Your IELTS Writing Guide

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Your IELTS Writing Guide

Written by the IELTS Transformation team


Introduction __________________________________________________3

Chapter 1 The Most Common Errors for Students _________________4

Section 1.1 Articles ________________________________________________5
Section 1.2 Using Vocabulary that is too difficult __________________________6
Section 1.3 Word forms and Collocation ________________________________6
Section 1.4 Subject Verb Agreement ___________________________________7
Section 1.5 Prepositions ____________________________________________7
Section 1.6 Paraphrase _____________________________________________9
Section 1.7 Talking Generally ________________________________________9
Section 1.8 There is/ are ____________________________________________9
Section 1.9 Pronouns _____________________________________________ 10
Section 1.10 Present Continuous _____________________________________ 10
Section 1.11 Say / tell / speak / talk ___________________________________ 11
Section 1.12 Punctuation ___________________________________________11

Chapter 2 Writing Task 1 General Training - Task Achievement ______12

Chapter 3 Writing Task 1 Academic - Task Achievement ___________16

Chapter 4 Writing Task 1 Coherence and Cohesion _______________25

Chapter 5 Writing Task 2 Task Response ________________________ 27

Chapter 6 Writing Task 2 Coherence and Cohesion _______________29

Chapter 7 Writing Task 1 & 2 Vocabulary and Grammar ____________30

Chapter 8 Sample Task 2 Essays with Comments _________________32

Chapter 9 Writing 2 Final Tips _________________________________ 35

Your first language (L1) directly affects how you learn English, the type of typical
grammar errors you make and the type of mistakes you make when writing the IELTS

For students who have a first language such as Mandarin, Russian, Portuguese, or
Spanish, etc, there are a number of features that generally appear in these writers’
tasks. This book will show you what these common features are and how to avoid

Preparing for IELTS is obviously about learning and using the right language for the
task, but equally important is the cognitive aspect, how you think and prepare a
response in your head.

In all parts of the writing test, you need to have a standard thought process that you
follow to help you to organise your thought and create a quick plan.

This book will show you how to think about each task by asking yourself a number of
questions that will enable you to present your ideas.

IELTS Transformation: Rob MacLachlan & Paul Collins


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Chapter 1

The Most Common Errors for Students

The most common grammar and vocabulary errors:

1. Articles (determiners)
2. Using vocabulary that is too difficult
3. Word forms and collocation
4. Subject Verb Agreement
5. Prepositions
6. Paraphrase
7. Talking generally
8. There is / are
9. Pronouns
10. Overuse of the Present Continuous
11. Say / tell / talk / speak

1. Articles (determiners)
Articles – a / an / the

Unlike in most languages, in English, before every singular countable noun, we need
a determiner that gives us more information about the noun. It determines (tells us)
which noun we are talking about. We can use a pronoun, a quantifier or an article (a,
an or the).

Indefinite: a/an one of many/not specific/used when we talk about s/t for the first

Definite: the specific/clear/we have already talked about s/t before

1. Foundation rules for articles

a / an (indefinite article) the (definite article)

“one of many” “specific / clear”

We normally use “a / an” We normally use “the” when:


1 we talk about s/t for the 1 we have already talked about s/t before
first time

2 the person we are talking 2 the person we are talking to knows which thing
to doesn’t know which

3 we focus on “what kind 3 there is only on of s/t

of thing”

4 we give more information about s/t so that the

other person knows which one (i.e., relative

5 we are not concerned about which particular

thing the speaker is referring to

The most important rule is ‘rule 3’ in the list of indefinite articles. When we talk about
“what kind of ~” we should use the indefinite articles a or an. In other words, if we
want to talk about what kind of object we are looking at or showing, or describe what
kind of person someone is, we use a or an.

Look at these examples.

This a pen. (I am describing what kind of object I
have in my hand.)
She is a nice person. (I am describing what kind of person she
What a lovely sky tonight! (I am describing what kind of sky I can see.)
I am a teacher. (I am describing what kind of job I do.)

2. Using vocabulary that is too difficult (trying too hard)

This the no.1 error for most students.

If you use high level words, but use the wrong collocation, you will NOT get a good
score because you made it ‘difficult’ for the examiner to understand = band 5 in
lexical resource.

(Please see our other book on this)

3. Word forms & Collocation

Most students make many errors with word forms. In other words, they use the
adjective when they should be using the adverb or the noun when they should use
the adjective.

Collocation is when two words go together naturally. For example, in English, we say
heavy rain, not big rain or strong rain.

See our book 28 Days to Transform Your Vocabulary for IELTS to learn more
about word forms and collocation. This book shows you how to fix this. It is also
essential for your Listening, Reading and Speaking.

Here is an example:

Noun Noun Adjective Verb (V) Adverb Synony Antonym

Person (NP) Thing (NT) (Adj) (+/-) (T/I) (Adv) m (Ant)

1 educator education educational educate educationall V-teach NT

(T) y -

Collocatio X decent, materials, properly, X well, complete.

n formal, spending, well, effectively show,
poor, resources privately , display
compulsory. about +
acquire, get, N

So, you can combine the right word form with the right collocation.

For example:
a) They acquired a decent formal education.
b) There are more and more educational resources online nowadays.
c) I was educated privately.
d) They were taught effectively about vocabulary.

