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Jeric M.

BSEd Science – 4A


Direction: Read carefully the statement and identify what is being asked. Write the answer in the space
___________1. It is the smallest particle of an elements that has all the properties of the element.

___________2. In what state of matter do the particles spread apart and fill all the space available to

___________3. It is anything with has mass and volume.

___________4. The transformation process in which a solid is changed to liquid

___________5. The process in which liquid is change to solid state.

___________6. The stable subatomic particle that has positve charge.

___________7. He was discover that atoms have negatively charged, which he called electrons.

___________8. Atoms having the same number of protons but different number of neutrons.

___________9. It states that the properties of elements vary periodically with atomic number.

___________10. It is a particle consisting of two or more atoms combined together in a specific


Fill in the Blank

Direction: Read carefully each statement below and fill the blank with correct answer.

11. The measure of space occupied by an object is called _________.

12. The process where a gas is changed into a liquid is called__________.

13. The molecules that escape from the liquid and go into the gaseous phase is called________.

14. The components of the atom are collectively referred to as____________.

15. Matter is made up of tiny ___________, which is moving all the time.

16. The __________ is a subatomic particle particle of an atom with have negative charges.

17. ___________ have definite shapes and volume in which particles are packed closely in fixed position.

18. The protons and neutrons are tightly packed together to form nucleus are called___________.

19. The process by which the molecules on the surface of a liquid break away and change into gas is


20. The Characteristics that describe a sample of matter are called___________.

Multiple Choice
Direction: Read the following statements and encircle the correct answer.
21. He believed that Atoms are indestructible and completely full, which is no empty space.
a. Leucipus b. Democritus
c. Socrates d. Plato
22. Which state of matter undergoes changes in volume most easily?
a. solid b. liquid
c. gas d. ice
23. What is condensation?
a. liquid is changed to solid b. gas is changed to solid
c. gas is changed to liquid d. liquid is changed to gas
24. Jonnelle wearing glasses enters a warm house after being outside on a cold day, his glasses fog up
because of
a. condensation b. evaporation
c. sublimation d. melting
25. Mr. Lazaro cooked his favorite Bulalo soup, but accidentally he uncovered the pot for 20 minutes.
When he realized the wall beside the stove are full of water droplets. What sequence can you infer has
a. condensation, then vaporization b. sublimation, then condensation
c. melting, then boiling d. vaporization, then condensation
26. Crayons placing under the sunlight with about 20 minutes. What happens to the crayon after exposing
to sun?
a. crayons are fully melted b. crayons slightly melted
c. sun doesn’t affect to the crayon’s texture d. none of the above
27. Hannah rubbing the inflated balloon in her hair. What happen to balloon after?
a. the balloon will explode b. the balloon will remain on Hannah’s hair
c. the balloon will fly into the ceiling c. both b and c
28. The group of scientist that conduct an experiment entitled “alpha particle scattering experiment”.
a. Rutherford, Thomson and Einstein b. Thomson, Marsden and Geiger
c. Rutherford, Geiger and Marsden d. Thomson, Einstein and Geiger
29. The freezing point of water is the same as its
a. melting point. b. boiling point.
c. sublimation point. d. evaporation point.
30. Jane is a Scientist from University of the Philippines, through the used of transmission electron
microscope, she descover the new element. According to her, this atom of its element has a size of three
angstrom. What is the equivalent lenght of 3 angstrom in millimeter?
a. 3.21e-7 millimeters b. 1e-7 millimeters
c. 2.0e-7 millimeters d. 3e-7 millmeters
Matching type
Direction: Match the column A with corresponding item in column B. Write the letter of the correct
answer in the space provided.

Column A Column B
_____31. Reverse of condesation A. solid to gas
_____32. Melting B. solid to liquid
_____33. Neutrons C. it has no electric charge
_____34. John Newlands D. evaporation
_____35. 1 angstrom E. center of an atom
_____36. Alkali metals F. Law of Octave
_____37. Valence electrons G. Group 1 in periodic table
_____38. Noble gases H. Electrons in valence shell

_____39. nucleus I. Alkaline Earth metals

_____40. Freezing J. Group 18 in periodic table
K. 1e-7 millimeter
Answer key

1. Atom
2. gas
3. matter
4. melting
5. freezing
6. protons
7. J.J. Thomson
8. neutrons
9. periodic law
10. Molecules
Fill in the blank
1. Volume
2. condensation
3. vapor
4. subatomic particles
5. particles
6. electrons
7. solid
8. nucleons
9. evaporation
10. Properties
Multiple Choice
1. b
2. c
3. c
4. a
5. d
6. b
7. b
8. c
9. a
10. d
Matching type
1. d
2. a
3. c
4. f
5. k
6. g
7. h
8. j
9. e
10. b

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