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International Business & Trade Chapter 3 | |culture & Business — Rhea Mae M. Romero fs [owscanianseie [eee os oe Culture + Culture isthe collective programming of cour minds from birth. This collective programming distinguishes one group of people from another. + no rights or wrongs Values + Represent a person judgement + Our values are the key building blocks of cur cultural exientation, Customs + Refers to gestures, behavior or communication rues. Language + Created and shaped by the needs of a culture as it changes Kinds of Culture + National Culture - defined by its geographic and poitical boundaries. Subcultures - defined by ethnicity, gender, generation, religion, or other characteristics with cultures that are unique to them. nizations - defines simple aspects Culture mp Tatermational + Communication - Language and Customs: + Attitude - Values + Etiquette - Customs Methods used to describe Culture Edward T. Halls Context Geert Hofstede Typology © Edward T. Halls Context- High & Low Context Culture Context Low Context Culeure + Verbal + Commurication is rect High Context Culeare + Nonverbal + Body Language is Important + Refers to everything from how close people stand to ‘one another to how people right mark thelr terstory cor boundaries in the workplace and in other settings. Time Acciudes Toward Time + Polychronic Culture: Nonlinear orientation totime, Flexible, + Monochronic Culture- Rigid otientation to time Hofstede also known as "Father of Modern Cross-Cultural Science and Thinking* © Geert Hofstede Typology of National Culture Power Distance Individualism + Krrefers to people's tendency to SP tatecare of hersebves + Sel Realization + Collectvist - group goals take precedence over individuals’ goals a Musculinity Uncertainty Avoidance (UA) ia (a eon e recs + Power distance refers to how openly a society or culture accepts or does not accept differences between people a masculine and feminine society or culture is wiling to characteristics. accept Long-Term Orientation + Refers to whether a culture has a | long-term or short-term orientation. How Culture Impacts Local Business Practices + Business protocol—how to physically and verbally meet and interact + Decision making and negotiating + Managing employees and projects + Propensity for risk taking + Marketing, Sales, and Distribution Global Business Ethics + Culture impacts how local values influence the concept of global business ethics. Each professionali influenced by the values, social programming, and experiences he or she has absorbed since childhood, + Ethics impacts global business in the areas of management, corruption, and corporate social responsibity Thank you!

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