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o Soil plant water relationships relate to the properties of
soil and plant that affect the movement, retention and use of
oSoil serves as a storehouse of water.
oIrrigation water and rain water become available to plants
through the soil.
oThe water stored in the soil pores within the root zone
constitutes the soil water.
oAn understanding of the relation ship between soils and
water is essential to make the most efficient use of water in
crop production.
Appropriate Technology 2
Soil – A system
⚫ Soil is a three-phase system consisting of solid, liquid
and gases.
⚫ The minerals and organic matters in soil constitute the
solid phase.
⚫ Water forms the liquid phase
⚫ The soil air forms the gaseous phase
⚫ Soil serves as a medium of plant growth.
⚫ Soil components when exists in proper amounts offer a
favorable condition for plant growth

Constituents of a typical soil

Soil – A system

Soil Physical Properties Influencing Soil – Water
➢ The important physical properties of soil affecting the soil-water
relationship relate to soil characteristics that governs

✓ entry of water in to the soil during irrigation or rain,

✓ water movement through the soil,
✓ retention of water by the soil and
✓ availability of water to crop plants.

➢ The two main physical properties of soil influencing soil-water

relationship are
✓ soil texture
✓ soil structure

Soil Physical Properties Influencing Soil – Water

o Soil texture refers to the relative sizes of soil particles in a given

o The sizes of particles making up a soil determine its texture.
o Soil structure refers to the manner in which soil particles are
arranged in groups or aggregates.
o The structure of soil is dynamic and it changes constantly with soil
management practices.

Volume and Mass Relationships of Soil Constituents
o Soil has solids, liquid and air and their relative masses and
volumes are required for proper soil and crop

o A schematic diagram of soil shown below may be useful

to define the volume and mass relationship of the three
soil phases.

o The diagram shows the presence of the three phases in

relative proportions both in masses and volumes

Volume and Mass Relationships of Soil Constituents

Mt = Ma + M w + M s
gas Ma, Va
water Mw, Vw

solid Ms, Vs

Vt = Va + Vw + Vs
The density of any part is mass/volume (kg/m3) or (gm/cm3)

The arrangement of these quantities gives us useful measures


Volume Relations Mass Relations

Va Air Ma

Water Mw
Vt Mt

Vs Solids Ms

Bulk Density

o The bulk density is the density of a volume of soil as it

exists naturally, including pores spaces and organic

o Bulk Density is the weight of oven dry soil per unit

volume of soil. Ms
 dry = in g / cm 3

✓ Ms= mass of dry soil

✓ Vt = is total volume
✓ Typical values: 1.1 - 1.8 g/cm3
❖It may vary due to compaction

❖Organic soils have lower bulk densities as compared to

mineral soils due to lower densities of organic materials

Appropriate Technology 14
Core sampling

Appropriate Technology 15
Appropriate Technology 16
Apparent Specific Gravity
⚫ Apparent Specific gravity refers to the ratio of
bulk density of soil to that of density of water.
⚫ It is dimensionless /unit less quantity/.

Bulk Density of soil, BD b

Asg = =
Density of Water w


⚫ Porosity can be defined as the ratio of the volume of

pores/voids to the total volume.

Vp Va + Vw Vt − Vs vs BD
n= = = = 1 − = (1 − ) *100
Vt Va + Vw + Vs Vt vt Ds

⚫ It is influenced by texture and structure of the soil.

⚫ The more finely divided are the individual soil particles, the
greater is the porosity

Soil Wetness

⚫ Soil wetness refers to the relative water

content in the soil.
⚫ It is expressed on
I. Weight basis (Mass Wetness),
II. Volume basis (volume wetness) and
III. Depth basis.

1. Mass Wetness

⚫ It is the ratio of mass of water to mass of soil

⚫ It is commonly called gravimetric soil
moisture content on weight basis.

