Goleman Gazette: in This Issue

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August 2011

VOL. # 1 ONE ISSUE # 2

Barbara Goleman Key Club

Goleman Gazette
In This Issue
Service in Summer Committee Mtgs International Board Intro Executive Board Divisional Events Member of the Month Pg.1 Pg.1 Pg. 2 Pg. 3 Pg.4 Pg.4 Pg.5 Pg.5

Service in Summer
Sadly as summer comes to an end, so do the opportunities to get all your summer requirements completed. Each member is required to have AT LEAST 50 hours by the time the month of August comes to a close. However, if you were on probation, you have a specific goal that must be met in order to keep your membership. We love each and everyone you to pieces and hope that you all do meet this requirement. So far, weve served over 400 hours to our home, school, and community during the months of June and July. That brings us to a total of 1,743 hours as a club. This is OUTSTANDING according to Key Club International standards. As awesome as we are, we still have a long way to go to reach our 10,000 hours goal. But with the Key Club optimism and the Goleman fighting spirit, we are confident that this goal will be met. Let the service continue!

August Committee Meetings: Save the Date!

{8/16/11} Help out in the planning for the Dodge ball Tournament.

(Contact the officer for place and time!)

Major Emphasis
{8/16/11} Lend a hand in putting the finishing touches on Golemans Got Skill.

{8/18/11} Join the efforts to strengthen our Kiwanis & K-Family Ties!

{8/12/11} Voice your opinion on which fundraisers youd like to see this year!

Public Relations
{8/23/11} Be creative and help complete the pages of the scrapbook!

A leader is a dealer in hope.

International Council
Meet Our Leaders on the International Level

Its my pleasure to introduce you to Forida Districts own Randolph Mckinnie! Randolph is an upcoming senior at Graceville HS. As Kiwanis is Key Club's parent organization, I would strive to strengthen our communication with them as well as increasing the awareness of our other K -Family counterparts Hes been assigned the Caribbean-Atlantic, Missouri-Arkansas, and Pennsylvania .Districts!

The trustee assigned to the Mighty Mighty Florida District is Jared Greene from the New Jersey District. He says, To promote fellowship and growth within our organization, I plan to bridge the communications gap between the club, district, and international levels. By developing resources and using social media, I plan to address the concerns that Key Clubbers face today and assist in their crusade against social ills. Jared has been assigned the Jamaica, Carolinas, and Florida Districts!

Annie Lewandowski
2011-2012 International President

I look forward to serving Key Club International

2011-2012 International Vice President

Catt Lovins
I hope to increase communication among members and officers in different districts as well as help guide the organization through a successful year.

in many different ways throughout this upcoming year. First I want to build a strong foundation of service, bringing our focus back to the reason we all joined the organization. Through service, we will be able to strength communication and unity within the districts and divisions. Secondly, I want to increase the promotion of Key Club International, we are too strong of an organization for people not to know us, and I want to see every high school student have the chance at experiencing service like I have been able to have.

August 2011

VOL. #1 ISSUE # 2

VOL. # 1 ISSUE # 2

Barbara Goleman Key Club

Leaders, Thank you for this wonderful opportunity you have given me! It is such an honor to be the 2011-2012 Governor of the Florida District of Key Club International. Not only that, but I now have the pleasure to work with the best and brightest leaders in Florida, you. I would like to thank you for serving your community and for making my job worthwhile.

Meet our new District Governor

Doug Ream!

