Contrastive Topic Phrase Learning - Acl-Long.426

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UCTopic: Unsupervised Contrastive Learning for Phrase Representations

and Topic Mining

Jiacheng Li, Jingbo Shang, Julian McAuley

University of California, San Diego

Abstract The United States is The [MASK] [MASK]

a federation of 50 is a federation of 50
individual states. ① individual states. ②
High-quality phrase representations are essen- Positive pairs
tial to finding topics and related terms in doc- (same semantics)
Irving Washington’s Irving Washington’s
uments (a.k.a. topic mining). Existing phrase book was popular in book was popular in
representation learning methods either simply the United States. the [MASK] [MASK].
combine unigram representations in a context-
free manner or rely on extensive annotations ①: The semantics of phrases are determined by their context.
②: Phrases that have the same mentions have the same semantics.
to learn context-aware knowledge. In this
paper, we propose UCT OPIC, a novel unsu- Figure 1: Two assumptions used in UCT OPIC to pro-
pervised contrastive learning framework for duce positive pairs for contrastive learning.
context-aware phrase representations and topic
mining. UCT OPIC is pretrained in a large
scale to distinguish if the contexts of two
phrase mentions have the same semantics. The 2021) and LUKE (Yamada et al., 2020) need super-
key to pretraining is positive pair construction vision from task-specific datasets or distant anno-
from our phrase-oriented assumptions. How- tations with knowledge bases. Manual or distant
ever, we find traditional in-batch negatives supervision limits the ability to represent out-of-
cause performance decay when finetuning on vocabulary phrases especially for domain-specific
a dataset with small topic numbers. Hence, we
datasets. Recently, contrastive learning has shown
propose cluster-assisted contrastive learning
(CCL) which largely reduces noisy negatives effectiveness for unsupervised representation learn-
by selecting negatives from clusters and fur- ing in visual (Chen et al., 2020) and textual (Gao
ther improves phrase representations for top- et al., 2021) domains.
ics accordingly. UCT OPIC outperforms the In this work, we seek to advance state-of-the-
state-of-the-art phrase representation model by
art phrase representation methods and demonstrate
38.2% NMI in average on four entity cluster-
ing tasks. Comprehensive evaluation on topic that a contrastive objective can be extremely effec-
mining shows that UCT OPIC can extract co- tive at learning phrase semantics in sentences. We
herent and diverse topical phrases. present UCT OPIC, an Unsupervised Contrastive
learning framework for phrase representations and
1 Introduction TOPIC mining, which can produce superior phrase
Topic modeling discovers abstract ’topics’ in a embeddings and have topic-specific finetuning for
collection of documents. A topic is typically topic mining. To conduct contrastive learning for
modeled as a distribution over terms. High- phrase representations, we first seek to produce con-
quality phrase representations help topic mod- trastive pairs. Existing data augmentation methods
els understand phrase semantics in order to find for natural language processing (NLP) such as back
well-separated topics and extract coherent phrases. translation (Xie et al., 2020), synonym replace-
Some phrase representation methods (Wang et al., ment (Zhang et al., 2015) and text mix up (Zhang
2021; Yu and Dredze, 2015; Zhou et al., 2017) et al., 2018) are not designed for phrase-oriented
learn context-free representations by unigram em- noise, and thus cannot produce training pairs for
bedding combination. Context-free representations phrase representation learning. In UCT OPIC, we
tend to extract similar phrases mentions (e.g. “great propose two assumptions about phrase semantics
food” and “good food”, see Section 4.3). Context- to obtain contrastive pairs:
aware methods such as DensePhrase (Lee et al., 1. The phrase semantics are determined by their
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Volume 1: Long Papers, pages 6159 - 6169
May 22-27, 2022 2022
c Association for Computational Linguistics
context. evaluate the quality of phrase representations, we
2. Phrases that have the same mentions have the conduct entity clustering on four datasets and find