Mass of water Mw
Mass Wetness = = m =
Mass of solid Ms

Suppose that we have a sample container full of soil taken in the
field, and sealed so that the moisture could not escape. We later
weigh the container in the lab, then use an oven to drive off all the
moisture and weigh the container again. Assume that we know the
empty weight of the container.

w = [container wt.+ wet soil wt.]-[container wt.+ dry soil wt.] or

dry soil wt.

mwater mwet soil − mdry soil

w= =
mdry soil mdry soil
Appropriate Technology 21
Mass Wetness

2. Volume Wetness
⚫ It is the ratio of volume of water to total volume of soil

Volume of water Vw
 = =
Total soil volume Vt

Soil water content on volume

basis,%  = ( )
SMC v =  = VW x100 = ( Vw
v v
V V + V
  t S P

⚫ Volumetric water content, v , can also be calculated form w,



Volume of Core = Volume of soil = r 2 h

 dry =
Asg =
Soil water content
( )
v ( )
w W −W
on volumebasis,%  = SMC v = SMC w * Asg = 1 2 2
  r h w

3. Equivalent depth of water

⚫ Equivalent depth of water is the volume of water per unit

land area.
⚫ It refers to the depth of water formed if the water existing in
the soil is squeezed and collected without affecting the soil
⚫ The soil water exists distributed in the soil pores in a given
volume of soil.


➢ Solved problems
Example: Calculate gravimetric (w), volumetric ( V) and depth
(dmm) of water for the given data below

Wet soil Dry soil Wt of can BD

Soil depth +can (gm) +can (gm) (gm)
0-20cm 210 185 30 1.07

20-40cm 202 190 32 1.12

40-60cm 198 190 34 1.15

60-80cm 210 180 28 1.16

mwater mwet soil − mdry soil

w= =
mdry soil mdry soil
1. For 0 -20 cm soil depth
W = (wt of wet soil – wt of can) – (wt of dry soil –wt of can x 100
Wt of dry soil – wt of can
W = (210-30) – (185-30) x 100
(185 – 30)
w = (180-155) x 100 = 25/155x100 = 16% =0.16
❖ volumetric moisture content = W x BD
= 0.16 x 1.07 = 17.2%
❖Note that depth of soil = 0 – 20 cm = 20cm = 200mm

Appropriate Technology 28
• Depth mm = volumetric water content x depth of soil

• Depth of water applied = V x d (mm) =

= 0. 172 x 200mm

depth (mm) = 34.4 mm

2. Calculate gravimetric water content (w), volumetric

water content(v) and depth of water for 20 – 40cm, 40 -
60cm and 60 -80 cm soil depth
Appropriate Technology 29
Q1. After How many days will you supply water to soil in order to ensure sufficient irrigation of the
given crop, if

(i) Field Capacity of soil is =28%

(ii) Permanent wilting point = 13%
(iii) Density of soil = 1.3gm/cm3
(iv) Effective depth of root zone = 70 cm
(v) Daily consumptive use of water by the given
Crop = 12mm = 12mm/day
Assume RAM = 80% of AM.
drz = 0.7m
1. AM = FC − PWP = 28 − 13 = 15%
Solution: 2. RAM = 0.8 * 15% = 12%
 Optimum MoistureContent = 28 - 12 = 16%

It means that the moisture will be filled by irrigation b/n 16% & 28%
Depth of water stored in the root zone b/n these two limits
 d d 1.3
= d . Field Capacity m.c - Optimum m.c  and
 g
= d. =
= cc = 1.3
w w  w. g w 1 gm
Depth of water stored in the root zone = 1.3* 0.70.28 - 0.16 = 1.3* 0.7 * 0.12m = 0.1092m= 10
Hence the water available for evapotranspiration = 10.92 cm

➢ 12mm or 1.2cm of water is utilized by the plant in 1 day

10.92cm of water wil l be utilised by the plant in

Irrigation frequency = days = 9.1 days y = 9 days
Hence, after 9 days, water should be supplied to the given crop.

Classification of Soil Water

Appropriate Technology 31
⚫ The water below the water table is known as
ground water
⚫ The water above the water table is known as soil
water classification.
⚫ There are three kinds of soil water classification.
➢ Gravitational/Free water

➢ Capillary water

➢ Hygroscopic water

Gravitational/Free water
⚫ Gravitational water is that part of soil water moving through
soil interstices under gravity.
⚫ It is the water in the soil macro pores that moves down ward
freely under the influence of gravity.
⚫ Gravitational water is not available to plants because of the
rapid disappearance of the water from the soil.
⚫ The upper limit or maximum level of gravitational water is
when the soil is saturated.
⚫ For coarse sandy soil gravitational water will drain in one
day but for fine clay soil it will drain with in 2 to 3 days.
⚫ The water tension at this stage is 1/3 atmosphere or less.

