for
my woman mhamha was busy
talking, this mom of mine is a
chatter box
We ate in silence for a moment
ndikanzwa mhamha vave kuti..

*So when are you two giving me a

I coughed on my drink in shock and
it spilled all over__



*Mr Williams*

I shot on his right side of his chair

and l saw fear Written all over his
face although he was trying to hide it.
Me:*Zex you know l want to kill you
so badly that l can't wait to see you
getting six feet down the ground
where you sent my brother*

Zex:*what are you waiting for then?*

I clenched my fist hard that if there
was anything in there, it would not
live to see tomorrow...

Me:*l want to play a fair game

here....l want my son to kill you while
that little flower of yours watch...l
want that thing they are calling love
to fade away....l want Maria or Mary
whatever you named her to drop my
son like a hot potatoe*

Zex:*that aren't gonna work

Jonathan leave my child out of and l know that
unconditional love will never die and
you can never kill it*

I scoffed and broke down laughing. I

made a serious face afterwards..
Me:*watch me do it Zex*

I took my phone out and walked

away while he struggled to free
himself from the chair that l had tied
him to.
I called Mariana 's number which l
had taken in Zex's phone.She
answered on the second
was now the 26th of December and
she'd be worried already for her

Her:*Hello who's this?*

Awwwn what a sweet voice....

Me:*If you want to see your father

alive....come at ####right now and
don't you tell a soul and if you do l
will kill your father right now
because I'm watching you*

She hung up and l looked at the
phone confused. She was supposed
to argue or cry or act stupid like a
traumatised little girl but damn she
just said okay....just okay really?????

I waited some more althen as l was

about to go out the warehouse door
opened and Zex 's little girl walked in
dressed in white.... I chuckled as my
man pointed all guns at her....

I signalled them to bring Zex in here

Me:*hello there princess*

Mariana:*hello father in law*

Me:*l aren't your father in law no shit
is marrying my son*

They hugged and l rolled my eyes....

Me:*we are going to play a fair game

here Princess....*
Mariana:*release my father first dear
sweet father in law*

Me:*this isn't behind the camera so

stop sweet talking to me or else I'll
shoot you*
Zex:*we both know you can't

I quickly called Ishe to come


I hold Mariana 's hand turned her

around while pointing the gun at
her...pressing it right on her head.
Zex:*let go of her you good for
nothing punk!!!*

Me:*aren't gonna happen killed my
brother so your daughter is going
Maria:*if l were you l wouldn't want
to shoot this girl*

Me:*why wouldn't l?*

Maria:*because right now I'm
carrying a little Williams inside of
Zex and l:*What!!*

I wanted a grandchild badly, very bad

that I didn't know what to do. I was
trapped __
Mom thanks for always being there, l
love you §

End of Chap 28 ĬĬĬ

*A love story*
Written by SALAM

Do good all the time and good shall

return to you Ĭ
Ssn 2
Chap 29

Mr Williams:*Don't you play with my
brains young lady*

Dad:*Mariana ukuti chii?*

My father's face was written
disappointment all over it. Ndainge
ndavarwadzisa uku daddy vaIshe
didn't want to let me me go..

I took out the tester in my pocket

kwakubva ndakanda pasi and Ishe's
dad ran to it...

He picked it up and examined it then

looked at me...
Him:*We will go to the hospital
together to clarify this*

Me:*yesss even now we can go*.

Mr Williams:*are you sure!?*

Ishe akabva apinda with Enzokuhle

and Grey....
Zex:*Bullet tell this man your call
your father to release me!!*

Mr Williams:*no one is realising

anyone here until you tell me that
this girl is really carrying my
grandchild for real?*
Ishe:*dad she is....we're 4 months
pregnant and this thing you're trying
to do...stressing her out will lead to
her losing the baby*

Mr Williams quickly released my

father. Dad vangu rushed to lshe
vakamupa punch akastagger back
wiping the blood that was now
coming out of his nose.

Ndakamanya kunomira mberi

kwadaddy ndakavharidzira lshe....
Dad:*Unopenga here Bullet how
could you develop zvimaguts zvisina
basa zvekupa mwana nhumbu and
say it in front of my nose!!*

Me:*Daddy we agreed on this's not lshe's fault only*
Ndapotsa ndaridzwa mbama
manzwa lshe pushed me paside
akarohwa ari iye...