4. Subject Verb Agreement

This is a Subject Verb Agreement error. Unlike some languages, the subject of a
sentence changes (conjugates) the verb. This causes many errors. In English, there
are 17 or so rules for Subject Verb Agreement (SVA). While it is not a good use of
your time to learn them all unless you need a high score on a test, you should make
sure your verbs agree with the subjects. (see our grammar books and courses for
details). The most common error is the missing ‘S’ in the 3rd person.

Person Subjective pronoun Verb

1st Person Singular I have / do / eat

2nd Person Singular You have / do / eat

3rd Person Singular He / she / it / one has / does / eats

1st Person Plural We have / do / eat

2nd Person Plural You have / do / eat

3rd Person Plural They have / do / eat

5. Prepositions
Prepositions cause students many problems.

This is a typical example of incorrect English:

I will send you for you have a look. ✗

I will send it to you for you to have a look. ✔

This is an issue with verbs and prepositions.

Some prepositions have meaning (when they are used with nouns):

a) Prepositions of time - to be on time / in time etc.

b) Prepositions of place - the pen is on the table / I am in the classroom etc.

(see below)

c) Prepositions of movement - She walked past the window etc. (see below)


Many prepositions do not have meaning, but simply complete the meaning of a verb,
noun or adjective.

For example, Intransitive Verbs can be simply S + V. (I arrived) or if you want to add
an object, you need to use a preposition (I arrived at the cafe).

So, you need to learn about Transitive and Intransitive verbs (do our writing course
for a close look at this) and Collocation within Lexical Resource (again, on the writing

6. Paraphrase

To paraphrase try to:

1. Change the subject of the sentence.
2. Change the word form.
3. Change from singular to plural or vice versa
Here are some sentences that have been paraphrased:
• Original: Her life spanned years of incredible change for women.
• Paraphrase: Mary lived through an era of liberating reform for women.

• Original: Giraffes like Acacia leaves and hay and they can consume 75
pounds of food a day.
• Paraphrase: A giraffe can eat up to 75 pounds of Acacia leaves and hay

• Original: Any trip to Italy should include a visit to Tuscany to sample their
exquisite wines.
• Paraphrase: Be sure to include a Tuscan wine-tasting experience when
visiting Italy.

7. Talking generally

In the essay, you will mostly be writing about situations generally.

To do this in English, we use plurals and the present simple.

Note: you can’t pluralise uncountable nouns (travels / informations etc.)

Parents are out at work longer and longer.
Students should study what interests them.

8. There is / are

You should use there is/ was and there are/ were to talk about situations say:

a. There is a new restaurant in Southport. ✓

b. There are two friends in Miami / I have two friends in Miami. ✓

9. Pronouns

There is some confusion with pronouns, especially the ones on bold.

Subjective Objective Adjective Possessive Reflexive

1st Person I me my mine myself
2nd You you your yours yourself
3rd Person He / she / Him / her / His / her / His / hers / Himself /
Singular it / one it / one its / ones its / ones herself /
1st Person We us our ours ourselves
2nd You you your yours yourselves
3rd Person They them their theirs themselves

10. Present Continuous

Most students overuse this.

In IELTS writing, the only time you will really need to use the Present Continuous in
Task 1 Academic when you are saying that the numbers in the graph / chart / table
are increasing and in Task 2 when you are talking about NOW.

For example:

The number of households using the Internet is increasing.

Many young people are behaving less politely nowadays.

11. Say / Tell / Speak / Talk

To truly understand the difference between these, you need to learn about Transitive
vs Intransitive verbs. (Do our writing course for a comprehensive guide).

Transitive or Intransitive Examples

Say Transitive (Verb + Noun) He said it.
He said that he’d do it.
Tell Di-transitive (Verb + N + N) I told him (transitive)
(+ Transitive) I told him the story (Di-T)
I told him that I would be late (Di-T)
Speak Intransitive (V) (V prep N) I spoke.
I spoke with/ to her.
I spoke about her.
Talk Intransitive (V) (V prep N) We talked.
We talked with/ to her.
We talked about her.

12. Punctuation
These are the punctuation structures you need to use to create better language and make
fewer mistakes.

1. Subject + verb, ___?____ subject + verb. = Coordinating Conjunction (for,

and, nor, but, or, yet, so)

I am addicted to Stranger Things 2, so my wife thinks I am an idiot.

2. Subject + verb, ___?____ subject + verb. = Subordinating Conjunction

(because, although, if)

My wife thinks I am an idiot, because I am addicted to Stranger Things 2.

3. ___?__ subject + verb, subject + verb. = subordinating conjunction

Because I am addicted to Stranger Things 2, My wife thinks I am an idiot.

4. Subject + verb. ___?___, subject + verb. = Transition

I am addicted to Stranger Things 2. Therefore, my wife thinks I am an idiot.

5. Subject + verb. Subject, ___?__, verb. = transition

I am addicted to Stranger Things 2. My wife, therefore, thinks I am an idiot.

Chapter 2
IELTS Writing Task 1 General Training
When writing a letter in English, you must follow certain rules.

In English we do not start a letter with ‘Hi, my name is Gabriel’ because we know
who wrote the letter by looking at the end of the letter, where we sign off.

Task Achievement (TA):

As the IELTS Writing Task 1 public band descriptors show us, you must cover the
requirements of the task. This means you must answer the question. In GT you need
to write about the three bullet points. To make sure you do this sufficiently and do not
write irrelevant details, you should write three paragraphs of about fifty words each,
one paragraph for one bullet point. Many students have a tendency to write more or
too much about one of the points and also to add irrelevant detail, which shows that
you are not necessarily covering the task. Following are the major concepts to
achieve Task Achievement.