same semantics. that pre-trained UCT OPIC achieves 53.1% (NMI)
As shown in Figure 1, given two sentences that con- improvement compared to LUKE. After learning
tain the same phrase mentions (e.g., United States), data-specific features with CCL, UCT OPIC outper-
we can mask the phrase mentions and the phrase forms LUKE by 73.2% (NMI) in average. We per-
semantics should stay the same based on assump- form topical phrase mining on three datasets and
tion (1). Then, the phrase semantics from the two comprehensive evaluation indicates UCT OPIC ex-
sentences are same as each other given assump- tracts coherent and diverse topical phrases. Overall,
tion (2). Therefore, we can use the two masked our contributions are three-fold:
sentences as positive pairs in contrastive learning. • We propose UCT OPIC which produces supe-
The intuition behind the two assumptions is that rior phrase representations by unsupervised con-
we expect the phrase representations from different trastive learning based on positive pairs from our
sentences describing the same phrase should group phrase-oriented assumptions.
together in the latent space. Masking the phrase • To finetune on topic mining datasets, we propose
mentions forces the model to learn representations a cluster-assisted negative sampling method for
from context which prevents overfitting and repre- contrastive learning. This method reduces false
sentation collapse (Gao et al., 2021). Based on the negative instances caused by in-batch negatives
two assumptions, our context-aware phrase repre- and further improves phrase representations for
sentations can be pre-trained on a large corpus via topics accordingly.
a contrastive objective without supervision. • We conduct extensive experiments on entity type
For large-scale pre-training, we follow previous clustering and topic mining. Objective metrics
works (Chen et al., 2017; Henderson et al., 2017; and a user study show that UCT OPIC can largely
Gao et al., 2021) and adopt in-batch negatives for improve the phrase representations, then extracts
training. However, we find in-batch negatives un- more coherent and diverse topical phrases than
dermine the representation performance as finetun- existing topic mining methods.
ing (see Table 1). Because the number of topics
is usually small in the finetuning dataset, exam- 2 Background
ples in the same batch are likely to have the same
topic. Hence, we cannot use in-batch negatives for In this section, we introduce background knowl-
data-specific finetuning. To solve this problem, we edge about contrastive learning and our phrase en-
propose cluster-assisted contrastive learning (CCL) coder LUKE (Yamada et al., 2020).
which leverages clustering results as pseudo-labels
and sample negatives from highly confident exam- 2.1 Contrastive Learning
ples in clusters. Cluster-assisted negative sampling Contrastive learning aims to learn effective repre-
has two advantages: (1) reducing potential posi- sentations by pulling semantically close neighbors
tives from negative sampling compared to in-batch together and pushing apart non-neighbors in the
negatives; (2) the clusters are viewed as topics in latent space (Hadsell et al., 2006). Assume that we
documents, thus, cluster-assisted contrastive learn- have a contrastive instance {x, x+ , x− −
1 , . . . , xN −1 }
ing is a topic-specific finetuning process which including one positive and N −1 negative instances
pushes away instances from different topics in the and their representations {h, h+ , h− −
1 , . . . , hN −1 }
latent space. from the encoder, we follow the contrastive learn-
Based on the two assumptions and cluster- ing framework (Sohn, 2016; Chen et al., 2020; Gao
assisted negative sampling introduced in this paper, et al., 2021) and take cross-entropy as our objective
we pre-train phrase representations on a large-scale function:
dataset and then finetune on a specific dataset for
topic mining in an unsupervised way. In our ex- +
esim(h,h )/τ
periments, we select LUKE (Yamada et al., 2020) l = − log P −1 sim(h,h− )/τ
esim(h,h+ )/τ + N i=1 e
as our backbone phrase representation model and
pre-train it on Wikipedia 1 English corpus. To
where τ is a temperature hyperparameter and
h>1 h2
1 sim(h1 , h2 ) is the cosine similarity kh1 k·kh 2k
(a) Pre-training with in-batch negatives (b) Finetuning with cluster-assist negatives