Mr Williams came in front of daddy

vachitivanza tese...
Mr Williams:*Zex let's settle this
issue once and for all as
adults....really we can talk about
Dad:*l don't care!!...l don't care if we
settle this like 10 year olds....Joe you
wanted to kill me and it should
remain like that...l will not have my
daughter used as the rescue goat

Ishe:*Zex...I'm sorry*
Dad:*sorry for yourselves...Maria

Dad got hold of my hand kwakubuda

neni...Ndakasiya munhu wese
achiratidza kupererwa chaiko. Daddy
got into the car ndichipindawo
vaipopota ndaitotya kunorohwa
kumba ini.

I hope Michael ariko zvake at least



I drove in my yard ndisingasagoni
kugarisika nehasha. I have been
keeping my daughter safe and away
from this cruel world and things got
complicated zvekuti l ended up
freeing her ikozvino she's pregnant.

With a baby who will end up living a

life like hers yekuvandiswa mumba.
Ishe was a gentleman and l liked him
but the thought of him being a
gangleader like me was scaring me.

My daughter 's life would be in

danger same to that little angel she's
carrying.Mai Matthew
vakandimanyira pandakapinda
mumba and we hugged....
Maria akada kumanyira upstairs and
l roared her name and she flinched in
fear akatarisa pasi achimonya
muromo revealing her cute dimple
Me:*Did you tell your mother?*

Mai Matthew:*Kundiudza kuti

chii...daddy you need to bath
ndatoisa mvura mutub whatever
Mariana wants to say to me
zvinogona kumbomira*
Me:*it can not wait Mai Matthew
mwana wako ane mimba uyuu why
didn't you notice it?*

My wife glances at Maria iye

akatarisa pasi...
Wife:*taura tinzwe Maria because I
told you to tell me the truth before
your father finds out about all of
this....but here we are....BaMatthew
ndakamuudza uyuu!!*
Me:*you have disappointed me
Mariana...l wasn't expecting this
from you...kubvumira kwandakaita
kuti lshe auye pano handina kuti
muite zvamakaita izvi ini*

I said that taking off my belt

kwakubva apfugama Mariana...
Mariana:*daddy sorry...sorry henyu l
didn't mean it...l love lshe daddy
that's why l did this for our love

Wife:*sorry murume wangu

usisamurove...she's pregnant and
munhu ane nhumbu haarohwi baba
mwana sorry mhofu*

I walked upstairs ndichisiya

ndamutema nebelt rangu. She had
disappointed me for real and munhu
achimitiswa under my roof, hakuna
kumwe kujairirwa kunopfuura



I wiped off the tears that were falling

from my cheeks involuntarily. My
mother picked me up kwakufamba
neni kuenda kuroom kwangu.
I could not stop crying, 1 because l
had been a disappointment then
secondly because l my father was
not approving my relationship with

Mom:*l can not say what you did

was correct lied to me
your own mother*

I sniffed wiping my tears...

Me:*sorry mhamha*
Mom:*sorry? that all you can say
Me:*l don't know anymore mhamha
I'm just full of disappointment and I
don't know words that can heal your
hearts more than a sorry....thats all l
have mhamha*

She covered my hand with hers....

Mom:*l forgive you Maria...genuinely
l do forgive you....because I can't
keep avoiding your fate....if you and
that gangster guy are meant to be
then no matter how people try to
part you or get in your way....your
love will bring you together*
I smiled at her and she returned it
then kisses my forehead.....

Me:*thanks mhamha*
Mom:*you are welcome
sweetie....your lover boy better have
something in mind for the future of
our little flower growing in that tiny
tummy of yours...gara zviya how far
are you?*
She said moving her hand on my tiny
bump and l smiled...

Me:*I'm four months gone mhamha*

Mom:*ummmm woow...let me see

your father sweetheart you get some
Me:*okay mommy*

She walked out and l sighed and got

under the blankets coz l was feeling
a bit cold you know this Christmas



Jonathan heaved a huge sigh at his

son as he paced up and down back
at Riverside....

Grey was seated at the right side of

him with his face buried in his
Enzo was there too but leaning on
the wall with his hands in his

If a pin was dropped to the ground, it

could scare all of them back to
reality because they were deep in
thoughts...Enzo was first to clear the
Enzo:*l am a pure shona*

Ishe stopped pacing and his grey

eyes trailed at Enzo...