Many students believe that when they use English, they need to be formal. In IELTS
Writing GT Task 1, this can mean that the writing is too formal, which results in the
tone being incorrect. For a band 7 in TA, the tone needs to be consistent and
appropriate. For a band 6 in TA, there may be inconsistencies in tone. For a band 5
in TA, the tone may be variable and sometimes inappropriate. For a band 4 in TA, the
tone may be inappropriate. So, you can see how important it is to use the right tone!
What is the right tone?

In an informal letter, imagine you are talking to your friend and keep the tone friendly
and informal. Informal language is usually more direct.
informal - ‘Would you like to come and visit us next weekend?’
formal - ‘I was wondering if you would like to come and visit us next weekend.’

In a more formal letter, always be more polite. In English we use the past tenses to
sound more polite. Be very careful in a letter of complaint. Even when complaining,
you must remain polite and not too direct.

I wanted to ask you about the job advertisement.
I was wondering if you could tell me more about the job advertisement.

Also, we use less direct language, including such modal verbs as may / might /
I hope we can find a way to resolve this matter.
I am not sure if this will be convenient or not.
I was hoping you may refund my deposit.
I would appreciate it if you could let me know the outcome.

Generally speaking, you must be very careful not to translate directly. For example,
when requesting water in Chinese, you might say “give me water,” or “water,” but
when translated this can become rude. In English you would say “I would like some
water, please.”

Be very careful in letters of complaint because when we complain in English, we are

still indirect and polite. We are almost apologising for complaining! For example, ‘I’m
sorry, but this steak is overcooked’.


In a letter, you must make it clear why you are writing the letter. This is written about
in the IELTS Writing Task 1 public band descriptors. For a band 7 in TA, it says you
need to present a clear purpose. For a band 6 in TA, you need to present a purpose
that is generally clear. For a band 5 in TA, it says may present a purpose for the
letter that is unclear at times. For a band 4 in TA, it says fails to clearly explain the
purpose of the letter.

Therefore, it is very important to make the purpose of your letter clear. So, write it at
the beginning of your letter.

I am writing to thank you for letting me stay last week.
I am writing to request some holiday leave.
I am writing to make a complaint about the service I received at your hotel.
I am writing to enquire about the job advert posted in the local paper.

3 paragraphs of about 50 words each - one for each bullet point.
Use the correct tone.
Start writing with the purpose of the letter.

Student Sample Answer

Read this original sample

You are moving overseas and you want to get rid of some of your furniture. You want
to ask your friend if he/she wants any.
Write a letter to your friend. In your letter
• Explain that you are moving overseas
• Give details of the furniture you want to get rid of
• Suggest how your friend could get the furniture

Dear Susan,

How are you? It has been long time that we have not seen each others. Yesterday I
went to supermarket where I met to Lina. She told me that you are looking for good
furniture for your new house.

As I am moving to New Zealand I need to sell some of the things from my place. I
have a beautiful white dining table with 6 chairs. It is made of wood. The dining table
set will be suits to your dining rooms as the part of the room is white.. And the best
thing is this I am giving you this as a present as you been a good friend of mine and
looked after me while I was new in this country.

I am leaving from from here on 25th July and I need to return the keys to the house
owner on 24th July. So if you can pick this set before 24 that will be good.

I look forward to hearing from you,

With love


• The purpose could be clearer = e.g. I am writing to you to tell you I’m
moving and I have some stuff you may be interested in.
• The tone is appropriate, but it would be safer to sign off Kind regards.
• The grammar has many typical basic mistakes. See the corrected letter

The corrected sample

Read this and notice the grammar errors.

Any words added are in blue. Words removed are struck through.

You are moving overseas and you want to get rid of some of your furniture. You want
to ask your friend if he/she wants any.
Write a letter to your friend. In your letter
• Explain that you are moving overseas
• Give details of the furniture you want to get rid of
• Suggest how your friend could get the furniture

Dear Susan,

How are you? It has been long time since we saw that we have not seen each
others. Yesterday I went to the supermarket where I met to Lina. She told me that
you are looking for some good furniture for your new house.

As I am moving to New Zealand, I need to sell some of the things from my place. I
have a beautiful white dining table with 6 chairs. It which is made of wood. This The
dining table set will be suits to suit your dining room as the part of the room is white.
And The best thing is this I am giving you this as a present as you have been a good
friend of mine and looked after me while I was new in this country.

I am leaving from from here on 25th July and I need to return the keys to the house
owner on 24th July. So, if you can pick this set before 24th that would will be good.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Kind regards, With love

Model Answer

You are moving overseas and you want to get rid of some of your furniture. You want
to ask your friend if he/she wants any.
Write a letter to your friend. In your letter
• Explain that you are moving overseas
• Give details of the furniture you want to get rid of
• Suggest how your friend could get the furniture

Dear Tim,

I'm writing to let you know that I'm heading overseas and I've got some stuff from my house,
including tables and chairs to get rid of before I go. I'm actually moving to Portugal to expose
my kids to a second language and I have some family there in Oporto.

What I'm selling or giving away includes the furniture in my living room and bedroom. In the
sitting room there is a 3 piece suite and a coffee table while in the bedroom there's a king size
bed, a dressing table and two bed side tables.

