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Dosen Pengampu: dr. Anggelia Puspasari, M. Biomed



1. A blood sample is taken from a 25-year-old man after he has eaten three slices of toast
and a boiled egg. Which one of the following will be at a higher concentration than if
the blood sample had been taken after an overnight fast?
A. Alanine
B. Glucagon
C. Glucose
D. Ketone bodies
E. Nonesterified fatty acids

When a person's body consumes a food and has digested, then substances contained in
food consumed It will be absorbed by the body, and one example is glucose.

2. A blood sample is taken from a 40-year-old man has been fasting completely for a
week, drinking only water. Which of the following will be at a higher concentration
than after a normal overnight fast?
A. Glucose
B. Insulin
C. Ketone bodies
D. Nonesterified fatty acids
E. Triacylglycerol

When glucosa and glycogen in the body are depleted, they are formed. ketone body as a
producer of energy synthesized in the liver

3. In glycolysis, the conversion of 1 mol of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate to 2 mol of

pyruvate results in the formation of:
A. 1 mol NAD+ and 2 mol of ATP
B. 1 mol NADH and 1 mol of ATP
C. 2 mol NAD+ and 4 mol of ATP
D. 2 mol NADH and 2 mol of ATP
E. 2 mol NADH and 4 mol of ATP

2 moles of NADH and 4 moles of ATP Each is produced by two three carbonic
compounds. NADH glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase and ATP is produced
with the help of the enzymes phosphoglycerate kinase and pyruvate Kinase.

4. Which one of following statements about glucose metabolism is correct?

A. Glucagon increases the rate of glycolysis.
B. Glycolysis requires NADP+.
C. In glycolysis, glucose is cleaved into two three carbon compounds.
D. Substrate level phosphorylation takes place in the electron transport system.
E. The main product of glycolysis in red blood cells is pyruvate.
The enzyme fructose bisphosphate aldolase which changes fructose-1,6-Bisphosphate
into 2 molecules that each have 3 carbon atoms, namely dihydroxy acetone phosphate
and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, so that glucose can Broken down into two or three
carbon compounds.

5. Which one of following statements about the step in glycolysis catalyzed by

hexokinase and in gluconeogenesis by glucose 6-phosphatase is correct?
A. Because hexokinase has a low Km its activity in liver increases as the concentration
of glucose in the portal blood increases.
B. Glucose-6-phosphatase is mainly active in muscle in the fasting state.
C. If hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphatase are both equally active at the same time
there is net formation of ATP from ADP and phosphate.
D. Liver contains an isoenzyme of hexokinase, glucokinase, which is especially
important in the fed state.
E. Muscle can release glucose into the circulation from its glycogen reserves in the
fasting state.

isoenzyme hexokinase and glucokinase are present in hepar, Glucokinase has a higher

6. Which of the following will provide the main fuel for muscle contraction during
short-term maximum exertion?
A. Muscle glycogen
B. Muscle reserves of triacylglycerol
C. Plasma glucose
D. Plasma nonesterified fatty acids
E. Triacylglycerol in plasma very low density lipoprotein

ATP-ing backup for shortterm muscle contraction Maximum exertion (anaerobic) is

7. Which one of following statements about the fed and fasting metabolic states is
A. In the fasting state adipose tissue synthesizes glucose from the glycerol released by
the breakdown of triacylglycerol.
B. In the fasting state adipose tissue synthesizes ketone bodies.
C. In the fasting state the main fuel for red blood cells is fatty acids released from
adipose tissue.
D. Ketone bodies provide the main fuel for the central nervous system in the fasting
E. Plasma glucose is maintained in starvation and prolonged fasting by gluconeogenesis
in the liver from the amino acids released by the breakdown of muscle protein
When the body does not get food In a long time, the process of gluconeogenesis is
needed to restore glucose levels in the blood that have decreased levels.

8. Which one of following statements about the fed and fasting metabolic states is
A. In the fasting state muscle synthesizes glucose from amino acids.
B. In the fed state adipose tissue can take up glucose for synthesis of triacylglycerol
because glucose transport in adipose tissue is stimulated in response to glucagon.
C. Ketone bodies are synthesized in muscle in the fasting state, and the amount
synthesized increases as fasting extends into starvation.
D. Ketone bodies provide an alternative fuel for red blood cells in the fasting state.
E. Plasma glucose is maintained in starvation and prolonged fasting by gluconeogenesis
from fatty acids. Then protein catabolism

Ketone body
synthesized by the liver so that the body is in a state of homeostasis even if there is no
Food that comes in over a long period of time

9. Which one of following statements about metabolism of sugars is correct?

A. Fructokinase phosphorylates fructose to fructose-6- phosphate.
B. Fructose is an aldose sugar like glucose.
C. Fructose transport into cells is insulin dependent.
D. Galactose is phosphorylated to galactose-1-phosphate by galactokinase.
E. Sucrose can be biosynthesized from glucose and fructose in the liver.

Galactokinase will take phosphate from ATP later. moved to galactose at atam carbon
number one

10. Which one of following statements about the pentose phosphate pathway is correct?
A. In favism red blood cells are more susceptible to oxidative stress because of a lack of
NADPH for fatty acid synthesis.
B. People who lack glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase cannot synthesize fatty acids
because of a lack of NADPH in liver and adipose tissue.
C. The pentose phosphate pathway is especially important intissues that are synthesizing
fatty acids.
D. The pentose phosphate pathway is the only source of NADPH for fatty acid synthesis.
E. The pentose phosphate pathway provides an alternative to glycolysis only in the
fasting state.

This pathway will produce NADPH which plays an important role as a reducing agent
when the synthesis of fatty acids.

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