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B10 – Dwayne Lorcan L.

10 – Einstein

Worksheet 2 In Agreement

In this worksheet, you are going to learn about Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement. You are
expected to complete a set of dialogues with pronouns from the film “Troy” directed by
Wolfgang Peterson.

In this worksheet, you will be able to:

• evaluate text content, elements, features, and properties using a set

of criteria
• note details
• observe antecedent agreement
• explain how conflicts can be avoided in the family

What are three things that family members should agree about to avoid conflicts? Write them
below and explain why each helps avoid conflicts.

One of the three things that family members could do to avoid conflicts is agreeing to
negotiate. Usually, our first angry impulse is to push the point that we are right and win the
argument at any cost. Finding a peaceful resolution can be difficult, if not impossible, when both
parties stubbornly stick to their guns. It helps if everyone decides as a family to try listening to
each other and negotiating instead. Another thing that we can do is try to listen. Conflict can
escalate when the people involved are too angry to listen to each other. Misunderstandings fuel
arguments. So, try to stay calm and put your emotions aside. And the last thing we can do for our
family to avoid conflict is work as a team. Once both parties understand the views and feelings of
the other, you can work out a solution together, come up with as many possible solutions as you
can and be willing to compromise.

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Rules

Watch the presentation on pronoun-antecedent agreement video at
0A0vqAM_6al045RY2q_RysRVTlKQ2OO7UkOY3HAurBxM (Last accessed on 8 July 2020) to
review pronoun-antecedent rules.

What is an antecedent?

An antecedent is a word or group of words to which a pronoun refers or replaces.

Activity 1. Check your understanding. The sentences are based from Iliad book 6. Give the
correct pronoun.

1. Hector called _ his _ son, Scamandrius.

2. Hector and Andromache looked upon
_their son.
Knowing the rules on pronoun
3. Andromache said, “I had seven brothers in antecedent agreement allows one to
express ideas more clearly.
my father’s house, but on the same day

all went within the house of Hades. Achilles killed _them_ as

they were with their sheep and cattle,”.

B10 – Dwayne Lorcan L. Marin
10 – Einstein

4. Hector said, “My own wife, do not take these things too bitterly to heart, no one can hurry

_themselves to Hades before my time...”

5-6. When Andromache reached her home, she found her maidens within. She bade

_them_ all to join in _her_ lament for Hector.

7-8 Andromache and _her_ maidens mourned for Hectior in his own house

though _he_ was yet alive.

9-10. Hector took his darling child, kissed and dandled _him_ in _his_ arms.

Activity 2. Continue watching the film “Troy” directed by Wolfgang Peterson. Complete the
activity below.

Name: Section
Speaker/Character Utterances

Hector: You do understand why _we_ are in Sparta? You

understand that Menalaus, the king of Sparta is a
powerful man.

Hector I will rip your pretty face from _your_ pretty skull.

Hector Sometimes the gods bless you in the morning and

curse _you_ in the afternoon.

Paris Do you love me brother? Would _you_ protect me

against the enemy?

Hector I have seen men dying, there’s nothing glorious

about _it_.

Menelaus I want her back…

Agamemnon I always thought that my brother’s wife was a foolish

woman, but _she_ has proved to be very useful.
Nothing unifies _us_ like a common enemy.

Odysseus My wife would feel much better if _she_ knows you

are by my side.

Thetis If you go to Troy, glory will be yours

Achilles You know this to be true, mother?

B10 – Dwayne Lorcan L. Marin
10 – Einstein

For additional exercises on pronoun-antecedent agreement, go to and
%20Antecedent%20Agreement%20-%20Exercise01.aspx Last accessed on 8 July

Answer each question in 2-3 sentences. Encode your answers in a Notepad. Use
“CNLast Name_Contemplate W2” as the file name. Submit via Google Classroom on or
October 17.
1. What did you realize about family conflicts in accomplishing this
- I discovered that family conflicts can have far-reaching consequences
and it may draw in other people. This can also happen for a long time
and the longer it gets the less chances of resolving it.
2. What other things about pronouns do you find confusing?
- For me, I would say that identifying what type of pronouns are being used
is what confuses me. Also using the proper pronouns.

Check Yourself
Check if you have achieved, partly achieved, or not yet achieved each criterion.
Assessment Criteria Achieved Achieved Not
Partly Yet

Evaluate text content, elements, features,

and properties using a set of criteria

Note details

Observe antecedent agreement

Explain how conflicts can be avoided in the


Prepared by:


Checked by:


Head, English Department

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