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Semi-Detailed lesson Plan in Science 9

I- Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to
 Define what is Volcano
 Create an awareness for volcanic eruption
 Appreciate the importance of Volcanoes

- Volcanoes found in the Philippines  Describe the different types
of volcanoes and volcanic
 Different between active and
inactive volcano
 Explain what happens when
volcanoes erupt.
 Illustrate how energy from
volcanoes may be tapped for
human use.
II- Subject Matter
A. Topic: Volcanoes found in the Philippines
B. References: Tg first Edition 2015 TG pages 134-143
LM first Edition Science 9 pages 163-179
Other Sciences Book

C. Materials: Clay, Soil, vinegar, baking soda, cartolina, pen,

plastics bottles tray.

III- Procedures
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Cleanliness and Orderliness
3. Greetings
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Classroom Rules
6. Review

B. Elicit
Begin the lesson by observing the activity presenting by the
Let the students have their own CAPTION by using Hastags
‘e.g.’ ≠≠Mataas na BUndok

After eliciting responses from the students,

Ask the students: What is our topic this afternoon.

Teacher’s Activity
- Motivation ( Group Activity)
- Teacher will give a picture puzzle. The student will fix it. After fixing it,
the students will make their own caption by using hash tags. Given
two minutes students will post their output in the board then first
group to perform their yell and post their output will receive 20 points.
- After the activity, the teacher will ask the student,
- How did you come up with your answer?
- What is your strategy in solving them?
- Do you an idea on what will be our lesson for today?
- Lesson Proper
- The teacher the topic and its objectives.
Topic: Volcanoes found in the Philippines
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to
- Define what is Volcano
- Create an awareness for volcanic eruption
- Appreciate the importance of Volcanoes
- The teacher will show picture showing the different types of volcanoes
and volcanic eruption. Then, the teacher will ask the student to give at
least three active and inactive volcanoes that found in the Philippines.
- The teacher will ask the student to make a concept Map of a volcano
- One minute to do the task. ( Group Activity)

- Volcanoes- are natural opening in the earth’s surface where molten

rocks smoke gases and ashes are ejected.
A volcano has three basic parts namely: the base the slope and the summit
where the crater or the opening is located.
Crater is a funnel shape depression at the top of a volcano formed as a result of
explosive eruption. It is the mouth or the opening of the volcanoes.
- Caldera - it is a volcanic crater that is formed when a part of the wall of
the crater collapses following an explosive eruption. A caldera collapse
is usually triggered by emptying of the magma chamber beneath the
volcano as a result of a large volcanic eruption.
- Magma is a hot fluid or semifluid material below or within the earth
crust that is usually made from molten rocks. When the magma ejected
out of the volcano it is now called LAVA. Is a Italian word which means
to slide which molten rocks thus reaches the surface.
 Types of Volcanoes
 The First type is Shield volcano- this is formed by the accumulation of lava oozes
out from the volcano. Since non viscous lava can flow freely. A broad slightly
doomed structure that resembles a warrior shields is formed. That is why it is
called Shield volcano because it looks like a warrior shield.

 The second type is what we called cinder cone volcano- this is built from
ejected lava fragments. They have a steep slope, wide crater and are most
abundant of the three major volcanoes and it is also known as Scoria cone.

 Composite volcano- also known as stratovolcanoe this is a large nearly perfect

sloped structure formed from the alternate solidification of both lava and
pyroclastic deposits.

-This time, let’s have a short activity. You are going to identify the following
volcanoes if it is Shield Volcano, Cinder cone Volcano, and composite volcano.
- Are you ready?

- Let us continue our discussion.

 Types of volcanic eruption.
 Phreatic- it is a stream driven eruption as the hot rocks come in contact with
 PhreatomagmaticIt is a violent eruption due to the contact between water and
the magma.
 Stromboilian- It is a period where violent eruption characterized by fountain
 Vulcanian- It is characterized by tall eruption that reaches up to 20 km high
with pyroclastic flow and ash fall tephra.
 Pilnian- It is excessively explosive type of eruption of gas and pyroclastic.
Volcanoes according to their records of eruptions.

Active volcano
- a volcano is active if it has a record of eruption
Inactive Volcano
- it shows no activity or no record of eruption just like Mt Kanlaon in Negros
occidental phil.

- Let us see how volcano will erupt by doing this activity.

- Teacher will do!

 Application
Group Activity
- The teacher will group the students into two group Magnitude group and Intensity
group. Then the student will create an awareness of volcanic eruption. Given 3
minutes to decide on how to accomplish their task. The leader of the group will
report. They are given questions to be answer.

- Rubrics:

Content 50%
Cooperation 20%
Timeliness 15%
Neatness 15%
Total 100

 Generalization and Values integration

-The teacher will give say that we cannot predict and we cannot avoid this
calamity because this is natural and it’s written in the bible that lightning will
come and accordingly we are the last days. We need to follow the protocol of our
officials to be safe and reduces risks of this natural phenomenon. But we can
also thank to Volcano for life on earth to put simply volcano kept warm and wet
which two critical elements for sustaining Life.
- Then the student will answer the following questions given.

 Evaluation
- The student will answer the questions in 1 minute only.
Multiple Choices: Encircle the correct answer. (Two points each)

1. It is a stream- driven eruption as the hot rocks com in contact with water.
a. Phreatic or Hydrothermal b.Phreatomagmatic c.Strombolian d.Vulcanian
2. Whicj of the following chaacteristics of magm mainly affect the explosiveness of a volcanic
a. Color b. Amount c. Temperature d. Silica content
3. Which of the following ia an active volcano in the Phillipnes?
a. Apo in Davao b. Bud Datu in Sulu c. Isarog in Camarines Sur
d.Kanlaon in Negros Oriental
4. Which of the following volcanic eruption characterized by tall erption columns that reach up
to 20 km high.
a. Strombolian b. Vulcanian c. Plinian d. Phreatomagmatic
5. Which of the following volcanic eruption characterized by fountain lava?
a. Strombolian b. Vulcanian c. Plinian d. Phreatomagmatic
 Assignment:
Study Module 2. The Climate.

Prepared by: Submitted to:

Teacher School Head

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