Capillary Water
⚫ Capillarity water refers to water retained by soil after
cessation of the down ward movement of water
(gravitational water).
⚫ It is water held by forces of surface tension and
continuous film around soil particles and in capillary
⚫ The water is held at a tension of 1/3 to 31 atm. and much
of it is in fluid state.
⚫ The capillary water supplies the whole or largest part of
water available to plants.

Hygroscopic Water
⚫ Hygroscopic water refers to the soil water held tightly to
the surface of soil particles by adsorption forces.
⚫ It is water that an oven dry soil absorbs when exposed to
air saturated with water vapor.
⚫ It occurs as a very thin film over the surface of soil
particles and held tenaciously at a tension of 31
atmospheres or above.
⚫ The water is held by adhesive force.
⚫ Much of it is non-liquid and moves as vapor.
⚫ It is unavailable water to plants.

Soil Water Contents
⚫ Soil water content/soil moisture varies constantly under natural
⚫ Soil water is always subjected to certain forces such as pressure
gradients and vapor pressure differences that cause it to move.
⚫ The soil water (amount) constants include:
1. Saturation Capacity
2. Field Capacity
3. Permanent wilting point
4. Oven dry soil

➢ Total available water-holding capacity (TAWC)

This is defined as "the water held in the root-zone between
field capacity and permanent wilting point". That is ALL the
water which the plant can withdraw from the soil.
TAWC =  FC −  PWP
Saturation Capacity
⚫ Saturation Capacity is the percentage water content
of a soil fully saturated with water & all its pores
completely filled with water under restricted

⚫ It is also called maximum water holding capacity.

⚫ Complete saturation occurs in surface soils

immediately after heavy irrigation or rainfall.

⚫ The soil water is in free state and the tension at this

stage is zero. 38
Field Capacity
⚫ Field capacity of a soil is the moisture content after gravitational
water has drained off and/or has become very slow and the
moisture content of the soil become more stable.
⚫ It denotes the water content of a soil retained by an initially
saturated soil against force of gravity.
⚫ This stage is reached when the excess water from a saturated
soil after irrigation or rainfall has fully percolated down.
⚫ Field capacity refers to the moisture content of a soil 1 to 2/3
days after heavy rainfall or irrigation depending up on the soil
⚫ Soil water tension at field capacity ranges from 0.1 to 0.33
atmospheres in different soils.
⚫ It is the highest point of available water range, as the soils
cannot retain any more water above this point against gravity.

Field Capacity the ideal state

Water in
Water in micropores,
air in macropores

Permanent Wilting Point (PWP)
⚫ It refers to the soil moisture content at which plants do not get
enough water to meet the transpiration demand and remain wilted
unless water is added to the soil.
⚫ It is the moisture content of the soil when plants growing on that
soil starts to show signs of wilting due to moisture stress.
⚫ At the permanent wilting point the films of water around the soil
particles are held so tightly that roots in contact with the soil can
not remove the water at a sufficiently rapid rate to prevent wilting
of the plant leaves.
⚫ Permanent wilting point is considered as the lowest limit of
available water range.
⚫ Soil water tension at PWP ranges from 7 to 32 atmosphere
depending on several factors

Permanent Wilting Point (PWP)

Oven Dry Soil
⚫ Oven dry soil is used to describe the soil water status when a
soil sample is dried at 1050 c in a hot air oven until sample
loses no more water i.e., for 24 hrs.
⚫ The equilibrium tension of soil water at this stage is 10,000
⚫ All estimations of soil water content are based on the oven dry
weight of the soil and the soil at this stage is considered to
contain zero amount of water.