If you need any of the above, then let me know and I'll do them for a good price. Failing that
I'll give them to the charity shops, who should be able to make a few bucks as they're quite
good quality pieces. We're leaving at the end of October and moving out of the house in mid
October. I'll have a truck to move our stuff so I could drop it off if you decide you want any of
it. I'll send you an email with pictures. I hope all is well.

Kind regards


Chapter 3
IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic
Task Achievement

The task can present numerical or proportional information such as graphs, pie
charts, and tables or a map/diagram or a process.

Analysing the information in task 1 can be challenging.

You must cover all the key features. It is, therefore, important to know how to think
about the task.

Also, you must present an overview. If you do not then you are limiting yourself to a
band 5 as the IELTS Writing Task 1 public band descriptors say no clear overview for
a band 5.

Imagine that you are explaining the information to someone on the phone and they
need to be able to picture it.

Ask yourself these questions:

What is happening overall in the information? (This question brings us the overview)
What is the highest?
What is the lowest?
What is the same?
What is different? (These 4 questions shows us the main features)

Do not focus on details yet. Use the details to support the main features.
You must write an overview

You will, therefore, naturally start to compare the information and notice the main
features, which is what the task requires. Let’s look at some examples from
Cambridge IELTS 8.



What is happening overall?

On a global level, there are three main causes, roughly a third each. Also, in
the table the numbers are different in each region.

What is the same?

In the pie chart there are three main causes about a third each.

What is different?
The total land degraded is different in each region. The reasons for
degradation vary in each region.

Now, you can support these features with numbers and information.

Model Answer:

The pie chart illustrates why land used for farming has decreased its production and
the table breaks down the causes of this in three different regions around the world
over a decade. Overall, there are three main causes of land degradation, which vary
in different parts of Earth. (48 words)

There are 3 main reasons why farming land around the world has had its productivity
decreased. They are roughly similar in their effect. For example, overgrazing has
caused 35% of it while over cultivation and deforestation are 28% and 30%
respectively. Another 7% is caused by other. (48 words)

The reasons for this lessening farm production vary around the world. While in North
America the total land degraded is 5% with the biggest reason being over-cultivation
at 3.3% and the smallest deforestation at 0.2%, Europe has a bigger total of 23%
degraded with its largest sector being deforestation at 9.8% and it’s lowest is over-
grazing at 5.5%. Oceania, on the other hand, has a total between the two other
regions at 13% and more extremes within the reasons, the highest being over-
grazing at 11.3% and the lowest at 0%, which is over-cultivation. (98 words)
(194 words)

The diagram / map

Again, with the diagram or map, it is important to mention every main feature.
If you miss one, you are not achieving the task.

Bk9 test 1

Model Answer

The two maps illustrate how an island has been developed for tourists by
constructing buildings and facilities. Overall, many roads, buildings and boat
mooring structures have been added to completely change this small island.
(34 words)

While the trees have mostly been left as they were, a pier has been built to let
the boats land. A number of different types of building have also been
constructed. This includes a reception area in the middle of the island and a
restaurant just 40 metres away. To accommodate the guests, a total of 15
huts have been put up, which are spread around the main buildings. (69 words)

Further infrastructure includes a network of tracks and paths connecting the

buildings. Firstly, from the pier there is a track leading to and going either side
of the reception and up to the restaurant. Branching out from this reception,
there are footpaths that lead to each of the dwellings. The footpaths also lead
to the swimming beach. (57 words)
(160 words)

The Process

The diagrams below show the stages and equipment used in the cement
making process and how cement is used to produce concrete for building

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and
make comparisons where relevant.

Cambridge IELTS 8

In the process overview, you must mention the number of stages to the
process e.g. Cement production is a five stage process while concrete
production is a one step process mixing four ingredients.

It is important to understand how to use the passive voice for this task in
particular (see grammar section) because the subject of the process is usually
passive. For example, the limestone and clay are crushed.

Model answer:

The diagrams show how cement is produced from limestone and clay and
then used in the production of concrete along with other materials. Overall,
Cement production is a five-stage process while concrete production is a one
step process mixing four ingredients. (42)

Firstly, limestone and clay are combined and fed into the crusher, [which
crushes them into powder]. This powder is then mixed before being sent into
a rotating heater where it is exposed to high temperatures. After that, it is
sent to a grinder where it is ground into cement. Finally, the cement is
bagged. (54)

This cement then makes up 15% of the ingredients to produce concrete,

which has a far simpler production process. The other materials used are
water, sand and gravel at 10%, 25% and 50% respectively. All of these
materials are put into a rotating concrete mixer where they combine to
produce concrete ready to be used in construction. (57)

(153 words)

Some typical student examples with comments on Task

Sample Answer 1

The chart illustrates the data of selected products in normal life for UK households in
1998 and 2006 According to the figure, we can see clearly that telephone played an
significant role for people lived in UK. It took up around 93 percentage and 90
percentage in 1998 and 2006 respectively. Meanwhile the microwave take the
second place, which are 80 percentage and 91 percentage in 1998 and 2006. It
seems like communication and food are the most important parts for people’s life for
both two years. Another interesting point that can be seen from the chart is the
demand for mobile phone and Internet connection increased dramatically from 1998
to 2006. The Internet connection demand in 2006 is almost as 6 times as that in
In addition to this, both consumption on CD player and dishwasher has a obvious
growth from 1998 to 2006 while the demand for clothes dryer seems to remain the
same level which rised up from 52 to 59 percent. Furthermore, with the technology
developed, the consumption on technical products such as home computer and
mobile phone makes up more and more percentage.
In conclusion, the UK households always pay more attention on the food quality and
communication in both 1998 and 2006. The Internet has became more and more
important in 2006. Some other products consumption increased steady from 1998 to
2006. (229 words)