He lived on the east coast

United States The first printed edition
of the [MASK] [MASK]. London
appeared in [MASK].

How much does it cost to His brother Robert was

fly to the [MASK] [MASK]? senior sheriff of [MASK].
[MASK] drove to Boston [MASK] is an American
Allie James Gunn
for a meeting. film director, actor.

He was employed at the

United Way [MASK] is an edible fruit
[MASK] [MASK]. Apple
produced by a tree.

E Encoder Positive instance (produced by 2 hypotheses) Negative instance

Figure 2: (a) Pre-training UCTopic on a large-scale dataset with positive instances from our two assumptions
and in-batch negatives. (b) Finetuning UCTopic on a topic mining dataset with positive instances from our two
assumptions and negatives from clustering.

2.2 Phrase Encoder tion, reordering, and paraphrasing. However, these

In this paper, our phrase encoder E is transformer- methods are not suitable for phrase representation
based model LUKE (Yamada et al., 2020). LUKE learning. In this paper, we utilize the proposed
is a pre-trained language model that can directly assumptions introduced in Section 1 to construct
output the representations of tokens and spans in positive instances for contrastive learning.
sentences. Our phrase instance x = (s, [l, r]) in- Consider an example to understand our posi-
cludes a sentence s and a character-level span [l, r] tive instance generation process: In Figure 2 (a),
(l and r are left and right boundaries of a phrase). phrase United States appears in two differ-
E encodes the phrase x and output the phrase rep- ent sentences “He lived on the east coast of the
resentation h = E(x) = E(s, [l, r]). Although United States” and “How much does it cost to fly to
LUKE can output span representations directly, we the United States”. We expect the phrase (United
will show that span representations from LUKE are States) representations from the two sentences
not able to represent phrases well (see Section 4.2). to be similar to reflect phrase semantics. To en-
Different from LUKE, which is trained by predict- courage the model to learn phrase semantics from
ing entities, UCT OPIC is trained by contrastive context and prevent the model from comparing
learning on phrase contexts. Hence, the phrase pre- phrase mentions in contrastive learning, we mask
sentations from UCT OPIC are context-aware and the phrase mentions with [MASK] token. The two
robust to different domains. masked sentences are used as positive instances. To
decrease the inconsistency caused by masking be-
3 UCTopic tween training and evaluation, in a positive pair, we
keep one phrase mention unchanged in probability
UCT OPIC is an unsupervised contrastive learn-
ing method for phrase representations and topic
Formally, suppose we have phrase instance x =
mining. Our goal is to learn a phrase encoder as
(s, [l, r]) and its positive instance x+ = (s0 , [l0 , r0 ])
well as topic representations, so we can represent
where s denotes the sentence and [l, r] are left and
phrases effectively for general settings and find top-
right boundaries of a phrase in s, we obtain the
ics from documents in an unsupervised way. In
phrase representations h and h+ by encoder E and
this section, we introduce UCT OPIC from two as-
apply in-batch negatives for pre-training. The train-
pects: (1) constructing positive pairs for phrases;
ing objective of UCT OPIC becomes:
(2) cluster-assisted contrastive learning.
+ )/τ
3.1 Positive Instances esim(h,h
l = − log PN , (2)
sim(h,hi )/τ
One critical problem in constrastive learning is i=1 e
to how to construct positive pairs (x, x+ ). Pre-
vious works (Wu et al., 2020; Meng et al., 2021) for a mini-batch of N instances, where hi is an