Eighty-six years ago, a couple of Key boys got together with a Kiwanis Club in Sacramento and created the first Key Club. Do you think that the Charter President of this first club knew that this organization would eventually have over 260,000 members in 30 countries all around the world? Lets jump forward to 1943, 18 years after the first Key Club is chartered. Key Club has spread throughout several states. The first district, the Mighty Mighty Florida District, invites Key Clubbers from around the United States to attend their annual convention. At this annual convention, Key Club International is formed, and the first International President is elected, our very own Malcolm Lewis. In 1961, a teenage boy by the name of Bill Nelson, our future U.S. Senator, is elected to the position of International President. We are no w the second largest district, and in my opinion, the best district in all of International! I have set some pretty substantial goals for the Florida District this year, but I believe with all the amazing Key Clubbers out there that they can be accomplished. I have set a goal of 400,000 service hours, which means each of you must roughly do 20 service hours a month! I also have set a goal of saving over 25,000 babies, through the ELIMINATE Project. This may seem like a lot of lives to save, but I believe we can do it! Also, I have put an emphasis on the Mentoring and Modeling Program, my Governors Project. The M&M Program is any project dedicated to teaching a child a lesson. Whether it is sportsmanship or coloring, it is mentoring. To quote a very famous movie, There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer. Your heart will allow you to accomplish anything. Many people say that if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything. I like to think that if you put your heart into it, you will not only accomplish anything, but bring passion into whatever you are doing. It is not enough just to go to a service project; you must have that passion to be there for it to truly mean something. Someone told me a while ago, that its service with a smile. So this is what I ask of you, I already know you will be doing service, so I ask that you serve with a smile. Who knows, maybe that smile can make a difference, and, as the Florida District, we will make a difference one child at a time! Yours in Service, Doug Ream

Want to know more about Key Club International? Learn more online! Key Club International www.Keyclub.org Florida District of Key Club International www.FloridaKeyClub.com

Barbara Goleman Key Club

Meet the rest of the Florida District Executive Board

District Secretary
Jessica Shevlin is a spunky and energetic Key Clubber! She is an upcoming Senior at Miami Beach Senior High! She was the Lieutenant Governor for Division 25D in our very own Zone K. So expect to see her at KCKC and Spring Zone Rally!

District Treasurer
Eric Riser is a very dedicated member to the Florida District. He is a an upcoming Junior at Lecanto HS in Tampa. He previously was a Lieutenant Governor for our Might Mighty District!

Divisional Events!
Come out to Survivor: Key Club! We will be holding this event on September 3, 2011 from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. All officers and board of directors are encouraged to go. The cost of this event will be $10 including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and all event activities. In order to have enough materials and food we will need to have all money by August 29th at our Divisional Council Meeting. Please come out as this will be our first chance to really bond with everyone as a division. Special guests will include District Editor Jenny Tinter, District Secretary Jessica Shevlin, and past Kiwanis International President Dr. Wil Blechman! Let Kimberly know if youre interested!

Leadership should be born out of the understanding of the needs of those who would be affected by it. -Marian Anderson

August 2011 Barbara Goleman Key Club

VOL. # 1 ISSUE # 2

Strive for Member of the Month!

Congratulations to Juan Hernandez for being the June Member of the Month! Juan had the most governors project hours. In the month of June, Juan served over 50 hours , all dedicated to mentoring and being a model to children. Great job Juan!

Send all your Key Club service project pictures to Ms. C, President Kimberly, or Editor Jazmin. The member with the most pictures sent in will be the July Member of the Month.

Division 25Cs August Divisional Council Meeting !

Join the officers at this months Divisional Council Meeting! One of the membership requirements is to attend one formal meeting each year. A formal meeting is considered to be a Kiwanis Dinner, a Key Club Kick Off Conference, Spring Zone Rally, District Convention, International Convention , or, you got it, a Divisional Council Meeting. This one in particular will be easy for you to attend because it will be held at our very own school! This is an easy way to get this requirement checked off AND have an informative and fun key club experience with the schools in our area. The DCM starts at 5:30 (Cuban time) in Ms. Cs room, 1125. Food and drinks will be provided! If you will be attending, please let Kimberly know!

To be the Member of the Month for the month of August, you most serve the most hours to the schools in our area. Check out the service bulletin to see what projects you can do this month to win this awesome award!

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