• Too long
• Irrelevant information and analysis - ‘It seems like communication and food
are the most important parts for people’s life for both two years.’
• Incorrect overview / conclusion - ‘the UK households always pay more
attention on the food quality and communication in both 1998 and 2006’.
• Band 5

Sample Answer 2

The bar chart has indicated the percentage of UK households with selected
consumer goods in the year of 1998 as well as 2006
In 1998. Telephone was ranked the first with nearly 92%, which was just nice times
as much as Internet connection (10%). In addition, Microwave was took the second
place with 80% which was nearly 10% higher that CD player (78%). As for Clothes
dryer accounted for nearly 51% ranked fourth. Home computer which was nearly
32% was ranked the fifth and Mobile phone which was Just 22% ranked the sixth
A gaint change was witnessed in 2006. Microwave which was nearly 91% was 1%
higher than Telephone (90%) ranked the first. As for CD player, which occupied just
87%, was nearly 10% higher than Mobile phone which took the fourth place with 80%
And Home computer was about 66% ranked the fifth. Clothes dryer as well as
Internet connection was nearly 59% ranked the sixed. Interestingly, the percentage of
Internet connection in 2006 was nearly six times as much as it in 1998. Dishwasher
which was still ranked eighth was about 38%.
(185 words)

• Too long
• Recounts detail mechanically (no.1 mistake)
• No overview
• Band 5

Sample Answer 3

The bar chart shows the percentage of house holds on y- xies and some selected
consumer goods, UK on x- xies. They comeparision of year 1998 and 2006.
Firstly, the goods of consumer which is given in Chart Telephone and microwave
rapidly increased 93% and 79% but in 2006. It slowly down a bit of 90% and
suddenly raise up microwave in 2006 79 to 91%. In addition CD Player was 68%
1998 and recently high in 2006 nearly 89% moreover a big draw back came in
electronic goods such as mobile phone 22% home computer 32% and Internet
connection left 10% in 1996. But a big changes comes in 2006 mobile phone raise
like a sky rocket 80% computer 67% and Internet connection 59% and one of
dishwasher 22% in 1998 and Increased 39% in 2006.
Finally, we can see due changes which comes in 1998 to 2006. Some things up and
down in small amound but a high difference came in phones and Internet years
2006. (168 words)

• Poor grammar makes it difficult to read so key features are difficult to see
• Simply recounting detail
• No comparison
• Band 4

Sample Answer 4

The chart shows the percentage of UK households with selected consumer goods in
1998 and 2006. I am going to make a report in next paragraph.
At the first in 1998 the telephone percentage is so heigh all of above. It was around
93 percent. This is the maximum percentage. In the other side there is internet
connection which is the lowest all of the above. It was 10 percent and this is the
minimum percentage in this chart in 1998. There is some more consumer good in
UK, it was mobile phone and dishwasher. Both were same. The percentage of mobile
phone and dishwasher was approximately 21. The microwave percentage comes on
second place in 1998, it was littlebit down from 80 percent. The CD player, clothes
dryer and home computer were between 30 to 70 percent.
In the year 2006 the microwave percentage is more than others, it was more than 90
percent. The minimum percentage is dishwasher in 2006, it was less then 40
percent. The telephone and CD player is more close to microwave. They were
between 87 to 91 percent. The mobile phone percentage is 80 percent. The another
consumer good home computer, clothes dryer and internet connection are then 70
percent in UK. This chare shows the percentage of every consumer in 1998 and
2006. I got two shades, in 1998 it is black shade and 2006 is white shade. There is
eight consumer good in UK which shows in chart.
Overall, the percentage of telephone was heigh in 1998 and in 2006 the maximum
percentage is microwave. The dishwasher percentage was very low in 2006. In 1998
the low percentage of consumer was internet connection. In 2006 all consumer good
were increased
(289 words)

• Way too long
• Poor grammar cohesion and coherence make it difficult to see any key
• Ineffective overview
• Band 4

Chapter 4
IELTS Writing Task 1
Coherence and Cohesion (CC) - General Training & Academic

Paragraphing is not as important for Task 1 as it is for task 2. Nevertheless, it makes

sense to write one paragraph for each bullet point. You should have three
paragraphs of about fifty to sixty words. Therefore, you should not write any or too
much irrelevant detail, which is also a problem for Task Achievement, and you will
logically organise information and ideas (for a band 7 in CC).

You must use a range of cohesive devices . .

transitions - however / besides / therefore / as a result (see list in appendix 1)
subordinating conjunctions e.g. which / that / when / as / what (see list in appendix 1)
reference and substitution e.g. the / so / such
and - demonstrative pronouns (this / that / these / those)

You can also vary the position that you place the transition (transitions are adverbs
so they follow the same rules as adverb placement. When you do this the cohesion is
better managed. For a band 8 in CC the IELTS Task 1 Writing Band Descriptors
state: manages all aspects of cohesion well.
However, I disagree.
I, however, disagree.
I disagree, however.
I am, however, in disagreement. (the transition comes after the ‘be’ verb)

Chapter 5
Task 2 Writing - The Essay
Task Response - how well do you answer the question?