apply augmentation techniques such as word dele- instance in a batch.
3.2 Cluster-Assisted Contrastive Learning The training objective of finetuning is:
We find that contrastive learning with in-batch neg- +
atives on small datasets can undermine the phrase esim(hci ,hci )/τ
l = − log .
representations (see Section 4.2). Different from + sim(hci ,h−
cj )/τ
esim(hci ,hci )/τ + cj ∈C e
pre-training on a large corpus, in-batch negatives (3)
usually contain instances that have similar seman- As for the masking strategy in pre-training, we
tics as positives. For example, one document has conduct masking for all training instances but keep
three topics and our batch size is 32. Thus, some x+ −
ci and xcj unchanged in probability p.
instances in one batch are from the same topic but To infer the topic y of phrase instance x, we
in-batch method views these instances as negatives compute the cosine similarity between phrase rep-
with each other. In this case, contrastive learning resentation h and topic representations h̃ci , ci ∈ C.
has noisy training signals and then results in de- The nearest neighbor topic of x is used as phrase
creasing performance. topic. Formally,
To reduce the noise in negatives while optimiz-
ing phrase representations according to topics in y = argmaxci ∈C (sim(h, h̃ci )) (4)
documents, we propose cluster-assisted contrastive
learning (CCL). The basic idea is to utilize prior
knowledge from pre-trained representations and 4 Experiments
clustering to reduce the noise existing in the neg- In this section, we evaluate the effectiveness of
atives. Specifically, we first find the topics in UCT OPIC pre-training by contrastive learning. We
documents with a clustering algorithm based on start with entity clustering to compare the phrase
pre-trained phrase representations from UCT OPIC. representations from different methods. For topic
The centroids of clusters are considered as topic modeling, we evaluate the topical phrases from
representations for phrases. After computing the three aspects and compare UCT OPIC to other topic
cosine distance between phrase instances and cen- modeling baselines.
troids, we select t percent of instances that are close
to centroids and assign pseudo labels to them. Then, 4.1 Implementation Details
the label of a phrase mention pm 2 is determined by
the majority vote of instances {xm m m
0 , x1 , . . . , xn }
To generate the training corpus, we use English
that contain pm , where n is the number of sen- Wikipedia 3 and extract text with hyper links as
tences assigned pseudo labels. In this way, we get phrases. Phrases have the same entity ids from
some prior knowledge of phrase mentions for the Wikidata 4 or have the same mentions are consid-
following contrastive learning. See Figure 2 (b); ered as the same phrases (i.e., phrases have the
three phrase mentions (London, James Gunn same semantics). We enumerate all sentence pairs
and Apple) which belong to three different clus- containing the same phrase as positive pairs in con-
ters are labeled by different topic categories. trastive learning. After processing, the pre-training
Suppose we have a topic set C in our docu- dataset has 11.6 million sentences and 108.8 mil-
ments, with phrases and their pseudo labels, we lion training instances.
construct positive pairs (xci , x+ci ) by method intro-
For pre-training, we start from a pretrained
duced in Section 3.1 for topic ci where ci ∈ C. LUKE-BASE model (Yamada et al., 2020). We
To have contrastive instances, we randomly select follow previous works (Gao et al., 2021; Soares
phrases pm m
cj and instances xcj from topic cj as neg-
et al., 2019) and two losses are used concurrently:

