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Make both of these Activities.

1. Study the Philippines as a state. Does it possess all the elements mentioned? How do you say so?

In my own thoughts, I believe that it is. As it discusses the people, the territory, the government, and
the sovereignty. It provides comprehensive information regarding such matters and what they all
entail. The most significant component of the Philippine state is its people, or population, and it has
a government that will uphold their rights. Since the government enacts laws that address
everyone's rights. The territory also speaks farther.

2.  Study three (3) existing states all over the world. Discuss how the states you chose to study were

United States, United Kingdom, and Nigeria are these 3 states. They are referred to as communities
because they share similar myths, cultures, economies, and rights. Ethnic communities share a
shared ancestry and are united internally, yet generally avoid nationalism-based politics. In order to
justify political action, nationalism demands the shared sentiment of allegiance to a particular nation.

Research on the "Dual Citizenship Act of 2003" enacted by the Philippines, allowing Filipinos to be a
citizen of two countries both at the same time. Make a position paper and provide a stand on
whether you agree or disagree with the enactment of this law

To begin with let define the "Dual Citizenship Act of 2003" that we're referring to. This refers to
the person who was born in the Philippines or in our nation. who, due to their naturalization as citizens
of another nation, have lost their Philippine citizenship, to regain their Philippine citizenship, as well as
all the benefits and rights that come with such citizenship. Based on its own policy, each nation has its
own nationality laws. People may have two nationalities automatically as a result of several legislation,
rather than voluntarily.

Personally, I agree to the dual citizenship law that was implemented in our nation. There are
benefits, such as the freedom to travel between the two countries, as well as the ability to work,
conduct business, own property, and engage in other activities that may be off-limits to visitors;
however, there are also drawbacks, such as the possibility of additional taxes or even mandatory
military service for dual citizens. Citizens also benefited from it, as they could live and work freely in
both countries, own property in both, and travel between them quite easily. Everyone has the right to
travel wherever they like and live where they have ever dreamed. If we choose to be citizens of another
country, it is not a big deal. As long as we haven't violated any laws.

Finally, we had the freedom to decide for ourselves whether or not to be dual citizens. We don't
have the right to stop someone from doing what they want because it's a long process that costs a lot of
money. Since that's their dream, let them live it. Even if they obey, they do not disrespect their own

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