Jonathan:*So what?*
Enzo:*l know all the shona ways to
marry someone especially when
damages have been done like this*

Jonathan:*What damages boy?*

Enzo:*Getting a girl pregnant before
marriage in shona it's regarded as
some sort of have to pay
for damages before the lobola*

Ishe:*tell us all about that lobola

thing....I'm willing to pay whatever
amount needed to get my girl*
Jonathan:*thats right....elaborate the
whole process so that we can get
things right and unite the two
families immediately...l want my
grandchild to grow up in a good way
knowing all her relatives*
Enzo:*okay....the lobola negotiations
goes like this.....*

Enzo started explaining the whole

process and Jonathan gathered his
elders and contacted his sister a
Miss Williams who lived in Los
Angeles to book the next flight to

Ishe was over the moon, finally the

girl that has always been part of his
dreams will now be in his life. After
the lobola he assured his father that
he wanted a white wedding with
At Mphofu's

Mai Matthew was seen hurriedly

walking to Mariana's room smiling.
She could not contain the good news
to herself just after her husband
received the marriage letter from the
Mariana's mother never thought that
a gangster family could do things
the right way like they were going to
She found Maria in her towel just
after taking a warm bath....she was
beaming with smiles as she hold
both her daughter's hands

Mrs Mphofu:*Maria....Maria ooh you

have made me proud darling*
Maria looked at her confused...

Maria:*what is it mother?*
Mrs Mphofu:*My inlaws are coming
to pay lobola this coming weekend
and your father agreed*

Maria grinned like a little child and

hugged her mother and they danced
together happily__
There are a lot of mistakes moita
muchigadzirisa ī

Our book is coming to an end but

remember Sandy luvs you all §

End of Chap 29 ĬĬĬ


*A love story*
Written by SALAM
No matter the circumstances never
underestimate the power of love Ĭ

Ssn 2
Chap 30
Last Chapter ī

Author :Sandra L Masvimbo.

Months later we see the doctors

pushing a stretcher bed while Maria
scream like a someone who is dying.
Ishe aive kumasure looking
miserable because of the sleepless
nights he has been having. The
nurses block his way akuda kupinda
mulabour room
Nurse:*sire you need to wait

Ishe:*my wife needs me damn it

what's wrong with you?....*
Nurse:*sire if you keep on behaving
like this we're calling the security
and you won't be able to see your

He backed down and ran his hands

in his hair sitting on the waiting
room.He feared for Maria, she was
only 19 and here she was fighting for
her life to diliver his child.

He brought his phone dialed his

father's number...
Ishe:*dad come at our family
hospital right now*

Jonathan:*son you don't sound okay

is Mariana in labour already*
Maria 's parents rushed in with fear
written all over their faces...her
mother was sweating profusely

Ishe:*yess dad...come as soon as

you can*.
He hung up and looked at the nurse
that was passing by but she ignored

Mr Mphofu:*Is she in?*

Ishe nodded popping his knuckles
that were already turning red.....
Mrs Mphofu:*Don't worry son she'll
be fine ndizvo zvinoita nhumbu
dzese munotombopanicker but
eventually the little angel arrives
safe and sound*

Ishe:*haaa mom ka...inini l want my

wife to survive this*
Mr Mphofu:*Just relax son they will
both survive hapana chinoitika*

Ishe heaved a huge sigh but it wasn't

of relief, it was a sigh of not being
convinced a little more...

Maria screamed in pain and her

voice echoed through the
room....lshe akada kuenda in the
labour room akabatwa nababa
vaMaria nevake vainge
Ishe:*she is in pain l have to at least
be there for her*

He said that trying to free himself

from the old men's hold....when
Maria screamed his name for the
second time hapana munhu
akakwanisa kumumisa. He dashed
inside the labour room manurse
akangomutarisawo vachitoshaya

Seeing his wife in sweating and

panting at the same time broke him.
He knelt beside the bed and got hold
of Mariana's hand

Ishe:*Babe I'm here...we can get

through this Maria I'll be here every
step of the way*
Maria:*Ishe l don't think I can still do
this...the pain is unbearable*

Nurse:*Sir l think you need to step

outside or we'll call the
security!!...this is a labour room*
Ishe:*and this is my wife!!*

Ishe glared at them vakabva vatanga

kuita basa ravo....Mariana was
pushing with all her strength
Midwife:*l can see the head...we're
close now just a few more power
and we're there*

Mariana pushed again but she was

slowly giving up....
Midwife:*you are close...just push
some more....come on pushhhh!!*

Tears and sweat combined and

streamed down her chocolate
cheeks and she gathered all the
strength left in her and pushed
harder than she ever did since she
got in there.

