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What are the essential information you are thankful of learning and
To be grateful for all the opportunities every second, every minute, and every day, because
they bring a build a new lesson and learning of the topics. Sometimes need a mentor of their
topics or lesson to know the content of these topics and share your classmates, friends,
parents, and teachers about the knowledge of the topics. And they need to connect a topic to
be thankful for all this in this relationship of students.

2. As the student, how will you apply your learning from the topics
As a student, they will apply the global media culture in the new generation of our future,
because they will more improvement in their entries of global, they engaged in the media and
other production of global media. For example, the languages will use in movies, music,
television program, and drama series they will apply in global media culture. And the
globalization of religion they apply to their traditional and beliefs another religious gathering
rather the using of application of bible in smartphones, the online mass for every Sunday.
They will apply it to this generation in this world of globalization.

3. If you are going to share an important idea you have learned, to whom
you will share it? Why him/her?
For me, I want to share in this learning is more lots a lesson in religion, because I want to
share all experiences to how the traditional and beliefs of their religion gathering also a
lot of going to church every Sunday and always pray God to all share blessings.

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