Figure: Schematic Representation of Soil Water Constants
and Soil water Ranges

Gravitational Water
Field Capacity

Available Capillary Water


Permanent Wilting Point

Water Hygroscopic Water

Oven dry/Absolute wilting

Moisture content vs. crop growth

Appropriate Technology 45
Infiltration of Water into Soils
⚫ Infiltration is the entrance or movement of water from the
surface into the soil. It refers to the vertical entrance of
water from the surface in to the soil.
⚫ The infiltration characteristics of the soil is one of the
dominant variables influencing irrigation. It essentially
controls the amount of water entering the soil reservoir as
well as the advance and recession of the overland flow.
⚫ Infiltration rate is the soil characteristics determining the
maximum rate at which water can enter the soil under
specific conditions.
⚫ Accumulated infiltration or cumulative infiltration is the
total quantity of water that enters the soil in a given time.
• Infiltration is the term applied to the process of
water entry into the soil, generally by downward
flow through all or part of the soil surface.

• Hydrologically, the infiltration process separates

rain into two parts:
– One part stored within the soil supplies water to the
roots of vegetation and recharges groundwater

– The other part which does not penetrate the soil

surface is responsible for surface runoff.
• Infiltration is a process in which water enters the surface
strata of the soil mass.

• The infiltrated water first meets the soil moisture

deficiency, if any, and thereafter the excess water moves
vertically downwards to reach the groundwater table. This
vertical movement is called percolation.

• Infiltration capacity of the soil is defined as the maximum

rate at which it is capable of absorbing water.

• Infiltration rate decreases during rain or irrigation.

• The rate of decrease is rapid initially and the infiltration

rate tends to approach a constant value.

• In general infiltration rate is high in the early stages of

infiltration, particularly where the soil is initially dry, but
tends to decrease eventually to approach asymptotically a
constant rate, which is often termed the final infiltration
capacity but which is preferably called steady-state
infiltration. 49
Factors affecting Infiltration

• Conditions and characteristics of surface soil

• Duration and intensity of irrigation or rainfall

• Vegetation cover

• Tillage and crop management practices

Typical infiltration curve

Appropriate Technology 51
Measurement of Infiltration
⚫ Cylinder Infiltrometer
⚫ Cylinder infiltrometer are metal cylinders which are formed
of 2mm rolled steel sheet metal.
⚫ Two cylinders are mostly used, one outer and the other
inner cylinder.
⚫ The most commonly used cylinders are of the following
⚫ Inner Cylinder
➢ Diameter = 30cm
➢ Height = 25 cm
⚫ Outer Cylinder
➢ Diameter = 60 cm
➢ Height = 25 cm
Appropriate Technology 53
Double ring Infiltrometer
Process Continuous Discrete
Infiltration rate dI(t) I
i(t) = it =
dt t
Cumulative infiltration t t
I(t) =  i(t )dt It = it t
0 i=0

Example: From the data given in the Table below, calculate the infiltration rate and
cumulative infiltration. The time step t = 10 minutes or 0.167 hrs.

t (period) Time (minutes) I(t) (cm) it (cm hr-1)

0 0 0.00 -
5 - 5.99
1 10 1.00
15 - 3.20
2 20 1.53 -
25 - 2.22
3 30 1.90 -
35 - 1.38
4 40 2.13 -
45 - 1.20
5 50 2.33 -
55 - 1.02
6 60 2.50 -
i. Infiltration rate, i

The linear approximation for the infiltration rate is given by:

I (I − It −1 ) (1.0 − 0.0)cm = 5.99 cm hr −1
it = = t i1 =
t t 0.167 hr
, i2= 1.53-1/0.167=3.17cmhr-1, i3=1.90-1.53/0.167=2.216 cmhr-1

The values in the Table above are estimated using this relationship.
Time (minutes)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Infiltration rate (cm hr-1)
i. Cumulative infiltration, I

The cumulative infiltration through time t is the sum of individual increments:

Ii = ii t

For example, the cumulative infiltration for the time period 1 (from 0 to 10 min.) is:
I1 = 5.99 cmhr −1  0.167 hr
I1 = 1.oo cm
and the cumulative infiltration through time period 2 is:
I 2 = (3.2  0.167) + 5.99 cm = 6.52 cm

Describe soil physical properties relevant to
irrigation (max. page 10)
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