A small cry was heard and Mariana

passed out.
Ishe:*Doctor what is going on aita
sei mukadzi wangu!?*

Midwife:*she is exhausted and

tired...but she's fine*
Ishe stood up akapiwa mwana was a bouncing baby boy
who was coloured with black
hair...when he opened his eyes lshe
shed a tear while smiling. The baby
had Ian's hazel eyes...

He couldn't come to think that the

tiny beautiful thing that seemed to fit
in his one palm was his. And he had
made it with the woman he loved.

Nurse:*sir we need to clean the

Ishe looked at his son one more time
then carefully he let the nurse take
him from his hands.

Hours later...
Mr Williams:*l will name my
grandson Ace*

Ishe:*Thats a good name*

Mr Mphofu:*wait wait wait...which

Maria:*haiii sure daddy bvunzai coz

the only spelling l know haaa hariite
mwana angasasekwe nevanhu*
Everyone laughed and lshe kissed
his wife and son as he suck Mariana
's right tit like his small life depends
on it.

Mr Williams:* means one

who comes first in everything he
Mai Maria:*ummm its a unique name
l love it*
Ishe and Maria hold hands and look
into each other's face smiling...

Maria:*we also have a name we

would like to give to our first child...*
Ishe:*yes we want to name him
Valiant is that right babe?*

Maria nodded and they kissed in

front of everyone....the parents went
Mr Mphofu:*Then Ace Valiant
Williams it is*

The family cheered vakatanga

kusvitsana the little Ace admiring his
rare face....Ishe cupped Maria's face
and brought her face near his and
kissed her slowly then disengaged

Ishe:*l love you my queen today,

tomorrow and forever...l will always
love you till the end of time*
Maria:*l love you too lshe...more
than you can imagine*


Cynthia walked in Grey's room with a

tray of food for breakfast....she
frowned a little aona musina munhu,
she reluctantly walked in and placed
the tray on the table next to the bed.

She walked to the ensuite


She opened the door and got in

kwakubva afamba achipinda mukati
akaona the bathroom wall
pakanyorwa nemarker *will you
marry me?*

Cynthia screamed covering her

mouth with her palm kwakubva
atendeuka achida kufamba kubuda
and she was met with a kneeling
Grey holding a golden ring inside a
small red box.
Grey:*Ndiwe wandochuza
Cynthia....if you can't spend the rest
of my life with me then l will die a came into my life and
changed me, you bring out the in me
as l bring out the best in you my
love....Cynthia Kudiwa please make
me the happiest man alive and share
my life with me..marry me Cynthia*
Cynthia:*l will....l will marry you Grey*

Grey slide the ring on her finger and

stood up carrying her
achimutenderedza while she
screamed joyfully....
Akazoiswa pasi and Grey hold her
waist looking into her eyes...

Grey:*what kind of wedding would

you prefer?*
Cee:*well l want something unique,
done in a unique way...l want to wear
a blue gown on my wedding day*

Grey laughed...
Grey:*my here for real?*

Cee:*(pouting)yess anything wrong

ukusekei Grey?*
Grey:*hapana babe there's nothing
wrong with blue plus a blue wedding
will be amazing l tell you*

Cynthia:*yeah it will be...l also want it

to be a night wedding*
Grey didn't want to add or subtract
what Cynthia had in mind. He only
wanted to copy all of it down and
make all her dreams come true.
Grey:*Your wish is my command my

And indeed they had a blue wedding

on a Sunday dawn...had a
honeymoon in France and Cynthia
conceived a baby girl, they named
her Reneseil WeNyasha Parashk.

Enzo and Kudakwashe (Razor) also

found their way with their love, they
adopted twin boys from an
orphanage in Harare...

Their names were Wayne and

Walter...they lived happily ever
I want to thank the Almighty for
carrying me through this journey,
and for opening the windows of
creativity to rain upon me ī

To all my fans, l want to thank you

for standing by me πǨ
To those vaikanda airtime Mwari
ngaakuwedzerei pamaitapudza,
giving hands are blessed hands.

Thanks to my mom again and my

sisters for giving me time to share
my talent to the world ī
Remain connected to see the
coming novel Ĭ

The End.

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