ative instances xcj in contrastive learning, where the masked language model loss and the contrastive
cj ∈ C ∧cj 6= ci . As shown in Figure 2 (b), we con- learning loss with in-batch negatives. Our pre-
struct positive pairs for phrase London, and use training learning rate is 5e-5, batch size is 100 and
two phrases James Gunn and Apple from the our model is optimized by AdamW in 1 epoch.
other two clusters to randomly select negative in- The probability p of keeping phrase mentions un-
stances. With pseudo labels, our method can avoid changed is 0.5 and the temperature τ in the con-
instances that have similar semantics as London. trastive loss is set to 0.05.
phrase mentions are extracted from sentence s, i.e., pm =
s[l : r]

4.2 Entity Clustering • BERT (Devlin et al., 2019). Obtains phrase
representations by averaging token represen-
To test the performance of phrase representations
tations (BERT-Ave.) or following CGEx-
under objective tasks and metrics, we first apply
pan (Zhang et al., 2020) to substitute phrases
UCT OPIC on entity clustering and compare to
with the [MASK] token, and use [MASK]
other representation learning methods.
representations as phrase embeddings (BERT-
Datasets. We conduct entity clustering on four
datasets with annotated entities and their semantic
categories are from general, review and biomed- • LUKE (Yamada et al., 2020). Use as back-
ical domains: (1) CoNLL2003 (Sang and Meul- bone model to show the effectiveness of our
der, 2003) consists of 20,744 sentences extracted contrastive learning for pre-training and fine-
from Reuters news articles. We use Person, Lo- tuning.
cation, and Organization entities in our experi-
ments.5 (2) BC5CDR (Li et al., 2016) is the BioCre- • DensePhrase (Lee et al., 2021). Pre-trained
ative V CDR task corpus. It contains 18,307 sen- phrase representation learning in a supervised
tences from PubMed articles, with 15,953 chem- way for question answering problem. We use
ical and 13,318 disease entities. (3) MIT Movie a pre-trained model released from the authors
(MIT-M) (Liu et al., 2013) contains 12,218 sen- to get phrase representations.
tences with Title and Person entities. (4) W-NUT
2017 (Derczynski et al., 2017) focuses on identi- • Phrase-BERT (Wang et al., 2021). Context-
fying unusual entities in the context of emerging agnostic phrase representations from pretrain-
discussions and contains 5,690 sentences and six ing. We use a pre-trained model from the au-
kinds of entities 6 . thors and get representations by phrase men-
Finetuning Setup. The learning rate for finetun- tions.
ing is 1e-5. We select t (percent of instances)
• Ours w/o CCL. Pre-trained phrase represen-
from {5, 10, 20, 50}. The probability p of keep-
tations of UCT OPIC without cluster-assisted
ing phrase mentions unchanged and temperature τ
contrastive finetuning.
in contrastive loss are the same as in pre-training
settings. We apply K-Means to get pseudo labels (2) Fine-tuning methods based on pre-trained rep-
for all experiments. Because UCT OPIC is an un- resentations of UCT OPIC.
supervised method, we use all data to finetune and
evaluate. All results for finetuning are the best • Classifier. We use pseudo labels as supervi-
results during training process. We follow previ- sion to train a MLP layer and obtain a classi-
ous clustering works (Xu et al., 2017; Zhang et al., fier of phrase categories.
2021) and adopt Accuracy (ACC) and Normalized
Mutual Information (NMI) to evaluate different • In-Batch Contrastive Learning. Same as
approaches. contrastive learning for pre-training which
Compared Baseline Methods. To demonstrate uses in-batch negatives.
the effectiveness of our pre-training method and • Autoencoder. Widely used in previous neural
finetuning with cluster-assisted contrastive learning topic and aspect extraction models (He et al.,
(CCL), we compare baseline methods from two 2017; Iyyer et al., 2016; Tulkens and van Cra-
aspects: nenburgh, 2020). We follow ABAE (He et al.,
(1) Pre-trained token or phrase representations: 2017) to implement our autoencoder model
for phrases.
• Glove (Pennington et al., 2014). Pre-trained
word embeddings on 6B tokens and dimen- Experimental Results. We report evaluation re-
sion is 300. We use averaging word embed- sults of entity clustering in Table 1. Overall,
dings as the representations of phrases. UCT OPIC achieves the best results on all datasets
and metrics. Specifically, UCT OPIC improves the
We do not evaluate on the Misc category because it does state-of-the-art method (Phrase-BERT) by 38.2%
not represent a single semantic category.
corporation, creative work, group, location, person, prod- NMI in average, and outperforms our backbone
uct model (LUKE) by 73.2% NMI.
Datasets CoNLL2003 BC5CDR MIT-M W-NUT2017
Pre-trained Representations
Glove 0.528 0.166 0.587 0.026 0.880 0.434 0.368 0.188
BERT-Ave. 0.421 0.021 0.857 0.489 0.826 0.371 0.270 0.034
BERT-Mask 0.430 0.022 0.551 0.001 0.587 0.001 0.279 0.020
LUKE 0.590 0.281 0.794 0.411 0.831 0.432 0.434 0.205
DensePhrase 0.603 0.172 0.936 0.657 0.716 0.293 0.413 0.214
Phrase-BERT 0.643 0.297 0.918 0.617 0.916 0.575 0.452 0.241
Ours w/o CCL 0.704 0.464 0.977 0.846 0.845 0.439 0.509 0.287
Finetuning on Pre-trained UCT OPIC Representations
Ours w/ Class. 0.703 0.458 0.972 0.827 0.738 0.323 0.482 0.283
Ours w/ In-B. 0.706 0.470 0.974 0.834 0.748 0.334 0.454 0.301
Ours w/ Auto. 0.717 0.492 0.979 0.857 0.858 0.458 0.402 0.282
UCT OPIC 0.743 0.495 0.981 0.865 0.942 0.661 0.521 0.314

Table 1: Performance of entity clustering on four datasets from different domains. Class. represents using a
classifier on pseudo labels. Auto. represents Autoencoder. The best results among all methods are bolded and
the best results of pre-trained representations are underlined. In-B. represents contrastive learning with in-batch