Read the question carefully. Be aware that you may have written about this topic in a
similar question, but it is unlikely to be the same question. Therefore, make sure you
are answering this exact question.


1. Do not use “chunks” of the words in the question (some are unavoidable, but try),
but at the same time make sure you are answering that exact question.

2. Do not add any irrelevant ideas or quotes.

3. Do not think “I don’t know anything about this.” If you do, then your brain will not
respond with ideas.

4. Do think “what DO I know about this?” Then your brain can search for ideas.

5. If you are asked for your opinion, state it clearly: I think X

6. You need 4 ideas that you will extend and support.

7. To generate ideas and to be able to see the bigger topic that the question is part of
ask yourself:

This thought process is essential. You need to follow the same thought process every
time you sit a real or practice test.

For example:

In some countries, air travel has become cheaper than in the past. Some say this is
positive. Others disagree.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Ask yourself:

What is cheap air travel?

When, where and why did people start flying?
How cheap is it now?
How much is cheap?
When, where and why did it become cheaper?
Why do (and don’t) people want to fly abroad?
Do they just fly overseas?
What would people against air travel say?

Generated ideas: jet engine in the 1960s / mass tourism in developed countries /
growth of the middle class / cultured / chemical trails / spread of disease - EBOLA
& MERS scare.

The positives of cheaper air travel

1- easier to do business/go on holiday
2 - more cultured people - travel to new destinations
The negatives
3 - pollution
4 - disease

Model Answer

In some countries, air travel has become cheaper than in the past. Some say this is
positive. Others disagree.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Since the advent of the jet engine and the expansion of mass tourism, both the
demand and supply of affordable air travel have increased. What overall effect this
has is questionable. Both views on this topic will be discussed and an opinion put
forward. (44)

The positive aspects of such an increase in flying around the world by the general
populace would be that it is now easier and more economical to do business with
markets overseas. It is, therefore, equally easy to go abroad on holiday and
experience new cultures. This means that such tourists are becoming more and more
open minded and culturally sophisticated. So, the move towards globalisation is
furthered. (68)

More affordable flights are not all good news, though. Jet airliners clearly use a lot of
fuel and consequently produce an awful amount of air pollution, which is terrible for
the environment. One only has to look skyward to see the chemical trails left by
aircraft overhead. Not only that, but such movement of large amounts of people
means the transfer of infectious disease is far easier and more likely. Recent
examples of this are the EBOLA scare coming out of Africa and MERS out of the
Middle East. (89)

In conclusion, this increase in the use of cheap airlines has obvious benefits and
drawbacks with a more cultured people wandering the globe, but causing more
destruction as it does so. This is just another example of how humans don’t really
care about the planet as long as their wants are satisfied, which can only end in the
destruction of mother earth. (62)

(263 words)

Chapter 6
Writing - Task 2 - Coherence and Cohesion
Paragraphing is important for Task 2. You need to organise your ideas logically into
paragraphs. You should write four paragraphs:

1. An introduction (approx. 40 words) where many of your brainstorming ideas

will help you to start with a general, global statement.
2. Main paragraph 1 (approx. 85 words)
3. Main paragraph 2 (approx. 85 words)
4. Conclusion (approx. 40 words). Make sure you state your opinion clearly.

As in Task 1, you must use a range of cohesive devices to connect your ideas (see

list in appendix 1).

Use adverbs to “signpost” your essay to make it easier for the reader to follow:

Firstly, there are a number of benefits to cost effective flights.

Use transitions of contrast to show opposite ideas:

However, many people would say that cheap air travel comes at an environmental

Use transitions of addition to support your point:

In addition, there are health risks involved.

Also, use reference and substitution e.g. the / so / such

and - demonstrative pronouns (this / that / these / those)

You can also vary the position that you place the transition (transitions are adverbs
so they follow the same rules as adverb placement). When you do this the cohesion
is better managed. For a band 8 in CC the IELTS Task 2 Writing Band Descriptors
state: manages all aspects of cohesion well.

However, I disagree.
I, however, disagree.
I disagree, however.
I am, however, in disagreement. (The transition comes after the ‘be’ verb)

Chapter 7 - Writing Task 1 & 2 - Vocabulary and
Grammar (Lexical Resource) - how appropriate
and precise is your vocabulary?
This is the same for both Task 1 and Task 2

Many students simply try too hard and use vocabulary that they think is what is
needed in IELTS. Idiomatic language and phrases such as in a nutshell and every
coin has two sides are two very common examples. Do not use such idiomatic
language as they are inappropriate. Focus instead on being more precise.

Here is a typical example of poor precision taken from a sample answer written
below: Modern period is too modern that everyone forget value of relationship.
What does this mean? To anyone assessing this writing, this would be confusing,
imprecise and vague.

In the IELTS Writing and Speaking Band Descriptors (public version), the Lexical
Resource score band 6 requires 'an adequate range of vocabulary.' For a 7 it
requires 'a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision.'
Therefore, the range of vocabulary is what you need to build. This means that having
the ability to use the different forms of a word will help you get a higher score.

Furthermore, it is important to be able to use some less common vocabulary. For

example, the band descriptors for a band 6 say 'attempts to use less common
vocabulary but with some inaccuracy' and for a band 7 it says 'uses less common
lexical items (words & phrases) with some awareness of style and collocation.’ The
higher the band you want, the better your vocabulary needs to be. However, often,
students try too hard here and use words that they can’t collocate well with other
words, so they make unnecessary mistakes.

