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Q1. TISCO was incorporated in the year______________

a. 1807
b. 1901
c. 1904
d. 1907

Q2. Suez Canal was opened in the year__________

a. 1969
b. 1869
c. 1979
d. 1889

Q3. The second stage of demographic transition began in India in the


a. 1911
b. 1910
c. 1921
d. 1931

Q4. The British introduced Railways in India in the year__________

a. 1840
b. 1845
c. 1850
d. 1855

Q5. TATA Airlines was established in the year________

a. 1920
b. 1930
c. 1931
d. 1932

Q6. First Train in India was run in the year____________

a. 1933
b. 1850
c. 1853
d. 1854
Q7. Planning Commission was established in the year_________

a. 1950
b. 1960
c. 1970
d. 1980

Q8. First phase of Green Revolution took place in the period______

a. Mid -1950s to Mid-1960s
b. Mid- 1960s to Mid 1970s
c. Mid 1970s to Mid 1980s
d. Mid 1980s to Mid 1990s

Q9. Second phase of Green Revolution took place in the period______

a. Mid -1950s to Mid-1960s
b. Mid- 1960s to Mid 1970s
c. Mid 1970s to Mid 1980s
d. Mid 1980s to Mid 1990s

Q10. GST law was passed in the year ___________

a. 2014
b. 2015
c. 2016
d. 2017

Q11. GST came into effect from _________-

a. June 2015
b. July 2015
c. June 2016
d. July 2017

Q12. In _______ the Government of India enacted the Right of Children to

Free and Compulsory Education Act to make free education a
fundamental right of all children in the age group of 6-14 years.

a. 2007
b. 2008
c. 2009
d. 2010

Q13. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)

was set up in the year________
a. 1972
b. 1982
c. 1992
d. 1995

Q14. In which period India’s milk production increased 10 times?

a. 1947-1990
b. 1950- 1990
c. 1991-2016
d. 1951-2016

Q15. In _______, The Government of India introduced a new scheme

called Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY).

a. October 2014
b. October 2015
c. October 2016
d. October 2017

Q16. MGNREGA was passed in the year____________.

a. 2003
b. 2004
c. 2005
d. 2006

Q17. ‘Appiko’ movement in Karnataka started on__________

a. 8th November 1976

b. 8th September 1973
c. 8th November 1983
d. 8th September 1983

Q18. Identify the correct order

i China’s First Five year Plan
ii India’s First Five year Plan
iii Formation of Planning Commission of India
iv. Pakistan’s First Five Year plan

a. ii,i,iii,iv
b. i,iv,ii,iii
c. iii,ii,i,iv
d. iv,iii,ii,i
Q19. The Great Leap Forward (GLF) campaign initiated in_________

a. 1968
b. 1978
c. 1958

Q20. Mao introduced the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in


a. 1958
b. 1965
c. 1978
d. 1988

Q21.Identify the correct order

i Reforms in India
ii Reforms in Pakistan
iii Reforms in China

a. i,ii,iii
b. iii,ii,i
c. ii,i,iii
d. i,iii,ii

Q22. In __________ the Village and Small-Scale Industries Committee,

also called the Karve Committee, noted the possibility of using small-
scale industries for promoting rural development.

a. 1947
b. 1950
c. 1955
d. 1958



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