When we compare different pre-trained represen- Model UCTopic LUKE

tations, we find that our method (Ours w/o CCL) Metric ACC NMI ACC NMI
outperforms the other baselines on three datasets Context+Mention 0.44 0.29 0.39 0.21
except MIT-M. There are two reasons: (1) All
0.32 0.15 0.28 0.10
words in MIT-M dataset are lower case which is Mention
(-27%) (-48%) (-28%) (-52%)
inconsistent with our pretraining dataset. The in- 0.43 0.16 0.27 0.07
consistency between training and test causes per- Context
(-3%) (-44%) (-31%) (-67%)
formance to decay. (2) Sentences from MIT-M are
usually short (10.16 words in average) compared Table 2: Ablation study on the input of phrase instances
to other datasets (e.g., 17.9 words in W-NUT2017). of W-NUT 2017. UCT OPIC here is pre-trained rep-
Hence, UCT OPIC can obtain limited contextual resentations without CCL finetuning. Percentages in
brackets are changes compared to Context+Mention.
information with short sentences. However, the
performance decay caused by the two reasons can
be eliminated by our CCL finetuning on datasets to other finetuning methods, our CCL finetuning
since on MIT-M UCT OPIC achieves better results consistently improves pre-trained phrase represen-
(0.661 NMI) than Phrase-BERT (0.575 NMI) after tations on different domains.
Context or Mentions. To investigate the source of
On the other hand, compared to other finetun- UCT OPIC phrase semantics (i.e., phrase mentions
ing methods, our CCL finetuning can further im- or context), we conduct an ablation study on the
prove the pre-trained phrase representations by cap- type of input and compare UCT OPIC to LUKE. To
turing data-specific features. The improvement eliminate the influence of repeated phrase mentions
is up to 50% NMI on the MIT-M dataset. Ours on clustering results, we use only one phrase in-
w/ Class. performs worse than our pre-trained stance (i.e., sentence and position of a phrase) for
UCT OPIC in most cases which indicates that each phrase mention. As shown in Table 2, there
pseudo labels from clustering are noisy and can- are three types of inputs: (1) Context+Mention:
not directly be used as supervision for represen- The same input as experiments in Table 1 includ-
tation learning. Ours w/ In-B. is similar as Ours ing the whole sentence that contains the phrase.
w/ Class. which verifies our motivation on using (2) Mention: Use only phrase mentions as inputs
CCL instead of in-batch negatives. An autoencoder of the two models. (3) Context: We mask the
can improve pre-trained representations on three phrase mentions in sentences and models can only
datasets but the margins are limited and the per- get information from the context. We can see
formance even drops on W-NUT2017. Compared that UCT OPIC gets more information from con-
text (0.43 ACC, 0.16 NMI) than mentions (0.32 Datasets Gest KP20k KPTimes
ACC, 0.15 NMI). Compared to LUKE, UCT OPIC # of topics 22 10 16
is more robust to phrase mentions (when predicting
on only context, UCT OPIC −3% ACC and −44% Table 3: The numbers of topics in three datasets.
NMI vs. LUKE −31% ACC and −67% NMI).
UCTopic PNTM TopMine Phrase-LDA
4.3 Topical Phrase Mining 0.6
In this section, we apply UCT OPIC on topical 0.5
phrase mining and conduct human evaluation to 0.4

show our model outperforms previous topic model
Experiment Setup. To find topical phrases in doc- 0.2
uments, we first extract noun phrases by spaCy 7 0.1
noun chunks and remove single pronoun words. 0.0 GEST KP20k KPTimes
Before CCL finetuning, we obtain the number of
topics for each dataset by computing the Silhouette Figure 3: Results of phrase intrusion task.
Coefficient (Rousseeuw, 1987).
Specifically, we randomly sample 10K phrases
from the dataset and apply K-Means clustering on Times. We use 500K sentences for topical
pre-trained UCT OPIC phrase representations with phrase mining.
different numbers of cluster. We compute Silhou-
The number of topics determined by Silhouette
ette Coefficient scores for different topic numbers;
Coefficient is shown in Table 3.
the number with the largest score will be used as
Compared Baseline Methods. We compare
the topic number in a dataset. Then, we con-
UCT OPIC against three topic baselines:
duct CCL on the dataset with the same settings
as described in Section 4.2. Finally, after obtain- • Phrase-LDA (Mimno, 2015). LDA model
ing topic distribution zx ∈ R|C| for a phrase in- incorporates phrases by simply converting
stance x in a sentence, we get context-agnostic phrases into unigrams (e.g., “city view” to
phrase topics
P by using averaged topic distribution “city_view”).
zpm = n 1≤i≤n zxm i
, where phrase instances
{xmi } in different sentences have the same phrase • TopMine (El-Kishky et al., 2014). A scal-
mention p . The topic of a phrase mention has the able pipeline that partitions a document into
highest probability in zpm . phrases, then uses phrases as constraints to
Dataset. We conduct topical phrase mining on ensure all words are placed under the same
three datasets from news, review and computer topic.
science domains.
• PNTM (Wang et al., 2021). A topic model
• Gest. We collect restaurant reviews from with Phrase-BERT by using an autoencoder
Google Local8 and use 100K reviews con- that reconstructs a document representation.
taining 143,969 sentences for topical phrase The model is viewed as the state-of-the-art
mining. topic model.