Understand how to use different forms of words to give you more flexibility. Read our
book, 28 Days to Transform Your Vocabulary for IELTS, which uses the following
word transformation method to help you learn

Noun Noun Adjective Verb Adverb Synonym Antonym

Person Thing
1 educator education educational educate educationa-lly teach (v) ignore (v)
educating educated

You can use this method to improve your range e.g. writing about the importance of
education, one could say:

Education is important.
To be educated is important.
Having good educators is important.
Educating our children is important.
To educate our children is important.

Learning synonyms, too, is an easy way to improve your vocabulary range. Also,
write lists of three to show your range.
e.g. Eating unhealthily can cause (1) obesity, (2) disease and (3) a likely early death.

If you can build up your knowledge of vocabulary and how to transform words, then
you will have more precision and range.


Collocation is a key concept within Lexical Range. It means that two words go
together, in the same place. Collocation works across many different word forms; for
example, there is adjective - noun collocation (e.g. heavy rain), verb - noun
collocation (e.g. to have a party), adjective - preposition collocation (e.g. to be sorry
for something) and many others.

Essentially, you need to notice and understand collocation, especially if you want to
get anything higher than a band 6. For a fuller explanation you can buy our book, 28
Days to Transform Your Vocabulary for IELTS.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy (GRA)

This is the same for both Task 1 and Task 2. Also, the concepts and ideas are the
same as within the Public Band Descriptors for the Speaking Test.

There are two main ideas with GRA, range and accuracy. Range means that you use
a variety of different sentence types and structures. Accuracy means that you write
without errors or mistakes. Both are important here, so having good range is not
enough if your grammar is not accurate. Again, because of the differences between
the sub-continent languages and English, often students translate it and it causes
errors in English. See Ch1 for the most common areas of error and our other books
for more detail.


In essays, we are usually talking generally about a subject, in which case you need
to use plurals.
e.g. There is a lot of competition among adults.
e.g. Young couples struggle to raise children.


Beware of over generalising, though - this is very common and has a negative impact
on writing scores.
e.g. Nowadays, demolishing old buildings is a hotly debated topic.

Is it? Really? No. We do not commonly see people getting angry when an old
building is knocked down. We do not see families arguing about his topic at the
dinner table. So, do not write such overly general statements.

Chapter 8 - Sample Task 2 Essays with
Nowadays many old cities around the world are being rebuilt or redesigned in
order to modernise them.
Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages?
Student Sample 1
At present, the rapid-developing economic and globalization is definatly fastening the
steps citilization of many contries. Including many old cities, buildings over 40-70
years or more would be rebuilded and reognized to modernize them. The controversy
arouse this issue is always growing. Personally, this phenomen may bring more
merits than people usually think if developers treat this phony issue in proper way.

The advantage brings by modernizing old city could bring more ecomic production of
a contry nowdays. The finacial bottle between contries and cities will make them
compare their GDP which influented by many economic factor. Especially in
developing contries, cities in these contry usually have more out-of-date buildings
and some of them not even have safe structural design. The redesign and rebuilding
will bring the economic exaggurating. Secondly, more construction jobs will be
promoted because of mordenlization. Civil engineers and constructional workers will
be benefited and the rate of employeed will be increasing in that city. In addition,
another advantage will be introduced which will affect the culture image to this old
city. The atmosphere of an old city will be changed by build more morden architect.
Designer could add more culture as they like into this old city. New feeling and image
will make the place more attractive. Citizens will have different life experience than

Along with all these benefits might bring by rebuilding the old cities. Goverments still
should face many challenges which many bring crisis of a city. For example, many
old cities comprise with numbers of historic designed building. Rebuilding them may
destory the culture icon of the city. What is more, over developing will not only
amuses the enviromental problem espically for air quality will also face more social
issue. For example, some citizens may be forced to move away because of
rebuilting. The revelent officer should take good care of these shifting population. In
addition, the public should orgnize the traffic efficiently due to the constrational area.

In conclusion, rebuilding and redesign will benefit the old city eventually in both
economic and culture aspect only if a comprehensive plan is commited by these
decision maker. The old city could become more human-friendly and more
comfortable to live.
366 words

• Too long
• TR - Discusses the question, but does not give opinion saying if there are
more advantages or not
• CC - poor grammar and vocab affects coherence although the
paragraphing is organised and he uses some cohesive devices effectively
• Vocabulary - trying too hard and using words he can’t spell or understand.
The first sentence makes no sense. Word forms are often incorrect
• Grammar - some correct sentences but these are memorised. Mistakes
make it difficult to read.
• Band 4.5

Nowadays many old cities around the world are being rebuilt or redesigned in
order to modernise them.
Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages?

Student Sample 2

It is of great worth to discuss about benefits and drawbacks of urbanization. While

some modern people think new buildings for their city have more advantages,
however I strongly believe that they have more disadvantages in term of stress from
noise and environmental pollution.

The most important ground for this is that reconstruction or redesiging buildings can
lead land pollution. Human product vast waste in home or office, schools already.
Although earth migh seem a pretty big place, only about one third of its surface is
corverd in land. Anything that degrades, damages, or destroys the land uttimately
has an impact on human life, and may threaten our ability to survive here. For
example, most energy still comes from the surface of the planet; the water we need
comes from the planet's surface too, also from rocks buried under the ground. That is
why we need to protect the land from urbanization.

