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WARM UP (10 counts each side)

1. 5 min full body heat.

2. Spine flexion/extention.

3. Spine side to side flexion.

4. Trunk circles.

5. Trunk Twists.

6. Horizontal arm pulls.

7. Vertical arm pulls.

8. 2 arm circles 2 forward bends.

9. 2 arm circles 2 side bends.

10. 2 round Spine 2 flat Spine bends.

11. 1 forward bend 1 twist.

12. Hip circles.

13. Half cossack squats.

14. 2 squats 2 forward bend.

15. Forearm circles.

16. Neck side to side.

17. Neck up and down.

18.Neck circles.


1. Wrist mobilization & stabilization - flexion, extention and rotation.

2. Elbow mobilization & stabilization - Elbow push ups

3. Scapula mobilization & stabilization - Scapula push ups

4. Shoulder stabilization & ROM - both arm circles + pulses + hold(90° 0° -90°) with band, shoulder
dislocations, whippet with band.


1. Squat knee presses – 10/15 + 20/30 secs hold

2. Downdog to updog – 5/8 + 20/30 secs hold

3. Childpose – 30 secs hold

4. Static shoulder stretch - 30 secs hold e/s

5. Seated pike static shoulder extension – 30 secs hold

6. Standing forward fold to squat – 8/10 + 20/30 secs hold

7. Standing straddle swings to straddle forward fold – 10 swings e/s + 30 secs hold

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