• KP20k (Meng et al., 2017) is a collection of We do not include topic models such as LDA (Blei
titles and abstracts from computer science pa- et al., 2003), PD-LDA (Lindsey et al., 2012),
pers. 500K sentences are used in our experi- TNG (Wang et al., 2007), KERT (Danilevsky et al.,
ments. 2014) as baselines, because these models are com-
pared in TopMine and PNTM. For Phrase-LDA
• KPTimes (Gallina et al., 2019) includes news and PNTM, we use the same phrase list produced
articles from the New York Times from 2006 by UCT OPIC. TopMine uses phrases produced by
to 2017 and 10K news articles from the Japan itself.
7 Topical Phrase Evaluation. We evaluate the qual-
8 ity of topical phrases from three aspects: (1) topical
UCT OPIC PNTM TopMine P-LDA Datasets Gest KP20k
Gest 20 18 20 11 Metrics tf-idf word-div. tf-idf word-div.
KP20k 10 9 9 4
TopMine 0.5379 0.6101 0.2551 0.7288
PNTM 0.5152 0.5744 0.3383 0.6803
Table 4: Number of coherent topics on Gest and UCTopic 0.5186 0.7486 0.3311 0.7600
Table 5: Informativeness (tf-idf) and diversity (word-
UCTopic PNTM TopMine Phrase-LDA div.) of extracted topical phrases.
1.0 1.0
0.9 0.9
beled as correct if the phrase reflects the related


0.8 0.8
topic. Same as ABAE, we adopt precision@n to
0.7 evaluate the results. Figure 4 shows the results; we
0.6 can see that UCT OPIC substantially outperforms
0 20 40 0 20 40
Top N Phrases (Gest) Top N Phrases (KP20k) other models. UCT OPIC can maintain high pre-
cision with a large n when the precision of other
Figure 4: Results of top n precision. models decreases.
Finally, to evaluate phrase informativeness and
separation; (2) phrase coherence; (3) phrase infor- diversity, we use tf-idf and word diversity (word-
mativeness and diversity. div.) to evaluate the top topical phrases. Basi-
To evaluate topical separation, we perform the cally, informative phrases cannot be very common
phrase intrusion task following previous work (El- phrases in a corpus (e.g., “good food” in Gest)
Kishky et al., 2014; Chang et al., 2009). The phrase and we use tf-idf to evaluate the “importance” of
intrusion task involves a set of questions asking hu- a phrase. To eliminate the influence of phrase
mans to discover the ‘intruder’ phrase from other length, we use averaged word tf-idf in a phrase
phrases. In our experiments, each question has 6 as Pthe phrase tf-idf. Specifically, tf-idf(p, d) =
1 p
phrases and 5 of them are randomly sampled from m 1≤i≤m tf-idf(wi ), where d denotes the docu-
the top 50 phrases of one topic and the remaining ment and p is the phrase. In our experiments, a
phrase is randomly chosen from another topic (top document is a sentence in a review.
50 phrases). Annotators are asked to select the in- In addition, we hope that our phrases are diverse
truder phrase. We sample 50 questions for each enough in a topic instead of expressing the same
method and each dataset (600 questions in total) meaning (e.g., “good food” and “great food”). To
and shuffle all questions. Because these questions evaluate the diversity of the top phrases, we cal-
are sampled independently, we asked 4 annotators culate the ratio of distinct words among all words.
to answer these questions and each annotator an- Formally, given a list of phrases [p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ],
swers 150 questions on average. Results of the we tokenize the phrases into a word list w =
task evaluate how well the phrases are separated [w1p1 , w2p1 , . . . , wm
]; w0 is the set of unique words
by topics. The evaluation results are shown in Fig- in w. The word diversity is computed by |w |w| .
ure 3. UCT OPIC outperforms other baselines on We only evaluate coherent topics labeled in phrase
three datasets, which means our model can find coherence; the coherent topic numbers of Phrase-
well-separated topics in documents. LDA are smaller than others, hence we evaluate the
To evaluate phrase coherence in one topic, we other three models.
follow ABAE (He et al., 2017) and ask annotators We compute the tf-idf and word-div. on the top
to evaluate if the top 50 phrases from one topic 10 phrases and use the averaged value on topics as
are coherent (i.e., most phrases represent the same final scores. Results are shown in table 5. PNTM
topic). 3 annotators evaluate four models on Gest and UCT OPIC achieve similar tf-idf scores, be-
and KP20k datasets. Numbers of coherent topics cause the two methods use the same phrase lists
are shown in Table 4. We can see that UCT OPIC, extracted from spaCy. UCT OPIC extracts the most
PNTM and TopMine can recognize similar num- diverse phrases in a topic, because our phrase rep-
bers of coherent topics, but the numbers of Phrase- resentations are more context-aware. In contrast,
LDA are less than the other three models. For a since PNTM gets representations dependent on
coherent topic, each of the top phrases will be la- phrase mentions, the phrases from PNTM contain
Gest KP20k
Drinks Dishes Programming
lager drinks cauliflower fried rice great burger mac cheese markup language software development
whisky bar drink chicken tortilla soup great elk burger ice cream scripting language software engineering
vodka just drink chicken burrito great hamburger potato salad language construct machine learning
whiskey alcohol fried calamari good burger french toast java library object oriented
rum liquor roast beef sandwich good hamburger chicken sandwich programming structure open source
own beer booze grill chicken sandwich awesome steak cream cheese xml syntax design process
ale drink order buffalo chicken sandwich burger joint fried chicken module language design implementation
craft cocktail ok drink pull pork sandwich woody ’s bbq fried rice programming framework programming language
booze alcoholic beverage chicken biscuit excellent burger french fries object-oriented language source code
tap beer beverage tortilla soup beef burger bread pudding python module support vector machine