One more rational motive is that a noise from the constructions for rebuilding or
redesigning can deter people from staying fit. This is because big noise from them
can contribute to creating stress which is one of the main causes of mental and
physical illnesses. Nowadays, for example, people are tied up with hectic schedules
and overwhelmed by enormous tasks both at school and work. Hence, when they
come back home from them, they desperately need to take a break with their
burdens lifted on their shoulders. If they suffer from the noice surround due to the
constructions frequently, they could not regain more energy to focus better on their
academic and work performance in this competitive and specialized society to

To summarize, urbanization by rebuilding or redesigning has more drawbacks,

invoving in land pollution and creating public's mental illness from stress with noise
from the constructions. Therefore, it has more disadvantages.
305 words

• Too long
• TR - Needs more ideas that are more relevant and support in paragraph 1
is irrelevant (talking about energy is not connected to the question), but he
does have a position and states it clearly
• CC - generally coherent, some effective use of cohesive devices
• Vocabulary - the meaning is generally clear despite the word form and
spelling errors
• Grammar - a range of simple and complex sentences
• Band 6

Nowadays many old cities around the world are being rebuilt or redesigned in
order to modernise them.
Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages?

Student Sample 3

There are fierce controversial points of view about rebuilding or renovation especially
nowadays. While many people argue that rebuilding has negative impact on some
aspects, I believe that it would bring about countless advantages for human beings.

First of all, according to the reserches conducted on tourism and convenience in

recent human life, there are wide-ranging merits to support convenient life. This can
be evidenced that some land-marks of cities are the state-of-the-art building such as
sky craft in Dubai or 63 building in Seoul. This not only encourages tourism, but also
gives many advantages to maintain. Furthermore, being rebuilt or redesigned should
lead to saving energy, hence possibly cause financial support and stable

However, when it comes to addressing negative aspects, those who focus on

historical reason and environmentaly-friendly issues are not allowed rebuilding or
renovation. The renovation, inevitably, has resulted in lots of constructions and then it
will destroy many old buildings in particularly. It is undeniable that some old buildings
have special history and should be kept for our descendants. Also, so-called
modernism is deleterious for environmentaly-friendly aspects. Destroy, renovation
and rebuilding is significantly oppsing meaning about means of protecting.

To sum up, there are many pros and cons about renovation. Actually, my point of
view is closed to keep old buildings from renovation or rebuilding. However, it is truth
that renovation can bring about lots of beneficial effects for human life so it has to be
done for our future.
245 words

• TR - Too short / written as a discussion essay / There are not “ fierce
controversial points of view” - this is an irrelevant way to start an essay. A
position is given
• CC - structure is coherent / some effective use of cohesive devices
• Vocabulary - using big words incorrectly / uses memorised language, which
causes some confusion
• Grammar - a mix of simple and complex sentences - memorised structures
contrast with other language
• Band 5.5

Nowadays many old cities around the world are being rebuilt or redesigned in
order to modernise them.
Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages?

Student Sample 4

Now, we are discuss about many old cities around the world are being rebuilt or
redesigned in order to modernise them

In my view, I think we have to more advantage. Because all the old cities when they
was young, they work hard to make a good place for us. Also, if we don't have the old
cities how we born. They just old, but they still got powerful and hard work to do all
the things.
For exampe, in my country, most of old cities still work after 65 years ago.This make
me really upset. It was because the gorvement doesn't sercure them. That's why they
still have to learn or work in that age.

Unfortunly, now is 20 centry but we still got this happen. I don't understand why they
have to in order to modernise them. What's wrong in our world? In my view they are
play grandson at home or just enjoy the life. It not easy to alive to that age.

They are old, but they need to respect too. So for me, we must more advantages.
Also, hopefully can get someone to change the world like a supermen.
195 words

• TR - too short / 2nd main paragraph is off topic and irrelevant /
• CC - paragraphs are not well structured or developed and lack coherence /
cohesion is poor
• Vocabulary - not sufficient for the task / style is too personal and not
academic enough
• Grammar - limited range and many basic errors
• Band 4

Chapter 9 - Final Task 2 Tips

1. Get 4 relevant ideas
2. Put the 4 ideas into the 2 body/main paragraphs of your essay
3. Connect the ideas using cohesive devices
4. Use clear, simple understandable vocabulary (you don’t need a band 9)
5. Don’t memorise sentences
6. Use complex sentences
7. Check your writing to make sure you answer the specific question
8. Make sure you get the right advice on your writing

Other Books and Courses
Please visit for more information on our books,
courses, and other options to help you pass your IELTS test.

1. Focused Listening 1
2. Transform Your Writing for IELTS 1
3. Transform Your Writing for IELTS 2
4. 28 Days to Transform Vocabulary for IELTS 1
5. Breaking the Grammar Code

Online Video Courses
1. IELTS Writing Course
2. IELTS Speaking Course

Face to Face Courses on the Gold Coast, Australia OR at your location (to be arranged)

Skype Classes (Private)

1, 5, or 10 hours or more

Plus more…..

Who we are:

At IELTS Transformation, we offer all services related to improving your English

and increasing your IELTS score. Our focus is on providing our own products and
services to help students from around the world improve their English ability
therefore improving their opportunities in life.

Rob and Paul bring more than 29 years’ experience in the ESL industry to their
new venture, English Transformation. We believe that developing ourselves helps
us to offer more to our students and to the world. We practice all aspects of
personal development each morning and throughout the day. Our students often
take away not only great language skills but also knowledge that will help them
grow in their every day life.


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