Table 6: Top topical phrases on Gest and KP20k and the minimum phrase frequency is 3.

the same words and hence are less diverse. ing for topic mining.
Case Study. We compare top phrases from Early works in phrase representation build upon
UCT OPIC, PNTM and TopMine in Section 4.3. a composition function that combines component
From examples, we can see the phrases are con- word embeddings together into simple phrase em-
sistent with our user study and diversity evalua- bedding. Yu and Dredze (2015) implemented the
tion. Although the phrases from PNTM are co- function by rule-based composition over word vec-
herent, the diversity of phrases is less than others tors. Zhou et al. (2017) applied a pair-wise GRU
(e.g., “drinks”, “bar drink”, “just drink” from Gest) model and datasets such as PPDB (Pavlick et al.,
because context-agnostic representations let similar 2015) to learn phrase representations. Phrase-
phrase mentions group together. The phrases from BERT (Wang et al., 2021) composed token em-
TopMine are diverse but are not coherent in some beddings from BERT and pretrained on positive
cases (e.g., “machine learning” and “support vector instances produced by GPT-2-based diverse para-
machine” in the programming topic). In contrast, phrasing model (Krishna et al., 2020). Lee et al.
UCT OPIC can extract coherent and diverse topical (2021) learned phrase representations from the su-
phrases from documents. pervision of reading comprehension tasks and ap-
plied representations on open-domain QA. Other
5 Related Work works learned phrase embeddings for specific tasks
such as semantic parsing (Socher et al., 2011) and
Many attempts have been made to extract topical
machine translation (Bing et al., 2015). In this
phrases via LDA (Blei et al., 2003). Wallach (2006)
paper, we present unsupervised contrastive learn-
incorporated a bigram language model into LDA
ing method for pre-training phrase representations
by a hierarchical dirichlet generative probabilistic
of general purposes and for finetuning to topic-
model to share the topic across each word within
specific phrase representations.
a bigram. TNG (Wang et al., 2007) applied addi-
tional latent variables and word-specific multino- 6 Conclusion
mials to model bi-grams and combined bi-grams
to form n-gram phrases. PD-LDA (Lindsey et al., In this paper, we propose UCT OPIC, a contrastive
2012) used a hierarchical Pitman-Yor process to learning framework that can effectively learn
share the same topic among all words in a given phrase representations without supervision. To fine-
n-gram. Danilevsky et al. (2014) ranked the resul- tune on topic mining datasets, we propose cluster-
tant phrases based on four heuristic metrics. TOP- assisted contrastive learning which reduces noise
Mine (El-Kishky et al., 2014) proposed to restrict by selecting negatives from clusters. During fine-
all constituent terms within a phrase to share the tuning, our phrase representations are optimized for
same latent topic and assign a phrase to the topic of topics in the document hence the representations
its constituent words. Compared to previous topic are further improved. We conduct comprehensive
mining methods, UCT OPIC builds on the success experiments on entity clustering and topical phrase
of pre-trained language models and unsupervised mining. Results show that UCT OPIC largely im-
contrastive learning on a large-scale dataset. There- proves phrase representations. Objective metrics
fore, UCT OPIC provides high-quality pre-trained and a user study indicate UCT OPIC can extract
phrase representations and state-of-the-art finetun- coherent and diverse topical phrases.

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